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October 25, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-25

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~ I''g td~t au Ztt~4 Studen't andl aluni interest is al-
- - ready 1)Cgifl 'ung to turn to Michgan'sj
OFFICIAL .NSEW SPAPERP OF . TIlE fnotbyall schedule for next year. Al-
UNIVESITY OI~' IICILG1Nthough it is yet too early to make any
Pubhhcdevery morning except Mndaydeite dcin, he stmnto
during the University year' by the Board in dfnt eiin tesnieto
Control of Student .Publications. alumnni, thr'oughout the country is
Membs.oWesern- on-eence--itria strongly in favor of an eastern contest
Association.' for next year. The movem-ent in this
dir:ection has been felt in the athletic
Vihe Asscociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for fepublication of all newvs circ'les of the University forO several
dispatches, credited to it or niot othierwise-.e,, r p and the 2teilbE'rs of the
credited in this paper and the local news pub'
fished therein. University studlent body past and
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, p'e( cnt liope to see 'their dles.'J1iresrec-
Michiga.n, as !Second class matter. ogrnized by som]C'eastern contest in
Subsciiphion by carrier, $3.$0; by mail,~t
$4_oo. next yea tci'l'sc{edle.
Wffc:' Ann Arbor Press Building, Naiy- ' Most of tli s =rtliient e'xpre'ssed
nahones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Baiss- favors a gamne with either Cornell or
ness, g960. ' 1': -i;:_l______a with te psiiiyo
__________ ________________________ ennylvniax~ ih pssiiliy o
Signed communications, not exceeding 300 arcranging a house and home :sched-'
Wcid,, i.,;Ahe. published in The Dly vat uefr1olwigyar.' oho
the~~~~eas di-eto o heEitr Uoorf~e
f l o igte i- et n ofthe E i o . U o e7 e t lt o idenxtity of com m unicants will be Ire, these sch1ools up1ace, strong tea OhS in !
garded as confidential.
__-- - --the field .and re able to furnish the



A -ti



Telephlones, '2414 and 170-X
N~ews Editor ........ ....Julian E. Mack
City Editor... ....... .......arry 11"ey
Editorial Board Chairman.... F. C. Moriarty
Night Ed~t irs
l;: I. Ailes A. 13. onnahie
R. A. fliiliiigton ?,1.,. Fiske
Ha-;y C. Clara J, G. Garlingbouse
-' ,1P. M. Wagner
Spolits Editor........... Ralpb N. Byers
Woimen' s Elit ..... ....W nHIibard
TelagrU;Ah Editor....... ..K. B. lamr
Sunday Mdagazine Editor.. ..F. L. 'Tilden
Mutsic Editor ....... ...... Ruth A I loweil
Assistant City Editor..-ennethi C. Kellar'
,Editorial Board


1:o1 ' rt Rai a;

Andrew Propper y.

B. G. hBaetcke . I."J. cGinnis
MAirion Barlow Lt. S. Mansfeied
J.' N. Berkman F. C. Mack
i}ilen Brown Verena Moran
Brad"'fte Cote Regina Richiann
tip 1V. Davis S. L. Sit
11nold Etlich \'. I. S*)nenian
It C. .Fingerle F. R. tone
'P. Henry . 'F. Styer
V rothy IKarin N. R. haI
osephx Krugr S. B. Tremble
Elizabeth ,iebetman W. J. Watliour
R. R. M1cGregor, Jr.
Telephone 960
Advertising ... ............ L Dunne
Adverising...........Pery M. Hayden
Advertising .............. Purdy
Advertising...........W. Roesser
Advertising ..........W. K. Scherer
Accounrts............. ....C. W. Christie
Circulation ..............Jno. I askin
Viblicatiou...........Lawrence Pierce
Bennie Caplan Harold A. Marks
Galin Conlin Byron Parker
Ainm B. Crouch S. A. Robinson
Louis M. Dexter H. M-, Rockwell
O~eph J. Finn 1. E. Rose
lvid A. Foxc Will Weise
Jren ilaight C.. V. White
7EHawkinson R. C. Winter
'Edw. D. Hoedenaker
THUI RSDAY, OC1OaiR 25, 1923
Night Editor-THOMAS E. FISKE
It's a bright morning and you march
-n for an. eight o'clock lecture with aj
fine feeling of interest and a noble re-
solve to get te most out of the hor.
'the "prof" loos good-natured and
ipterest'ngand you take an advantag-
ous seat where you can catch every
Word. As you sit down, you nod a
pleasant good \morning to Smith on
your right and Jones on your left and
Williams across the aisle. Then you
14~e out your pen, open your note
book and wait with ambitious ex-
ctancy. The lecture is about to be-
'in ut a few late arrivals cause
Ponfusion and you chafe at the delay.
*Inally the lecture begins.
'You are scribbling notes furously
when you feel Adams in back of you
'at his foot on the bench in which
;you are sitting and you get a mental
ilcture of dusty shoes rubbing against
a c e n c a . Y u w i g e i yorseat but A dam % refuses to take theI
hint and, somewhat aggravated, you
retdrn to work.
'Smith on your right begins to chw
gum with loud smacking relish and a
pungent disagreeable odor of spear-j
Mint floats across the room. Jones
qn your left has just completed a dis-
torted cartoon of a man riding a horse
li d n w l ej g o r e b w a d a k for appreciation of his effort. He-
solved to keep your good natured dis
position, you try to smile but the jerk
at your elbow has elicited a blotch of
ink from your fountain pen whic h
has spread over a good portion of the
day's notes. Smiling becomes a rat,-
osr difficult job.
A good seen minute:; Is still lft of
the hour and the leturer is just wind-
ing into an interesting finish, when
"Jillas across the aisle closes his
book, puts away his fountain pen,
reaches for his hat, and starts to shutf-
fle his feet. At lngth the lecture
The sun is still shining but not quite
as brightly as before. Your ambition
115 goney and the remainder of your
classes seem long and dull.

best of conipetit.ion for Micigpan.
These schools5 arc; atlo witlhi a rea-
{sonable di fl once frorn several of our
strongest a Iunnnii centers and, the re-
vival ofi the old ri v I ry between Mlich-'
i ,,n and either C'orne.ll or Pennsylva-
nida wouldi attract meon who g radluated,
here several dears afro. Suchr a game,
howeve", if s-cbeIfde would not nec-
es:sar°lyT interfere with our Conference
asp.r 4W )aains a n ore than the home
and bome zgame V wihVanderbilt which
w,. corn ae'loo during the last two rea-'
sea onas and~ it wo'uIl be of fat more
'be outcome of Michigan's present
sca. on cannot as yo1 b)edetermined,
but whether :she atr"td 'uplicates ther
championship of last year or not, the
l athletic association must respect ink
some measure the requests of the
alumni, students and1 friends of the
U~niversity of Michigan for an easternj
game on next year's, schedule.
With cry-education now an accepted
and firmly established thing in most
'of the large universities. of the coun-
try, the petty attempts to overthrow
it which aro made in a few institutions
}may be taken for the humor that is in
them. Recently the University (of
Colorado issued an Qdict prohibiting
"fussing" at all football games either
rby freshmen or upperclassmen and
stating that all mien and 'women shall
sit inl separate sections at all football
At Michigan, where both men and
women students have found 'their pro-
pcrr respective niches, such a suig-
gestion would' he laughed down, and(I
no law ipakingn oy would dare to put

UIN OLDRV To the Editor:
UNIONPOOL RIVE+ One season is only well under wayI
-Daily Headline,. wenth grad beginis to think of the
next, and especially =of the arrange-
ment of the schedule so as to include
Every poor bastard paid! I teams he would like his alma mater
Lacking a ,shower bath ' to meet. Here is what I would sug-
Paid the five hundred. gent as a very satisfactory arrange--
Ther's not to make reply, ment:1
Their's not to wonder why, October 4-Case.!
'Their's but to pay the guy; October 11-M. A. C. at Lanszing ( ?).
Lacking a shower bathI October 18-Detroit
Paid the five hundred. j October 25-Chicago at Chicago.
November 1-Iowa.
Pcosters to right of t'hem, ! November 8--Cornell at Ithaca or
Chimes to the left of them, Pennsylvania at. Philadelphia.
Bacon in front of them,? November 15-Wisconsin.
I'ollered and thundered; November 22-Ohio State at Co~-
P1elted with tags of pink-' lumbus.
Hardly knew what to think- Ohio State rather than Minnetsota
Signed, on the dotted line, has come to be our great rival. What I
Signd wth ll kndsof nk;does an old brown jug matter; its
Signed the five hundred. story is that of other dlays and of a
stale rivalry? Ohio State should be
When can their glory fade? given the last date on our schedule:
0 the swell pool they made! ' it would.' be', a' gala day for the tw,,o
All the world wondered. universities.
Hdonor the pool they made! f Cornell or Pennsylvania should be
L~et us all take a wade! a1paebcuei h atte
« J ~~~~given apaebcuei h atte
Noble five hundred! v have tried their mettle aganst Mich-
Vladimir. I tgan teams and Michigan has come off
- - second best in the, majority of the
Coinimzniq'ue fronmN'." F. Allen Co. games. We need some big eastern,
Dear Mr. Cowles:- rival with which to test our strength.
"College style has a definite mean- Home and home games could be ar-.
ing. To the laymen it spells debonair' ranged with those schools.
smartness-individual trimness that is With Germany Schultz coaching theJ
larticunrly the insignia of the young University of Detroit team, a game
men of today, will probably be arranged between the
Kuppenheimer Good Clothes for, two universities for the coming, year.
young men convey just that 'atmo- It is also about time for Michigan
sphere. Fall '23 can almost be called l and Chicago to come to an agreement
the young men's season. Suits show; on games. Both are old, rivals, and
those free hanging lines that all men: both are always well represented on
adiu're, but which young especially !thle gridiron. A hard fought game
can wear with grace. would be assured.
Fabrics, too, strike a new°=note.' Of course the writer knows that a
Stripes of different widths and. hues, schedule, cannot he arranged just "so-
fuzzy-faced textures, fancy weaves in so"; other universities have desires
singular designs, and soft wooly ma-( that would conflict naturally with
terials are seen in the newest styles, ours. The writer is suggest'ng only l
It seems hardly necessary to stress'; what he thinks a ,good----not an ideal ;
Kuppenheimer tailoring. It has be- -arrngement.!
come symbolic of superlative skill in Albert Renwick.
clothes making. - -
Step into our store and see these The German government in its new!
new models while the assortment is! note on reparations will not mention
fresh and complete. You won't need coal. Apparently- it floes not want to
much time to pick your style and size., get burnt.
Yours very truly,77 7

L ~e au the it''-s
I Iy
KTha t Mde t :1' _

r ,. ..l 1. .M..~




_ . .1 b 'I 1a:rife to house in best residence sec-,
t~~i~i~ of~: rf, x-orth nearly three times loan. Yield
~ ~r~t ~Y;'tt~.~x 27, Michigan Daily.

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ii- nt 9 P. It--Also Sunda'h'ys
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r~o Sores


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k _"' , ' .
a, _ _.._. _ _.. ...._. * a ~ ..k r'
P_ ..a.. ._. ... . ~ .._..__..._..m......._

Limitedls: G a. in., 9:10 a. mn. and'
every two hours to 9:19 p. m.
Express: 7 a. mn., 8 a mn. and every;
tw, o hours to 8 p. rf..
Locals : 7 a. in., 8:55 a. m. and>
ery two hours to 8:55 p. m., .
1.l. p. mn. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. in., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:1.5 a. in'.
,t i1miteds 8:47 a. m. and every twpw
hours to 8:47 p.-im.
iExpress (mak ig licc-l stops) : 9:50
a. in. and every two > oLr to :5Q
p. I;n.
Locals 7:50 a. mn., 12:10 a. mn..
} CttFlowers
Always Fresh
HONE 115
Cousins & laill'
...I... ... ..., . . -

itself hmb a riculous Jposition by.. -_ '
making such an edict. Colorado, i~ -hie house_ of Kuppenheimer
hiowev(er, is still fretting itself over good clothes.
the influence of women and, in an ef-
fort to overcome this influence, the One of the persons affiliated with
student officials have bea)n wiling to j the Oratorical association says to us,
p)10cc both the men and women stu-- yesterday afternoon, "Say Jasie, how G
denl~ts in a position wvhich is irksome about some publicity in the col?"
and unhealthy.j "Is the cause worthy?" we inquires.
Action such as this cannot raise the "Yeah," hie says. "Mrs. Carrie Chap- I
standard of a school for it is unnatur- man Catt i's going to speak here, and
al, undemocratic, unnecessarily re-1 we thought -f you could give her a
strictive and above all, too adolescent boost, why-"
for men of an American university to "Oh," says we. "How?"
concern tlhemiselves with, It merely I "Well, you might just put in some
adds strength to the cause which it wise crack about her name," he says.'
djopes to destroy.I "Just say the Pussy's going to speakI,
-- - here," interrupts another guy.
Tepos;ition of Governor Walton of "a"sy h rtr guy, "some-+
Oklahoma continues to weaken. So thing 'like that." ,

,; ,



Dr. Charles H. Mayo, head of the .
celebrated Mayo clinic of IRochester;
Minn., yesterday addressed scores of'
his fellow practitioners attendling the
convention of the American College of
Surgeons in Chicago.
In the past 23 years medical science I
has advanced as much as in the pre-
ceding 23 centuries. "But," declares
Dr. Mayo, "the advance in medical sell-
ence will count for nothing unless
education of the people along mnedical
lines progresses at an equal p~ace."
Dr. Mayo warns against quacks.


does the position of the Klan., Public
opinion seems to he running with
equail strength against both forms of
llegal control.I

The Acquisitive Society
One of the institutions in this mun-

~ie Jis" '.HE, x''New York City
(Ctu't;:&t ASTINGS


.ago At Michiga
Fromntil14'files of the 1TVof 'N. Daily!
Oetober 25,' 1898,
Graduate Di t'rctor Baird is quite en-
thusistir over the prespects for a
tt'ei1 aens tra ihthe Alumni. The old players who 1
havye al ready l'romiise'd to he here andlE
play are the followving:'"Duke" lDenby;
wall play center rush; "Puce." Thail, i
our present coach, and Stevenson,,a
'97L4, of Rockport, Indliana, will be the
guard. The atter never played here
at Michigan, but played on Purdue and
Chicago !Athletic ass'ociations.
At the meeting of the board last!
nilght, arrangements wvere made for
the game with, Chicago on TPhanks-
giving. The game will be playedI onG
'Marshall field, and a new grand stand,!
capable of seating 7,000. persons will'1
be erec'tedl making the enuire seating
capacity of the field about 9,000. 3
This past summer Major de Nan-j
crede received the honorary degree
of LL.D. from the University of Penn-
sylvania. This is the most recent of
the many degrees that have been be-
stowedu pon him,. lie received'a cd-1
ica~l degree from the University of]

icipality that is slowly driving us "A business man is very sure whom
I buts is the snooty, college "shop", he consults about his business. The
Guy's, and Pete's, and Red's-they're l farmer is very, certain what remedies'
all alike: you haftas meet the proprie- ihe uses to cure' his sick hogs, or
tor socially before you dare go inl. cows, nor chickens. But when it comes
And then, forever after, w'hen you go to the health of their families,, men
by, the well-trained henchmen that' are ready to take them to a quack."
are alw'ays loitering in the doorway l The reason for this is evident. Only
looking for fish always say Hello l time glamour of sonmc new idea conics
Jase. Any store. where they offer you to the indi''duai layman. He is t-
a , cigarette "when you go in is cer- tracted by "'cures," and "systems of
tainly somehow sour. Mr. Woolfolk medicine." Ilie is lured by the mystery
jwith. his engaging lisp which has made with which quacks surround themi-
him hundreds of friends and thou- selves and thus he falls a prey to the'i'
sands of dollars-Mr. VanBoven, with! false medicine. Medical falsehood
his winning -smile that daily gets rid can be wiped out only by exposure to!I
of at least fifty ties and a couple the open air. The hidden magic is
suits-Mr. Kilgore, with his irresist-' quackery.
ible red hair, which sells hats of all ___
shapes, colors, and sizes-Goodness! ESSAYS IN S*NOBB3i~I1NSS I
The American Legion announces a
joeo leHm fAlMcia e prize essay contest on the question, Iz
Yesterday noon we lunched at the "Why American Should Prohibit Im-
Union, in the sumptuous dining roonm. migration for Five Years." The con--
At the top of the menu were printed test is open to school children between
the wrds:the ages of 12 and 13. The first i-
Puree of green split peas aux crou- peso fteanucmn sta
tn.so much comment on-' one of the.
'When thi's dish arrived, it turned out pressing national problems of the daly
lo le nthin bu peasou. Iwill be extremely beneficial. A sec-
We were not surprised. On one o nd thoumght, however, will marl' the
former occasion, we 'ordered a desert is mrsin 'o ilteectl
called "Frozen pudding and assortedde rt 'o h usin
pastries." ____
When it came, it was ice cream, and They know nothing about efonomics
A nabisco.
Furherore ittoo usjus elvenor the labor situation or 'world coin-
miuthoesi nk ' uthisvI-onIofAllmerce. They will most likely fall back
E mnuts, n tis ameHom ofAllupon old arguments such as the in-
Michigan nmen, to buy a package of -..~, .

O @ o u

.4', rt,,.

<yr rr'her mr" : cis demf ta nd c S t-3
'Mdto :;: ..e. C '. tdc 'ks ),-e r,'zrd ,' ;nst the
shy" r~i e-'jcc: 'o f s~emurl ac-s o'Snow comec
ts~giin( r xn ; a 1 sty togatfe"
('~m'1';i ~ ,,~L - f''3 ~ 'hI Cigineag skill
SPA 115 ''>:ey r11 "Z"\'&mor tnu euaito the
'~i 1~re~axe o e.hrfuture.
oT # L T R O P N
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:AT RE- i
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Pakm t NditW imt

v' S

onal riceson
,,-id Orchestra
i~ of our October Clearance Sale

lJOS ~

- V $14.25
- -$$6.00



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