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November 20, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-20

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at il




Chancellor Stresemann Advoeates
"Xore Elbow Room" for the
Occupied Territories
Berlin, Nov. 19.(-By A. P.)-Chan-
cellor Stresemann and the Reischtag
committee on foreign relations today
devoted six hours to a rambling dis-
cussion of the situation in the Rhine-
land and'the Rhur and then adjourned
without having arrived at any definite
Party leaders and representatives
from the occupied areas invited as
special guests, 'took part in today's
debate, the chancellor having taken
the position that the issues must be
discussed with local elements and that
the committee of foreign relations was
a competent body in that the impend-
ing solution was closely wrapped with
Germany's foreign relations.
The concensus in the ranks of all
parties seems to be that the Rhineland
and Rhur are lost as far as Ger-
many's ability to assert and maintain
complete sovereign rights over both
the areas are concerlied, and that
ways and means must be devised tc
forestall their -complete political de-
tachment and loss to the republic.
"If the Rhineland and the occupied
Rhur sector are 'to pass out of all
control we must devise means whic
will enable them. t remain with Ger-
many," said' one of the parliamentary
Chancellor Stresemann advocated
"more elbow room" for the occupied
zone, permitting the inference that the
government was more fully rec9nciled
to the plan of allowing the occpied
areas to work out their own salvation
even to, the, extent of permitting th
creaton.'of a local parliament or leg-
islative government body, tp which the
central government would concede un-
restricted,. administrative autonomy
and upon which, would fall the re-
sponibility of negotiating with 'the
occupying powers.'
By Special Correspondent
Minneapolis, Nov. 19.-University
of Minnesota was host to 62 delegates
from 36 chapters of Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalistic fra-
ternity, meeting today in their ninth
annual convention which will continue
until Wednesday night.'
Dr. Lotus D. Coffman, president of
Minnesota, opened the convention to-
day with an address on newspaper
ethics and practice, response was
made by Ward Neff, president of the
fraternity. All but one chapter of the
national fraternity were represented
and , these included delegates from
Maine to Oregon and from Michigan to
Texas Nine alumni chapters were
represented and included in the visit-!
ing delegations were seven teachers of
journalism from various colleges and
universities. The Michgan delegate
was appointed chairman of the audits
committee and a member of the com-
mittee on uniform accounts.

Portable Raidoj
Features Exhibit
Chicago, Nov. 19.-(By A.P.)-A
}portable radio set, with an aerial
strung around a bicycle rim, is one of
the exh'bits that has been entered in
the second annual Chicago radio show
which will open here tomorrow.
The bicycle rim with radio attach-
ment is worked about the shoulders
like an. lizabethian ruff. The bat-
teries connected with it are carried in
a :pendaflt lunch box.
Michigan comes back from the
city of fair "co-eds" victorious.
The trip was well worth-while.
However there will be many in-
stances where out of necessity 1
-- -III nra+f aiCr&h1.

"A Thousand Ye
Presented By
"A Thousand Years Ago," an Ara-
bian Nights story presented in elabor.
ate settings and depicting the adven-
turous life of a band of Maskers in the
city of Pekin, will be given at 8
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium by i
Masques Dramatic society.
Prof. Nelson Director
The play, under the direction of
Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, of the!
English department, is the eighth an-!
nual production presented by the so-
ciety. It is an experiment in the Im-
provised Italian comedy-the Comedia
dell' Arte by Percy Mackaye.
"A Thousand Years ago" was first
produced in New York under the di-
rection of William Brady. Its distinct
literary merit marked it as a valuable
contribution to dramatic literature
and the atmosphere of oriental musicj
will be obtained by the use of the or-j
iginal music score used by Mr. Brady
in New York. The Sheherazada of
Rimsky-Korsakoff, the Turkish March
of Mozart and the Persian Garden of
Lii Lehmana are some of the' sourc-
es from which the music has been
drawn. Mrs. J. L. Schneider will di-
Liberals Will De-ote The to Attack
On Government's Weak
Foreign Policy
London, Nov. 19.-(By A. P.)-The
election manifesto of all the three
great parties are now before the coun-
try and ammunition is thus provided
for one of the most intense election
campaigns the country hs ever ex-
perienced. During the coning three
weeks there will be a perfect tornado
of election speeches.
The manifesto issued from United
Liberal headquarters today - affords
proof that the liberal campaign will
be.devoted to an attack on the govern-
ment's alleged feeble. foreign policy
which will be represented as. the
prime cause of trade depression and
unemployment, with less insistence on
the familiar complaints of the. liberal
In such attack Mr. Lloyd George's
effective platform manner will be of
tremendous advantage to the liberal
campaign. This seems to be recogniz-
ed by Premier Baldwin in his speech
today when he characterized Mr.
Lloyd George's latest speech as "a re-
version to type" and declared that Mr.
Lloyd George lost the last general
election because the people had ceas-
ed to trust him, and added the prime
minister, "lie will never recover that
trust by such speeches."
There is still no sign of any agree-
ment between the liberal and labor
party for a united campaign against
protection, and present indications
are such that this factor, as in the
general elections, give the government
.with its new protectionists policy a re-
newed lease of power on a minority
vote of the electorate,, or that all three
parties will be returned in such nearly
equal strength that none will have a
working majority.

ars Ago" To Be
Masques Tonight
rest the music for the performance to WITH YE LI NGS
Oriental SettingsN
The oriental stage settings have
been designed by Professor Nelson
and executed by Cornell and Davis of ENTHUSIASM AROUSED TO HIGH
the New Detroit Operia house. The PITCH FOR STRUGGLE
more elaborate costumes have been SATUDAY
designed and made by Fritz Schoultz
of Chicago but the simple outfits have FLAG RUSH, C AN E SPREE,
been made in Masques work shop by OBSTACLE RACE, ON LIST
members of the society and try-outs.
Several women who have been
prominent in former Masques produc- Freshmen to Meet ft 5 O'Clock To-
tions will take part in the perform- morrow at Union, Sophomores
ance this evening. The cast follows: On Thursday
Turandot, Charlotta Ewing, '24; Al-
toum, Nellie Rittenhouse, '25; Zelma, Freshmten and sophomores will
JueKily 2;Clf sblWt meet in the first of the yearly inter-
erworth, '24; Barak, Marguerite Good- class battles for physical supremacy
man, '26; Chang, Margaret Ann Kee- next Saturday morning in the annual
gan, '24; Scaramouche, Velma Leigh fall -games on Ferry Field. According
Carter, '24; Punchinello, Hortense to reports, enthusiasm is already run-
Hoad, '24; Pantaloon, Ruth Christen- ning high in both classes for the ini-,
son, '24; Harlequin, Ruth Vermilyea, tial struggle and every indication of a
'26; and Capacomico, Elizabeth Pike, genuine encounter Is being evidenced.
'24. Flag Rush Oldest Game I
Tickets will be on sale from 9 to 12 As was the case last year, three
o'clock and from 1 to 5 o'clock in the contests will again be used. The p1-
Hill auditorium box office. low fight has been replaced this fall
by what is known as the cane spree.
In addition will be an obstacle race.
S ELDS TO TALK c the fall of 1922, the second event
comprised a relay race but the Stu-
dent council, which is in charge of the
games, has changed the event to an
obstacle race. As a wind-up will
come the flag rush. This latter event
is the oldest game and has been used
s since the games were instituted.
Former Varsity Athlete Named As In the cane spree 20 sophomores
Principal Speaker Of and 20 freshmen are selected from the
Homecoming Rally ranks of each class and are paired off,
one sophomore to one fresliman. The
LIONEL CROCKER, '18 TO BE men are given canes and try for a
FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE period of ten minutes to gain posses-
sion of the sticks. In the obstacle
race six teamswileusd The
Edmund C. Shields, '96L, has been tams i eps will be used. Three
* ' teams will represent each class and
secured as the principal speaker at! three heats will b run. The class
the pep meeting, to be held Friday in winning two of the heats will win the
preparaton for the homecoming game event.
with Minnesota Saturday afternoon The flag rush is to be the same as
withMinesot Saurdy afernonthat of last year. The class of 27 will
Mr. Shields, who is at present a prom- gather around three poles of approxi-
inent Lansing lawyer, played Varsity mately 15 feet' in height.. At the top
baseball, from 1892 to 1896, and was of each pole will be hung the colors
of te cassandthee tefrshmen
prominent in other University activ- owill attempt to defend.
ities while a student here. Yearlings Meet Tomorrow
Lionel Crocker, '18, of the public Freshmen will meet in. a class rally
at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the
tpeakIng department, will represent assembly hail of the Unin. Sopho-.
the faculty at the meeting. Crocker mores will meet Thursday at the same
has also been prominentin University time in the auditorium of the Natural
activities, both before and.since gradu- Science building. Plans for the games
aton. John IV. Kelly, '24L, president of Saturday will be discussed by both
oft.heStudentuncKl,.w4llraldkfor classes at their meetings. Members
of the Student council,. will talk r of the student council and other,. up-
the student body, and will have charge perclassmen will address each gather-
of the meeting, while Stewart R. ing. ''At this time -captains will be
Boyer, '24L, is chairman of the Stu- elected and they will in each case,
dent council committee on arrange- choose their lieutenants and organize
ments. their respective classes for the games.
The doors of Hill auditorium wll, Members of the student council
open for the giant gathiering at 4:30 forming the committee in charge of
o'clock. The meeting will commence' the games is composed of: Donald Mc-
promptly at 5 o'clock. As this is only Cabe, '24, chairman, Stewart Boyer,
the second such meeting to be held '24, and James Rice, 24.
this fall, it is expected that the crowd
will be of record-breaking propor-Else Janis Puts
The Varsity band will be present to Hver Eder Idea Of
furnish music for the occasion, andj
cheers wil be lead by the Varsity; Popular Concert
cheering squad led by Lyman J. Glas-
gow, '25. Pictures of the members Elsie Janis "put over" her new idea
of the team, and of the coaches will of a combined vaudeville-concert, for
be thrown on the screen. that was what it was, before a big
crowd in Pease Auditorium, Ypsilanti,
last night. This program was the first
of a series of five being given in the
Normal Concert course. Miss Jani,
B although by far the leading light of
the affair, was ably assisted by Ru-
SiU doplph Bocho violinist; Walter Verne,

Acquitted on Charges of Corruption in+
Connection with Purchase
of Residence
Oklahoma City, Nov. 19.-(By A. P.)
-Gov. J. C. Walton was removed from
office today by a unanimous vote of a
state senate court of impeachment on
the first article of the impeachment
bill submitted for a verdict.
The vote, which was on the charge
that the executive had abused his par-
1 don and parole authority was 41 to 0
for conviction.
A verdict of guilty also was return-
ed on article two charging the execu-
tive with placing his personal chauf-
feur on the state health department
payroll. Six senators voted for acquit-
tal on this charge. A member of
Governor Waton's council who re-
entered the senate chambers when the
roll call on the verdict was started en-
Itered exceptions to the vote on both
counts. The governor had not been
represented since he withdrew from
the trial Saturday.
Governor Walton was acquitted of
the charge of corruption in connec-
tion wtih the purchase of his resi-
dence here. The vote was 23 to 18,
which was less than the two thirds
majority needed for conviction.
In rapid succession the court sus-
tained charges that the governor had
padded the state payrolls, dispersed a
grand jury, suspended the habeus cor-
pus, issued the efficiency certificates
Iwhen no efficiency existed, for ob-
structng the October 2sspecial elec-
fion, collecting excessvs campaign
funds and irregularly sought contri-
bution and gifts.
Commission Will Be Urged To Send
Out "Reminders" Advising
Washington, Nov. 19.-(By A. P.)-.
Indications were given in a responsi-
ble quarter today that the world war
foreign debt commission at its next
j meeting would be urged to send
through the state departmeiit formal

Allies Falter
In FinalBreak
Paris, Nov. 19.-(By A. P.)-The
allies after declaring in various ways
their determination to disagree on the
enforcement of the allied military con-
trol in Germany, faltered when the
moment came for the break today, and
in a final effort to avoid rupture
patched together a compromise text
of a note to Germany, which was sub-
mitted to the various governments.
The French cabinet approved of the
course taken, but Great Britain and
Belgiumhad not been heardfrom
when the council of ambassadors met
at 6 o'clock for its evening session.
Hence the crisis goes over until to-
Campu's Opildon Is That Rockwell
Was Tackled and Ball's
Progress Stopped
By Porter F. Butts
(Editor of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)
Madison, Nov. 19.-The view of the
Daily Cardinal, student newspaper of
the University of Wisconsin, supported
by the prevailing opinion on the camp-
us, is that 'Referee Eckersall's deci-
sion in Saturday's game was not justi-
fied, in that Rockwell apparently was
tackled and the forward progress of
the ball was stopped.
The fact that the two teams im-
mediately lined up for play and the
unanimous opinions of competent eye
witnesses it is held place Eckersall in
error. The rule cited, it is admitted,
is correct but the application is not.
Here on the campus, however, the
decision is regarded as final and~there
is nothing but the best of will toward
Michigan and her players.w.
The crowd that surrounded Ecker-
sall after the game came from the pub-
lic stands near the field gate. The
trouble did not assume the propor-
tions o f a riot= but was, confin ed toa*
vigorous verbal protest. The students
stood in the opposite stands and sang
Wisconsin's. Varsity while the affair
was tak'ng place.
The students of the. University and'
the Athletic association do'snotscount-
dealt Eckersall by an unknown towns=-
person or the threatening demonstra-
tions- later, nor does it' contemplate aC
protest of the game.

Reports Show Wisconsin Students
Dissatisfied with Rulng
of Officials
The legality of the decision which
settled the fate of Wisconsin at Ran-
dall field Saturday, after Rockwell,
Michigan quarterback, caught the Bad-
gers napping and ran 50 yards for a
touchdown, was declared to be un-
questionable yesterday by Coach Field-
ing H. Yost.
Reports reaching here, that the Wis-


Lansing, Nov. 19.-(By A. P.)-
Three Michigan Agriculture college
1 isdents whn were arrested Saturday


consin student body was dissatisfied
with the ruling of the officials were
verified today and the editorial posi-
tion taken by the Daily Cardinal, the
official newspaper of the University of
Wisconsin, includes a tirade against
Referee Eckersall which bears out the
truth of reports that the veteran ar-
biter was near physical danger at the
hands of a mob following the game
Not In Opponent's Grasp
Coach Yost stated that he ,saw. n
reason for any discussion of the de-
cision. "The dispute happened within
10 feet of Colonel Mumma, field judge
and it was he who made the, decsiot
that Rockwell wag not thrown to the
ground while in the grasp of' an op-
It is believed here that the rule that
decided the play was not known tc
the spectators, or the incident follow-
Lng the game wouldnot have oceured
Since the organization of, the West-
ern Conference, it has been a rule that
all officials for Conference games are
to be selected by mutual agreement pj
representatives of the two eonteasttu
uhlversitiE&. Tile decision of thesn
officials, by necessity, must be fl iI
a ganie is to be played.
All Experienced OMficials
The officials, who were In charge l
the game Saturday were: Walter Eck
ersall, of Chicago University, 15 years
of experience as kii ofilcial, Anthon
Haines of .ale University, um=ire
more fhan '15 years experience am a!
official; Col. Morton C. Mumma, fie
judge, of West Pointt with 23 yeari
experience, and H. L. Ray of Illinois
head linesman, with more than 1
years experience behind him.
When an official .is selected dr th
second time by a Conference univer
sity, it is generally understood tha
his record has been satisfactory other
wise he would not be chosen.
The function of the' field judge i
that of an assistant umpire and refere
for all down field plays. The offic
was created when the necessity o
having an official who might be place
well down the field behind the defens
ive team .to observe and know 'wha
happened on all kicks An'd passes.
Eckersall's Stateient
Referee Walter Eckersall who I
the center of the storm which starte
at Randall field, issued the followin
statementyesterday, a copy of whic
was sent to The Daily:
"The play, in question at the Michia
gan-Wisoonsn game camel afte
Rockwell,. the Wolverine quarterbac
juggled one of Taft's punts. The Mich
igan player finally obtained possessio
of the ball and started to run.
"He was hit by a Wisconsin playe
and spun partially .around. He wa
struck by a second Badger player, a
cording to Field Judge Col. Mumm
who was on top of the play, an
knocked to the ground, but Col. Mu
ma stated emphatically he was .not it
the gras; of an opponent at thetim
he struck the ground.
"After the second Wisconsin playe
struck Rockwell, the latter was rol
ing on the ground as I came up t
cove rthe kick. At that time Rockwe
was not in the grasp of an oppone
He regained his feet and ran for
touchdown. I asked Colonel MumI
if Rockwell had been held on t
ground in- the grasp of an opponen
He answered by saying that at no tixr
was Rockwell legally tackled, and ut
der those conditions. I had to allo
the touchdown.
Rule 6, section 13, paragraph A c
the rule reads: 'The ball is dead whe
a player having the ball goes out t
bounds, cries "down" or is held so the
his forward progress, or when at
portion of his person except his han
or feet touches the ground wldle he
in the grasp of an opponent.


I bLuut;LlL8 yr LLV 11 cl a LL.L L Gg4GU vw + ++L"r

"reminders" to the nations which have night in a fracas with the police, will
not yet reached a settlement with the not be arraigned oncharges of dis-
! ~orderly conduct, until later in the'
United States relative to their debts. week, They were. locked up after
Such a suggestion was to have been about 600 students had attenpted to
made at'the last meeting of the com- uu etschatemteAI
mission two or three weeks ago butv build a bonfire to celebrate the Aggie.
was not brought up for the reason, ictory over the University,,of Detroit.
is undtrsodght t enegotiaonsi When the police attempted to quiet
tis understood, that the negotiationst ck fwodwr ure t
1 relative to the German reparations in- them blocks of wood were hurled. at
Iryaere Grgreadte ief the officers. Later the students, rush-
quiry' were in progress and the belief !
was general among commission mein- ed the theatre. They were finally di-'
I bes that these negotiations might be spersed by the police and the fire
f harmed should a mnove then be mad department which played strams of
depatm.t..hch --yd-st--- of


ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 19.--George E, Pictures of the characters in the
Quigley, 19 years old, of Detroit, a 1924 Union Opera, "Cotton Stock'ngs"
junior at the Cornell College of Me- have been placed on display in the
chanical Engineering, ended his life main corridor of the Union. Frames
last night by shoofing in the Sigma devoted to the gowns that will be
Chi ratrnit hose.worn in the show and to Lionel E.
Quigley, who stood well in his stud- Ames, '24, who plays the leading fe-
les, attended the football game in the male role, make up the greater part
afternoon and went to a dance in the of the display.
evening. He returned home about 111 The pictures of the gowns that are
o'clock. Later fraternity comrades i to be used have been sent directly
found his body lying on the bed in a from Lester, in Chicago, designer and
room several doors from his own. He creater of the costumes that will be
held an automatic revolver from used in the show. Colored plates,
which one bullet had been fired. Quig- adorned with beaded decoartions are
ley left no message and no cause for used.
his act is known. Another frame is devoted exclus-
ively to colored 'photographs of Ames
w ant Tryouts For et off in mahogany frames. Immedi-
ately following its showing here the
Speaking Contest frame and pictures will be taken to
New York where they will be placed
of display before the Metropolitan
Tryouts for the University extemp- Opera house where the opera will play
oraneous speaking contest will be held during its stop there.
at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in The third frame of pictures on dis.
Room 302 Mason hall. The contest it- play shows a number of the pronin-
self, which is on the United States im- ent characters in the cast and chorus
migration question, will be held the of the show. The photographs have

,, 1JL ~~~ l - c . 1 i. - - 1 - 7 1C1 LKk L W l 1 wY 11 6a y 1 . L. V i.
baritone; and Lester Hodges, accom-; The proposal which the debt com- water upon them.
panist. They gave the "concert" and mission will be asked to consider con- Two policemen were slightly in-
she gave the "vaudeville." templates a formal note each ,of the jured. The students who were ar-
All of Miss Janis' numbers were re- nations which have not made settle- rested were later released and will
ceived with hearty applause by the ments setting forth that the commis- probably be arraigned when the pro-
audience that thronged the large aud- sion would be pleased to consider the cedure will not interfere with their
itorium but she scored heaviest of all matter of funding the debts with ac- classes. According to President R. S.
in her last selections, impersonations I credited delegations or commissions Shaw of the college, the student coun-
of such well-Known stage figures as from the various countries. cil will investigate the melee.
Ethel Barrymore, George M. Cohan,
Will Rogers and others. Another big
hit was her singing of popularjazz rormaton Of Naval Reserve
pieces in her own French and in Eng-
lish such as a French girl would use. Un A n A ction
You (Nutting) and Invictus (Hugh) by '
Mr. Verne; Character Songs by Miss
Janis; Meditation (massenet) and Formation of a unit of the United each summer if desired, with full pay
Zigeunerweisen (Sarasate) by Mr. States Naval Reserve has been defin- I of the grade which the man holds.'
Bocho; French Group by Miss Janis; 1 itely decided upon and the establish- Advancement in the unit comes
A Brown Bird Singing (Wood) and throughout the four years enlistment
The Blind Ploughman (Clarke) by Mr. Ient of such a unit here only awaits period and does not accumulate as in
Verne; Dances by Miss Janis; Ave the consent of the Board of Regents the R. O. T. C. After all the non-
Maria (Schubert-Wilhelmj) and Cap= of the University. At the last meeting commissioned grades have been held
rice Basque (Sarasate) by Mr. Boch- of the Senate Councl the plan was ap- it is possible for the enlisted man in
co; Impressions by Miss Janis. proved and since the Navy depart- the unit to take an examination and
The next program on the series wvill ment through Secretary Edwin 'Denby secure a commission a san ensign or
be given on Jan. 22, by Wanda Lando-' has consented to the project, the for- junior lieutenant..
waka. mation is altogether possible next. Unit Before War
_____________ year. Previous to and during the World
SOPHS WyANT MEN Enlistment Four Years war there was a unit of the Reserve
The organization of the Naval Re- force established here. After the war'
FOR CLASS BAND serve is somewhat different from the it was taken away and since that time'
reserve officers training corps. The a continual effort has been made to
All sophomores who can play band term of enlistment is four years with have it reestablished here.

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