. IN. ... ,. uliIIIIIIII I MEW j &-, . - - , I ., I , . _ : ... ,, ~~'~ ' mneet w il l be a e epted until 5 o 1(( 'rrn'ri iflhan " ~ Dc. 1 May of the houses ha n .tered as w ell as given the co (n)M lsio he r en r es f rlh PlNI LrP11DPfIA1311TX They, adthose who nrvntu'ho j nrnaIn aliiF 1. ! . n n~r vt a'nt ~ n t g C { UUflUIILU OL Parker ,Rockwel, rule and Vicki Furnish Canddae for Psition 1XIPKE MAY CAT, SI~AS INt WISCONSIN CONTE Irwin ,Uteritz, for three seasons st quarterback on the 'Wolverines, a congider,,ed by, the fo'Otball .publica: possible choice for Al-Areric quarter this season, will be lost to t Michigan team for the remaining t games as a result of a boen bonei his leg .received in Saturday's gan The loss of Ut has weakened t backfield considerably and the toa es are working' every possible -m in the position' for Saturday's bat with the Badgers. Yesterday's pr tie was longer han the usual ]bond practices have been, the coa ch spending a great deal of time corre ing the ;faults which cropped out the game with the.Marines, andj al In experimenting with new combir tions ini the b'c1teld. Klpke NMay CaKiSiu Its Harry Kipke was placed at qiare back for a while with Vick runnir as half back. If Harry is picked call the signals, Coach 'Yost w choose from Vck, Grube, Rockw snd Parker for the other half a position. Rockwell was also in UP iz' place, with Kike, Steger and Vi as running mates. Parker is also poss'ble choice for quart rack,. as Baker. 'It is not yet certain whethi or. not Herrnstein will b ready Ir Saturday's contest. The team will have. dummy scri mages for the rest of the week, wor ing against Wisconsin's plays. Ina probability there will e no scri niag'es held' wth' ether the Frel men or tie Reserves. Vanid~i-Voit Still Out VanderVoort, big tackle, who w injured in the Iowa atte, is stillc the crippled squad and is certain stay out of thc net game. The kn injury has not'shown any~ signs 'o i proving and if there is no change his condition in the next few days may mean that VanderVoort's serv6 will be misse'A in the final game w:t Minnesota. Babcock will remain Vanderyoort's place at right tak for the Badger game. Curran benf el' fireol the rest given him last S nriay and will resume his regul duty on the right flank during t week's drill. Athough~ Iping stiff ._opps ti wth the Dvil 'ogs last Saturday, it squad came out of the game in fi shape, exceting Uteritz. 'Grue is condition to play, again, havingr covered from injuries to the shot er s~istained aganst the Haw1keyes Steger Offensive Star St'eger's ability t slip through t center of the line land run for lo gain's was the biggest feature of t Marine tilt. Herb was used chif as an end runner until the Iowa ga when he succeeded in penetrating tI Haxwkeye line. With Herb's plai in the Iowa game in mind, Uter called the Oak Park boy to go throu the 'line, and Herb responded wii surprising consistency. Herb does m smash his way through the oppo Lion; hut slowly makes his gron picking his holes, and then putting speed when he gets by the line scrimmage. Kipke's punting was again an i port;an element in the Wolverin success. Harry placed his kicks w une1iriag judgment, several ofI boot's rolling'out of bounds within t] ten yard line. Harry also carried Il ball on the cut in end runs and mi several gains of 15 yards. Vick, Rockwell and Parker featu witl ongs runs in the closing mnu' of plays Vick gained on wide ei rune; with wonderful interference fr his mates. ANN ARBORHNAS ITftL CHANCE TO CO TI f X1UII IUlf IIL VV '1 ILU I --' morrow will oe 1Ygiven aenam. 1 to t , Does sport dope always run true to padce the Y pie oleteenAr o~ form? No. This fact was established a oieuo'b et to ents all the way, but it was not notl , the ,Winds of fraternity speedball et o euigteprvlg l q 4X suprtr ys" "~ tr~o1 be completed tomorrow and the date .catl the last few seconds of play that they spotryeeda feng wheyi on which the entries will be allowt(i -dc mustered the punch to push the pig- two of the favorite teams in the run- t rciewl eanucdi h fskin over the goal. Neff's punting kept ning for the 'championship of thle the Easternites, away from the goal; campu~ were defeated and two other Daily as soon after that as po5 ;ile; 11at ' 1 li RtS .' (ltl during the greater prt of the game>, aggegaion likewise came back into 1"°.[,"I- L'i . Ibut the tiring Ann Arbor aggregation the running. -PlT iin ar1 could not withstand the rush of Coach Delta Tau eltawas the first to up-I I. III Billtt II? Ii fie sar f Reatty's men late in the battle,.e " r t !lIL c&rni~'' 'i ottesa d Isetthe red ctons, for they emerged IK IN df~(e4 wj in r s its recor as a re a victor by a 5to score, over Zeta Psi1 sul~ ~Q j Cl~ ist. 0, lnali Ed -materially from what i pae.Temnwoemslsoe t;ley'.wicie :Nirty~y'ears ago. M~en to-i ipsaetly develops into a far better cly;Gsts l ey brava been throughout all 1pae than his brother who has Mlow imney .at~ edeoff' the field of play bat- ; reaction and these same impulses have teredi and whi Ad physically but ;always been present in football as x'glinig to go.: back and carry on the° well as other games. -.m~ their. 'bod .es, physically unfit { Football will go on indefinitely and 1)11.t'ma r spinrit ; ucnquerable. every year will' see new stars 'whose Ate lon~g a kave( known the game merits will be shouted to the four of football, the plgers. have always I corners of the earth and they~ will be bcen men. of _the _finaest character who rightly claimned wizards of the game. wer wilin to.. ly thir ll orthle Unqu estionably they will be' stars and berefi oI teirtphichtr all I will exemplify the very acme of foot- is a primary requisite in life under ball perfection but their characters any conditions. I have taken untold d! e. wl ho h .sm ru ul ploasiifre fn 'hiy associations with these 'tries that made the football players of nion and their, life and feeling +has the early days beloved by their ad~nir- Ieen harrowed into my heart. igfloes "W' TirtyT;years .agb."' men of great physkju& :x«ere.,'g"'requisite of every I tallans Defeat Natives football team-'and' I suppose the old l Tripoli, Nov. 12.--B(y A.P.),-xThe synonym~ a ,,god big manxisi better i Italian forces have defe'ated natives than a;'good-- small man, still holds, near Nalut,' killing 1~04 and them- truae. 'Hlp yver;7 today, size is not ne- ! selves losing two dead and 13 wound2 oess~x)* to 'nman's success on the foot-'! ed. Seven prisoners and many -camn- balL..l~ea.....rimnted of course that size'eswrcated is a worthy asset, I would rather have '_ Ssrrit mian, 'who possesses speedI ner~ve and instinct, than a large' inai i THE "HOLE IN ONE" GCLUB I' who does not possess those powers. 1 And I- believe" every coach 'will tell1 Gail E.. Densnmore. instructor I you the siame than .In the public speakig depart- Some authorities state that the game Imon'~ officially uaied sa offootball has changed with it. Of i member of the "Hole in One" course the game does change and takeI{ club, yesterday afternoon, wheni on new aspects every year but I earn- I he made the third ho'le of the estly believe that football players to- # I Ann Arbor Golf club course in af day and thirty years ago possess the 1'dilve from the tee. This is the{ Name qualities of sportsmanship, fair, second time that the feat has play, nerve and instinct. It. has al-! been, accomplishmed this season ways been necessarily so to meet d in the vicinity of Ann Arbor. with success in ..the game. {._. NOVEMBER 12TH S THE DATE easre ui Get busy at once---cash in onithis sen- sational money-saving offer, Which is. is for a limited time only. IGet double th~e wear from yout suit on account of. the extra pants-and' haveN them made to your, individu al measure of the LE' C........................... .e. ........................ 4..u...n: .p...... ........ STAVE GRID,$ AO ORS -VIRTUAL1LY Ir LOST BY 7-7, TIE WITHl SA INAW. By virtue of' its 7-1 tie against Sagi-_ naw Eastern Saturda~y, the Ann Ar-y bor High School football team is ;prac- tically out of the running as far as state interschblastlc' honors are con-: cern'ed: Pr'evious to the Saginaw fracas, the, local aggregation had wone sevenI straight contests, and wa~s coflsidered' one of the real colitenders for the chamIpionship. Saginaw lost earlier in the season, and was defeated by Pontiac, a team which the Purple and 'White gridders downed. Unless the( other teams which are now, leading' the chase for honors are defeated or tied be tore the season ends, Coach Holloway's men will have no chance to cop the bunting this year. It is the second time in two sea- sons that the Saginaw game has Evryday is a seci aayat Goode ats Cafeteria. Our variety is very attractive. If you and try our delicious foods.F Good eats Cafeteria SCARFS AN D GLOVES FOR T6'e Well Diressed Man. V~rnBovenP &zCress e t 17 QCn1i-yTh U ivrifu diyAVnnO : Same material as your sut T ink1er & (Th7 1:1