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November 01, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-11-01

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Published every .morning except Mondays
during the University ycar by the Poard in
Control of Student Pu lications..
Members of Western Conference Editorialt
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
Stled to the use for republication of all news"
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice, at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
i4 Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Vnand: 'Street
llhons Editoiial, 2414 anid r7611; Biisi
ness, 96a.
Signed conimunications, not exceeding 300
woi ds, will he published in ITe Daily at
the dis retion of the Editor. -Upon requtust,
thed ientity;of cornminicants will be re-
garded ast. confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M
News Editor...........Julian E. Mack
City Editor..................Harry H',ey
Editorial Board Chairman.... R. C. Moriarty
Night Edt-rs
E. 1. Ailes A. B. Connable
R. A. Bilington 7 E. Fiske
Harty C. Clark G. Garlighouse
P. M. tilagner
Spoits Editor...........-.Ralph N. Byers
Women's Editr...........Winona Hibbard
Teleg*raph Editor...... ....I.. B. Tarr
Sunday Magazine Editor......F. L. Tilden
Music Editor.............. Ruth A ,Howell
Assistant City Editor...Kenneth 'C. Kelar
Editorial Board
Paul Einstein Robert. Ramsay
B. G. Baetcke 1J. McGinnis
Marion Barlow .S. Mansfield,
J.N. Berkman C>. . Mark
elen Brown Verena Moran
Bernadette Cote Reina 'Reichmann
G, W. Davis S. L. Smith
Hzrold Ehrlich ,W. I. 'Stoneman
F. C. Fingerle ' I. R. Stone
T. P. Henry K. E. Styer
:Dorothy X~amin N. R. Thal
roseph Kruger S. B. Tremble
Y'lizabrtl Lieherman W. J. Walthour
R. R. McGregor, Jr.
Telephone 960
advertising'............E. L. Dunne
Advertising..............Pery . Hayden
Advertising...........--.....C. Purdy
Advertising.................:..W. Roesser
Advertising. ......W: K Scherer
Accop.ots ,. . . ..C. W. Christie
Circuation.. .............. Jno. Haskins
Publication ..............Lawrence Pierce

As government leader in the Commons
he perpetuated brilliantly the great
traditions of his predecessors, Disra1li,
Gladstone, Campbell-Bannerman and
Arthur Balfour; as Chancellor of the
'Exchequer, he was a most potenti
factor in England's successful con-
duct of the War; while as Prime Min-j
ister, his brief tenure of office is
marked by some of the wisest end
most beneficent administration on rec-
ord. His life touched many things
and none which it did not adorn.
Eminently practical in his turn of
mind, Carnegie-like in his shrewd
Scotch discernment, it is to Mr. Law's
credit that he retained to the last the
simple and lovable qualities of a good
fellow and at the same time maintain-}
ed an extraordinary, degree of intel-
lectual interests. Of his tenacity, fit-
eral-mindedness and refusal to con-
cede anything without proof, many
stories are told, perhaps the best
being one of Mr. Lloyd-George's when
that adept politician was seeking to
asperse Mr. Law before an audience.
He related that while taking a rail-
road journey in Law's company he re-
marked that the shepherds had shorn
therr sheep. Mr. Law, gazing from
the car window, averred that at least
half of the animals had been clipped,
although he was not prepared to agree
with his companion without further
Concerning the ultimate view which
history may take of' Mr. Law, it is idle
to speculate. Not improbably, he will
be regarded rather as 'a man of great.
powers than as an enduring influence
in British politics. But it is a tribute
to his memory to which we need add
little that in his long life of political
struggle, he made Fterally millions of
friends among all classes, that his
personal character survived the test
of merciless attack and that even his
political enemies were usually among
his warmest friends. His death at a
time when brains were never more
needed in the world is a calamity of
inestimable magnitude, although there
can be nothing but joy at his release
from months of excruciating suffering.
In our own country in particular, his
career merits attention and emulation;
for he represented perfectly what al-
ways has been rare in our national
politics-an intellectual man who took1
politics seriously and labored unceas-
ingly for their betterment.

U 8
A Breakfast Serial
These are the boys of Athenian brood
And the maids that provided the break-'
Of the Minotf'. so huge.in span,
The man-bodied bull and the bull-
headed man, .
That dwelt in the.Cretan labyrinth. 1
(To be coat nuiedY
In comes a bright boy, and says to,
us: "Do you suppose that if Ford's
elected President, he'll make another
My Dear Mr. Cowles:
With your permission I should like
to present a new and quite unique
problem to the readers of your col,
umn. It is a problem before which
the keenest minds on the campus
have gone down to an inglorious de-
feat. Many men of super-intelligence
have wasted a lifet me in an endeavor
to find an answer to this great philo-
sophical problem and it is only withI
the hope that among your clan may I
find the genius capable of solving it
that I present it here. I refuse to
consider any such answers as Ie t
nothing. Following is the problem:
Why should a squirrel climb a tele-
Rolls Enterprisesj
1. Boost the Ann Arbor street
car company.
2. Boost the Factory Hat Store.
3. Boost the Life Membership
4. Boost the Pool.
Ann Arbor, almost anyone is willing
to grant, has few qualifications to!
the title of metropolis. And yet in!
one respect we have advanced inside,
of the last year to a point where we




isP lay

(The New York Times)
It is a sound contention that the
Volstead act, being the law, should be
enforced like any other law. But it
is inconsistent to hold that those re-
sponsible for its enforcement should
be selected in any other way than
those who have to 'do with the en-
forcenient of other laws. Comnis-
stoner Hayne's diluted measures pro-
posing that all Oxisting officials in the
prohiblition enforcement s e r v i c e,
though they were not selected under
civil service lreguliPrin, should) 'be
transferred to the elassified service
and continue to hold their positions
without further exam'nations, is as
illogical and unsound as a proposal
would be that all the plants operating
under Federal permits at the moment
I should be permanently validated with-
out being subject to any inquiry what
they were manufacturing within.
Can it be that the government is
able to determine by examinations the
competency of persons to perform
every function, from the handling of
ma 1 and the minting of money to
filling the most modest clerkship, .andi
yet not have the discernment to choose'
persons, of honesty and technical fit-
ness for the administration of the pro-
hibition law? Why should the Anti-
Saloon League, which resists public
scrutiny of its affairs, be permitted to!
share in the appointment of publ:c
officers? If this principle is admitted
in practice, the ultimate responsibil-
ity will pass to private hands.
The President of the Civil Service
I Reform. League, Will'am Dudley
Foulke, has taken the only position
that can be consistently taken.. It is
the only one that will makeit possible!
to eliminate the "spoils system,"
which, as he states, "prevails, in the
enforcement Bureau" and which is "to
a large extent" the source of the
prohibition scandals. Character is an
essential item in .the qualifications,
and this a disinterested civil service
board should be as able to determine
as an interested private organization.
But what is'of most importance is

At Gralzar .'s

Two Store

* .#.2i ." , u" i'-.' n . v°..W't)NYi' r _' . ta° ..:.u .. ' y .

A. y El1 iV L1:
Leakve Cha.;ber (6 Crnmerce ".
week Days 'x Sin'ay8
6:45 a . 6:45 a. i
12:45 p. m. 6:45 P. m
4:45 p.im.
J r.i. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Pl-z'q6-M A-i,~n wMich
Limiteds: 6 a. m., 9:10 a. in. and
every two hurs to 9:10 p. m.
Express: 7 a. m., 8 a in. and every
two hours to 8 p. n.
Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:55 p. m.,
11 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. m., 12:25 a. m. aid 1:15 a. m.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two,
hours to 8:47p. in.
Express (making local stops): 9:50
a. n. and every two hours to 9.50
p. iM.
mocals: 7:50 a. m., 12:10 a. m.
Read the Want Ads
Will Improve the Action
of Any
i Pen
!l ALL

Read The Daily "Classified" Cokimns


r , tt
z k - Iz " Z I
M } la_ t


HATS of Style and Quality

for College lien

F iRST-We see that you get a becoming hat-
one that fits the features.
SECOND--We see that you get a perfect fitting
hat. One that fits the head most perfectly.
TH IRD---We give quality aid style at prices that
can't be beat in Detroit or anywhere else.

i',ennie. Caplan Harold A. Marks
Cohn Conlin Byron Parker
Allin B. Crouch S. A. Robinson
LbuisAl. Dexter H. M. Rockwell
,Joseph J. Finn 11. E. Rose
'David A. Fox Will Weise
L'tauren Haizht C, Y. White
R.E. Hawkinson R. C. Winter
'Ddw. D. Hoedemaker
With the opening of the final day ofj
the Union life membership campaign,
the problem arises in the minds of
many students as to the why and
wherefore of taking out the extended
privileges of life membership in the
Union. The men who have combed
fraternity and rooming houses during(
the past two days, always trying toI
impress the financial advantages of
"doing it now," have succeeded in
signing a considerable number of
men. Among those who have refused
to sign, many have uttered the com-
mon reason that they see no reason
why they rshould be considered in-
debted to the Union. They have for-
gotten what it would be without that
ever welcoming clubhouse at Michi-
It is a wonderful feeling of pride
which penetrates ,the student's spirit
when he first enters the Union build-
ing, feeling that he is a member of
that wonderful organization, that the,
structure itself is as much his as it is
anyone. The privileges of member-
ship, falling to every man on the
campus automatically, seem sufficient
to give the student a certain feeling
of "belonging." Realization of the ob-
ligations which also fall upon him
when he ava'ls himself of the numer-
ous joys and conveniences in using
the building seldom is experienced by
men who have none other than an ex-
ternal connection with the institution.
Contrary to the opinion of many,
the Union is not simply a gift, bought
and paid for by the alumni body. It
is a building made possible, but not
wholly paid for, by the funds and ef-
forts of iVMichigan's graduates. Cer-
tain obligations still remain. It
should be the self-inspired desire of
every Michigan man to take out his
life membership as soon as he is
financially able. The foe is a. nominal
one and enta'Is a sacrifice hardly
comparable to the many personal
benefits derived from it.

C. A.
It is

e University of Michigan Y. W.
is conducting a financial cam-
.duri'ng the present week.
the fourth campaign which
been 'launched since the op-
of school. The skeptics will
ediscreetly before they part

may favorably be compared with New that the appointments would, under
York city, or even with Detroit. And the civil sefice, be beyond political
this point is the taxi service that or pa itsan &etermiration, and the ap-
is making itself; so conspicuous within pointees would have.protection in the
the city limits. exercise of their f lauthority. The
A year ago, to the best of: our enf4F ent , seri j from the least
recollection, there were nothing 'but , d lr s r th provi
ordinary black Ford taxis in common sidiMlWthe CivilRt law. This is
use; and now-Black and White, Rted i the only cousins t tVolicy. If Mr.
and Yellow, Purple and Oiange and Volstead ha no posed it from the
Green and Blue, all with powerful, 'start, the act to which his name is
roaring engnes. My, how' times' do attached woiild doU es not have been
change! I so corruptly admnistered. The ad-
ministration of the Anti-Narcotic law
Mr. Ivan Swift, who spoke to the iunder civil service appointees offers
Prss Clui the other night said among a wholesome contrast.

Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory

-- --

with the requested pledge. It is im-
possible that the American pmblic will,
remember from campaign to campaign
that th's country, because of the large
measure of personal freedom given to
its younger generations, is constantly,
in need of social beacons.
Membership in the University "Y.
W." is free but the members are re-
quested to give some small financial
support to the organization. The Y.
W. C. A. officers spontaneously dedi-
cated their lives to social service,
Such a spirit should be matched with
spontaneous responses from the mem-
bers Voluntary contributiops indi-{
cate a sense of appreciation within
the giver. It is the better test of
human gratitude. The other method
is compulsory taxation.

other things: "Michigan is,: the most'
romantic state in the. country." And
also, "I want to see the color of Mph-
igan in everything that a -Michigan
man writes"
It would have warmed the cockles
of your heart, as indeed it did ours,
to see the Dean of Students singing
at the Episcopal banquet the other,
night, Oe sang tb(, "Yellow sand
Blue," and he sang the "Victors,"
and he sang "College Days," and he
sang "I Wanna Go Back to Michi-1

England's oldest newspaper has
passed out of existence. The Pall
Mall Gazette, its iproperty, lbeading
features, and titles has been absorbed
by the Evening Standard, another late
afternoon London publication.
The original Gazette was founded in
1803, and the Pall Mall Gazette which
absorbed it had its origin a year after
the American Civil war. Some of
England's greatest writers. have been
contributors to the journal, including
Thackeray, Ruskin and Matthew Arn-
old, while its editors have ,included

AY& &orIck (7'obe jfcL7 e
Orlci~rzalf1 ro chzlri (ihe.'
WFrd /i(rnou 0 Ilusice Co d
carrome Itcji Composed ; 5,pJ '2I

Whcre D). U. R. Stops at State. PHONE 1792

From thei

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And if you can imagine his High-
ness singing about how he wanted to*
nity-Five Years' go backto Joe's and the Orient, and
At l iichigan Iback to some 'of the money he spent,1
and bellowing about how he had to
figure a hell of a lot to tell what
files of the U. of M. Daily, HE had done, with the coin he blew
Nov. 1, 1898 at Mich-i-GAN, you would have hadi


Ever on the alert to supply the stu-
dent body with fresh, accurate news,
The Daily has conceived the idea of
publishing a six o'clock extra edition
Saturday, November 5 giving a de-
tailed telegraphic account of the
Michigan-Northwestern game at Ev-
anston. This is the first time in the
first time in the history of The Daily,,
and, to our knowledge, the first time
in the history of college journalism,'
that an edition of this kind has made
an appearance. The larger number
of students cannot attend the contestI
in person, yet as a means of com-
paring Michigan's strength w.th Chi-
cago's, the game is important, and
The Daily means to give the students
the first complete account, and this,
one hour after the final whistle has
Northwestern's eleven averages 175
pounds in weight. The line averages
179 pounds, and the backs 170.
Illinois is making great preparat'ons
for the game with Michigan which

such eminent men as Lord Morley and
one swell time. We weren't near
air.or whether he was possessor of a !William T. Stead. Before the outbreaki
or whether he was possessor of a of the World war, William Waldorf
dirty tenor, but we could see him, and Astor was the owner of the paper.
he was certainly putting his heart THE LIVINGPAST
into it. Benjamin Loring Young writes,
Additional Enterprise {"We th'nk of Abraham Lincoln not
We are backing a movement to abol- merely as the greatest Republican but
ish all official words for "die," ex- as one of the greatest men of all
recorded history. Let me read you;
cept one, and that is "die." The
his own words, vwritten in 1855. His;
Newspapers, with their prattle ofh
argument breaks down the false doc-
Passing to his Reward, Crossing the argument break dn the sals dio
trine of the Klan todlayjtasi
Great Divide, souls passing on,
shuffling into the Great Beyond, and broke down the "Know-Nothing"
being taken by the Grim Reaper fa- movement of his time. He said:
"I am not a Know-Nothing, that is
tigue us.
tgu. certain. How could I be? How can
We ourself are a plain man, and
. anyone .who-abhors the oppression of
intend, when our time comes, to die nyoes bhor opressing
negroes bie- in favor of degrading,
-with simplicity, dignity, and com-
pletenesclasses of white people! Our prog
ress in degeneracy appears to me
pretty rap d. As a nation we began
by declaring that "all men are cre-
Have you noticed the Irresistible ated equal." We practically read,
uniforms that are at large on the it, "All men are created equal ex-
campus? Those natty kki affairs cept negroes." When the Know-
with the big red insignia in the ab- Nothings get control, it will read, "All:
aeinal region? tNow you say "Why men are created equal except negroes
yes, we're noticed them.") and foreigners and Catholics." When
Well, do you know what the organ- it comes to this, I shall prefer emi-
itation is that issued this gaudy re- grating to some country where they
malia? Nope, it's not the R. O. T. C., ake no pretence' of loving liberty-
atlthluzk ItkeT'ra bretty slick too. .T... --- 1. -

Producer y' t'BRE.'and Ziegfe/d oflres
Every day is
someone's birthday
'We have an attractive assort-
ncut of Birthday ' Croiag
Cards. You will find jolli
little greetings, such as any
ch:ld would love---we'l written
SnItimrients for the mature and
tcndcr mnssags of cheer for
tiaged. ach Card is beauti-
f,>rd dsigind. Come in andlld r
s1~t Vt: crm' ,. A,u nee. r- '

'. will take -place at Detroit on Novem-
ANDREW BONAR LAW I her 12. It is expected that fully
In the death of Andrew Bonar Law I six hundred persons will accompany,
vbich occured Tuesday, the world and the team to root. The Illinois eleven

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