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November 21, 1923 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-21

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{ -

the intermission, Marian Miller, '24 to be given Dec. 1 were issued Monday Members of Wyvern society are ask-
PA v L N g B LL IWIIl give a solo dance. Iby the sophomore womn. All fresh- ed to call any day thi'week for blue-
Programs for the dance have been I~tl men women will be sincerely welcom- books to be sold i the houses, at the
secured having silhouettes of a danc- ed. Women's League booth, University
P~O fj~ ing couple etched on metal covers.1_________ hall.
211111efreshlments will be served from ..."-
IGIg TE s UI(1:0 o :3 'lck Knnd's o- ima Delta Piwl meet at 4:15i All Panhelenic ball committees will
I (meet0 to 4:30 o'colo.kKtomeorrow in Bar- On account of the playing off of the
' ^estra will furnish the inusc for o'clock today at the Alha Cii eta :0ocoktmro nBr final -game in the intercass hockey
Omegahous, 104 Cour gymnasium.i
Cam MnyitteCould Not Accommnodate dancing. housev1i0 avenue, tournament, and the pep meeting to
".n Applications for 1Iter llwme!hopid$1fr-h-ca be held before the Minnesota game, the
Sorority Ifunction ~~~- Club leader's training course will f Women's League party that Was to be
___ND_4_7_Imeet at 7 o'clock tomorrow in New-[ eroeageirfeescbetneposttoneaduson
xare entitled to a refund of 25 cents and gieFidyasenpotndutl
1DQROTUJIIY ALA NDx'24, hrf.stmas Card berry hall. The program wil be onaerqetdt cl o ta h after Thanksgiving.
WILLLEA ~RM~ MR~h"Clb Oraniatin an Prgra office of the dean of women.,
____Planning." ___ The Girls' Mandolin cilb will hold a
Christmas cards, secure'd through
Tickets for the Panhellenic ball Fct r hpaet esl frwmnshusIntecmu Presidents of sororities ad leagueI regular meeting at 5 oclock tomorrow
which will be given by the Michigan ! I'ae+ esl o Any wmnshueo h aps houses are asked to appoint a woman in Newberry hall.
Inter-sorority association on Friday the bneft of ther Womens League , which would like to take a number of to take charge of the sale of candy in-
Nov. 30, 'at Granger's dancing acid-' campaign fund. An active campaign I small dolls to dress for the hospitalI their houses, for the benefit of the Hope Hlolida~ has been chosen di-
emty are entirely sold out. fo ordters weas begun yesterday k; y children, are asked to call at the Y. WG. {W omen's League. Representatives
The committee regrets that all =appli- the residents of Betsy Barbou .r house,i C. A. of~ice at Newberr3. hall. Although from the various houses are asked to
catins or ickts culdnotbe illdWnfred Ctragie, 24, is chairman of the wrk in the Christmas workshopj call any time from 4 to 6 o'clockz to-B u
because of the limited number of tick- tre ucojec^t. r.7 progressing rapidly ail, there is still op- morrow at the league both, University i e s
ets available. I The cards vary in price from five portunity for more workers, and wor- ail, to receive supplies. m
Arrangements for the ball are. prac- lcentS. up and purchasers may order en who can volunteer their services I
tically completed. It will be formal new dies fr their names or make use are askedto report today and topor-f Any women who can sell candy in e g %. s i
with dancing from 3 to 2 o'clock. Noi of clines ,.for a small additional un. rov afternoons in the workshop atI the league booth, University hall, fromAtefudnetlprnilso
corsages~ will ber wrn. Flowers ar- 1hose who are too busy to select their1 Newberry hall. 12 o o'lok ne r or das u inessafntrapicipsonfd
ranged about the room will furniish the t assort uent fromu WelPoster tshop) re i wek, is asked to call Lillian Wetzel, business problems. T help you mii.
deoain.Tegrn acahd asked to call Mis' 0raigle, who will I n ii~eshirau Soreale4Fresasasoonread mie the time, usually spenta in gaining
deorton.Th gadvachiahd=;tt 5.assonaspssbe.-experience, the intensi e, oneyear training
uled to begin at 915 o'clock, will be sendu a r rsnatv ih ape course of thBabson lbtitte is offered.
led by Dorothy Maitland, '24, chairman to anfy house. 'The cards will also b ; le QQi31i1l11111 IM11ial1liri~i 3aC~~iniQ1111111 l= From tuf epserencre fdenal
ofteball, followed byr the members I orbavrld meig fte lm =! psitive exmpes, the student is sho~nhow
of her committee,,by the delegates of nac. . - to apply these principles in the conduct of
the Inter-sorority association, and then i - -ev-dacoiinrcaa""is
by the remaining assembly. Driu' Patronize The Daily Advertisers., p U 1j 'Sia Tov ~ ji ~ a Wrifr Bolt
--. Sn for booklet "Training "fo-shIft
-- Leadership."Dsrie the courses in detail
-.[ and gives complete information about the
Jay de Kay in No. 526, the heavier uality, and No. 1 207 E fclte fBbo nttt n hw o
- men are trained for executive roles. Write
~in Chiffon, beautiful quality, fll fashioned silk stockings in all 2 today . Noobgaon
Y U will be .more the new shades- 31 shingon e'k.
YOUso31Pa, enUOf
than pleased I Black, Otter Log Cabn uw il oue topee
h o r fod * ~Neutral Grey, Beige, African Brown, Gunmetal, and Autumn -
wit . ~~~ French Nude. l ~
and Service RglaB* 25 aed ocs
at Specil Pice, $1.95 I = .MACE TO ORDER
Tuttle's Lunch Room Ii -Candies
338 Maynard St., South of Mfiletic To ac
_________________ edesda ~ ItonMonroe Grocery
IL.M E OM AL!l Yh p I Phone 1173)





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The New 1923 Edition of

-2:00, 3:309 7:00 ands
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A r
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Wri CYwi adRdLaoqe
with cas incudin 1
.A IC -I
Th thre funamenalesental:1for eal ome.

'b lawess4Al"Ask

Madame Lemont from the House of Friedrich Friedrich 'is introd ucin ex-
quisite Toilet -Requisites in the Center Aisle, Main Floor. " Beauty is Eivery
Woman's Birthright," -and it is an easy matter to preserve the youthful : com-
plexion if the right toiletries are used.
"Four Rose" creames and powders are featured as well as thie original lemon
1'= soap. The motto of the house of Friedrich Friedrich is, -"B: autify nature's
Way," and so pure, skin stimulating and tissue building preparations have 1, n
achieved that women everywhere may retain (or regain) a. beautiful com-.
., 1Madamne Lea od Is interested Ini meetinig women who value a p~erfeet complexion. Shte
has Free $amples for all who call.
Main Floor Center Aisle


.-On the Stag-
America's Music Syphonically
Matinees 10, 2.1, Svc. Nights 10, 359 50c.


I. c-%T" AV P' IT;j[T)CVIP "A ll F CCIn4.,6TrIfirvGUFFN1 GODDESS"


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