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November 04, 1923 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-04

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"A landscape to be seen has to be (George Santayana), from "The Sense
composed, and to be loved has to be of Beauty."
moralized. That is the reason why "It is almost as harmful to be a
rude and vulgar people are indiffer- virtuous fool as a knave." - (Teddy
ent to' their natural surroundings."- Roosevelt.)

YOU will be more
than satisfiedr
with the food
and service
Tuttles Lunch Room
338 Maynard St. South of Majestic
Xas Gifts
That please from our vast, carefully chosen stock of
Schlanderer Seyfried f

Edited By Scogan
"Perhaps the greatest miracle is that which enables a man to tolerate
life, which enables him to embrace its illusions and translate its monstrous
incoherence into delightful, edifying patterns. It is the miracle of sanity.
To stand unquestioning before mysteries, to remain an undisturbed part of
chaos, ah! what an adjustment! Content and even elite amid the terrible
circle of Unknowns, behold in this the heroic stupidity of the sane . . . a
stupidity which has already outlived the gods.
"Man, alas, is the only animal who hasn't known enough to die. His
undeveloped senses have permitted him to survive in the manner of. the
oyster. The mysteries, dangers and delights of the sea do not exist for the
oystr. Its senses are not stirred by typhoons, impressed by earthquakes,
or annoyed by its own insignificance. Similarly, man!
"The complacent egomania of man, his tyrannical indifferences, his
little list of questions and answers which suffices for his wisdom, these
are the chief phenomena or symptoms of his sanity. He alone has survived
the ages by a series of ludicrous adjustments, until today he walks on two
legs - the crowning absurdity of an otherwise logical Nature. He has
triumphed by specializing in his weaknesses and insuring their survival;
by disputing the simple laws of biology with interminable banalities labeled
from age to age as religions, philosophies and laws.
"Unable, despite his shirtiness, to lie the fact of his mortality and de-
composition out of existence, he has satisfied his mania for survival by the
invention of souls. And so behold him -e spectacle of spectacles - a chatty
little tradesman in an immemorial hat drifting goodnaturedly through a
"It is for the ability to exist unnaturally that he has invented the ad-
jective sane. But here and there in the streets of cities walk the damned
- creatures denied .the miracle of sanity and who move bewilderingly
through their scene, staring at the flying days as the fragments of another
world. They are conscious of themselves only as vacuums within which
life is continually expiring.
"Alas, the damned! From the depths of their non-existencthey con-
template their fellowman and perceive him a dwarf prostrate forever be-
fore solacing arrangements of words; an homunculus riding vaingloriously
on the tiny river of ink that flows between monstrous yesterdays and mon-
strous tomorrows; a baboon strutting through a mirage."
From, "Fantazius Mallare, A Mysterious Oath," by Ben Hecht.
"It was a late April night. De Medici walked to an open window. The
panorama of city night spread below him.
"'Steel beast with too many eyes,' he muttered. 'It was better once
. Hm, in the days of my charming forbears. Cloaks, and rapiers .
sinister lipped smiles, wine-drenched feasts . . . brocades and marbles
. . . incense and velvets . . . witches, poisons, intrigues and a laugh of
youth over the world. Ah, the Renaissance . . . it lives in me still. A
Bacchanal and a hymn of lust, pride, power . . . their shadows whimper
inside me . .
From, "The Florentine Dagger," by Ben Hecht.
..here we hold not that laughing, but that drinking is the distin-
guishing Character of Man. I don't say Drinking, taking that word singly
and absolutely in the strictest Sense; No, Beasts thenmight put in for a
share; I mean drinking cool delicious Wine. For You must know, my
Beloved, that by Wine is Man made Divine; neither can there be a surer
Argument, or a less deceitful Divination. Your Academics assert the same
when they make the Etymologie of Wine, which the Greekes call fiN,V
to be Vi, Strength, Vertue, and Power; for 'tis in its power to fill the Soul
with all Truth, Learning and Philosophy."
From "The Adventures of Gargantua" by Francis Rabelais.
"'What do I know?' There may be more in life than the moralists
think and more in death than the atheists imagine."
From "Suspended Judgments" by John Cowper Powys.
". . . . On whichever side we turn when women are concerned we
have to suffer, for she is the most powerful instrument of sorrow which
God has given to man."
EARLY MICHIGAN accept it. Guess who it is to. Do
(Continued from Page Two) you give it up? Well I will tell you.
upon Ann S- after I returned. Ann ..............(not legible drawing a
was rather unwell and let Harriet and very tall man) Prepare yourself to
myself who spent a very- pleasant look up the rest of your life. If you
evening together. They both say that come up I shall spend Friday eve-
you and Harriet must come up. That ning with you at Ann's.
you must certainly come. If you don't As I expect to see yott so soon "Non
Ann won't like you half as well, only necesse est multiplicare verba". Give
she will.- If you come, I think you my love to all who think enough of me
will have a pleasant visit. Ann has to ask how I get along.
singled out a match for you already Your aff. Bro.
and all you have to do is to come and Signed-C. A. Clark.

Electric Heaters are only
You'll study with greater ease and
comfort if your room is kept comfort-
ably warm with one. of these Hotpoint
electric heaters. Sturdily constructed.
Will attach to any socket, 12 inches in
diameter--16-inch size, $10.50.
The Detroit Edison


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