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October 21, 1923 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-21

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)BER 21, 1923


(Continued from Page Nine)
"'Tided," said Sir Paul, "affairs of
gqvelrmentoccupy such a secondary
position in the life of the average edu-
cated American that I wonder at your
national efficiehcy,' such as it is. The
intellectual aristocracy should above
all, be actively interested in politics,
to seek the truth, to combat the pre--
jfxdice of factions and to fight for in-j
telligent direction of public policies."
Sir Paul hinogradoff
Mamy Michigan students this month
are having the privilege of associating
with the most, distinguished living
man in the field of historical jurispru-
dence. Sir Paul yirogradoff, Corpus
Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford
university is presenting an extended
series of lectures to advanced students
of the law, pplitical science, and his-
tory. The quality of Sir Paul's per-
s$oality, his insight and visioi are
are' giving these men a new grasp on
tleir work. Few men who have at-
tained the heights this great autliority
h. reached in any phase of abstract
thught or endeavor, have such a
cohibination of intellectual curiosity
aa; d caution in expression.
- Ir Paul is best knoihu for his works
inithe English language, although he
has. done nuch work in Russian and
Ue was born in the Russian town of
Kostroma ner Moscow in 1854, but
his family moved to the latter city
wlen the boy was two years old, His
father, head of a number of high
schools for girls in Moscow, started
to teach him French in addition to
Russian, when he was three, four
years later German lessons started,
after which he began his study of Eng-
lish and a little later he gained com-
mand of Italian. Naturally these lin-
guistic povyers proved a great aid in
his mature work of research which
forms the strong foundation of his or-
iginal work.

ings with thee members of the law
and political science faculties, he is
briging about a fine spirit of co-op-
eration and an interest in the whole
field of social study which will un-
(questionably prove of lasting value.'
I Isiumorist
Many of those who have not had the
privilege of contact with Sir Paul's
scholarly lectures have enjoyed his
genial nature as a guest, for'he is a
most enjoyable conversationalist.
Sir Paul's tale of the breakdown of
Chambgrlain's high powered motor car
in Indian which was to take him to
the steamer and the subsequent rescue
from the jungles and the native curt-
osity regarding an ancient Ford "be-
traying all the symptoms of that car"
is absorbingly told and full of the
richest humor.
After leaving Michigan Sir Paul will
go to Yale, Columbia, and Johns Hop-
kins. He believes Michigan to be
highly advanced and more diversified
in its work than the other state uni-
versities. He finds both law schools
in Berekeley and Ann Arbor highly ef-
ficient and praises their efforts to
raise the general standArds of the
"theoretical and professional lawyers."
Women Have Small
chance On Paper
When interviewed yesterday on the
question of woman's place in journal-
Ism, Frederick Roy Martin, general
manager of the Associated Press, said
that he thinks there is very little
chance that there will ever be many
in the field. He knows of several
cases now, he said, where women- are
doing excellent work but these are
decidely rare exceptions. Women hav-~
en't the chance that men have. Th^y
are not given the same kind of work;
not, as a rule, trusted with the big
stories. A woman has to be better
than a man to get anywhere. nearly
an even chance with him. She has
to be a very -hard worker to get any
place at all and the descrimination is
always in favor of the man. Mr.
Martin said that he had noticed that
he, himself, would always prefer' the
man, would always take him on more
quickly and advance him 'sooner.
. When asked why this was so he an-
swered that it was because women
are too transient. The big thing they
lack is "stick-to-it-iveness." That, he
says, is their greatest fault in journal-
ism, or in any other field. Most of the
women who would make excellent pro-
gress in the work "up and get mar-
ried." naturally the result is that men
are to be preferred.
"However," he finished, "if a woman
has ability and the 'stick-to-it-iveness'
that most of the mlack, and is willing
to work, harder perhaps than any
man in the office, to offset his preju-
dice against her, there is a field of
wonderful opportunity before her.

the daughter. With the daughter's 111111111[111111111i1IIif11111f111111111111111111111111t11t111tift11 1Ht111T 1t t
identity, follows the horrifying events
detailed in the picture. Marie Prevost MEA TS O F
Columbiai-Fifty students narrowly known among the university students lays the leading feminine role with
escaped injury recently when a com- of today. Raymond Griffith in support.
pressed air tank exploded in one of Seymour Simons with new selec E XCELL EN CE
the University buildings. The force Brown-Fifteen acres oa land will tions, a feature, and a one reel novel-
of the explosion tore down the walls be cleared and levelled near here for ty, "Sing 'Em Again" will make up ,
of the room in which it occurred. the new athletic field. Completion is the rest of the program.
-ofasta expected by next September.TorheuTe stewards of many fraternities, sororities,
seems unnecessary. A new campaign nryarrd-The first formal sitting "Good Men and True." featuring and boarding houses, find Gfell's the most
to collect money from the delinquent of the Harvard International assem- Harry Carey, comes to the Orpheum '
pledges was instituted, and the $3,000 bly will take place Oct. 23. Thus far today through Tuesday. A century satisfactory place to buy their meats. Try the
Eor $,000 needed is expected to be only seven of the sixteen foreign'Comedy, "Speed Boys" and Interna-us
raised by the end of the w~eekd countrieshave appointedtdelegates. tional News constitute the program.yi
;re yh n f '"The Bishop of the Ozarks" with an
Dartmiouth-Arrangements are be- all star cast comes Wednesday and'=
has come out in the field with her nia ng prepared for a special train to Thursday and Gladys Walton in
larged band. i thanfd ih compoed carry students to the Vermont-Dart- "Crossed Wires" appear on Friday and High in Quality-Low in Price
larged band. This l d is composed mouth game. * Saturday of this week. Also Edna
1of 132 pieces. Their uniforms will Murphy in "Her Dangerous Path" and'
be the regulation R. O. T. C. dress University of Oklahoma-Failure of International News. Harold Lloyd in
'with "Sam Brown" belt8. ~ i^-
whS Bo "es126 students to go through the regis- Safety Last" is coming next week.
trar's office and pay enrollment fees *
Toronto-Attendance records show has caused them to have their enroll- Prepares for Atlantic Flight
tquite a marked decrease, according to ment cancelled. Copenhagen, Oct. 20-(A.P.)- Lieu-
theltes oie arud sttistics n Thetenant Crunirine of the United States -
decrease hovers around the thousand AT THE ERSAir Service has left here for Green-
TaEA.TERS land to investigate the possibility of
using the Danish Crown Land as the I
Yale-The last decade has marked (Continued from Page Nine) stage for the eventual American mili-
many changes in the customs of the ers in "The Ropin' Fool" is an added tary seaplane attempt to cross the
campus. Walter Camp, in his com- attraction. "The Broken Wing," writ- Atlantic next summer from New York U
mentary on the Yale that he knew ten by the well known Michigan half- to England. 220 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 9
after graduating, describes many cus- back, Paul Dickey, '06, comes to the
toms that he knew, but which are un- Wuerth soon. Daily Want Ads always bring --
aiy W n d l a sb ig good 1, ilillH 11111,1 11. 11111111111111] 1111 111111111 lglilt1 Iut1111f1t1g ~11111 . ii
"Zaza,"Istarring Gloria Swanson, Daily classified for real results. Read The Daily 'Classied" Columns
music J D M _ SIGIVNJSbgIwnryla behh___iatur"_l___he__rcade
today through Thursday. The strong
(Continued from Page Nine) supportin'g cast includes H. R. War- i 11I11i11111111111i111111i1191.111i111111111111111111111 111! 11 11111(g
great number of European artists who ner, Ferdinand Gottschalk, bucille La-
(CnineucimPaeNnelupotlgcsticudsH.B Lar- R_
appear here. Lamond's recital is be- Ve"ne and Mary Thurman. -
ing given under the auspices of the MissSwanson in the title role of aPor-bl
Detroit Institute of Musical Art at I show girl at a popularFrench cabaret
which institution he is now conduct- is the headliner on the bill at L'Odeon, Price, -
ing a master course prior to begin- a cafe chantant in St. Etienne. The with case, -- ".
ning his concert tour. frequenters of the cafe forming one -
Lamond is a Scotchman, having audience-the camera, representing
been born In 1868 near Edn jrh the picture going public, the other,
Frorn 1883 to 1886 he studied with Miss Swanson had the rather unusual Butter Eggs Cheese Poultry Marge e
Franz Liszt at Wiemar and there laid experience of being both a stage and
the foundation for a musical career screen actress at the same time.E
which, if not so brilliant as that of "Zaza" is delightfully appealing mel- 1-Fruits Vegetables
his m'aster, has been almost equallyt odrama adapted by Albert LeVino
deserving of admiration. Lamond has I from the French stage success of
also enjoyed the rare privilege of the same name by Pierre Berton and
studying at St. Petersburg with Anton Charles Simon. The program includes
Rubinstein and at Hamburg with Lloyd Hamilton in "F. O. B.'
Johannes Brahms to which latter ex- Mary Alden plays a leading role in R ARM-E
perience he attributes his superb per- the picturization of katherine Burt's
formance of the great B-flat concerto. story, "The Eagle's Feather," which The ever ready ,friend,
Although his tastes are catholic and comes to the Arcade Friday and Sat- helper and time saver.
there is little in piano literature whichI urday of this week. A stampede of Standard Ke'yboardstan-
he has not touched and adorned, La- i four thousand cattle is one of the dard in all important feat-
mond is pre-eminent as an exponent thrilling episodes of the picture filmed ures, and standard in ANN ARBOR PRODUCE CO.
of the classical period. Bach, Brahms in the vicinity of Convict Lake near quality.
and above all, Beethoven, are his gods the border line between California Take any user's advice and42W7
and his performances of the Beetho- I and Nevada. The great herd which buy one. ,.0-J
ven sonatas are generally regarded as figures in the picture was driven for
the most authoritative now in exist- mpre than one hundred miles fromT MC
ence. A certain coldness and auster- the famous 'Smithson Ranch in Cali-h Ma o. J
ity which disfigured his early playing fornia to the location near Convict Slaioners, Printers & Binders-
has now completely disappeared and, Lake. I
in every respect, Lanmond's pianism 112 So. Main St.
is impeccable. Majestic AnnAhor, Michion'
The program announced for the D- "Three Wise Fools," which will be n
troit recital is, like Lamond's art, im.. filmed at the Majestic theatre today 11 Ii l1litll l1Allill IlilI1 I
li n i t nn nrin t1n4oIhrnnh WPrn.f d v d 7 PnI- tna

Educated in Moscow
HIls education was in accoydance
with the traditions of the squire fam-
ilies. After completing his studies
in the gymnasum and securing his
degree at 20 he went into the history
debartment of the University of Mos-
cow, where he taught for four-years.
I' i the middle '70's he went to Ger-
many where he studied in Berlin and
at 'Bonn. Moanisen and Brunner
were his masters. To Berlin, Sir Paul
feels deeply indebted for training in
iesearch. While in Germany he saw
they beginning of the revolutionary
movement in Neitzche who fanned the
spirit of aggression and assumption
of superiority in regard to other na-
Devotes Self to Legal History
A year later Sir Paul went back to
Moscow where he wrote his master's
di sertation on Italian legal history
sand the beginnaigs of feudalism in
Italy, but it was not until 1833 that
he began his series of notabl English
st0ies with his treatment of the so-
cial and legal conditions of the Eng-
liJh peasantry in the Middle Ages,
Returning again to Russia he was
made full professr of history in Mos-
cow. From 1884 to 1900 he remained
there as Professor in the School of
Regearch and History. During this
period he did much to further general
educati6n in Moscow. He wrote sev-
eral primers and textbooks for second-
ary shools. After his election to the
Mocow Duma he was appointed
chairman of the education committee.
Through Sir Paul's efforts in organ-
iziWg primary schools almost univer-
sal education was achieved. But dur-
l'ng, the latter years of his work in
Russia, the atmosphere became more
and more bitter in the tug-of-war act-
ivities between the students and the
governmental authorities.
Devotes Salf to Legal History
He resigned from the chairmanship
as a consequence of the conflict with
the bureaucrAtic authorities and came
to England where he devoted himself
to the field of legal history, following
chiefly the line of comparative juris-
prudence. He wrote a short introduc-
tion to the study of jurisprudence and
prepared a series of articles on com-
parative jurisprudence for the Ency-
clopedia Britannica. Other works fol-
lo ed. .The Growth of the Manor,
Eziglish Society in the Eleventh Cen-
tu., Roman Law in Medieval Europe,
Self Governnlent in Russia (1915). In
19#0 appeared his first volume of his
wfk, Outlines of Historical Jurispru-
deuce, in which he gave a general in-
trotduction to the study and an exhaus-
ti treainent of early tribal law and
go ernnient. The second volume of
thit s'rie which appeared in 1922
took up Greek law as formed at the
tiie of the greatest strength of the
Greek state during Athens' supremacy
of the fifth and fourth centuries B. C.
Vq urne three, in preparation, is to
deal with medieval jurisprudence,
of modern democracy.
Wtoik of Great import
His letures hererepresent the in-
itial chapters of this last volume but
are to be elaborated when published.
In appreciation of Sir Paul's work,
Dean Henry M. Bates, declared:
"Sir Paul Vinogradoff's visit here
has been of greatest value to the Law
School and to the entire University,
because his position as one of the
most distinguished scholars of the
world could not but stimulate inter-
est in scholarship in all fields, though,
of course, particularly in law and in
the other social siences. Sir Paul is
recognized as easily the leader in the

mensein its proportions.. . Opening iougweu nes ay, p esents ELeaner
Officers elected by the Youngs-Mich- with the enormously difficult Paga- Boardman in the leading role. She
igan Club were President, Ray S. Pow- nini variations of his master Brahms, plays the part of Sydney Fairchild, a
ers, '26L; vice-president, Walter Cra- he will follow with the Apassionata young woman who, at the death of
ver, '24; secretary, Clarence Evans, sonata of Beethoven and the B-flat her mother, was left to the care of
'24; Treasurer, John Bromley, '25. minor sona'ta of Chopin. Then come three crabbed old bachelors who h'ad
Plans for entertaining Youngstown two less familiar Glazounoff numbers been unsuccessful suitors for the
alumni this week-end were made and and finally, a display of virtuoso pyro- niother's hand. Claude Gillingwater,
the presentation of a trophy, to be technics in three Liszt compositions. j a regular old-time actor, acts the role
named the "Michigan 'Trophy" to the Lovers of music whose interests are of Findley. The picture is a blending
winning basketball team in Youngs- confined to this country have not, per- of charming comedy, romance, reality
town as a part of a campaign to boost haps, known of Larnond until last sea- and spectacle. It retains in full the
Michigan there. I son when, unannounced, he played in quaint comedy of the play, but devel-
New York with great success. Many ops and strengthens the dramatic
InItiate Three Day enggements followed his triumphal story of the original. The characters
return to America, one of them being possess that peculiar charm that is
Lansing, Oct. 19-(A.P.)-A series with Gabrilowitsch's orchestra in De- characteristic of whimsical situations.
of three day institutes will be held :at troit last March. On this occasion he' Seymore Simons' Band, which so
various upper peninsula points by the played the Tschaikowsky B-flat minor, completely satisfied Ann Arbor audi-
Michigan Sunday School Council, the concerto as it is seldom or never ences last year needs no further in-
institutes to be in session between played, with a commanding power and Itroduction; a Christy comedy, "Done
November 18 and 28. Six communities ' an intense beauty which earned him In Oil," and a feature conclude the
will be accommodated, including Es- a dozen recalls and created a pro-. program.
canaba, Iron Mountain and Calumet. found impression. The story of "Redlights," which is
Tickets for the concert are now on coming to the Majestic Thursday to
Philippine Jails to be Inspected sale at the Detroit Institute at $1 to remain until Saturday, has to do with
Manila, Oct. 20-(A.P.)-Hereafter $2.50 plus ten percent. 'tax. A fifty the daughter of a railway magnate
judges of the Philippine courts will percent. reduction from these prices who finds a means of transmitting his
be required to make monthly inspec- is -offered to students of music as an I voice by means, of red light. He uses
tions of the jails in their respective inducement to attend. Those who' have I this ,inyention to wreck vengeapce
provinces to which they sentence heard Lamond one, it is safe to pre-: upon his brother for winning the hand
convicted persons, and submit a re- dict, will require no such incentive. of the woman he loved, by terrorizing
port to the Secretary of Justice of the.
conditions of those jails.
Work to Start on Albion Gymn. "t
Albion, Oct. 19.-(BI A. P.)-Con-
struction work on Albion College's
new gymnasium will begin within two
months, according to President Laurd.
Gymnasium space for men and wo-
men, lounging rooms and a swimming
pool will be features of the building. -
Saginaw, Oct. 19.-Reorganization -
of the Michigan Sugar Beet Growers -
association on much the same plan as _ -, -!
the Southern Cotton Growers associa-
tion is one of the things being plan-
ned by officers and directors of thet- -"*
organization_ whs Pid t i-, T, m


vsnzau, wt epreb e1 s S en 's 1
C. Price of this city.
Daily classified for real results.
American Dishes


I The Trail Leads to
for those rncy who appreciate values
and ycall that quality makes the price, right
S T U R D Y PartiearlAy with heavy wool hose,
are extremely comfortable and very
much in vogue this season.

a ua 4% a4


1411 C 0 Tl4[ NiCl[i

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I Ji ~Xf. 'Y..A. I' J.hJ~.JiJLjj.~. ~..J~J. III

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