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October 24, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-24

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1 4r tr tgan U a - 4
Published every morning except Monday'
during the lnivcrsity year by the Board in
Cmi.r4il of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
itled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches criested to it or not otherwise
credit-cd in this paper and the local news pub-
lished .therein.
Entered at the postofiee at Ann Arbor,
Mich i an, asi second class mxatter,
ubscri'ption by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,
ofces:' Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
naid Street.
Min, s, 4ditorial, 2414 and 176-M; Bisi
nesS, 960).
'Sj ned communicationrs, nott cxceedini~t 3oo0
wo gi~ll1epublished in The Daiv at
the di; 'retion of the Editor. Upon request,
the ideatity of communicants will be re-
garded as confidential.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M
N~ews dftor..............Julian E. Mack'
City Editor..........Harryr H ey
Editorial Board Chairman... .R. C. Moriarty
Night Edtors
F.11,. Ailes A.,1B. 'onnable
R., A. Billington T . E.l"iske
Hlany C. Clark .G. Garlinghouse
P. M. Wagner
pomets Editor..............P alph N. flyers
W omen's Edits............. Winona 11 ibbard
Telegraph Editor.............R. B.3'Parr.
Sunday Magazine Editor... F. I,. Tilden
Afti tEditor...........Ruth A lowell
Assiitant City Editor. Kenneth C. Kellar
Editorial BoardR~ii a



tween the students and the faculty.c
The letter, completely exonerating a
student .who has been punished for.
misconduct, was written to the DailyJ
in an effort to clear the student'sj
name, only after a petition had
been sent to the Central Committee on'
Discipline of the University.
The school-boy tradition of hostil-l
ity betweon students and faculty of a.
large ITniversity like Michigan has]
been breaking down but, even at thej
present time, some vestiges of the idea'
remain in the minds of many. Only
open handeq action on both sides can
finally bring about a complete under-
standing. The work which student
self government has been taking over
during the past few years has, in
some measure reassured the faculty
of student cooperation in administer-
i the affa'rs of the student body and
a great deal of responsibility has been
sw!cessiully put upon the student of-
ficers. The .progress of student self
government has, however, been retard-
ed by the remnants of the antagonis-
tic feeling on the part of the faculty.
which the students think still exists.
When this idea can be ent irely wipedI
out, student officers will have the sup-
port of the entire student body behind
them in the'r cooperation with Un1-
vers4ty officials.
Frankness, such as was clearly ex-
pressed in the faculty letter of yes-
terday morning, is the proper policy
for the faculty to follow to gain the
confidence of the student body. More
action of this kind will produce good
"America today is overwhelmedi
with its opportunities and pos-
sessions; we are overwhelmed
with our rches. Why then, is life
not good? Simply because we doj
not know the difference between
good and bad, fine and vulgar,
high and low:"

speaks on "Vavanarola", Prof. J. M. B.
Sill of Detroit, U. S. Minister to Kor-
ea will speak, on Korea, Professor
Harry B. Hutchins, dean of ,the de-
partment of Daw, John R. Effinger, in-
structor in French will also speak.
The last number will be by the Rev.I
Florence Kolock Crooker. Thoughj
Mrs. Crooker has recently come to'
Ann Arbor, she is no stranger to its
people. Her subject: will be, "The
Ministry of the Beautiful to the





Dear Mr. Cowles:
Just to let you get your work forI
that eight o'clock, I offer you a few
inches of filler:

To the Editor:
"Two students were suspended for
disorderly conduct for -a period of one
semester," runs an item in the Michi-
gan Daily. "Two students charged
with drunkeness were suspended from
the University of Michigan for the re-
mainder of the present semester by
the faculty discipline commtitee. * *
The committee voted to withhold the
names of the offenders," is the an-
nouncement in one of our metropoli-
tan dailies. Should more than ten
thousand boys and girls who are in-
nocent be put under suspicion of guilt
that two guilty ones may be shielded
from public disgrace? Should the
fathers, mothers and friends of these
ten thousand others be held in sus-j
pense lest it prove that the one for!
whom they are sacrificing is he whoj
has fallen?
No one can be eager for place onI
the Central Discipline Committee. Its
duties are very important and not less+
onerous, and at times unpleasant, than
important. Almost any action is surel
to draw criticism, and the committee!
is to be commended for its painstaking
care to discover facts and its unwear-
ied efforts to arrive at correct judg-
ments. Compromises of individuail
judgment must often be the only prac-i
tical solution. It is submitted how-
ever that no compromise is justified
which, to the public, does not draw
a sharp line between'}guilt and inno-
cefise when that is known,-does not.'
to the public, clearly separate the in.
nocent from the guilty.

:1 - Stores

s K a

/ $


712 Arbor Street
Near State ind Packard Streets

nh 3C . tR?111 I .kdR'u+km - '3s mm 1-111 ,Ctm +, ¢n



R d 'e ail y "Classified" Columns

Paul Esin 16rt Ra'
Andrew Propper
P-. G. TBaeteke J. J. McGinnis
Marion-Barlow R:S. Mansficid
J.N.-Berkman , E. C. Mack
Ilen lirowni . Verena Moran
Bernadette Cote Regina Reichmann
G, W. Davis S. T,. Smith
Harold Ehrlich W: 1. (Smneman
', C. Fingerle 11. R. Stone
T. P. Henry K. E. Styer
Dorothy Kamin N. R. 't'h
Joseph kruger S. B. Tremble
Elizabeth lieberman W. J. Walthour
R: R. McGregor, Jr.

maay '

~ha S

Put not your faith in the pro-
Professor Wenley has said,
For they lead 'you astray
Put falls in your way,
And cohwebs into your head.
Should Benjamin Franlin advise
In accents quite grave and aus-
To get in your hay .
Rise early, just say,.
"Aw, shucks, that bunk don't go
They.,tell us, in fable and story
Of the worm that the early bird
But I ask you, old boy,
Would the bird chirp with joy
If the worm stayed in bed, as he
"Like father, ,like son" is a motto
Whose virtues are daily extolled:
Do the minister's lad
And his virtuous dad
Make, then, two black sheep for
the fold?
In the Hall of the Folly of Wis-
There remains just one fact, noth-
ing more:
Its merits we sing till the welkin
doth ring,
In our, own little sling, 'tis not
"maybe" we fling,
We mean it, "It's, hell to be pore".

-Phone 62
IlVING 1)W T, ID. S. C.
70 ! r. Un e r .t _
Lim iteds : 6 a. : ., 9 :10 nt a d
-every two imommr. to 9:1 yi m.
Express: 7 a. 1n., a i. aand eVer;
two hours Io S, 1. 1,..
Locals: 7 a. I1,, 8:5 a. .n.
every two hours- to 8:5 p. T1.,
11 p. mI. To Yi anti only, 1A:4
p. i., 2:.. a. : and 1: 1. a. in.
Limiteds: 8:47 a. In. "nd every I
hours to 8:47 :' m1.
Express (making ? -.1I stop:;) : ,
a. Im. and every twNo o ors
p. In.
Locals: 7:50 a. i., 12:10 a. .m


li lo ' of I gal. or more
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it ~t A . r% a 'I" ri s d ama

Iig money can br earned by
students at the university dur-
ing their spare hours. The
work1is extremely pleasant, and
will prove highly profitable.
For particulars, address the
Woodward Avenue, Detroit,



Telephone 9110 Thus spoke Dr. Alexander Mefkle-
john in his first address to a popular
LAURENCE I. FAVROTaudience since he left Amherst. The
accusation is to a great extent true.,
Adverising.. E. I.Dunne To Dr. MeiklejohnI America is tie
Adver'ising. ........Perry A4. Hayden I
Advertising.............Purdy land of the dull, undiscriminating,
Advertising............. ...VRe uneducated mob. Even allowing for
Advertising .... ........W. K. Schierer E n
AccountsC...............W....C.W. Christie a certain bitterness of feeling as a I
Circuation........Jno. Haskins
Pubi,.ation................Lawrence Pierce result of his Amherst experience, Dr.
a Assistants Meiklejohn's remarks are to the pointI
Bennie Caplan Harold A.r Marks and justified. s
lin B Crouch S A Robinson That this is true, however, is not
Louis M.Dexter i.III. Rockwell the fault of America or the Ameri-
Joscph J. l'inn I1. H. Rose
David A. Vox Will- Weise cans. A nation'in the making cannotI
Lauren Haicbt C; P. White
It. E. hlaskinson R. C. Winter develO p the bachk~todund, the higherj
Edw.I U. ttuedemaker _ nat'onal characteristics, the love of
tradition, and tie finer sensibilities
which characterizes a country like
WEDNESDAY, OCTOPR 2, 192 England or Italy. And America up to
a comparatively few years, was, andJ
Night Editor-EDGAR II. AILES j(to a great extent still is, a nation in
--I the making.
STUDENTS BUILD THEIR OWN I "We are in the terms of our task,"
SWIMMING POOL continues Dr. Meiklejohn, "an unedu-
The progress made in enrolling the cated people. Our task is not the ed-,
ucaton of the boys and grlbut
four thousand men necessary to as- tain the ole e and girls,t
surehe ompetin , f te Uiontaking the whole people and getting
sure the completion of the:Union tiemn ready for the most glorious ad-
swimming pool makes the project C venture ever attempted in the realm I
look very favorable. The policy of O(f the spirit." We agree with the'
conltpietng tile pool in this manner learned educator in that our task is
was suggested by Chimes in their (,di-truly the most glorious adventure ever:
torial pages of last month and, while attempted in the realm of the spirit;
the, idea at' that time seemed inm- M but we do not believe that our task is1
hnot tile education of tme boys ant
possible of. accomplishment, the aic- It tn tbn of throsad
girls. Oil the conitrarv thorin liar:

The small value of fife in the army
was b:ought near to Ann Arbor Sun-
day morning when a University soph-
omore trying out for a commission in
the United States aviation corps fell
while making a parachute drop as
part of his test. The parachute was
made by the applicant himself as re-
quired by the examining board.


" -



, . . , .

"Men," says an old Stoic proverb, I
Here is a lad with real Michigan "are tormented by the opinions they
spirit. He has helped us get out our have of things, rather than by the
work for "that eight o'clock"; though !things themselves."

- j A q

how he knew we only have one is
quite peyoid us. If the football team
is tutored by the Athletic Association,
as we hear is the case, we see no rea-
son why we too should" not have some
special dispensation . made in our
case: for are we not, in our way,
boosting for Michigan? We are.
* * *
We are informed that the Editor of
Chimes was much pleased with the re-r
view given his publication in the Daily
Sunday Magazine. We are glad to
hear that he takes this attitude. True,
the review only gave his paper what it
justly merited: there was no vain flat-

* * *
The convictions of the average intel-
Y~gent person of today are not the re-
sult of scientific and creative thought
but rather of conventional reactions
and traditional knowledge that have
been handed down by previous gener-
ations who lived in far other condi-
tions than the present. James lar-
vey Robinson in his book "The Mind
in the Making", says, "we have to
create an unprecedented attitude 'f
mind to cope with unprecented con-
ditions, and to utilize unprecedented

es foi'YoungMen

tivity of the men behind the- project
has definitely placed it before the can-
pus and, in a very short time, carried
it nearly half way through.
The determination with which this!
idea was taken up in the face of a
great deal of discouragement, merits
the respect of the whole student body
and their whole hearted support. These
men, realizing the vital need which
Michigan has of a swimming pool
felt confident that the student body
would be behind them in their drive"
to complete it and are now proving
the value of their judgment by selling
subscriptions on the campus. Ti :
working interest and determinaton to
try is a thing which all too seldom
comes to the front at a large univer-
sity like Michigan but, when it does;
come, even a student body as large
as Michigan's is- cannot fail to ob-
serve, appreciate and promote it.
With such a sincere spontaneous ef-'
fort evident on the part of such a
large number of the student body,
Michigan can look forward to having'
a swimming pool by the end of the
One of the original objections
against the plan as now be'ng carried
out was that the burden of the ex-
pense for completing the pool in this
way would fall upon the shoulders of'
only 4 small part of the student body,
and particularly upon that portion who
customar1y bear the brunt of all stu-
dent money drives. Indications seem to
disprove this theory however, for, dur-
ing these early days of the drive, con-
tributions have come. in from all
oiinrterrc Without rdoubti-Mie-liio'o,-,

. y x IM . 7tt :~ ' , erIen n es x a lc lc~,111Ic Wa I AL1<L
. . Mr. Robinson draws a comparison
our greatest hope. A hundred thou- tery in it; it spoke the truth. That Mr.tRbisonsdraws aicompais
of the discussions in the United States
sand cultivated and well-educated men Editor Bacon takes this review as a
and women released yearly from our pat on the baclk is, therefore, just fine. Senate in regard to the League of Na-
tions with the consideration by a ru-
colleges and universities and poured -Co-operation is something that has not
into the life of the community is just been possible between the Sunday
a roadside garage. The contrast is
what will ultimately deliver the opun- Magazine and the Chimes of former
abov. yars Werejiceat ts rrial, certainly shocking. -The rural me-
cranysokn.Terrltry from such charges as those above. years. We rejoice at its arrival.me
chanic thinks scientifically his only
aim being to avail himself of his
dead in the Trib- knowledge of the nature of the car
CHICAGO WIDOW with a view to making it run once
WINS OLDEST ELK more. The senator, on the other hand,
Ago At Michigan FROM PEN RIVALS appears too often to have little idea
The idea of pigs fighting over the of the nature and working of nations,
possession of an old Elk is, to us, ri- and coqlseque'ntly relies on rhetoric
From the files of the U. of M. DDly diculous. and appeals tovague fears and par-
October. , 1,98. * * * tisan animosity. +
*f * * ,

F i.:i
+. . v

y vercoat
The all-woocl, heavy weight overcoat that
protects you from the chilling winds and

Prof. J. C. Knowlton returned, last
night from Chicago, where lie has been
attending a meeting of the committee
appointed by seven western colleges
for the purpose of determining what
in meant by the words, a "college or a
university" in the rules govern'ng in-
ter-collegiate athletic contests. Prof.
Knowlton was chairman of this com-
mittee and the other two members are
representatives of Purdue and North-
The Whist club have an opportunity
that rarely comes their way. Mrs. J.
S. Jenks, who has edited the whist
department of the Chicago Inter-Oce-
an for several years and who has giv-
en instruction in the game for ten
years in Chicago, is stopping at the
Cook house. Among some of her more
profninent pupil:* are Lyman J. Gaige:
the Pullmans, Eugene Field, Congress-
n1in Piko A ufl i - rc RbA w -ill iho,

We have recently discovered a way If man could only learn to form o-

A broad variety of pocke-'],pidn
belts, etc., is to be found under our
several different types of 'vercoats.
For fall, the large,ro6my ulster wid-
big over aids and fancy back fabrics
is the stye meeting pronounced favor,

stormy cold weather, means much to your
comfort during the winter months, and its
utility is your reason for buying. But:you
will want a stylish looking coat, with all the
advantages of good workmanship and fab-
rics that add to its smartness and outward
appearance. Campus Togs is a standard of
quality and value which you will like.

to impress our friends. We walk
through the Arcade with them, and
turn in at Ruby's. There we sit down,
and they seeing us sit down, imagine
that- we are going to buy a pair of{
shoes-and they move on.
Then we buy a pair of shoelaces,,
have them put in, and walk out, as
importantly as we can.-
We have, in addition, discovered a
way to annoy our friends. We wait
unt'l there is a considerable group of
-them assembled, and then we approach
and say "Hello Kiddies!"j
* * *I

pinions that are wholly free from in-
fantile impressions, conventional re-
actions, and traditional knowledge.
there would be less likelihood of an-
other great war; labor and capital
problems would be transformed; race
animosity, political corruption and in-
efficiency would all be greatly reduc-
Two hundred years ago there was a
great revolution of the scientific mind.
Men like Bacon, Galileo, and Descar-
tes found it necessary to discard such
scientific notions as then existed and
to begin their construction from the
ground up. The result has been a
great change in matters scientific
within the last four generations.
Man today must undertake a thor-
ough reconstruction of the mind with
a viewx. to nde~rrtnatino- hnmar n nndntI-

We guarantee our clothes






Sir Paul Vinogradoff is fast endear-
ing himself to the great public in Ann
Arbor. We are sure that if all Ann
Arbor had read his remarks in the
Daily Sunday, statues would be erect- I
ed in his honor all over town. "Here
Sir Paul Vinogradoff sneezed at 3 p.
fnAl +_h- 09 1I09,: .. 5 n- Win '

$5 lolarpa c
f ( Fabrics M
1tilltill! . An
ereiga t. a!t-avaus as __ j lilt
txsredsustly 11-11, :
evencoatnng featured
is Campus T.V

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