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October 21, 1923 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-21

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)CTOBER 21, 1923


Old Fram Houe.SoresMuseuam Mate rial Whose Value
Is Estimatsed At.Hundreds Of Thousands, Specimens
UsedFor esearch Study It onstantt Danger of Fire:



1 5:30 o'clock a student supper will be observed at the Bethlehem Evangeli-
Il servers. "Is Socialism Christian" will, cal church this morning. Special ser-
"i SERVICES eIh tpi. which Professor E. 14. Day vices in English will be held at 1
has chosen to speak on at the 6:,Q 'clock and German services tat 11.
o'clo( k service. ;Er finag service viii take place at

In an old ten-raoom frame house on lion is n~rimnri for scientific rv i ~p the simis of thiag r ~rmmals Justice and quit" will be te speak at all se
x rl net- ettelre (Continued from Page Nine) sermon text at the Church of Christ
E to n h ast University avenue is stored mu- g inan h stored materials are This collection has a large conier- at the 1.0:30 oclock worship at thethsmriga103o'lc.Bbe
soi.Virn ate rial ivhbose estimated value' basis for research work. "The uni- cial value as well as at scientific one. Pebtei~ church. Student Sunday scolwl b i~ t :0ada
ry ~i versity cannot properly function un- Pelts of beaver, otter, possum, badger, school will be held at noon, and stu- snoo the Mc, el Servic3clubdwil
runes into bun trod::;, of thu.usands of? less it canl take care of these mater- deer, gorillas and many other vanie- d t i' ecme oan0'd ourt~ ln eriecu illuea I0
dollars. Many spe cimzens are kept l als and have them available for re- ties are h ng on racks and the room dets 5:e0 wclomed Th't a sc ~ihoi meet.. The Chlristan Endeavor will ; hill.}
threre which in .case of lass would be P. 0 53 a)C . h eri o edi-hld their mneeting at 6:30 o'clock.
irelcal.Tesrcueisl ssearch workers," says Dr. Dice. "Any kept cool to better preserve them. (iss cd at the Young People's meet- i spIeak ean "'ii'h 2geiet'hc
irefirabe.T e riske accofiriig tic satewmustabe on theismral."of eny oindivpidals ave bl e ten Michi S rces in Greran wllb0helwllbe-uris
subject to a grcat fr rsrearin; tc wrkdn o h niasofMnsf.hpeieshaebengv ng and() nnForum iat630 o'clnck t terviesin Lteran churchl tc hisd gree'25n."Al
is sate ustbe o thi matrial" 'e by ndivdual andby teis, "Thes, The ooyaliesef Mof ifMy ToLife;wilToe Whats
to L. R. Dice, curator of mammals, One room with a small alcove on the gin department of Conservation. The Shall I be Loyal?" unartetedr
whoe. ffifisrnste irslfoooof.istslor ussuedbyDr.DieDara.lstieniondaasconriutdLnarsthpmfenarteiF.Boendmonigst contribokurecdetatdn neaarcr-
th tidnTee~ lote-office 9:30 by abible study hour. 3. C.
ofieand work room. Carl I.. Hubbis, ly 10)0 specimens during the past year.rtBpitCuc cfmn wl edtedscsinIi' reef
-ifiytath cmindwihofcurator of fiches of the museumi, lhas and more are continually coming ui.'I'
the Specimen:; rnd their contain orsbeen given the entire second floor in i Matrial InvaluableMr alswlspkoi"TeSz"Ltra RsonbltynCanisC's.fe
on the upperfloors will pirove too which to carry on hzis work. Three E {xperimxents are being carried on, premnacy of Christ" at the 10:30 o'clock: Religious Work" at the Forum at 5:30 cs-A
much for t'he supports, resulting 'n or four graduate students are usually to a limited degree by Dr. Dice. Care-mongwrsiatheFstapst'cck Tesujtofheemn
tth e o h lo r ' r b t is m r in . S n a p isc o lt o e d e i er d at t em:0 o o c
thbreakig'throg fti"for at woil,. in the building and there !ful observation is m a~le ofth habitcuc hsmrig Sho I- s I
with damaEni to le specimenxs, would be more if they could be accomi- of various small animals and it is vlbehdatno a h ulOsrie il e "aegadnih
The building has been used as an ,.ltd oe htnerCk ilb House. The coui se is on "The Ideal~ rotherhood of Cristians."
annex to the unive sity rmuseum nand eae.SpecimensCrhddop ed inthe near futue.Suchll work iad Progress of Jesus." All students ;TrInity Lutheran Church
mnaterial ceoming in 'has been sent' The smaller specimens are all incsaiylmtdbcueo are invited to a "riendship Meet" to Rev. L. F. Gunderman will speak at!.
thcre. At ttehe oc 'e t rate of in-' stredl!ii trays in wiooden cabinets ;lack of accommioda tionsth be held in the Guild house from 5:30: the 10:30 o'clock service at the T in'i -.
crese f ill soreY~en eessr yto b-stacked around the wlls of. the var- A few mounted specim-lns are stor- ,"
tain another siwlh residence i hh osros Thyaefxdoast'e in thwuidn.ipciesofse At the Students devotional meeting at! Sunday school for students will meet
to store the spocimenz and rov'Ade .0ococ r al ilsek n;a :3 'lc.icuyte least possible space. A' cies nowv extinct and some of those 63 'lc r alwl pa na :0ocok
work rooms fur the museum staff. Five eosiderable amnount of work is in-' now fast disappearing in this country °"After All, What is the Most out of St. Paul's Lutheran Church You'll
expedlitions=, sent. cut by the Lniier-i v( ved .in preparing each individual are represented. The fact that these nirrsity Life?" "The Christian at Public Wa rship"
cit; renow it il fel ad sndng' nITarian Church is the sermon topic at Morning wa- I~- after hi
s'y r o ntt id-ndsen ing necionand it, would require sev- pieces,,,would be irreplaceab le necessi-I "TI fHs tSt alsLtea
in the nafeial wliielithzeY are g,t.im eal years to repalce any group of"h Rlgiu ttes that they should be given pzarl- RlgosCrcoption o i- shipatS.PisLlerr ,cuch
ering, all of which must be classified' them. S tome collection,' such as the urlar care, which is difficult to do un- tory" will be the subject under dis- this morning. Sunday school and 131-li
and prepareIfor lpre,'eivation. rabbits and hares have-been gathered'der the present conditions. cu:3sron at the 10:30 o'clock worship abe classes will be held at the usual. Her V
Not or xhiit ro~nll iffren paits f te wrld. A sallworing ibrry as eenat the nitarian church today. At fours.II
There is notintenxtion of pufling ex- The skimis are' carefulyl sftufednand Asaltransferr'edwriglbayhsbe to the annex but it is in- SPoialsor o 's wilameetin Md-at Theltnnua eission willwbe
hibit's in the annex, a;-cording to D. the skeletons cleaned and dryod. 'adequate for the work that moust be em:Sunda
Die aoiy o h aeil All the work of cleaning is done in donec. This necessitates almost dailyi
never will be placed on exhibit, being w .hat was fonmeily the kitchen of the trips of men working in the anne xto IND ________________________________________
too valuazble to subject to posible: house and a small pantry off it is the main. museum to secure necessary ictor
ltamalce froerizcxpocsure. The institu- uis ' as-Lthe "skin room." In it are references and informnation. n

ervices of the day.;
hiii C1lubhto Neet
the Hindustan Club will
'clock this afternoon in
.arold K. Latta, '24, will
ie Virtues of. Common
M~usical entertainment!
ed by Norman B3. John-;
lpersons interested inj
dially invited to attend.
ciency to use Daily'

Europe Through With Dueling
Vienna, Oct. 19-(A.P.)--Pre-war
duels in Europe often were serious
affairs, but post-war dueling has be-
come largely a farce. Military men
have come to a more sane view of
the "field o? honor," and, civil courts
are taking the place of meetings at
dawn with a brace of seconds and a
doctor in attendance.
A farcial duel is reported from
Budapest. Both, principals were di.,
rectors of prominent banks. They duly
'appeared on the field of combat, faiced
each other, and cocked their re:j'oivers.
When the signal to fire was given, one
man shot his bullet into the ground
and the other did not fire at all. Un-'
reconciled, the contestants le~ft the


.=-r- -:--Y

IL Li-

SC u ci

enjoy Galli-Curdz all the more on your Victrola
[avinfg heard her in person. Her Victor records are
.e reproductions of her wonderful voice and4-'art.
'ictor recordings comprise some fifty selections, a list
of your careful perusal. Catalogs free for, the
supremacy is the
.acY of achieve-a
Galli-Curci is an
ye Victor artist.
neatlest artists of the
are Victor Artists.
' a reason.!




,)upJI t1
The gro
Th ere's

s~~I lwi Uf L .Nomrn ti 11\uilG, caicit tfgrt "Whispering Wires" comes to the
-{~erltMtrCa opn fD- Garrick Theatre tonight, direct fi'om
1' n i rr i ate-at 4"~F'T h .of l na nn Amr 'ooP m o#; n ths rnin C ia o, f r a week's en-
i gagement.
for the 3.o n o he2ichig n-f)i o PenIsion I 114 Crows Large I The story, uinder the same title as
Stae gme A ombr illsta ~ Paris, Oct. 19-(A.P.)-There are "7,- the play, was wrtitten- by Henry Le-
th e Lion: bail~ing over thec week end.'1745,000 former soldiers of the Great verage, and appeared in the Saturday
Thos wh ar l~'omneft i stmt~War, -who served in armies- of the .Al-Eveninug Post as a serial and later in
and national affa i Ers iowreibe!c at lies and Central Empires, receiving boob~ form. It concerns Montgomzery
the Unitsn ,are <as oliows : pensions from their respective govern- Stockbrige, a man of wealth and po-
Lee A hue, ei~tor f The aily nents, according to latest official fig- ' ithial pawe, woapa' st cn
an the whzile a stIudentI andors; tral. figure. At the end of the first
azleu~ cwetd zz a Gcrmany heads the list with 1,537, act he answers a telephone call, :ind
1 heD~4oit eltumiai00,0; France is next with 1,500,000; suddenly falls dead, just as lie had
cap~cL~ in 'Great Britain,'1,170,000; Italy, 800,000; been warned would happen. His ser-
T. . Ottoway, ed1ito~r and publisher' Russia, 775,000; Austria, 706,000; Po-' vakiits and associates in the house
±i thPrt Utuon 'lum e. Herald' and laned, 320,000; Czecho-Slovakia, 236,- are all suspected in turn, and it re- '
pea int. of the Miclhi ;tti I res Cub.,000; Autsralia, 164,000; Yugo Slavic,' quires two more acts for the s=hrewvd-
B. S. Ilanclkett, regenyzt of the Uni- -164,000; United States, 157,000; Ru- est detectives in New York to clear up
veraiynwlvn in Graznd R7apids . mania, 100,000; Belgium, 50,000; Caa- the mystery..
Rosue ustn, mener f te frmada, 45,000; New Zealand, 20,OQO; Fin- I Kay Laurell, former "Follies" beau-
of usonBrthrsofDetroit. Con- land, 10,000. ty, plays the leading feminine role as
gr cssmnan Robert Clancey of Detroit. the daughter of Mr. Stockbridge. 0th-
I MAany Applications for Tich.iels ens prominent in the cast are Ben
Mas in uney, Prresident of the Diyapiain rmaun o Johnson, who plays the Stockbridge
MichganAlumi asocatio an attickets to the football games here 'role, Jane liouston, an azlunus of
rrsct itbuinssinDerot.}are revived by the Alumni .fiii the IBonstelie stock comepansy, Malcolm.
Norman Hill, editor of the. Saulte Requests for the 0. S. U. gamie have Duncan, Reynolds Dennison, Gavinm
Ste. Marie Evenzing News. numnbered more than two hundred, Gordon, and Stanley. ifarrison.
Stuart Perry, editor of the Adrian Ebawlcy 'Tapping, field secretary est-
l'ai~ i'<legr. a nd vice presiden-t of ;mates.
the Associated Press. These tickets are turned oven to t'le
A thletic Association, if tickets are
P'at O'Dea, president of the Detroit I
availabllp, but if not they are returnedI
chapter of .the Michigan Alumni asso-i to the senders.I

Roast Sturfd
Spring Chicken.
65 c

Soup, Potatoes,


Vegetables and drink
with above orders.
"Our aimn is to scitisfj) you."
Good.Eats Cafeteria.

You can't go wrong when you decide on a Victrola;it's
the instrument of the immortals. See ou~r new stock ofi
Victor Victrolas and hear~ the -wonderful records of the
great artists.
Sch aebe'-r le&. So

( a



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