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November 20, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-20

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____________________ IlTHE MICHIGAN DAILY 1'1SANVM


-I _______________________________________________________

,,.. - ..---__


STA T RE K! B RESME WN OCEY matched playing. Mlrs. Louis Bevl
and Miss Iliewellyn W4ilburn acted as
ST9H WH ,CKI S T ISHNFN iN O refer ees.
n 6 M,. R t E A ~third round cgames in the
L~L~IIIJtornament will be played at 4 o'clotk".
ULU to-sorrow at Palmner field when the
Class hce teamswr nshiiophomonres relay the freshmen and the
Another Campus Landmark to Pass second scrimmage yesterday afternoon !s aeo rdywl epie a
with, fall of University's First 1 on Palmer field when the freshmen tween the two teams having the high-
Heain Plntpla.yed the seniors, winning 3 to 2, and f e i percentages.

Crew of German plane and the craft ht -wijicli they circled arctic
Air conditions that Capt. Roald. Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, and his
their flight to the north pole next summer, were faced by the crewv of a G,
jpleted a series of flights north of Spi tzbergen, fromr which the Amundsen
fliers took photos of arctice ice formations and currents. Amund sen and m(
from the island by boat until forced to halt and then establish a base fro:
Nes From ther Colleges
Prduec-Plans have b~eenl realized! student- body closer to its dily paper,!
for the construction of a new stadium the, Indiana lDaily Student has made
which is expected to be completed byE requests for the students to conmmuni-
the opening of= the 1924 football seas-' cite through the nail, by Iacing boxes
on. George Ade, famous humorist,! in every cam-pus building.,
has contributed part of a sum of $20,- -I________
1000. P

:':' : E OU D 'WLL 3E 'SFD jthe junliors and sop1101210res tied with
4 FWOLRP34~ score of one goal. each. Bloth games
- ;.:.* L J~RL1L.' sbnowed hard fighting and evenly
. .. ......::::Wrecking of the old campus firel
:: fbegan yesterday morning. This marks ' ° -
,'' fr ;the passing of another of the oldest'= --
buildings on the .campus. It was the .__________
r ~~had.C', '....
..: "~ ~ As the size of the University en- I w
.. :.-..larged it was necessary to build a new+. p - _-.s
heating plant and the present one 'was
, ~built on East Washington street 25 <
' ~~years ago. Since that time the, old j'
.:"::...?:,ti... ^tiheating plant .has been used for the or
-"""" r' "m;,," >: campus fire station, and as a shop for
.......::.:"';:. < r ,.,.; :: : the men. of the "buildings and grounds . I.- -
......,.......,.:: ",':::..st:;r~fsa".::. .Since the city fire department ob-
tained two motor trucks, the campus SAM
regions north of Spitzlbergen. fire station has not been used. Before
the -fire could be reported to the boil- Permanently c o
crew will face when they attempti er house and the -siren blown to col- [uW O~
eraan planie which has just com- lect the men who make up the Uni- VI GL
expedition will start. The German versity fire department, the city fire'I 430 ,S, Staf
en, with three planes, will travel north department could be at the scene of _ Ann Arbo.
ai which their flights will be staged. the fire.
~_IBefore the days when the city fire Designs
department had motor apparatus the ;t
"Siegfried," Friday night; "The Fly-" campus. fire department was looked at i\X IITE HOUS1
ing Dutchman" Saturday matinee; and as most important, and several times tRAWY l4 "°°""°EE
"Die Goetterd-aemmerung" Saturday its work saved buildings; from being l OOE RA HOUsE Brno,
night. The conductors -are Edouard completely destroyed, by fire. wi2.EW
Moericke, Ernest Knocb and Josef The ground on which the old fire ,______________
Stranshy. The orchestra- is Stranaky's station is located will be used as a}
newly-organized State Symphony. temporary parking space.
TRickets for the operas are now on
sale, at ,Grinnell's in Detroit, at $1.50 night. Topics for debate and discus-
toi $3.50 plus a ten per cent tai. zsion .will cover such topics as "Stu- I'
dents working their way through
A TH EN A, ADELPHI i school,"; "the exclusion of women I - hi 'lie "
f , i ~~~from pep meetings," "Student automo- -hslf;1
TO M'EET TONIGHTI.hbies on. tote campus." Both mien and
_____women :will .participate in the discus- a+_+t ,
The annual, meeting of Adeiphi, son.Vistor wil b{wecom. , * r
m en's literary society, and Athena,. wo Its#tre e ,c'nc otu+, s,' i JIrd4. h
mreni's literary ,society, will be held to- Classiefieds-Adv. t "; ."' r :, p: ' ' 1888,
'ai~l find

It's tru..: effiicenicy

to 11se6Daily

Cli SSiflCds.-Aflv.



A ,New Pattern

an. Display at
oftc Street
or, Mfich.
3ed by
144 WEST 42"D 5J'JU



ime friend

-. .

TRUE :friend is a staunch
one-always reliable Men
bought their Rubberset
ving Brushes way back, in
3,when we first -staarted, still
them the same reliable friends
h morning.

{Purdue-The homecoming last week-' considered the company's most fin-
end was celebrated by the Purdue Ex-; ished production.
ponent by putting out a large issue 01'! Othe " operas to be, given during the
20 yellow pages. Yellow is one of the engagement are: "Das Rheingold"'
1.niversity colors. MIkonday night, Nov. 26; Strauss' "Die
iFledermaus," Tuesday night; "Die
illinois-The Daily Illini will award,. Walkure" Wednesday night; "Tann-
a trophy to the best high school paper' haeusO" T'hanksgivinig matinee;
shown in the exhibit in connection
withr the convention of the Illinois___________________
State High School Press assocation, I
to be held Nov. 22-24. The award Will
be a large trophy bearing the seal 'of ~-
the University of Illinois. ;Lif. f I

Dimity 1 lbuses
IRcgtdar $3.00O Value
Specal 2.4
" lillllil38 '31"IllllIt 1 'Idi131 ~iISTI I~ t116111iiI11111 111111Bil'11!19 "
r .I
I '2 l


T1ikets for the Minnesota game -
have beenc~ mailed to students who =.
hiatve ,a;;ed applications with their NATLUXE NBE G&BRos.
coupon.s. additional tickets were sold I:II'1g t's Wonderful
through .Nov. 12 but since that date no,
applications for extra seats have been
filled. Tickets on student coupons wills frMol
be obtainable until further notice from-.-.- v_
tile athletic association. C
Minnesota's 'allotment, of seats for '
the game Saturday comprises half the;
section PF and all of the .GG sectiont
making' a total of 2,000 seats. This 5
space will accommodate Minnesota Qt Y
alumni and students.,
"As has been the custom in the' ALLESEL HOTEL
past," said Harry A. Tillotson yester-Ij
day, "a block M will be formed in the I Wednesday, No . 21 IIFRSL EEYHR
west, stand." Any students who re-,I
ceived seats in the west stand and who TgSFR~COLG A
applied for additional tickets were ___________
given the additional seats in a differ --
ent stand. "The cheering section must
be composed of men only," said Mr.iill1l!!!illl!!lldillil!!lt!.l!6!tit61gltltllltl9 1Qf=
Tillots on. "Reasons for #this are be- '
cause the .color "scheme of the cheer--
ing section must be kept a sombre S
hue and it is the custom of all Univer-0
sities displaying cheering sections to
allow only male students to have seats :
there." .
Club T GiveTwo Aflashlight by Lyndon especially £
Plays On Dc. 12 of your party wilig ive it that added bit
The Players' club will present its of interest long after the day is forgot-
second entertainment of the year, Dec.
12, consisting of two one-act plays., ,te
"Tickles 'rTime," by Susan Glaspell *
,and George C. Cook, and "Mothers," by
C~eorge Mliddleton. The cast of "Tick-
less Time" consists of Alfred A. I
D~rowning, '20, Eloise Joyce, '25, Gret- j - C
chen Walz, '24Ed, Earle C. Fingerle, I
'26, Lillian R. Bronson, '27, and Evelyn 7 51
1',. Miller-Perrin, 25. It is directed _
by Louise.- Barley,125, Thie cast of -
"Mothers" includes, Marguerite Bissel, .~r.Ay a.w r.9
'24, Robert H-enderson, '26, and Ma
z i et 11. Geddes, '26, and directed :b
oliE irtch , 2 . lilll!l-Old! F. F11!!E9lt'lritscSllll !!h!{el '24.l~~t8!!01R1lii-


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