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November 18, 1923 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-18

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one with a book that is simply funny;
some must have art along with humor. Pagan
For such a person The Wallet of' al
Lung, by Ernest Bramah (Geo. H. Dor- It is obvious that nations cannot ex-
an Co., $2.50) was written. The wit, ist as nations under Christianity. In-
the keen satire of the Chinese philos- deed, not even a league of nations
opher and story teller attract the could then exist. But people are con-
reader no less than they did his brig- fused on this point and try to imagine
and captors, who payed him for a that some nations are Christian and
story by the gift of freedom. Never that at least the United States is. As
A-vs.w e . does Kai Lung address an ordinary a matter of fact, the United States is
human being; the man either is an "il- not a Christian nation and probably
Who, in looking over the shelves of nal habits" throws an admirable light lustrious mandarin of the eighth never .will be; for one of the most
a bookstore, has not wondered as to on the origins of astronomy. In the grade and the royal Yellow", or "the cherished tenets of our common-
the motives of the publishers who text the humor is somewhat more feeble and covetous minded Wang Yu, wealth is the one which reognizes re-
print and sell books? How do they strained, though it is better than that descendant of no ancestors worth ligious freedom, and which grants to
look at writing, and at writers? What of some of the original "Outlines", to th
are hei rea. tougts aoutthesay he eas. Th diisin ofknol sentioning and the maker of exceed-t the Taoist or the Buddhist or the Jew
are their reaL, tougts about the say the least. The division of knowl- igly ily-shaped clay pipes". Nor quite as much right in our govern-
wares they offer? edge into ologies, tures, utions, og- are his stories mere stories; they are ment as a Christian.
In A Publisher's Contession Mr. raphies, isms, and onomies, is unique, the adventures of some noble youth, Yet this definition'of Christianity is
Walter H. Page gives a clear picture and perhaps as valuable as some other hrecorded by famous historians, and narrow. Christianity is not merely a
of the mind of one sort of publisher. divisions made with a great deal more adorned with the praise of genera- doctrine; but is a mode of living as
Mr. Page's house issues such works seriousness. The satire, while blunt adoned with the tae f gera- d e; sa moe of liviras
ions. Now and then the flowery la- well. Pascal defines it admirably
as the Nature Library, The World's and inclined to stumble over its own guage gets a bit tiresome, but the when he says: "Submission is the
Work, and the books of Mrs. Gene ' toes, is not bad, and many of the defi- titles never. use of reason in which consists trie
Stratton Porter, along with several nitions are excellent fun. Christianity". It is the religion of un-
oher things of distinctly higher class. -Lung, Chinese story-teller and posa- selfishness, of submission, of univers-
As its head, Mr. Page seems to have A gift book that is even more sessor of a long pig-tail, is not wholly ality, of spirituality, of infinity, of
felt several grave responsibilities: he amusing than the Toogood Outline is orinental. Those who have bought oil good will toward all. But here again,
must make his business pay; he must Lemons and Poppies, by Gertrude S. stock or invested their savings with our nation is not Christian.
get good (1. e. profitable) authors: he Gertrude (Thomas Seltzer). It con- some life insurance company will rec- Nations are built on the idea of re-
.olust practice courtesy and honesty, sists of a serious-looking batch of ognize many familiar features in the sistance, finity, and selfishness. Great
and uphold the gods of his grand- drawings of various types of people, Ling (After Death) Without Much nations as we generally think of them
fathers. He discourses lengthily on with appropriate captions. One may Risk Assembly and the tactics of its (Greece, Rome, England, France, and
good books and good writers, but it agree with the author when she says wealthy president. Others will find in the United States) have'been built and
is very plain that what he considers "The faces are not caricatures, be- Lo Kuan Chang a distinct likeness to maintained by material might. To ex-
good would ot please Mr. H. L. cause they're not exaggerated. Many one William Shakespeare, particularly ist the United. States had to control
Mecken-and probably not Mr. Hor- of them are even greatly modified. I in the passage beginning: the New England States, the South-
ace Liyeright. Otherwise, how can find the human race funny enough just "Friends, Chinamen, labourers who ern States, and the Phillipines. Eng-
ope account for silly books on eti- taken straight as it is, but if one gives are engaged In agricultural pursuits, land had to control Ireland and Scot-
pqette, Mrs. Porter, and the plea for a too close representation of it the re- entrust to this person your acute and (Continued on Page Six)
courses in writing of the very sort sut is always apt to be mistaken for well-educated ears;
that Mr. Brillion Fagin condemned as caricature. So that's why I troubled "He has merely come to assist in The real likeness comes, however,
being destructive of what littletalent myself tomake some modifications." depositing the body of Ko'ung in the in the behaviour of certain critics
students may possess? Clearly; de- Undoubtedly tree; I shall carry the Family Temple, not for the purpose of and writers of "printed leaves which
§pite all his protestations 'to the con-, book with me on my next street-car making remarks about himof a grace make a custom of warning persons
trfry, Walter H. Page was a business trip to the Auditorium theatre, andI ful and highly complimentary nature; against being persuaded into buying
man first, last, and allthe. time. Which pick out the types. Mrs. Flint Ridge "The unremunerative actions of certain books." . . . But there is
is just what one might expect- keeping her eye on friend husband which persons may 'have been guilty no such persuasion in this leaf; let
--Iwill-be a cinch, as willalso be the wo- possess an exceedingly undesirable Ka Lung be bought genero sly!
The most amusing thing about The man who dogihatizes to the effect that amount'of endurance:
fline of Eeryteiag, by Hector B.' all foreignersare immoral. As 'for the "The successful and well-considered Such advice, too, might be given
Tosgood (Little, Brown & Co., 52.50) "Merchant of- Venice-III," there are almost invsriably are iasvoved in a di- concerning Lulgi Pirandello's The
is'the pictures. The one, for example, three of him in hearing right now. retly contrary course 4 Ltei atla Pascal (E. P. Dutton Co.,
wieh denonstrates the Chaldeans to -"This person desires nothing more $.50). When Mattas Pascal, who had
e "a idustrious people of noctur- One cannot, of course, please every- than a like fate to await Ko'ung." Ieft his home gown for a short but
protabl journey to Monte Carlo
awoke one morning to find his obitu-
ary printed-in the newspapers, 'he de-
' termined on avery interesting course.
"Dead? Buried? Certainly, so far as
A.+he was concerned. A cross on his
A V rY Exceptonai gve s7liied matters' exteml.
'Why not take the gift of chanes with
n gratitude.
th he become Anriano Meis,
pussessor of a new life, a new ances-
The Robertson Co. known in every large city as a man- try, a new birthplace. Things went
t finely for a while,and then a difficulty
Sufacturer of highest grade GOWNS, closed out to us this appered; Mets had no documents of
week aa number of their fine gowns, prior to beginning any sort that proved a means of
work on their Spring models. identif cation, and he needed them
badly. From this beginning' to the
11 These eleg ant gowns-made in sizes 16 and z8- the vey final circumstances which forced him
pick of tbeir line, will be placed on sale at ery special to reassum his discarded name and
res. If you need an Ilife, Mattat Pascal became increasing-
i tly aware that'deth, or qualified death,
is by no means the 'happy state it is
Evening, Afternoon or generally cracked up'to be
uw _ In'n 1 There are wit, pathos,drma, love,-
philosophy in this story, yet it is by
SStreet G ow n no means ofthe labored sort called,
Street Gowne'for lack of more violent words, "high-
Mbrow". Pirandello has written a
you'll find it here in this offering at a large saving to your forceful, unique book, worthy of its
°n0 paeasiiiao f"thenw tedeny
purse. As these are individual styles, not duplicated- place as initiator or"the tneao
- you'll realize the opportunity is an unusual one, in Iy lrate Ts ranla
" ,r wanion by Dr. Livingston is a creation :of.
You'll, of course, enjoy saving $so to $25 on your winer itself.
gown purchase, but we must emphasize the desirabiity of While po such pras aan be gi en
n3 an early selection for we don't want you to be disappointed. iCroatan, by Mary Johnston (Little,
Brown & Co., $2.00, tere is no doubt
that it will find plenty of favor. It is
the sort of book which Mr. Page would
le i l C m pan j~y) have called "good"-an interesting
plot, capably written, well rounded
- Lwith incident and action. Early Vir-

ginia furnishes the setting, rivalries
and. Indian. war, the .plot. and :action,
IIand 'M+rs. Johnston's experience the
ease in writing. Croatan, therefore,
ii8 SOUTH AIN STREELT whilesot a gre ook, wille a pop-
ular one, and is less bad than most
which achieve th. distinction.

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