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November 18, 1923 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-18

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Magazines eviewe The Smart Set Retrogrades
A Childish Rem aiscence of Vie Rood Mucury will take the place of the old
THE DIAL for October minintams, of Uieo Anireyev, throwing more Old ' 'leto'ether with a tear Smart Set.
its usual tenor. How, I wonder, do' light upr the queer worki of An1~ for th stt and other thins But till:
the different magazines acrompliis rdr evo's mind. But se s t e c
such successful inclusion and exclu- The only fiction included is MissLARGO- It seems a shame to lose the charm
sion that one reads their contents un- Flotsam and Mr. Jetsam by Elizabeth American letters, the young white of the paprika between those sophis-
flurried by anything unexpected? Holding, which is well written and hope of a rotten world, reels against ticated Gallic covers so reminiscent
leaves one as depressed as its hall the ropes with a bloody nose. Menc- of "Puck" under the short-lived regi-
LuigiPiradeli's Te Aln Wilit ken and Nathan have resigned from me of Papa H-Iineker
the Flower in His Mouth, a dialogue, I bedroom, and the loneliness and dere-ke
occupies first place. One could antici- licts it celebrates. the Smart Set. It seems that the jutaposition of
pate the form, since Pirandello is best The poetry, contributed by Eliza- They are gone, and with them gses the patient vitrol of those earnest
known in America as a dramatist. The beth Coatsworth and Alfred Kreyns- the acidulous reveries of Repetition buffons and the flash fiction of the
dialogue has a certain fatalistic beau- borg, does not call forth any great Generale; with them goes those sibi- magazine was peculiarly appropriate.
ty; the curiosity which the title stimu- amount of enthusiasm. The rhymes lant carzinative sounds, the onona- Aged Youth Harks Back:
hh topoia of their criticism.
lates is satisfied, as is proper, during of the couplets which prevail through I can remember when Smart Set
'i'telst"s eur ~rnan"a hey were the Siamese twins of na-Ma-
the last phrases before the "Curtain" the Six Movements written by Krey tional criticism. They - was synonymous with "Young'sa -
The Pics Chacondyhse s a borg seem mnore than a little fr- tien were the main wssnnmu ih"on' aa
T s yshe t a rstays of the current Commedi dell sine," "Ss~appy Stories," et al., the
amusing story written by Louis Con- fethed. Arte a heavy-bodied Harlequin and frivolous scions of the sturdier, redder
perus, the Dtch writer who died re- . To say that the book reviews are an a avod ied r e adblooded "Argosy" school.
cently. written by such people as T. S. Eliot, a dBack in those days people who read
Alyse Gregory, Bertrand Russell and EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT
Tjhe verse is contributed by'Richard Randall Parrish and B. M. Bower ig-
. . Edmund Wilson is to note their ex- The undersigned retire with this
Aldlington (who is said to approxi- ored it on the nestands in favor o
mate the place in English poetry cellence. That some of the opinions issue from the editorship of The nsredy t was inwfavtra,
which Carl Sandburg fills in Anieri- i advanced about the books reviewed Smart Set, te;rreeking of cigarettes and sachet,
can poetry), Anthony Wrynn, and1 differ from those held by critics no (Signed) George Jean Nathan. and to be prohibited from the young.
Yvor Winters Anthony Wryon's I less worthy is only to acknowledge H. L. Mencken.
"Proud" seems to be the one worthy I legitimate variations in taste and Of conrse: Then, during a time that is blank
of most appreciation, since poems must judgment. Of course, everybody knew that came over it. Mencken and Nathan
be considered in totum; it has been' The Paris Letter, though written by these fancy fellows were going into claimed it for the sophisticates, and
much quoted since it appeared. Paul Morand, deals with topics a little the elegant fold of Knopf sahib at the endowed it with a Continental favor
Among the critical writings there too fragmentarily, or phosphorently first of the new year to work their in the American idiom.
is Benedetto Croce's present-day esti- -perhaps the latter. Perhaps he was nefarious ways with his new American1Well that time has come to its
mate of Walter Scott, in which he thinking overmuch of the trip to Iturcury.
Athens mentioned at the close of his . close. The end has arrived. The fif-
paints out that th ims ab t letter. Under the title Modern Art And so, of course, it isn't as though teen years were good while it lasted.
of Inutr ada not, sa incentaly, Henry McBride describes a miniature American letters were going to be left And now, as forward-lookers, we must
of industry and not, save cidentally, banquet which Pascin gave for hi elling in the aboriginal dust. ask: What of the American Murcury?
Conversation with John Freeman, is in Paris-a title not a little mislead- And, of course, this nev American Jnt. Panerge.
mostly about George Eliot but also in- sog, even though some of the modern
cnudes talk about Thomas Hardy, Rosa atssatne. I h uia
Bonheur, and others. The German Chronicle, Rosenfeld deplores the fact
Letter intimates that the condition that the fantasies of contemporary Developing and Printing
of the German theatre leaves much Fac r upyn.mrcn m
to be desired. Paul ,Rosenfeld in his bryonic artists with cheap formulae -
Musical Chronicle tells interestingly and at the same time attracting e- for the Amatuer
And beautifully of how a young Amer- perimentation by young men whose -
ican comoser, Roger Huntington proper forte is tlie advertising of to-
Sessions, achieved his "Opus 1" by mato sauce.
writing the incidental music for An- THE BOORMAN for October is ex- Eastman Kodaks and Suppies
dreyev's The Black Maskers, which cellent. William McFee attempts to
.the 1923 class of Smith College pre- tell - young gentleman of Yale Uni-
sented as its commencement play. The' versity how one begins to write- andsi gr
Book Revi d and Comment are ex- s g suggestionsB
cellent, as usual; one may read these derived from his own experience, ra-
with nothing of the sense of charatin-1hc- thr than platitudes garnered from -1]
ism inevitably brought forth by some te generatliterature ofthe esubjet Flashlight andQ Outside G roups
of the brain children sponsored y the -which means that they are really
Dial-. helpful suggestions. His letter is del-
-,icately complimentary rather than
As for art, photographs of the sculp- mightily patronizing; to use some of
ture of Aristide Maillo are a welcome his own phrases, the letters seems, to
departure from the usual fantastic- the young writer, like the "cheerful
drawings, which include two blacks rattle of an opening casement" in-
and whites by Rudolph von Huhn, a stead of te "dang of a havy door 719 N. University
charcoal drawing of the Nude by Wil- seog."
1am Sommer, and a pen drawing by As for fiction, Floyd Dell cadr-
William Erach. I tures his style in the Parody Outline
Vof Literature through thme medunm of-----si
THE DIAL for November: With the Hamlet, and induces not a few chuckl-
possible gxception of Bonheur de es in the process. Then there are
vire, an oil by IHenri Matisse, the full bookman essays served with the fineiF L SA T
significance of which is not compre flavor of fiction: Hugh Walpole tells
hensibe t to the lay reader (wicIs youhow to indulge in book collecting C O L L E S
- oe wy o saingtha itis you how to indulge in book collecting ~ ..JJ2J J Y I .,.at,1
to see much in it), the art of this -that, if o do go in deeply, it is as'er
issue is admirable. There are photo- for a book collector than a rich man i
graphs of theethe r rant to enter the kingdom of heaven; in A I NO MATTER WHAT THE OCCASION,
Sargent; Roger Fry, in an Bookshop Night's Adventure Samuel a IS SURE TO BE FOUND IN THE
accompanying critical article- esti- x s r E
mtsSretsatatht ppidRoth expounds the virtues of E. A! I SU E T BE F N
matsoiairgq ments e art asocat "appledRobinson, Robert Frost, and Carl 6I
t soci requirements and social am Sandburg-a little in the manner of , " S p" I QH Oi
itions-and speaks of him as a' Chistopher Morley. 5"' S & J7±1S.)GIF T. i.
"practitioner in paint." In addition Most of the poetry is good. Basil
there are three Galanis woodcuts and Thompson, Robert Frost, Marion Stro HERE IS DISPLAYED AN ENDLESS
a pen and ink portrait. bel, Jane Alexander, Jeannette Marks,
Several Letters of W. H. Hudson to Kathryn Ryan, and Charmion von Wie-° VARIETY OF TABLEWARE IN DE-
Edward Garnett are placed first in gand (a pseudonym), are represented. SIGNS BOTH SIMPLE AND LAB-
the number. As letters--that is to As may be expected, although most ofS BIN
say, as pale illuminations of their 'these poets are more or less recog- ; ORATE. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON

.writer'sbooks-they are interesting. nized, Robert Frost's poem is the out- ANY SELECTION YOU MAY MAKE
John Cowper Powys in "The Philoso- standing one. It is entitled A Foun-"*
pher Kwang" assays to pick up that ftain, a Bottle, A Donkey's Ears, and
philosophy and to brush off a little of' Some Books; the poem begins, as the
the dust acquirer from the wayside title suggests, with the search for ana
where it fell long ago. George San- early Mormon fountain, and continues SCLA
tayana brings out again in "A Long through the finding of the other things
Way Round to Nirvana that the goal- mentioned, ending with Robert Frost's JEWELERS
of all life is death, and that spirit has pocketing and carrying home with I
nothing to do -with infinity. Chukov- him a hook of the dead poetess, Clara ' 405 SOUTH MAIN STREET
Ssay, the Russbian critic, contributes Robinson, found in her deserted home.
some cry worthwhile Reminiscences (Continued on Page Six) .1 - --3 7-- jaa El H ERE

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