. ._ }
Band Bounce and help from Athletic{
Association Will Partially f
Solve Problem
Permanent solution of the band trip
problem with the idea of doing away
with tag days is the purpose of a plan
placed by the Alumni association last.
night before the Student council and
representatives of the Varsity band.,
The plan calls for an endowment fund
which would finance the band in all of
its activitie4 throughout the year.
The endowment fund proposed byj
the Alumni association would be raised
from the following sources: contribu-
tions from alumni and local mer-
chants, and surplus money left in class
treasuries at the time of graduation.
As a means of supporting the band
until this permanent fund is raised the
following plan is proposed. The Stu-
dent council shall petition the Athletic
association for $400 a year more than
the $1250 now given for band support,
in addition to the expense of half of
the band uniforms every four years,
and that the Alumni association will
donate 25 per cent of the grid graph
proceeds to the band, starting with the
Wisconsin game Saturday.
Committee Each Year
The plan If agreed upon with re-
gards to the grid graph proceeds,
would provide that the Student coun-
cil on behalf of the student bodywould
furnish uniformed cheerleaders for the
graph showings, and would secure stu-
dent assistants for the management of
the graph, and assist i« n the greater
cooperation on the part of the student
A committee will be appointed each
year to have control of the handling.
of the entire arrangement. It will,
consist of a representative of the as-
sociation as chairman, a member of
the student council, appointed by the
president, and the student manager of
the band. The band will supply a
band at each grid graph reproduction
and through its student manager and
assistants will assist the grid-graph
committee:in the administrativeduties
of running the board.
Rumney Makes Statement
At the meeting of the Student coun-
cil following the gathering called by
the Alumni association, a commttee
composed of Howard A. Donahue, '24,
Thonias J. Lynch, '24L, and Edward
Fox, '25E was chosen to consider the
matter further and report to the coun-
Bursley Declares Problem Of
Alumni Influence Is SeriousA
Hearty accord with the statements themselves, alumni with whom they
concdrhing the ;liquor problem in uni- have some relation such as the fra-
ternity connection, unquestionably
versities, made by Regent Junius' E. i ne r nainnrt ;u l LIatrjII U II .i
Beal in Chicago, was expressed yes-I
terday by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
students. Thq problem of the alumnus
and his influence on student morals,i
he declared is a serious one and has
engagedathe attentin of administrat-
ive officals in large universities ever
since the 18th amendment went into
"Too much stress cannot be laid
on the influence of the alumnus re-
turning to his fra ernity house," he
declared. "There is no doubt that un-
dergraduates tend to subject them-
selves to the influence of the "old
grads" and look to them to a certain
extent as a model for their conduct.
When an alumnus brings back liquor
to the house, members of the organ-
ization feel that such conduct must be
the proper thing. The most import-
ant influence, however, is not the
amount of intoxicating liquors brought
back, but the stand the alumni take on
the whole question of drinking. While
college students should have suffic'ent
judgment to dec'de such questions for
piay a tare part Lne s u enL sae
cision on such matters.
"Many fraternities on the campus
have already taken steps to prohibit
drinking in the house. Circular let-
ters to alumni requesting them to re-,
£rain from bringing liquor into the
house, and tokeep away from the
house when under the influence of in-
toxicants have had a significant effect
on the enforcement of house rules in
;Is regard. Such a policy is to be
commended and encouraged.
"In considering the problem which
is the most serious one with which
we have to deal at the present time,
it is essential to keep in mind that the
background of the student plays a
large part in his conduct after he ar-
rives. The problem broadens into one{
whose scope includes the nation. The
situation in the University has its
background in the national moral
problem. The college student, how-
ever, must remember his responsibili-;
ty as one who is given the best op-,
portunity for intelligent thought on
such propositions."
p , I
Last Chance to Obtain Reduced
Rate of $4.50 on Annual;
Price Goes to $5.00
Twenty-four Students Selected from1
Sophomore and Junior Classes
As Sub-Organization
With a grand total of one thousand
eight hundred and thirty one subscrip-
tions obta'ned. the Michiganensian
closed the second day of its three -day
drive last night. Today is the last day
on which the 'Ensian can be purchased
for $4.50. With the close of the drive
tonight the price will automatically
be -raised to $5.
The returns compiled last nght
show that the number of subscrip-
tionb obtained so far in-the drive ox-
ceeds the total for the whole fall drive
last year. More than half the quota:
has already been obtained and the
closing day of the campaign is. expect-t
ed to be the best.
Returns from the fraternities, soror-
ities and dormn tories received so far
have exceeded all expectations, ac-
cording to members of the staff. The
returns from these sources are not!
yet nearly complete, many holding
their cards intending to turn them in
after the close of the drive. The total,
to date is about 300.
Approximately 150 have taken ad-
vantage of the table placed in the
Twenty-four men were appointed
to the sub-committe of the Student
council at the regular meeting of that
body last night. In accordance with
the plans of organization for this sub-.
committee ten of these men were se-
lected by the council from the soph-
omore and junior classes on the cam-
pus at large and 10 by the presidents
of these two classes in the literary
and engineering schools. These four
class presidents complete the person..
nell of the body.
The membership of this committee
which will assist the council in its ac-
tivities this year is as: follows: Cass
S; Hough, '25, Eugene Dunne, '25, Ed-
ward Thomson, '25, Thomas Fiske, '25,
John Sabo, '25,. John Plain,.'25, John
Garlinghouse, '25, Irvin Deister, '25,
Charles Murray, '25, William Roesser,}
'25, Gifford Upjohn, '25, Justin Comp..-
ton, '25, Sewart H. Hulse, '25E, Fred-
erick Kimmich, '25E, Charles W. Mer-
riam, Jr., '25E, Philip B. Snyder, '26,
Richard Freyberg, W. M. McMillan,
Hupert Goebel, '26E, Robert F. James,,
'26E, William T. Colman, '26E, Fran-
cis Davis, '26, and Lee Ensel, '26.
Hugh K. Duffield, '24, as representa-
tive of the Student council is chair-
man of this body. He will be in charge
of the work of the subcommittee this
year in the handling of the spring
games and other activities where that
body will be called upon to aid the
Student council.
Krupp Officials
Freed On Paroled
Dusseldorf, Nov. 14.-Baron Krupp
von Bohlen's prison days are definite-
ly over, according to German.officials.
He and other Krupp directors had1
been sentenced to long prison terms}
but they now have been liberated.!
The technical expression used in the
document granting their freedoml
terming it as "postponement of pun-j
Baron Krupp von Bohlen and the?
other directors condemned with him
were granted a temporary release on
Oct. 25 on parole.
Liberals Fight Laborites in Constitu-
enoles, Giving Opposition
London, Nov. 14.-(By A. P.)--Pend-
ug Premier Baldwin.'s further exposi-
ion of his protectionist policy, which
will be made in the course of the de-
ate on the labor censure motion in
he House of Commons tomorrow, po-
'tical interest is wholly absorbed in
active preparations in the various con-
stituencies for a sharp election cam-
The cabinet had a long sitting to-
lay when, it is believed, outlines of
the government's pol'cy were laid
own. There is evident misgivings and
nervousness among the members of
the conservative party generally, as;
contrasted with the enthusiasm dis-
played in the liberal and labor ranks.
If the reunited liberal and labor
parties could be induced to cooperate
there is a very general belief that the
protectionists would be defeated. The
labor party, however, has consistently
refused to cooperate with the liberals
and as a consequence liberals are
fighting laborites in the constituencies
and giving seats to the conservatives
on the minority votes. The expiring
parliament was in point of fact elected
on a minority vote of the electorate
for this very reason.
Michigan's 'fighting band" will go
wvith the team to Wisconsin. This was
decided yesterday when the tag day
held to raise the necessary funds to
finance the trip netted:-$700, making a.
total of approximately $2,000 with the=
money already raised.
All of the fraternities and campus
organizations have not yet turned in
their :respective house donations. It
is expected that another $100 will be
added to the total when these contri-
butions are received. The houses are
asked to send in their donations, as
soon as possible.
The cheerleaders will also be taken
on the trip, and if enough money has I
been raised when all of the money is
turned in the freshmen and reserve
squads will also go. It is is the cus-
tom each year to give these men a I
trip if the finances can be obtained.
_ I
Berlin, Nov. 14.-A "diamond fund"
is being raised in Moscow to form
propaganda abroad according to the
anti-bolshevick Russian language
newspaper which asserts that all ar-
rangements have been made to carry
out the rmost extensive campaign for
the spread of communism ever at-
The money for the fund is said to
be derived from loyal communists who
are selling their diamonds for a. tre-
mendous drive in Europe and particu-
larly in France. Just where the com-
munists obtained the diamonds the
newspapers do not try to explain, but
they contend that large amounts have
been sent to Paris to further the
movement there.
Oels, Nov. 14.-(Dy A. P.)-Prince
Frederick William is overjoyed at his
return to Germany after five years of
exile in Holland. He spent the morn-
ing going about the garden of his
estate, accompanied by his wife, Prin-
cess Cecilie, and later received the
newspaper correspondents to whom he
made the following statement.
"I am glad to be back with my wife
and children after nine years absence
(this apparently including his years
on the war front); happy again to be
among my fellow citizens and to be
able to share with them the great
burdens of the fatherland.
"It is my intention to devote myself
to my nersonal estate in Oels and to
See The Team Off!
"When ale was king of the con-
quered East
And Michigan ruled the West"
A crippled football team repre-
senting the University of Michi-
gan will leave Ann Arbor at 11:27
o'clock tonight to engage in one
of the most crucial grid-iron bat-
tles in the history of Wolverine
If their student body, thous-
ands strong, cheers them off at
the station, the memory of those
thousands at home tomorrow
afternoon anxiously watching the
report of the game will remain
vividly in their minds as they
face the Badgers. A big send-off
will be an offering of good-will
and it will impose a responsibility
forcibly upon them. Cheer the
team off to Madison!
Cast, Choruses, and Committeemen
Will Have Precedence in
Buying Tickets.
Mail order applications for tickets
to "Cotton Stockings," eighteenth an-
nual Union opera, will be received.
this morning by members of the cast,
chorus, committees and orchestra.
These men will be given precedence
for two days to get in their orders for
a maximum of four tickets for the
local run of the production which
opens Monday, December 3, at the
Box Sale Opens Nov. 29
Performances will be held on Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday evenings, and Saturday
afternoon of that week. Prices of
seats are the same as in former years.
The entire lower floor sells for $2.50
per seat, while seats in the first four
rows In the balcony are $2, the sec-i
ond four rows $1.50, and the balance
of the balcony $1.
On Saturday morning, after cast,
chorus, committees, and brchdstra
have had their two days' precedence,
maIl order applications will be sent
to full paid life members of the Un-
ion who in turn will have two days'
precedence. Then' at intervals of
two days thereafter, aplilcations will
be sent to participating life members
of the Union, and to the yearly mem-
bers. A box office sale for University
women will be held soon thereafter,
followed by a - box office sale begin-
ning Thursday, Nov. 29, at the Whit-
ney, for the general public.
Opera Nearly Ready
Mail orders will be filled in the or-
der of their receipt. The reason for
the two days' preference given to each
group is to enable members of one
group to send in during the period
and have their orders filled in advance
of the next group. Preference is lost
after the group's time has expired. It
is important that more than one
I choice for- seats be specified in the
order. Often excellent seats can be
given at one performance, while the
house may be sold out for another
performance, the one specified.
Rehearsals for "Cotton Stockings"
have proceeded with more dispatch
than in former years and the opera
is practically. ready to be presented
I right now, according to E. Mortimer
Shuter, director. With more than two
weeks additional in which to put on
t the finishing touches; he believes that
the production will be at its best the
first night.
Upperclassmen Endeavor to Pledge Future of Region Rests Upon Agree-
Fellow Students to Desperate ment With French and Bel-
Euterprise gian Authorities
Munich, Nov. 14.-(By A. P.)-The Berlin, Nov. 14.-(By A. P.)-After
centers of the organized rebellion are Nov. 25 Germany no longer will be
not among the students, of whom able to meet the drain upon her ex-
notamog te sudetschequer for the payment of unem-
there are 30,000 in Bavaria 's techni- ceurfrtepyeto nm
cal high schools and theUniversities. ploment doles in the Ruh'r and Rhine-
The plan is. to enroll at least 50,00 land and will then set both these re
T gions adrift permitting them to shift
young men willing to march unarme for themselves. This statement was
against machine guns and williupon made in official quarters, here tonight.
but with enough left alive rto over' Unless Chancellor Stresemann ar-
bowerithe soldiers or until the sol- rived at a different conclusion after
piers refuse to fire upon them. pending' conferences with leaders in
Some hundreds of ardent upperclass the 'occupied areas as the reichstag
menh government agents report, have opposes such a policy, it is now be-
been for two days hurrying about lieved that the immediate future. of
k among their fellow students pledging the Rhineland and the Ruhr will be
or urging them to join. Similar pro- determined by the nature of agree-
paganda is also astir among the more ments which the local leaders=there
conservative members of the student are able to enter into with the French
body.and Belgian authorities.
There is a certain uneasiness in The unemployment doles which the
government circles because it would German government is paying out to
be with the greatest reluctance that nelend anmthe Ruhr wi amount
orders would be given to fire. Never- to 200,000,000 gold marks in the next
theless, it is asserted, this would have ten days. An autonomous state in the
present stage of occupation and under
prevailing economic and social condi-
" THRE"MAK tions is viewed in Berlin circles as in-
expedient and not feasible and the in-
clination in government quarters ap-
flIDTUIIITU TfOIN pears to favor a ,plan to ,hold- theoc
Ucupying powers resposible for get-
ting the local populace fed and back
New York Nov. 14-(By A. P.)'- to work and otherwise readjusting
Reports that Dartmou1th may be ac- completely the desolated conditions in
Repots hatDarmout ma beac-all lines.
corded a late season date on' Yale In the event the latter solution is
football schedule for 1924 have led adopted the Berlin government will
many close followers of college sport invest the local authorities with pow-
to predict that fhe near future will Iivs h oa uhrte ihpw
to'nes of thecedj"BigjThree" ers authorizing them to deal with the,
comprising Harvard, Yale, and Prince- I French and Belgium and British au-
tomsin "ig ForithYanrmoth- .thorities, thus making the oocupied.
tan into a Big Four wIth Dartmouth zones temporarily wholly independent
as the added member. . of official intervention by the central
Thee first step towards this .end, it . f ro sia . ge ven b entr
I is believed came last year when Har- or Prussian.governments.
yard after allowing its Dartmotith' - erlin,-Nov. -B A..P.)-The
football series to lapse for a period of 'nanceinister .of the reichstag .has
ten years resumed gridiron relations foimallyauthorized the reich bank to
with the Green. -The second step, isforgl thried th reichd bank o
seen in Yale's apparent overtures to begin the issue of rented bank notes
Dartmouth. The one remaining. -move
necessary is the resumption by
Pincesnyfis rtmouthfootball London, Nov. 14.-The complete ces-
Princeton of its Dartmouth ba sation of every kind of reparation pay-
. series which was halted in 1915.
meni ~~l oy llriaiy-W
Mason P. Aumney, '07E, president vestibule of the library to pay im-
of the Alumni association, makes the mediately after signing the pledge
following statement upon the co-opera- card. Under the new system inaug-
tion of the association and the stu- urated this year it is not necessary
dent body: "The Alumni recognize the to pay immediately, but payment must
band as one of the strongest connect- be made before December 13 if the
ing links between the 'alumni and the purchaser wishes to profit by the re-!
local campus, atud desires to assist it duced rate. No subsc~iptions will
in getting on a suund basis. Much ef- be taken after March 1.
fective work can be done by the as-!
sociation among the alumni with the
co-operation of the band."
With the funds that will be' secured .1 flP9NJ1.H dUCETY VILL
by the present plans, next year the
band will be sent to at least one out of
when the grid-graph donates 50 per
cent of the proceeds to the fund, as is
expected within three years. Next Fifty new members will be taken
year it is also hoped to move the gragli into the Sociedad Hispanica tonight
to Yost Field house so larger cr6wds at its annual initiation in Lane Hall.
can be accommodated. This is by far the largest number that
Providing the Regent support re- has ever been taken in. The number
mains the same, namely the furnishing ts
of a ofice pac inthe athlicof actve members was formerly lim-
hap , a lace where t heCbandthly ited to fifty, but that restriction has
practice and providing half the uni- been done away wit.Ausi-
form expense every four years, in ad- ness meeting will precede the pro-
dition to the payment for playing at gram which consists of entertainment
the Commencement, exercises, the sal-
ary of the director, and a small amount This year's officers are Milton Pet-
to the band members, it is thought the erson,president, Kathryn Wilson,
fund can be maintained without'. tag vice-president, Helen Woodruff, secre-
-_. tary, and John Jay, acting treasurer.!
Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical
school. leaves today for Boston, where
lie is to make a short visit of a purely
personal nature. The dean will re-
main in the east for three or four days,
and is expected to arrive in Ann Ar-
bor Monday.
He is also planning on a trip to the
Pacific coast, and will leave abouIt thet
first of next month, according to plans
given out, by his secretary today. The}
exact schedule for that trip is not as,
yet announced. but it is thought that{
he will give several papers of a tech-
nical nature before the medical schools
' of the West. The trip as it is now ar-
ranged will cover two weeks, and lie
ment by Germany, was semi-omelany
announced tonight, according to a dis-
patch to the Central News from Berlin.
This action was taken on the ground
that the treaty of Versailles had been
violated by France and that therefore
it could not be observed by Germany.
More than 200 members of the class
of '27 attended the second general as-
sembly 'of freshmen 'held under the di-
rection of the freshmen activities com-
mitcee in the assembly hall of the
Union last night. The meeting was
occupied with vaudeville acts pre-
sented by two of the groups. leston
group was represented by Stanley
Burroughs, '27E, with a contortion act.
Zenith group presented a symphony
Following the general assembly the
groups held separate meetings. At
these meetings many of the groups de-
cided to hold Thanksgiving dinners for
.heir members. Each group will have
charge of and provide its own dinner,
the committee only supervisng the
Faculty To Meet
Publication Men
Mellon Announces
1923 Bond IssueI
Washington, Nov. 14.-Secretary
Mellon, announced tonight a new offer-
ing of- Treasury savings certificates,
designated as the issue of Dec. 1, 1923,1
IIU JU JDV ViL((Ls~ceiu iiie issue r im I-uce. f ^-ii(199
Rome, Nov. 14.-The Chamber will
reconveneNov. 29. The Senate is in
Tile world has done gone I
wrong! There's a wrench in the
machine somewhere! What's
the troubl? Is it imagination or
maybe you have lost something
or that which you want is miss-
anfy crT ~O.CA~!P ffi~ I I
Minnesota, Nov. 14.-(By A. P.)-
A proposed Western conference rul ng
known as the "migrant" rule which
would bar an athlete from competing
in any big ten institution if he had
previously taken part in inter-collegi-
ate athletics at. any other school has
been turned down by the University
of Minnesota Senate, governing body
of intercollegiate athletics at the Go-
pher school, it was learned today.
The aim of the proposed regulation {
is 'to prevent an athlete . from trans-
ferring to a larger institutibn to par-
ticipate in athletics there once he hasl
established himself as a high caliber
performer at a smaller school.
At the meeting of the faculty repre-
sentatives of the western conference
schools last spring the proposal was
I passed by a 6 to 3 vote and unless it1
is approved by the Senate bodies ofI
the Big Ten institutions it goes back
to the faculty representatives where
expects to return to Ann Arbor on
approximately the 15th.
November Chimes
Comes Out Today
Ch'mes' November issue will be
!placed on sale on the campus this
morning. This number of the campus
opinion monthly has been delayed for
several days in the process of printing
and by the fact that the 'Ensian drive
and Tag Day would conflict with its
DUt I 1J UU1 J L sucedn the issu eot e.1 92
and maturing in five ears.
The new offering will be placed on
Esale on the date of issue and sales of+
G last year's offering will carry mturity
denominations of $25, $100 and $1000j
Two hundred box seats for the Min- and will be offered for sale at $20, $80j
nesota game located'near the 50 yard and$800.
line are on sale at the Athletic asso-
ciation office for $5 apiece. These
boxes were built especially to seat the 450 More Badger
Denby party at the Marine game on T kets Obtained
both the north and south sides of the
Instead of tearing them down the Tickets for the Wisconsin game were
Athletic association ha sdeided to use I all sold out last night until Harry Til-,
To the best knowledge of the staff' t
Chimes this month will establish'a upec- per staff membersf the student
magazinesEight fourpgeour monthly publications at the publications' open
gEh: e night, from. 7:30 to 9 o'clock in the
proximately half of which is literary Press building.
matter, will be found in this issue. Members of the Board in Control of
A football cover from the pen of Student Publications and the upper
Angus Babcock, '26, who drew the; staff members of The Daily, the Mich-
cover for the first issue is promised. iganensian, the Gargdyle, and Chimes
Illustrations for many of the articles will be present. Faculty members are
will, be the work of the same artist. cordially invited to come, meet the
A picture of Coach Fielding H. Yost staff members, and inspect the offices,
will be the frontispiece. 1 the committee in charge states.
Following the policy announced with ( This is the first opportunity that has
the publication of the first issue of the been offered in recent years for fac-
.year the editorials have been placed ulty members to come in direct con-