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November 11, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-11

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fffjFive Fair Damsels AHIMNI ADEeKSmiths Here? Threisonly 1 Husband anidle has! v-jjC JJ Ameica
UN OThe B~ ti ieUIIUUl University must be hard uip fr N T DAeia
pJu tC u tEthere are only five Steeles. We have AT piR IIAl fhrFr rconstituti
ESIBH EO NO In The Directcry no Cash or Change. Our nearest ap- Jjj 9NINOR CON t[ fCEO An pe
afT H T E D "tedStte Marines capture city ___ proach to Money is .5 Lanlks. ii 444Y((1 addressee
i er eeral terrific engagements!" Smithteaethtasvrhd
'One of these in which the Ann Ar- OPENED UNI)ER DIIRECTli II, OhenamefaatihasAveiahors, lS('US NIYERSITY PRjOBLEMS, presen ta
Fiihtv. '.iius Will Canvass Student' borites were decisively successful oc- NEW RELATIONS the lead among names still reignsriAT MEET1Aviator the wor
%Body for- the .2,40,Pledges , kcrred early yesterday morning on the COMIATTEE supreme, careful count of the Student' Forced To Ground IO N tions.k
Ne~essary State street side of Betsy Barbour;,- - directory shows. They have 81 names aluntin
WILB EN house. Five crack pickets from the! A directory~ desk which furnished to their credit. Next comes the John-! rThat all the thrills incident to this Speeches followed by a discussionatical
ALL STUDENTS WL ESE women's dormitory swooped out and information to all alumni who return- sons, who have snatched second place'patcl
DURING THREE DAYS OF DRIVE captured a scouting party of five M4a-'e oAnAbr etra a from the Millers by the meager mar- afternoon's game (id not occur on of the topic, "The Meaning of a College' tinuation
-rines who were walking unsuspected-iesta}lished in the lower corridor; gin of one name. The Joneses tralil Ferry field is demonstratedl by the Edtucation" were the prinipal feat- alryiden
Two houandpleges;vli ~vll y i th neihbohoo, wy bhind fo thy hve nly29 msfotuns; nd arro esape en iiie-; f te cncldin sesionof he tllyplr
su pot the Union swimming pool is! The invaders put up a brave fght oftr no ne the direcion of the~ names listed. countered by a number of membes ournth annual alumni conference for drEim
the aim of a drive that will start ,but were soon overcome. Thley were! alumni relations commnittee of the l The colorful names are led by ttee of the Corps who tiled to fly to Ann coniderationi of University problems,!Rgn.
Tuesday, when the entire student lined up with their backs to the stone Union. Alumni will be received hreBrowng who have 51 of their family; llstngti teUin R egent
wlbecnasdThmewil'Arbor dls ih i h no.PeI- spoke br
a~ ilb avse.Temnwl ide of Barbour house and told they by members of the committee, of listed. The Whites have 20 and are, dent MageriConoras.Muterton cusionatth
be. asked to pledge $5 to lend theirj were to be shot irrespective of wheth- which William Rioesser, 25, is chair- closely followed by the Geens. The (I('ianitf Moo iirio 1'Ittr nd,. atitonlsioe, extthe au
spprtotepobybynatckter the sun chose to rise or not. ;man. Black of the species number six. co Thursday morning. Soon after ,Pressed the conviction that the thc aluir
completion of the pool. were produced by the conquerors and bring about a closer relation between and the Bakers are fighting it otsonbgntoal x!chmae nay-bt i civmetadi
~ighty teams composed of four as the leader gave the word, three the alumni and the Union in its work. Exldnh iles h3Costhr eygtooktofat heiir ae av 1Vc-os ohi cieeetadi
clicksfor first place among the profession- igating difficult as well as extremelyI promise.
mi mer and a captain will do the cik were heard as the captives; All alumni returning to Ann Arbor at, al men. They are each credited with! dangerous. As the flyers aplroached "What College Meant to Me" was
aual work in the canvassing. Each were "shot". Victors andl vanquished any time during the year will be! 19. There are 16 Taylors, 8 Fishers, h etVrii onanhw discussed by Regent-elect RalphfHli
team will visit personally 50 studentsar awaitingar the develop ing fte visited personally by members of theI five Hunters, two Tanners, and tw&i ever, they got into more trouble. 'The 1 Stone '92L, of Detroit and by Walter the Ph
aid ask them to pledge their sup-iphotos with anticipation. com m ittt e .C r e t r . h i e s a e ra e f rIar p ov d v r o g "in t a i - S P nfed 0 ,o W si g o .C e t d a d S ar , 2 ,i e.rlT e w r n th s d r ci ni being Cre ers .nTho e M iners. are rarenfertairqproed ve ylrug " thati s- Sf;,Th Pen speeche w'00,lofwhingtongrD.pC.
chairman of the drive Alumnus To Speak In Toronto. carried on through the cooperation of. Good fruit is a thing in demand forI an expert to keep the planes under presentation of the student viewpoint, at LaneI
contracts for the completion ofI Hawley Tapping, '16L, field secre-I Wilfred B. Shaw, '00, secretary of the! we have a single apple and he spells control. This became so bad finally toward college by Howard A. Donahue,poica
the pool will be let as soon 'as the tary of the Alumni association will alumni association. The names of allIhis cognomen "Appel" Meats ae' that the um~en wee foced to land '24 maaging editor of The Daily andpotia
2A00 pledges have been obtained. speak tomorrow noon at a luncheon men returning are turned over to the as cre hr r ee aos fe oetr tpte gi yEbr sel 2L ihgn trak e ope
Tile 10,000 obtained in this way will of thre Toronto alumni. This meeting committee by Mr. Shaw. This year there are four Winters took to the air and returned to Quan- star. Judge Hugo Pam, '92A, of Ci-I Mr. A
bi added to the money that will be is planned to organize a local club- and three Summers. Aside from this tio. Fortunately they arrived in time ~ago outlined his views of what things inls
rised later in the year through the there., Felowship Meet Postponed ;al and spring have left us. to join and leave with tie football ;the University. should stand for in guest of
Uiin Fir nd imiar rojcts inDue to confliction with the Sunday I other fields we have anmong those squad on their special train fromI speaking on tie subject, "What Co- held for
realizing the $20,000 needed to finishI Berne, Nov. 10-(By A. P.)--France I Armistice day services, the Fellow- present: 4 Starrs, 8 Fords, 1 Foote,,1Qtuantico.I lee Should Mean". The formal ad- giving d
the pool. has consented to arbitrate the con- ship meeting which was scheduled for 2 Fish, 1 Curl, 8 Foxes, 4 Darlings,' dresses were concluded by Arthur Van- receive
'Attention of students is called by; roersy arising with Switzerland over this afternoon will be temporarily 5 Crows, 9 Cranes, 10 Barnes, 7 Bells, It's tru-n efficiency to use Daily denburg, editor of the Grand Rapids Friendly
those working on the drive to the the Free Zone of Upper Savoy. postponed.. 2 Coffins, 7 Coates and 1 Comb. Classifed s.-Adv. herald, who declared his belief that Y. W. C
fat that the buying of a ticket now.__________________________________________________
wvil not be a mere contribution to theIJ-
ptoh After its completion, a charge
of 25 cents will be made for each
sWIm in order to defray the costs.
's'e buying of a ticket entitling each!i5AA
pledge to 20 swims is the equivalent®®I
in cost to tire other form.
-'The drive will last for a three dayCO T N]
period. Members of all committees PERF'ORM ANVCES TODAY, CONTINUG toe hotol ar n l
the eamipaigil of the "4,000 club, an f
biganization previously used in rais- fF'ROM TW O TO TEN
iirg mponey for the pool, members ofST R
die Veterans of Foreign Wars, andi XEEK DAY SH OWYS SA TAT
dundents who worked on the life
membership campaign of the Union, 2-3:30-7-8:30c
widi act as workers. in this campaign. -e
American Aviator
Will Participate Amk I N
In Arctic Flight;gttI ax 0US,
R. Washington, Nov. 10-An American
Naval aviator will participate in an
atempt next summer to traverse theF
actic region by airplane. The Navy de' Y O H N R
"artmrent announced Thursday, Liet.XY O H NAC R
Ralph - E. Davidson will pilot one of
the three planes making up the con- OSCARINA HUNGARIAN
~f wich' will -be .commanded by
~apt. Roald Amundsen, the Norweg-H R VO
ian explorer. N > '<Y X4^ ~
SPlans do not contemplate a non-HA PVO
top 'flight. The expedition will be MUSICAL ROSES a..,1, 's,"..v;':':'. °.METAL '
ransported on ships to Spitzbergen
1,May and an adequate base will be
~stablished there. When ice condi- GUITAR SWISS [
tIons permit the flyers will be car-F'
lied by ship to a point about 450 miles
rom the North Pole from which the 'CELLO'.~<'.' SAXAPI
inal take off will be made. MAND4.
BANGOl'x A t
Football Dates
Back 200 Years{«<
- Most modern enthusiasts of football
'ould" hardly believe that the game
pates as far back as two hundred
searns ago. A description of the game is40; a l F0 o tespydthnsgvninheOo
her number of thre "Living Age".Tire
picture from which the game is de- -ON THE SCREEN-
scribed was taken from a poem pub-
~ished in 1721.
"There were six players on each t r s
fide. Men on one side wore red rib-l r ®1 o L
bons and men on the opposing side,
'lue. The play was started not by a i 9
~.master of cerenmonies. The ball :".

len University should lay
emphasis upon tire study of
.history and the American
n forum was held after the
s in order to give the alumn
an opportunity to speak upon
,k of the conference and
suggestions for future con-
Sentiment among the 7
resent was discovered to be
y unanimous in favor of con-
iof the meetings which, as
t Burton stated, were origin-
fned with some misgivings as
feasibility and value. Pres-
eritus Harry B. Hutchins and
William L. iClements, '82,
,icily voicing their approval of
mi coinferenrce idea.
ipino Groups
Vold Initial Meet
g its first meeting of the year,
11pino - American discussion
et at 7:30 o'clock Friday night
hrall. Prof. J. R. Hayden of the
science departmrent delivered
ing addresg.
kagei, Japanese student na-
secretary, was present as a
honor. A luncheon was also
him at noon. The Thanks-
lay party it was decided will
the conmbined attention of th
t Relations committee and the

vas made of leather stuffed with 4? ^?IN .35,
Ctraw." I :. . ;~. .f .
The game is described as one that " ' . d'' "'°
ding. Often the nmembers of both
teams would stand .about watching a
minor combat between two members
of tie opposing teams. There wasY
some modern scrimmage in the game
too. It was considered quite fair to L
tackle any player who showed any in-
tentions of getting the. ball
Social Planned
By Foreign Clubts
Cosmopolitan club will hold its firstI
open hgiuse social at 7:30 o'clock Fri-B ILDV,
day night, Nov. 16, in Lane hail. . All? ;"%" '^:> "
foreign students on the campus and of the ZIEGELD FOLLIES
Amrericans interested in the work have
been requested to be present.>i';y{g;': ,'I U'
Special features have been planned:"";~w
byJoaRoihwh isichreo The "BIlackface" in "Reported Mbising"
tie evening's program. A definite op- .::::-- ::: ::::::.N>:;c;;:'")-".F :
portunity will also be given for nmem-
bership "affiliation, according to offi: ;.,;." ,
uis of tie organization.T
JO UE Special I, _-A 3SOL"VVT
Chicken Li IFENT
Combinations is

l~ wolry')
w pil/0

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