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By llph I. Byers
Iowa ;fity, Iowa, Nov. 3-Michigan
defeated Iowa here today after battl-
th e Hawkeyes for four quarters at
l: 'wn gante. From . the kickoff
h in the Anal whistle the game was
at erly:,coutested, both teams resort-
I yjtpstraight football on the slip-
+Y" d YQ
,he.Micbigan team appeared on the
field at 1:30 o'clock,-and were greeted
t ih 'ro sing cheer from the small
Mifthi ah delegatiboh in the stands.
I i hlga stated tk work limbering'
ipjpasuing and kicking. Led by two
dt the Vrsity cheerleaders, the Wol-
'~itpf t' uD a continual-noise
& t ihIila Oheers resounded back
ans f'rth. The Maine and Blue root-
e' al, lugh; manll in numbers over-
cGa e k11 l handica> by their never-end-
ip. pep. Coach *Yst's.- men, after
t eir short workout, returned to the
c ; 4use for .fPial instructions.
ro Hawkeye band drew a huge ova-
ttour whet it -appeared on the field.
'bie 'eutjher, .although a. little warm,
*,a practically ideal for football.'
>efore th game baloons were shot
ip from the field carrying Michigan
an Iowa ban ers, which floated over
the stadium.
Blott kicked off to Fry who returned
ten yards to his own 19 yard line.
I'tly called back. Michigan kicked
again, thi time from 35 yard line be-
cause of penalty. Michigan was off
side. Blott kcked to Miller who re-
turued ZO yards to his 28 yard line.
Fry went through left Guard for 1
yard.: :Fry ,ained one yard through
thesline. Fisher punted to Kipke who
signalled , fair catch on 'his 32 yard
line. Miller went through center for
Q. yards.
} Miller through center for 3 more.
Miller - tirough "center fo.r first down
otn Michigan 43 yard line. Kipke
mnadd four yards around right end.
Mi ller through center for 3 more. Mil-
ler: went through for a yard. Kipke
pun ted over the goal line. Iowa's
ball on their own 20. yard line.
The Michigan line stopped Iowa.
Fisher punted out of bounds on Michi-
gan's 32 yard line. Steger went in-
side Fleckenstein for 5' yards. Kipke
went through center for 7 yards and
4ist down. Miller, went thrwugh cen-
ter for four ntore. Steger added 5
yirts -through right tackle.
,M1llr went through center for first
dowi on Iowa's 43 yard line. Stege
went oft right tackle-for five yards on
a .lutke punt. Miller added a yard
th rpxigh the line. A pass, Utertz tc
KIpke,. was grounded. -An attempted
drop lkcR by Ujterltz fell short and bal
tuhed by player rolled to the goa
t ewhere Blott fell on it for a touch.
lptt failed for the extra point
Sfre: Mic igan, 6; Iowa, 0.
1lott kicked over Iowa's goal line
Iowa's ball on her own 20 yard line.
Miller went- through line for 2 yards,
Fry made eight yards around right
tackle. Time out for Fry. Fry stayed
in the game. On a wide end run Fr:
gained a yard. Iowa penalized 5 yards
on the play for offside.
Fry gained 5 yards outside left tac-
kle. VanDervoort stopped Fry for nc
gain off tackle. , Fisher kicked over
the goal line. Michigan's ball on her
own 80 yard line. Ona punt forma-
( Michigan Iowa
IMarion ......,.LE.........Ottie
Muirhead .....LT..... Hancock
( Slaughter . . . LG.. Fleckenstein
IBlott....... C.... ..'Griffen
(Steele......RG....... Folsen}
VanDervoort .. RT ........ Kriz
I Curran....... RE .....Romeyr
( Kipke.. ...LH ...... Fisher
Steger . RH.... Dauber I
Miller.......FB.. . . Miller
Officials: Referee, J. C. Masker,
( Northwestern; umpire, Schom- E
mer, Chicago; Field Judge, Mc-
I Cord, Illinois; Headlinesman, I
I Young, Illinois Weslyan.1
I (
yard line. Miller through center for
4 yards.
Steger added 3 more through center.
Miller went through for first down on
Iowa's 48 yard line. Kipke made 21
yards on left end run. Miller added
2 more through center. A pass from
Uteritz was blocked by Fleckenstein.
Kipke punted out of bounds on Iowa's
3 yard line.
Fisher kicked to Uteritz who sig-
nalled a fair catch on Iowa's 39 yard
line. Michigan elected to attempt a
free. drop kick and Kipke, by a beau-
tiful boot, added 3 more points. Score:
MichIgan, 9; Iowa 0.
Blott kicked off to Miller who re-
turned to his own 24 yard line. Fry
gained a yard through the line as the
quarter ended. Score: Michigan 9;
Iowa, 0.-
25 yard line. A pass, Fry to Fisher,
added eight yards. The play was call-
ed back and, Iowa penalized 15 yards
for holding. ' A pass, Fry to Fisher,
was grounded. A pass, Fry to Fisher,
was again grounded, as the half ended.
Score: Michigan, 9; Iowa, 3.
Blott kicked off to Miller who was
downed by Muirhead on Iowa's 24
yard line'. Time out for VanDervoort.
He stays in the game. VanDervoort
stopped Fry for a yard loss. Fisher
netted four yards before being forced
out of bounds. Fisher punted to Uter-
itz, who returned 5 yards to the
Michigan 39 yard line. Miller gained
2 yards through center.
On the next play Iowa was penaliz-
0ed 5 yards for offside, giving Michi-
gan first down. Kipke gained a yard
around left end. Steger gained one
more through center. Kipke kicked
out of bounds on Iowa's 18 yard line.
Miller failed to gain through Michi-
gan center. Fry gained 2 yards
through the line. Time out for Van-
Dervoort. Substitution, Babcock for
VanDervoort. Fisher kicked out of
bounds on Michigan 22 yard line.
Miller went through for a yard. Kip-
ke kicked to Fry who was downed on
his own 35 yard line.
Time out for Muirhead. He stayed
in the game. Fry fumbled in the
backfields S'laughter recovering for
Michigan on Iowa's 22 yard line. Mil-
ler through for 2 yards. Miller made
it 4 more. Miller went through for
two more. Miller went over for first
down on Iowa's 11 yard line. Kipke
went through for three yards.
Miller added two more. Dauber in-
tercepted Uteritz' pass behind the goal
line. " Iowa netted two yards. Fry
SECOND QUARTER failed to gain through the line. Fry
On a wide left end run Marion forc- gained four yards on a wide end run.
ed Miller out of bounds after he had Time out for both teams. Fry failed
gained 6 yards. Fisher Kicked out of to gain. Time out for Miller who stay-
bounds ori Michigan's 45 yard line. ed in the game. Fisher gained 3
Miller went through center for three yards around left end.
yards. A pass from Uteritz was inter- Fisher kicked to Michigan's 42 yard
cepted by Griffen who returned 10 line where the ball fell dead. Kipke
yards to Michigan's 42 yard lins. stopped Mill-r for no gain. Kipke
Miller went out of bounds after kicked out of bounds on Iowa's 7
making 2 yards. Fry added 2 more off yard line
right tackle. A pass, Fry to Romey, Dauber failed to gain through the
added 10 yards, making first down on line. Fisher kicked out of bounds on
Michigan 27 yard line. Fry added a his own 38 yard line. Miller gained
yard off left tackle. A pass, Fry to a yard off right tackle. A pass, by
Dauber, gained 9 yards. Millem went Uteritz, was grounded. Curran took
over for first down on Michigan 15 time out 'on the play.
yard line. Fry hit center for 1 yard. Curran stays in the game. Substi-
A pass, Fry to Fisher, was incom-
plete. Fry was stopped for no gain tution, Grube for Miller. A pass. Ut-
around right end. On an attempted eritz to Kipke, was incompelte. Stand-
dropkick the ball was blocked and roll- ing on their 43 yard line, Kipke failed
ed to Michigan 12 yard line. Fry was in an attempted drop kick. Iowa's
stopped for no gain through center. A ball on her own 20 yard line.
pass, Fry to Dauber, was incomplete. Fry gained a yard off left tackle.
Fisher, standing on 20 yard line, drop- Time out for Marion. He stayed i
kicked the ball for a goal. Score: the game. A pass, Fry to Fisher,
Michigan, 9; Iowa, 3. netted 6 yards. Miller gained through
Blott kicked off to Fry who touched the line for 3 yards. Fisher punted to
it down for a touchback. 'Iowa's ball Uteritz who returned to his own 37
on their 20 yard line. Blott stopped yard line.
Fry for no gain through the line.' Grube failed to gain through the
3 Fisher kicked out of bounds on Iowa's line. Steger failed to gain in the same
46 yard line. A pass, Uteritz to Steg- play. Kipke punted to Fry, who funm-
er, netted 8 yards. Miller went throughI bled, Curran recovering for the Wol-
center for 3 yards for first down on vernes on Iowa's 26 yard line, as the
Iowa's 35 yard line. j ure ,;ended.
A pass, Uteritz to Miller, was good Score: Michigan, 9; Iowa, 3.
for 8 yards. Miller added 3 more for FOURTH QUARTER
first down. Kipke failed to gain Substitution, Scantlebury for Fry.
around left end. Miller went through Grube gained ? yards through line.
center for 2 yards. A pass, Uteritz to Kriz stopped Grube for no gain at
Kipke, was grounded. Standing on right tackle. On a fake play Kipke was
the 35 yard line, Kipke failed in an tackled'for 2 yard loss. Standing on
attempted drop kick. Iowa's ball on the 35 yard line Kipke missed an at-
their own 20 yard line. tempted drop kick, the ball rolling
Uteritz stopped Fry after he had over the goal line. Iowa's ball on
gone through the line for 15 yards.; their 20 yard line.
Fry went through for 10 more. Time Fisher made 11 yards and first
out for Iowa. A pass, Fry to Fisher, down around right end. Fisher failed
was grounded by Steger. Fry gained to"gain on a line plunge. Iowa penal-
two yards inside left tackle. ' !ized 5 yards on the play for offside.
A pass by Fry was grounded by Grube stopped Scantlebury for 3 yard
Curran. Fisher kicked but the ball loss on an attempted end run. Scan-
was blocked and recovered by Dauber tlebury made 5 yards off left tackle.
on Iowa's 45 yard line. Miller went Scantlebury was stopped by Slaugh-
- through center. Fry went through ter for no gain at the line. Fisher
center for 3 yards then Iowa was pen- punted to Kipke who returned 5 yards
r alized 5 yards for offside. A pass, Fry to his own 39 yard line. Grube made
r to Dauber, was incomplete. A pass, 2 yards through the line. Grube went
Fry to Dauber, was incomplete. through the line for 6 yards. Grube
1- I