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October 26, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-26

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AnotherY7b ates Corndall Eleven Looms
COACHES STRESS AERIAL ATTACK As Gil o e -PitepsTearn For Big Games

Most of Regulars Expected to
in Contest with Farmer



Michigan's principle weapon of at-
tack on the gridiron, from now until
the close of the 1923 football season
will be the forward pass at least from
all appearances this is the schedule.
Evey practice session since the be-
ginning of the training season has
been devoted to the study of open tac-
tics and during the present week
when preparation is being made for
a series of five hard contests the
coaches are continuing to drill the
squad in the use of the aeral route
as a score 'maker.
Secret Workouts for Pases
Secret practice sessions which are
being held every afternoon this week
are being taken up not only in making
ready for the M.A.C. game and the
study of the Farmers' tactics but are
also providing the team with no small
degree of preparation for the follow-
ing tilts with Big Ten elevens.
Although the regular team wil
probably start the game aainst the
Agges there is some probaf ility of an
almost entirely new lineup taking the
field. Several positions on the squad
are not being filled to the entire sat-
isfaction of the coaches at the presen
time and new material is being look-
ed for. In case the coaches do take
advantage of the opprtunity to view~
some of the second string playrs in
action, as they probably will, Marion
rmay be shifted to the fullback posi-
tion, with Witherspoon going to th
wing, Kipke may give way -to Rock-
well and Steger to Hernstein~ in order
to save the regular backfield for the
later games and 'to put the new men
to the test of fire.
Line to be Changed
The line is also due to get shifted
aroutnd In the early minutes of the
game, or as soon as the Wolverine
regulars have taken the ball over the
Aggie line enough to give them a com-
fortable margin. Palmer will prob-
ably be given a chance at Curran's
job on the right end of the line while
White, Cuno, ilawkins, Babcock and
Swan will be usd in the center of
the line. Bott will probably be kept
in the Aiddlb of the line to steady the
defense although Brown stands a good
chance 'of seeing action before the
game ends.
Saturday's game will give the line-
men a chance to see some real ac-
tion, especially on the defense be-
cause of the Farmers method of at-
tack promises to be of the line-buck-
'ng type. Curran, Vandervort
Slaughter, Blott, Steele, Muirhead, and
Marion 'will ,probably start on the line
with the regular quartette consisting
of Steger, ipke, Uteritz, and Miller
'fn the backfield.
M9A.C. Given Little Can~ce
,Although M.A.C is given little chance
of trampling on the Maize and Blue
An the annual clash between the two
teams the Farmers are more confi-
dent this year than they have been
for a number of seasons, chiefly be-
R. 0. 10~ tO NGE
Following a conference between
Major Carpenter, commnadr of the
Ujniversity R. 0. T. C. post, and Elmer
13. Mitchell, Director of the Intramural
department, plans for an R. 0. T. C.
Sal~i-around physical efficiency contest
wef'e drawn up for the school year.
The contest will be held in an ef-
fort to bring out the best all-around
athletic ability and military efficiency
jTmong the six companies ~hich com-
prie the local unit. Also, a worthy
effrt will be made to increase the ef-
rive sports, rifle marksmanship,
'oiling, basketball, baseball and
tra~k will comprise the-ahletic pro-
gr'at, while attendance at the weekly
,W nesday d-ills along with the com-

petititve .military drill in the spring
'will determine the rilitary efficiency.
.The opening numnber on the athlet-
'ic prog-ram will be held late in No-
vember wh en the riflemen will shoot
on the R. 0. T. C. course for the final
honors in that event. The other
sports will come as soon as the sea-
son for them rolls around.
Medals will be given to the individ-
ual winners in each event with the
exception of the weekly drills, and a


cause of their showing against W1is-
cousin two weeks ago whon they held'
th~e- Badgers to three touchdowns.
Coach Young has an especially good
crowd of backs this year with Rich-
ards and Neller as the chief lumin-r
aries. Richards is as hard hitting a'1
b~ack as, any team could wish for anal
is a deft. hand at dispatching forward
Beckley, whose punting has been
improving lately will take LMorets
place in' the backfield with Schmyser
completing the gauirtette.
Agie tire Troublesome
The chief worry of the .Aggie
coaches during the past few days has
been the line.:IEckert, one of the
strongest players on the forward
wall is in the hospital with diphther-
ia and will be out of the lineuap, leav-
ing a big gap for the mentors toI
fill. "Stub" lKlpke and Robinson will
pi-obably play the ends. Both of the
two Aggie, wings are adept at catch-
ing passes and together with Rich-
ards mnake a combination which will
keep the Michigan backfield guessing
if they make their way down into ter-

r',, i 4
i0.. o

Intersectional football games will dlo sold or traded before spring. Muggsy
more to popularize this sport and in-i is alleged to have stated that this
cidntaly sav" i, i a rea may squartet was responsible for the down-
cidetaly "ave itin grat anyfall of the Giants.
sections than any other thing. It is k~*
extremely gratifying to note that there Th e fight gamie prospers not only in
are more intersectional, games to be the good old U. S. A., but, in son ic of
played this fall than ever before. The; our possessions not so far awvaT. Sinc
Army leads with five, playing Ten- cnr.spse ciltc e'nLn
nesse, lordaAlaamaPol an th boxing in the Canal Zone, tWo stad--
nesse, lordaAlabma olyandtheiumis have been. erected, one oil the
lArkansas Aggies (Notre Dame game es n n ntews osec
played) ; Yale plays North Carolina, with andseintcapacito,.erry
and Maryland; (Georgia Hanle play -Withasaigcpct f450 er
ed) ; Princeton plays but one Notre Richards, matchmaker, is now in New
Dame.York rounding up. talent and expects
to return shortly with a score of prom-
Coach J. W. Wilce of the Ohio State; inent maulers who will show* their
football team is working the psycho- wares to the Panama hat contingent.
* * *
logical stuff with telling effect this
il zt en imblee sm. Robert C. Zuppke, football coach at
Ealyhebingth sasonrmeliparinedmehisthe University of Illinois, comes to
Early withtthe'followingepai"Aesound
Soffice. red; before the Colgate game fbt wtbielolwn:l" on
"It' paad veyhr akdfotalsse eahssPn s intersectional", while before the back and captain that the punzt is .its
Miciga tit h hd sgnstacedup; greatest play -and encourages the
I rmicanyti lt e d "sign aked quarter to punt when in doubt." After
promscuusl laeled"Mihign". this it looks like a case of "that's all
Syracuse hails with delight the re- there is, there isn't any more."
turn of Roy Simmons, a flash of 1921 Jrslm c.2.TePnAa
wit th Orngegri frshmn. hisCongress ZAt Mecca_ has adjourned; it
lad went through a severe illness last{ de ared for full freedom for all Ai~ab
year, but came up smiling and is ac-,cutis

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three- (A iiv a ~ )1~1 o.
7 t ,l 1acl-~at I"'U 5 ndy a laei f{'a
siy te ,irig t end.



ritory safe for the open style of play(yCnrl!~eB~K
1 Captain Taylor and Haskins are sche- Ithaca, Oct. 25 --notber utilbeaten x it
~dule«l to play the tackle positions the Cornell eleven i ._.cthe 22cg'!.u
rlatter taking the place of Eckert. - / Ii.A
RHulra i ~~~t ;1 'bil, '%tman and H-ackett will play at 'a! fni i Plo ak n --:****~**-
gardwith Eckermnan at center. j>ctsi nitCtiG ia , ztyn' to whp to< r}sF
shape tis se>aism. f t
And close Mol nwer:t otirho t:ll If-l-I, -
I L { ll ing hat iliex aiUa mouiljd togoh('r an- t
other ,inning eleven
A l rn r Cogateo always has been fared by ,, ------------IN
S Cornellad Penn, faced on Tm iig(a trhl;c( la '1un .;ys-'omr .V -i~t
_________ provides a struggle. The* othrc elev- .~,~.
.Citobfae yth taiin l0 .'":Upsta~te Snuad Confident as Day nstohefaedr :Q }h Ith cnsths r ti .. a j
-season are I)arctntoti and Colmiblia--.
AnulBiattle Drawxs
at a XarNew York {and Jo nu 1 oph1is at. Par~~ ~:.~:.::
i Ihc.Dobie seems t ha1ve Cthe + x
number of Columbia and Dartmouth-
CAPTAIN TAYLOR ltESITiMES ;and these seem ike sure victoie, for__________
1 ~~REGITLARPLACE IN~ LINE'-the Ithacans. S. Bnavnur, Suis-;
Iquehanna and Williams bowed quicli whomn all of Cornell's ofensive play) last year. He Is playing his old posi-
By special correspondent ;to lankly il's athilei:-3 ill the early wa.s built. Kawx i missed, ut the tion at right tackle and le is a tower
Eas I~ansngMic.,Oct 24-Liht aDobaie xwas not a bri t nrgcd tis !bak- ediswrkn satisfactorily, of strength on the line.
-work will be on the schedule of Coach fall when hie hall to }m id a new i "ine :- or the big games ol his schedulel Playing the other tackle is Sullivan,
-Young's Aggie eleven for the rest of as all but ol(,elan lgra)duiae~dIleizloomy Gil has selected Captain .Pfann who has been a sust.itute for two
the week as the Farmers' mentor (leesI went about his work with his, asist- it uarterbac, Carles Cassidy at I years. At the wing positions are len--
not wish to take any chances on hay- Iats, Ray kHunt and Lonard J ansn, fullback and Floyd Ramnsey aid Bobj derson, who was in line for a berth
Iing any of his men on the hospital and right now Corell as a very good - 'atterson as, hafbacks. Pfann, Cas- last year until he pulled a tendon,
"list when the squad invades Ann Ar- line. And the line is bound to ini- sidy and Ramsey starred in the ack-; and Kneen, a substitute last year.
t bor Saturday for the annual game; prove as Doie is a great man at held lst year wt Kaw, while Pat- ' Affeld, who played tackle on ,last,
with Michigan. c Ptiet'r forwards. 'oron s r:,u n u real wellan; year's freshman team, has been made!
S Inasmuch as the entire squad was While tre to~ s oL ,.1 " of the seve n h I' ePu' 1m Turkey day come around 1 over into a center by Dobie, and this
'inoculated against diphtheria earlier men on the line was a secvere ~lowt it 1Iennm ay have a task trying- to stopj yea r is snapping the ball back. The
in 'the week, the mnen -have not been was, not haf the 11blo ue r r ".rd n+ ths youngster, gards are Kearney, a freshman tackle
-in the best of shape for practice. Sore the bahclc by the los o<,t ddlie I undrstroim is the only man on the last season, and Morris, a second
-arms caused Thby the' "shots" are na- 1Ka, all-Amrericanr halfbTack a~ndl alourt; iin° uao Iel own a varity berth j string mxnan in 1922.
- turaliy an impediment to stiff work. ______________________________________________________
-and there will be no more heavy prac-
tice until the Wolverine game. OJI iI q R,1 te
I Coachesf Young nde Taylor gave i'AISCCINSIN PB!'80~N n a n 7 at' '$ RSPECTS FOR BOXING
their proteges a drill on fundamentals A r b faernxivyspeehali schledule 1 Hti feno.Tcln n lc-f fr epi~n pti fe TEAM THIS YAO flIIGITt
t h i s a f e r o n . T c k i g n dW m a W O l w l w n d u t i I I h ulgnf II i I I
ing have been stressed considerably in (.,. - nte f(toloing teans will_____
practice this week. Work on the ! ih svrlvtrn rmls
tackling dummy is being utilized in Madison, Wi., O ..,'<1}h--apaSgm s.Kp
polishing up the Aggies' work in this !frst Conme ence gmni- oat,(c i L11Nwar, n etyer' bxig ea bck(nscoo
branch of the game. Coach Young re- ta ithnln ls uCitn'-a-u .- _ vs.Pi kappa Al-yersbxntam ac incho
alzsta tltsms evr-tWisconsitns orcn1t -aiia I.aack na; Psi 1Upslon vs eta Psi: 4:30 prospects for a first class boxing teamI
I aine tht hs ahlees ustbe ers Wiecisinis oieitr,.iit tac' oeloch L, 'll')Rh Chi vs. Delta Sig- this year are good. Coach Sullivan!
ed° in the art of hard, clean tackling1 for the hlnd :gam es rrer nmgon; the I m-a ."i ",hi apa ignia v.. Pi Dl - ays the men are in poor conditionj
if Kipke, Steger, and the other- Michli- schdule. Most of the ,Ais~cn~in oilay- ht *a: ' ,r Dlta Phli vs. Cygnus. at present, however, and none are in
gan backs are to be held in check.ers have recoveed ani I llS(' ha . Routalrsults for the past weck and shape to fight.
Charging has also been receiving its. kept some of theni o t o ure y !si'le earlier cares will e published! If enougi enthusiasm is shown, and
full share of attention: Under thel season games, and Cci ch ack Ryan in Snday's(aly. It is likely that+ the boys take enough interest to get
tutelage of Coach "Tarzan" Taylor, expects to he able to use the ,"ai hi mrF of the eaue (championships into shape, "Sully" promises to put,
the liinmen had a long workout today. strength of his squad in remainin-g w:- i have been (iC1ided by that time, on another boxing show this winter.
in which the line coach, emphasizedj Ten gamnes. (ext week will e (evoted to playing f Boxing classes start next Thursday
especially the iniportance of hittingI Ryan believes he has a backfield1 ofR tiwa,,;e Linea which had to b post- and all those interested are asked to
low. The Aggie line will be outweigh- ;exceptional odfenive ptoer. ith 4liar- poned tis tecaad before owing to; sign up with Coach Sullivan at Water-
ed in Saturday's contest, but Coach Iris a driving (ftackle phvue, Taft tin~e th ..e(c ti t :.i man gym.
'Taylor hopes to overcome this disad- l a cr asing fullback andl oli -,an
vantage by low, hard charging on the lopien field r unnr wJ.c'-e ichess e:r-
part of his men. (calls the work of Rollie VYillam, -- . -
It is practically a certainty that ; former Badger star. At quarterback j
Captain Taylor will play a tackle both EagNebrgrr and Schnider have
(Continued on Page Eight; been showing well.-I
________________________ Ryan's chief difficulty continues to
-be in the development of ends. H-e
1has only two dependable mun of ex--
SHOT PUTTERS WANTED ( perience, Irish and Nelson, and is be- Te R e i
Vast rc ocSee ing hard pushed to ind suitable re- ?' h e i
Farellyouldake ohmeell I serve material. Center continues to
m arelw udk o haeeeertad anylx be filled by Teciceyor, while Pearse
( e h aeee a n x 1and Nichlsregulars oolast year, are
perience at tossing the shot put in reserve. Bieber tein, Miller and i1 ig her and ign er the mileage gouarant
(in the Varsity track room next( McCormick have the guard positions
S Monday afternoon some time af- wel protected, with Gerber and Cap-
te 3 o'clock: The shot put po-( tami Below installed regularly at Ipo ~ e to e e ty as
sition looms as one of the weak-*. ( tackles. - - In Neckwear sj' a geniush sreut
est positions on the track teani1 Witathis aggregation Wisconsin sm lrh s AO~L
and all men reporting for this - lpresents a formidable team, the de-;O WE WILL.
l Kposition will be given a good ; velopnient of which is being pushed
chance to show their wares. for the later imiportant Conference
_______________games. It demonstrates its .exceptional worth bN
-illll1fl!Il~1~aI ElI 3i!~I16Il~011131E1EiliP411hal~t= . A TI U
- hespecial ba-ctlining BNSE
=-,r - -n~aCod D ysand smatlyadconfers upon it a tonge
f~or these reasons we proclaim (RESIT
CLOCK ibed W o scarfdom ~
- y{ p'~ dk 1g- m. r _

claimed as a quarterback extraordlin-
ary at the Syracuse headquarters. In
fact, many of the enthusiastic ones at
the famous New York seat of learning-
state unqualifiedly that Simmons is
the greatest quarter who ever played
in an Orange jersey.I
The result of the recent world's
series demonstrated at least one thing
conclusively and that is that McGraw
w'ill be obliged to shake up his pitch-
ing staff if he expects to win another;
National league pennant in 1924. Nehf
no doubt is a fixture, as well as Vir-
z Barnes, Billyan andl Jonnard.
Hlowever, do not be surprised if Scott,
Watson, Bentley and McQuillan are

S Tickets for the M. A. C. foot-
ball--same Saturday, are now onl
Isale for $1.50 at the At"hletic of-
fiee in the Press bildcing b a
Maynard street. There ar e no re-
sered seats. Coupon numnher
four of the athletic biool wfil be
used for .admittance of students.
Athletic officials urge, that, all
who can, puchase tickets at once-
and avoid a rush on saturday.

, . ,

M 1' 14 >I
'" , .


G' pl
R% !

S r
d 5L7


has just arrived at Michigan Central Freight Deport
from Harbor Springs, Emmett Co., the home of beautiful
apples of high quality-sprayed, thinned, and fertilized
to 'bring the fruit to the highest development-4n' size,
color, aid quality. There are SNOWS, McINTOSH,
SETS, anad others.-
We de!i.Ver. Ask us about those high quality United
Sates, Grade No. 1, 'GREEN MOUNTAIN Po-
tatoes Car here next week.
Call for apples at the car Friday and Saturday this
week. After this week call at store three doors north' of
Electric Power Plant on Broadway.
W. J. R4TTERSKAMP, Distributor


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