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November 13, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-13

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... ,.



&-, . - - , I ., I

, . _ :

~~'~ ' mneet w il l be a e epted until 5 o 1((
'rrn'ri iflhan " ~ Dc. 1 May of the houses ha n
.tered as w ell as given the co (n)M lsio he r en r es f rlh
PlNI LrP11DPfIA1311TX They, adthose who nrvntu'ho j nrnaIn aliiF
1. ! . n n~r vt a'nt ~ n t

g C

Parker ,Rockwel, rule and Vicki
Furnish Canddae for
Irwin ,Uteritz, for three seasons st
quarterback on the 'Wolverines, a
congider,,ed by, the fo'Otball .publica:
possible choice for Al-Areric
quarter this season, will be lost to t
Michigan team for the remaining t
games as a result of a boen bonei
his leg .received in Saturday's gan
The loss of Ut has weakened t
backfield considerably and the toa
es are working' every possible -m
in the position' for Saturday's bat
with the Badgers. Yesterday's pr
tie was longer han the usual ]bond
practices have been, the coa ch
spending a great deal of time corre
ing the ;faults which cropped out
the game with the.Marines, andj al
In experimenting with new combir
tions ini the b'c1teld.
Klpke NMay CaKiSiu Its
Harry Kipke was placed at qiare
back for a while with Vick runnir
as half back. If Harry is picked
call the signals, Coach 'Yost w
choose from Vck, Grube, Rockw
snd Parker for the other half a
position. Rockwell was also in UP
iz' place, with Kike, Steger and Vi
as running mates. Parker is also
poss'ble choice for quart rack,. as
Baker. 'It is not yet certain whethi
or. not Herrnstein will b ready Ir
Saturday's contest.
The team will have. dummy scri
mages for the rest of the week, wor
ing against Wisconsin's plays. Ina
probability there will e no scri
niag'es held' wth' ether the Frel
men or tie Reserves.
Vanid~i-Voit Still Out
VanderVoort, big tackle, who w
injured in the Iowa atte, is stillc
the crippled squad and is certain
stay out of thc net game. The kn
injury has not'shown any~ signs 'o i
proving and if there is no change
his condition in the next few days
may mean that VanderVoort's serv6
will be misse'A in the final game w:t
Minnesota. Babcock will remain
Vanderyoort's place at right tak
for the Badger game. Curran benf
el' fireol the rest given him last S
nriay and will resume his regul
duty on the right flank during t
week's drill.
Athough~ Iping stiff ._opps ti
wth the Dvil 'ogs last Saturday, it
squad came out of the game in fi
shape, exceting Uteritz. 'Grue is
condition to play, again, havingr
covered from injuries to the shot
er s~istained aganst the Haw1keyes
Steger Offensive Star
St'eger's ability t slip through t
center of the line land run for lo
gain's was the biggest feature of t
Marine tilt. Herb was used chif
as an end runner until the Iowa ga
when he succeeded in penetrating tI
Haxwkeye line. With Herb's plai
in the Iowa game in mind, Uter
called the Oak Park boy to go throu
the 'line, and Herb responded wii
surprising consistency. Herb does m
smash his way through the oppo
Lion; hut slowly makes his gron
picking his holes, and then putting
speed when he gets by the line
Kipke's punting was again an i
port;an element in the Wolverin
success. Harry placed his kicks w
une1iriag judgment, several ofI
boot's rolling'out of bounds within t]
ten yard line. Harry also carried Il
ball on the cut in end runs and mi
several gains of 15 yards.
Vick, Rockwell and Parker featu
witl ongs runs in the closing mnu'
of plays Vick gained on wide ei
rune; with wonderful interference fr
his mates.


f X1UII IUlf IIL VV '1 ILU I --' morrow will oe 1Ygiven aenam. 1 to t ,
Does sport dope always run true to padce the Y pie oleteenAr o~
form? No. This fact was established a oieuo'b et
to ents all the way, but it was not notl , the ,Winds of fraternity speedball et o euigteprvlg l q 4X
suprtr ys" "~ tr~o1 be completed tomorrow and the date .catl
the last few seconds of play that they spotryeeda feng wheyi on which the entries will be allowt(i -dc
mustered the punch to push the pig- two of the favorite teams in the run- t rciewl eanucdi h
fskin over the goal. Neff's punting kept ning for the 'championship of thle
the Easternites, away from the goal; campu~ were defeated and two other Daily as soon after that as po5 ;ile; 11at ' 1 li RtS .' (ltl
during the greater prt of the game>, aggegaion likewise came back into 1"°.[,"I- L'i .
Ibut the tiring Ann Arbor aggregation the running. -PlT iin
ar1 could not withstand the rush of Coach Delta Tau eltawas the first to up-I I. III Billtt II? Ii fie sar
f Reatty's men late in the battle,.e " r t !lIL c&rni~'' 'i ottesa
d Isetthe red ctons, for they emerged IK IN df~(e4 wj in r s its recor as a re
a victor by a 5to score, over Zeta Psi1 sul~ ~Q j Cl~ ist. 0, lnali E<a" . y zo i r
an -- - after a hard fought battle which was ( aglrrs-(utymetwhth
.he i doubt until the final whistle blew. niwBceys aid Illnois last Saturday
w Uoeric Experience roved the undoing of tnige MihanVa
in. Zet Pisasmay mmbrs fheyesterday afternoon started hstrerosn
G esBe t-Y ost ! victors are old hands at the game Ony Twen-io Hen Noi~ Reort- 'rationfortecash with the
he while he personne ofte frm rind t ale a ihl W isconsin hill ande dale teamdf tod betn o
madeup osty offrehme, an Prcties hld extSaturday at Madison.
an IwnC trt,'4 urebc nlight ones at that. SER ES ANSOI Coach Steve Farrel is, impressingl.
Th othr gme, eta.Thea Pivs.upon the minds of his proteges the
Lthe Michigan, eleven who was injured TheYotTer ame;LIKtELTetaEPiEvs'
inteMiii am audy a Nu Sigma Nu, turned out to be a 13 to RY TSFRL EYCE tfact that winning scores in the re-
ay' ~~~~~. ~~10 victory for tefre olwn w
played pris last gamie for Michigan.- Six candidates for the Varsity bas mi-g et tgter wt o
c 1hle nl ury, whlih was at first goalSinghea u aed, with a rush ketpall letter-man on the campus, wlwh i h o~rf~'net
thoughit not to be serious, has proved y IList, Monday when Coach Mather an- wilF lae Michiganr at fire ita
tobinfatr f ml oei i and scored soon after the Betas. had oucdtescn u of the sudIo h list f Big- Ten contest-
ls to eafr tu eo a sm boear e-his thisu sea hso . Te arc nowl2 mens a ntn sit fte etrat ~~
lejust above the ankle. Asare garnered a point from a pnalty 1k nsi oo h eetI~twe
1aeTortingrfortothenightlyatract cnd.of end, and the ra6 'vas-clos~' 6uguh 'so'
suit, he ill be unable to finish the IThepscoregstoodt7etoi4hatytheaenicof
sesn n sh a ohv iihdthe half. With: the opening of the 'ocRaL.Fsefthfe- that, with Hlarry Davis' iii' sh,te
his athletic career at the end of the third period the 'winners, uncorked a ahmen Ra basketball sqaanucdaL.az n lernnr a~ ud
er- emeter,"ha plaed is lst layforward passing attack which resulted cut of the 1927 men Monday, also. Hlis' the Buckeyes in' the alf'Conference af-t
ng sn errestehalaydhslatpa in three field goals and~ the game for slash included' names of 24 aspirants',I fair. "C'
tooneryfed them Inclutdedl in tho~;o men now out for ( ichiga's defea t at' te haftdl' of
In addition to his work on the foot- f
ri1all ta, Uz lye'astybs- Fouls were committed almost con-I the Var ty are four letter men, name- !the Ohi' states camle :patlybecatse 't
Deli ball for thrree years, and was captain stantly and in one, of the collisions ly irks, Haggerty, Henderson and of the fief~ that Davis, Michign' et
ick ot he ndeeatd tam astsprng. Jim Rice, Beta Theta P, sprained his McWood. Harry Kipke, the fifth bas- ;bet to " place first, turned' his anke
ck- 'oathedfeated.eamlst sprin.anl and made the fifth spebl ketball letter-man on the campus, will early in the ace and was practically ,l
ick ing on the team's loss said: "Irwin :casualty this fall. report fr practice' shortly following out o the runingr~ as a' rsult, fiish-
ia Uteritzl wsoeo the very few great the cessation" of footall activities. ing in twelfth place i spite of hise
I'r quarterbacks tha.t I have seen. He The trial race for the, fraternity4 The oter mene survivig the cut are: ijitmy , t7trerid" 61flt:e $ 'otld' iiel:
re Iwas the most sure and certain tackler cross-country men who trained out= E Doyle, Landre , Cherry, Stgmeer, Davi a nte el"fWkif;wh
frEIDeng, Kressbacl] Moaridge, Bueke- .. a nte el fWiof h
ont defense that I ever saw play the side of Coachi Sullivan s jurisdiction h tied wtlVKEanO at thl~ i°inisl. Mich-I
backfield position. He never missed and are expecting to compete in the I ma, Stewart, enrick, Gates, Morton, a ~sa ~vle h itnei
rk his man, in fact never came near miss- major event next Monday, will be held WloRtEmrKlnaap,279 the'week befor the ace and fiiai
al r ghim.e He i etii a certain punt catch- at 3:30 o'clock tomorr'ow a nd Hutzel. shed esily, whie t imefr the ri-l
Irpaehikiks well and ran the -from Waterman gymnasium over thepai''anpaygsudsndec angular affair ws'Z'201. ,f avs cllI
ta wihrare get over his injuries in tme for fte I
temwi' jdmet Uzwa hrtcurearud h buevr.night cniealtmesbigpen ' fee ro he is e pected to st
atlways in comnmand of the situation. Those making the distance in the re- in praoicsefrrnnng he alrdone
Hle was the miost accurate and efficient 'quired time will be allowed to start the the floor, shooting baskets from dif- the pace' for' the entire' field.i
'acs passer who ever played on a Michigan major event. ferent formations and in running dief-J Captain 'Arndt was th fist Wover
onteamor feen: ine to cross the line, coming in fourtth;
on "ic Uteritz became a quarterback Following is the schedulefo the Coachi Mather hopes to be able' behind Mieher of,~ Illinois mi the ast
teo three years ag, Michigan has lost but first round of, the fraternity handball I withi'n the near future to heave theI time of 27:22. fie 1Vich tan ; le cerr
le 'he ganie 'andl .that was his first one, tournament which .gets underway this Isquiad in such shrape that he may know (extended himself to tb,l lmt, on ateE
ifollowing Bank's injury in the M. A. afternoon: Delta Sigma Phi vs. SigmaI definitely just how each man performsj last mile, passing Marzudj B rak Tliii
it I C. contest. His loss will be a great Alpha Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta vs. in the different positions. At the 'Iois runner who cae in fifth. Ren 'e,1
'esone to the team at this time, as his Peers, Phi Sigma Delta vs. Kappa Nu, present time the chief" interest of the1I member of last year's Freshfly
1t evcshv eno aevlet eaPiv.SgaPiEsln et;cahi hto iln h he f1Cscutysudwstes~t Michigan." Tau Upsilon vs. Tan Delta Phi, Phi Gilbert Ely, lanky captain of the 1922 runner in, making the distanei
in anc in______
kin_______ Beta Delta vs. Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta team, whose graduation from th'e den- 27:45, followed by Piper of Oho and
fit- 9 Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Mu Alpha, Beta tal college last June left the tip-off Rearick, who copped eighth place.
at- Fg, Theta Pi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma, Nu j position open. Doyle and Mowood are ISenefield was the last Wolverine to
tarV4 in Tennis Title Sigma Nu vs. Phi Chi, Alpha Rho Chi' at r~iesent those most seriously co- I finish with the exception of Davis and I'
the I___ vs. Delta Tau Delta, Cygnus, a aci" sid ed for the job althoughr no defe- left four opposing runners in his wake '
FI Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon, Si ite tatement as to who would prob- as :he took tenth.
Brilliant and consistent forehand ma Club, Phi Sigma Kappa dew-bye's' ably; get. thea~~all for the first game Steve will send his proteges through
ion Iwrk, coupled with daring~ backhand an iYcm hoat~ n e~c was forthcoming Monday night. .s'~wrot gi oatmro
the strokes by O7'Coniirell throughout the ond round. The deadline for the first The presence of H'arry Kipke, captain and Thursday and on" Friday morning
ine match speledi victory' for him nd ronamthsda be eta ( of this year's football team, at pra- teta ildpr o aio
'in O'Brien in the f'inals fr the 'all-cam- o'ock, Frides ay Aen set al-tices within the next few weeks will hertewollvere orMacdir
_pus tennis doubles championship atnetaero, add-cnsiderably to the offensive work wil
Ferr fied lae Sati~dy mo~irig. wys, he ule hat ailue to pla. oftY~e squdspeeda hagainstarssthatagofstthet fBadgers.rs
ayeswthurue tatofal ue opao- esud e a a w er Wisconsin is reputed; to have one of,
od ey fid r~ ont S theashort nd.gmswthu esnbl xuea-of Varsity basketball experience and
, 41gma -,G 7-5,wee7ontheshort-en plies to this event. All fraternity .ii sa, suac, ar'g i the strongest aggregations in the his-i
ofth sothe i a sscorebrrngpss-4 ' I-gme w7-hveprfeene7-th5Ioy f2-eintuio ad-heMaz
he O'ConnYl', ' work s~' h yfrgmswl aepeeec nteble injury, that he will be seen in tory1of theinstitutlon andthenMaiz
nghsteyi'mhnat~ e. ve h ors inuhm asmn.o aera the first game. and Blue runners will have to travel
hetrwdsrtomtg'~ id~~ pa-gm sui With the reduced numbiier of men their limit if they are to chalk, up aF
fly net.alelaotedbath h isiehfahelnl eprf or the practice ses- fvictory.T
neiy ec, ale ae the bal idweloflteve Plenty oto is in store for the 'Isonser Coach gM'a'ter will be able toI-_ _
etietca'earsthntadci-sp eedbal fansan the games which will; give adlditional individual ttention riielLoer'TreveorWne
inkg pletely dumbfoundied his opponents. he 'played the rest of this week. The! to the different members of the squad. ! London, Nov. 12§(y AP.)- 'le
Its Hi's work in that set together with his ' eut fysedysgmsso htDfeetsylso passing the bal s ided to extend; impe1ialiiJrferen'ces
igh past work while working helping his fie race has not been decided yet.;I certain turns' and most practical rrin tarff to all wines o a stated alco I'
ith team up to the .finals has stamp ed him I Following is the schedule: 3:15' shooting positions will be inclued in holid standard 'fron, the Various do-'
pat ,as a tennis Ind'arid is enough to war- f o'clock, today, team 4 vs. team 5,4 eam: the duties of the men from now until minions.
rSi athm_ oiin teVrity I7vs. team 9, 4:30 o'clock, junior en-. a more definite opinion, of the final
Fd when' he becomes eliile. O'prien I gineers vs. senior fits, junior is vs.1 Varsity sq uad personnel is made. Patronize The, Daily Advertisers.
oa also pla -ed a l Qod game. . i sophomore engineers, school of edu-' ''I~
Telsrplydaonietgaecation vs.. architects; 3:15 o'clock, to-,'..
and made most of their pints by morrow, team 1 vs. team 5, team 6 vs. ______________-'-
rn- clevei'ly turning the bre'aks intoJ team 10, 4:30 o'clock, Phi Chi vs, Zeta! crs oh lyd'bu..ee nIs, lh im hiv.N ga
ihcovered his territo r y well'' njPsApaSga hiv.N imI
________I Nu, Phi Gamma. Delta vs. Phi Kappa:
his'" I Sigma; 3:"15 o'clock, Thursday fresh Jl
he Bucharest, Nov. 1.- (By A .P.) - lit$vs. junior, engineers, team ,2 vs. '
he The ftorcible expi'usiron of gussian ref.. team 4, team 7 vs. team , 4:30 o'clock,I
ide l ugees from Bessarabia has been d.- school of eduication' vs, medics, junior
continued and flusso-Rumanians re- its vs.' soph fits," fresh' engineers vs.
ed lotions are ndw said to be improving.I junior lits; 4:30 o'clock,' Friday, Phi
tes ~! Sigma Delta vs. Zeta Psi. i
on ~ rem Classifieds e-Advy t s Diy, Entries for the fraternity swiming ''~I

f_ C ('T F I C PA "I Y!'i('S- ( True it is that the expert tril
is { ~LT threat man of today displays nac
---- ability in a-game than did the star
We treasure the memory of the good thirty years ago but it is my opini
i os -- 1- onnoTi --nMI.,. 'that. the same football instincts9


rue of the world's' history, a nation's
history, that of a state, and of a great
In every college and university therej
is a hall of famce where the heroeaj
of the past are idolized by time youing-
'rgenerations. Trophies, portraits,
old flags and banners hang there.
Th euibare though they miiay be, They
ire' ricih in miemories. And just as
Htih 'are tild memories we have of the

present in each of the players. If~the
kicking and passing game hiad been in
the stage of development thirty years
ago that it is today, stars like Johnny
Poe, Willie Heston and Walter Eclker-
,I sahl would have been displaying stel-
c lar qualities. Running with the ball
was all that was necessary in those
'days and those who remember football
( games of old days will tell you thrat
they certainly dlid run with it.
IReaction time, that is, the time it

greatathletes vbo have gone before. Iraxes et L'e '2L~ithe ucls oetheL im
Soia~ I i ~' can=~ see, the characterI pulse of the brain has considerable
and initnctS of fo~otball players have't, owt tescesofafobl
l ot, .ch -n- >d -materially from what i pae.Temnwoemslsoe
t;ley'.wicie :Nirty~y'ears ago. M~en to-i ipsaetly develops into a far better
cly;Gsts l ey brava been throughout all 1pae than his brother who has Mlow
imney .at~ edeoff' the field of play bat- ; reaction and these same impulses have
teredi and whi Ad physically but ;always been present in football as
x'glinig to go.: back and carry on the° well as other games.
-.m~ their. 'bod .es, physically unfit { Football will go on indefinitely and
1)11.t'ma r spinrit ; ucnquerable. every year will' see new stars 'whose
Ate lon~g a kave( known the game merits will be shouted to the four
of football, the plgers. have always I corners of the earth and they~ will be
bcen men. of _the _finaest character who rightly claimned wizards of the game.
wer wilin to.. ly thir ll orthle Unqu estionably they will be' stars and
berefi oI teirtphichtr all I will exemplify the very acme of foot-
is a primary requisite in life under ball perfection but their characters
any conditions. I have taken untold d! e. wl ho h .sm ru ul
ploasiifre fn 'hiy associations with these 'tries that made the football players of
nion and their, life and feeling +has the early days beloved by their ad~nir-
Ieen harrowed into my heart. igfloes
"W' TirtyT;years .agb."' men of great
physkju& :x«ere.,'g"'requisite of every I tallans Defeat Natives
football team-'and' I suppose the old l Tripoli, Nov. 12.--B(y A.P.),-xThe
synonym~ a ,,god big manxisi better i Italian forces have defe'ated natives
than a;'good-- small man, still holds, near Nalut,' killing 1~04 and them-
truae. 'Hlp yver;7 today, size is not ne- ! selves losing two dead and 13 wound2
oess~x)* to 'nman's success on the foot-'! ed. Seven prisoners and many -camn-
balL..l~ea.....rimnted of course that size'eswrcated
is a worthy asset, I would rather have '_
Ssrrit mian, 'who possesses speedI
ner~ve and instinct, than a large' inai i THE "HOLE IN ONE" GCLUB I'
who does not possess those powers. 1
And I- believe" every coach 'will tell1 Gail E.. Densnmore. instructor I
you the siame than .In the public speakig depart-
Some authorities state that the game Imon'~ officially uaied sa
offootball has changed with it. Of i member of the "Hole in One"
course the game does change and takeI{ club, yesterday afternoon, wheni
on new aspects every year but I earn- I he made the third ho'le of the
estly believe that football players to- # I Ann Arbor Golf club course in af
day and thirty years ago possess the 1'dilve from the tee. This is the{
Name qualities of sportsmanship, fair, second time that the feat has
play, nerve and instinct. It. has al-! been, accomplishmed this season
ways been necessarily so to meet d in the vicinity of Ann Arbor.
with success in ..the game. {._.

easre ui
Get busy at once---cash in onithis sen-
sational money-saving offer, Which is.
is for a limited time only.
IGet double th~e wear from yout suit on
account of. the extra pants-and' haveN
them made to your, individu al measure
of the


C........................... .e. ........................ 4..u...n:

.p...... ........

By virtue of' its 7-1 tie against Sagi-_
naw Eastern Saturda~y, the Ann Ar-y
bor High School football team is ;prac-
tically out of the running as far as
state interschblastlc' honors are con-:
Pr'evious to the Saginaw fracas, the,
local aggregation had wone sevenI
straight contests, and wa~s coflsidered'
one of the real colitenders for the
chamIpionship. Saginaw lost earlier
in the season, and was defeated by
Pontiac, a team which the Purple and
'White gridders downed. Unless the(
other teams which are now, leading'
the chase for honors are defeated or
tied be tore the season ends, Coach
Holloway's men will have no chance
to cop the bunting this year.
It is the second time in two sea-
sons that the Saginaw game has

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