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October 12, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-12

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?I)DAY, OCTOTIER 12, 1923

games, the athletic association finds
, M O Ii I3f Ut no difficulty. Seventy six men, each
sk'lled on some musical instrument, CAMPUS OPINION
OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER OF THE are always ready to serve. For this ; OSm/aa. , , ,
service these seventy six men receive a
Oa cheer from the crowded football;GOOD MORNING
Published every morning except Monday stands as they march on the field. It To the Editor:
during the University year by the Poard in,
Conti ol of Student Publications. costs the Athletic association and the TO******** Apropos that letter signed "Oregon
Members of Western Conference Editorial University, practically nothing to sup- I Student,"-appearing on the editorial
As/,ociation. ,port this beautiful organization. And I have seen your face across the page of The Daily, October 7th.-a
When Michigan plays away from room
The Associated Press is exclusively en- Light up with smile as sudden as the good many of us are heartily infaor
titled to the use for republication of all news home, however, the problem is an en- L
dispatches cr (ited to it or not otherw tirely different one. rhe men as al morn. of the sentiments expressed therein.
credited iri this Paper and the local news pub- Or I havefeeentItncloudeinetmaer'd
lished therein. ways, are willing to accept the re- Or I have seen it cloud intemper'd The new students of the University,
) osibilit gloo
Entered aty the postoffe at Ann Arbor, y and accompany the team, apart from freshmen, certa'nly do not,
Mlichigan, as second class matter. but it is hardly fair to ask them to As if your soul by some strange pain
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, were torn
$4.00. pay their own aveling t expenses, 'n wr na p aei m
4(ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- addition to giving their services gratis. And you from it in agonizing born. of attenion which they, as a matter
nard Street.tI wonder, if you knew I'd seen these of goodfellowship and courtesy, ought
11hones: 1Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- Previously, the problem of sending thnsj orcie
ness, 960. ____________________the band has been left to the studentsg.
Signed communications, not exceeding 300 themselves. Each year, during the You'd guess the prayer that my devo- n the other hand the churches in
words, will be published in The lailv at tion b
the discretion. of the Editor. Upon request, first two months of school, the stu- .3K Ann Arbor are going more than half
the identity of communicants will be re- dent body has been asked to contrib wyehn.
garded as confidential. * * * way in extending the hand of fiend- How o
ute between $3,000 and $5,000 to sent
EDITORIAL STAFF the band with the football team to IN case you didn't read the commu- ship and welcome. And if some of say tha
other schools. The Athletic associa- nication in the column next to this the new students who lack social con- for the
Telephones, 2414 And 176-M I at onta es aeteefr
tion and the University, to whom the one yesterday morning, we reprint tacts do not at least make the effort ly do?
MANAGING EDITOR band renders services wh'ch, estimated part of it here. It is an answer to a to get acquainted at some of the If you
HOWARD A. DONAHUE £. the minimum would amount to r church socials, they have themselves call-
letter from 'a person from OregonYcal
$17,000 annually, helps the band with to blame in some small measure.
News Editor...............Julian E. Mack a sum each year of $800. This with who complained that he was lonesome te
City Editor.............. ..harry lloey The Congregational Student's fel-
Editorial Board Chairman....R. C. Moriarty an annual amount from the Regents and that the Unversity wasn't doing lowship, meeting regularly every Sun- T
Night Ed tors of $750, comprises the total financial anything about it, although the au-I day at 5:30 P. M. in the church par-
N. IE. Ailes A. B. Connable support the band gets other than what thorities 'saw to it that the freshmen lors, most cord'ally extends an invi-
R. A. CLillington . E. Fiske can be collected by tag days. had a rousing good time at their swell tation to all new students irrespective
Harry C. Clark r G. Garlinghouse hdaruiggo iea hi wl aint l e tdnsirsetv
P. M. Wagner The tag day method of collectingo
S'oits Editor...............Ralph N. Byers revenue is one from which the ban( mixer. This bird, who signs himself of denominational affiliations, to come
Women's Editor...........Winona HibbardIaround and enjoy the agreeable social
Telegraph Editor...............R. B. Tarr should have been delivered many years Once a Stranger, says, in part:
circle of fellow students who gather


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_.. .. ... V..,, ' ....'" V ....~,.

..24e chap ao
tseeConnie N
ha'll bet'

ften have you heard somcone
at? It's all very well to say i
effect, but what if they actual
There is but "one" thing to do.
need words or anything else,

,' ii


- - , 'tm A

r- -F - c ,O1 DJ T
.~4 _ i

Our Pri(es Can't Be Beat In
Detroit or Anywhere Else



fT T_ _ _. _ 1f __ ny

I z ? ui t t The college iman will always
4v- ' Ifind the correct thing waiting
1i Kfor him.
---- -.Save a Dollar or More at Our
akinds of Cleaning and reblocking
for li ihi cli 'r 1Work.
* ) ~' b' r~, . . ?. toi.s AlStlaie-PIIONE 1192

Sunday_ Magazine Editor........ Ti. ldenI
Music Editor...........Ruth A Howeil ago. The band has established its
Assistant City Editor..t...Kenneth C. Kellar place here, it has proven its worth,
Editorial Board .1and has given worthwhile service. It
Paul Einstein Robert Ramsay is now time that the organization was
AndesistPropper spared the indignity of the yearly beg-
B. G. aet.ke J. McGinnis ging tour and the student body the
1a N. Berman B.wC. Ma sid annoyance of money campaigns.
helen lbown Verena Moran The Athletic association is most
Bernadette Cote Regina Reichmnann
C.. W. Davis S. t. Smith certainly the organizaton to supply
hlarold Ehrlich W. 11. Stonenman
F. C. ingerle i1. R. Sto n the additional money for the supporti
T. P. Henry K. 1. Styer of the band because this division of
Dorothy Kamin N. R. Thai
oseph Kruger S. B. Tremble the University activity receives thej
R.iRbet Lreoran W. J. Waltr services of the band more than any
other. Heretofore, the association has
BUSINESS STAFF prohibited the collecting of funds for
Telephone 960 the fall band trps in the football
stands during the games. The peti-
BUSINESS MANAGER tion which the Student council is now
LAURENCE H. FAVROT presenting to the Athletic association'
asks for the permission to do this.
Advertising............... ...E. L. Dunne The Athletic association is prohil'ted
Advertising..............Perry M. Ilayden
Advertising......................C. Purdy from sending the band with the team
Advertising ..............w. Roesser
Advertising.............W.... K. Sce rerjbecause of a Conference ruling which i
Accountion..................C. W. Christie limis the number of men who may
Pblication................Lawrence Pierce f accompany the football teams at the3
Assistants expense of the Athletic associations.
Bennie Caplan Harold A. Marks !Such a ruling, unjust as it is, cannotl
John Conlin Byron P'arkcr
Ain B. Crouch S. A. Robinson be helped immed'ately. The collecting
Loi iMDter I. . Rockwell of funds in the stands at football
avid"A. Fox Will Weise games is prohibited by a ruling of the
Lauren Ilaight C. F. White
R. E. Hawkinson R. C. Winter' ,local Board in Control of Athletics.
Edw. D. hloedenaker _ -This ruling which was passed to pre-
vent promiscuous collecting in the
_'stands, can be removed. The least the
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1923 Athletic association can do to support
---- -- the band is t« eliminate the local rule
Night Editor-P. M. WAGNER in such a worthy cause and give the
band a boost free of charge.

"If the young man were of a re-
ligious trend, he woujd find an
almost excessive eagerness to
make him feel at home. And,
really, there are some quite pretty
young ladies who frequent the
churches. But if he has a strong
aversion to sects, he might not
object to the inhabitants of Lane l
Hall. Not quite so 'many fair
ones there, to be sure-but ever
so many handsome ones, and they
are not entirely ignorant of the
other half of the universe.
No man who wants to get into
the harness and serve the Univer-
,sity of Michigan need worry about
All you have to do to get a kick out
of that is to read it and say haw haw,
to yourself at proper intervals.
YESTERDAY afternoon we attendedI
the monster mass-meeting of the
class of 1927, hoping to find food for
.thought thereat. We regret to an-
nounce to our clientele that the con-
clave was the most boring we have
witnessed in some years. Usually
these yearlings, when they come to
the business of electing the officials.
who are to carry the heavy burdens
of the class, executive, financial, etc.,
comport themselves in such a man-
ner as to bring guffaws to the mouth
of n'r'zn1 l d n lr l I than thpi l O vnq . i

there weekly. And moreover, I am
sure, every student church group in
Ann Arbor extends the same invita-
So, new students, come in sometime
and shake hands all around.
Victor Gondos, Jr., '24A
A contemporary paper recently an-
alyzed a speech given by President
Coolidge before the National Conven-
tion of the American Red -Cross, and
found that his sentences averaged just
,18 words to the period. This is a
record among presidents. The former
record holder was Lincoln, who sel-
dom grouped more than 25 words'
around his verb.
The interesting thing about this
record is that it bears out in striking
fashion the old, old thought that men
who do things say little and vice--versa
that men who don't do much are very
apt to blow off their energy in wordn.
Berlin's latest poular song is en-
,titled "Ja wohl, wir haben keinen
Bannanen." The world isn't so big,
is it?
It might pay some of our all-too-nu-
merous campus windbags to heed sew-
iOusly'~this presidential example.

Go to the
UnivertS y
Res Naurant
91l Ncrth lUnivS

'. L~. . '


~ I!I
-7),' [ P-APTSH',."KPICTURE-

or persons o aer uan tiemseives.
IVIC iERtSIIA)IwAND PROPAGANDA 1 -1 -For instance, in the matter of nom-
George Woodward Wickersham will A IPLEASANT JEANS TO A inations, they are accustomed to rise
not be allowed to speak in Hill audi- G ,OD END ant say "Wolfgang Jones was the star
torium on November 2, because the When tie Union fair passed fron football team at Northern last year,
Board of Regents decided that his W
among the annual events of Michigan and I think he would make a fine pres-
speech dealt with an issue of partisan Iand the Opera took its place with an' ident. I nominate Wolfgang Jones-
politics. It appears that the right ofanth
free speech in the Universty has not I extended scope, but essentially differ- J-O-N-E--S- for the office, of
ent in nature, one of the traditional president 6f this class." And then
been challenged by the Honorable events of American collegian life all the little cheeses that went to
Board, as some representatives of the assed out from Ann Arbor. Now that Northern with this Jones clap their
press have indicated. Exactly what . plannedotfost hands and say Yea
it -s planned to revive the custom of F
they have done is to interpret the it
tclyaus e nth e w i o ArturHil whih 'a hilar:ous gei\together where all But this year things were different.
clause indthe will of Arthur Hill whichs would meet in an informal spirit of j This class was too stupid even to bal-
retluested that no political speeches goflosi samast u lyhoo for the nominees. Furthermore,
be giv~n in Hill auditorium. - They goodfellowshiPi as a means to put lhofrtenmne.Frhroe
bergeon iof aupreedenmthcy'across the swimming pool project, the every town in the state of Michigan
were conscious of a precedent which put up at least one person for each;
the demedt teirdut touphld.campus is just awakemzg to the fact
they deemed :t their duty to uphold. that the have missed somethin more offlice. Most trying for us, really.
But no precedent, however firmly ygn* * *
than the forbidden draught from theI
rooted It may be, is self-sufficient. The . . ,, YESTERDAY the Hugmen triumph-
vnstitutons of those days of yore.
very firmness of its roots may be a For many years, Cornell has held ed over the minions of McGraw, even.
source of difficulty. ing the series. Ruth, the master
'. . .annual affairs similar to that proposed!'
If this rule is to exist permanently mauler, stepped into a couple and
n shere, always with the greatest success.
it should be enforced, subject to the whammed them skyward. and seaward,I
Each year some uniclue idea has been I
discretion of the Board and should not . high and wide, and two other birds
be a blanket regulation. If the rule . carried out thmsough the entire cele-aig to oters, in
were- flexible and Mr. Wickersham's trrbsaon with the result than more than aot godh, got their money's , worth.
had ordinary interest is always stimnulated. ohrwrs o hi oe'.wrh
subject and his political record had dina haser tiealways for te The Big Babe, as his own chamber of
1Michigan has obtained funds for the
been carefully examined he would not I.commerce would probably say, gives
naturally fall into a class of polit'cal support one institution or another Service. I
propagandists and the present uncom- for the asking. ag days and generalI And, most aproposly, up come two
fortal~Ie situation would not have subscriptions have been the accepted lads at this point and ask us to hold
arisen. means of raising money in almost ev- the stakes on a bet on tomorrow's
Mr. Wickersham's record shows that cry instance. Seldom does it occur game. This just goes to show in
be has held no place in partisan poli- to obtain fthe necessary financial sup- what esteem we are held by the cam-
tics since he served as attorney-gen-I port through giving the student body pus at large.
eral under President Taft during the some means of entertaiment for their
period from 1909-13. In fact the posi-recious funds. This is certainly the The brass check has come back to
n hI aimless method of extraction, and it ( Michigan. Where? Where?
Lion' which -le held in the Taft regime
=s the only political post of importance ms worthy' of a trial here. - There's one on every low instruct-
Fahich lie has ever-occupied. The rec-y seh or's Ford.
ord of his life shows that he has been finished swimming pool which so i:n-
largely concerned with private enter- paired the perfecton of the Michigan MR. Wenley was most subtle today.
p-ises especially the practice of law. Union bu'lding. If the money can be Under the guise of a lecture on Skep-
He will come here as the president secured through one big spree, why ticism, he got off about 100 puns. He'd
_ -rt to that mans? 1


, The Oratorical association of the,
Universlty of Michigan was organized
in 1890 and since that time this group
of students and faculty members has
arranged, sponsored and maintained a'
lecture course for the benefit of the
entire academic community of Ann
Arbor. Statesmen, diplomats, schol-
ars, explorers, and men who have
gained national and international dis-
tnction in their particular field have
been brought here to address large
audiences. Through the efforts of this
association residents of Ann Arbor'
may hear and see, at a reasonable
price, these illustrious figures in the
world's work.


m"..,':''~S -,.°F;.c::.+i: #'S. 4' '° s ,: .k F « ~.,, .pia.'.TJr'R :'. Y1F.'L:Et'?Zii


, .

f-is ~ -
f. ' /4 t \-r
d 1
¢ - '
Big warorm vercoats that
will kec a Can c mfort-
able on -h.' o-ldest day.

Many influential men are found on
the 1923-24 course consisting of ten
numbers. jThere are ltundred oY
people who would travel f3r to hear
the Honorable William Allen W1mte.
Judge Ben Lndsey, forme- Governor
Lowden of Illinois, Mr-s. 1'arrie Chap-
man Catt, or Stephen Leacoc, aid
Stuart Walker's Portmanteau players.
The numbers on this series were sc-
lected by a faculty comrmitteL ap-
pointed by the president of the Uni-
versity. It was naturally their pur-
pose to bring here people viho give
their audiences valuable information
as to present day subjects and infla-
ence their hearers in some intellectual
or educat'onal manner. That they
have succeeded in the past is proven
by the demand for season tickets for
the present program.

of the Iigague of Nations Non-partisan!
association. The subject upon which
te wil1 speak ceased to be a thriving
polit'cal issue when President Wilson,_
carrying the banner of the League
'went down to defeat before the Senate
in 1919. At present the League issue
has awakened the interest of both
parties and it can not be reasonably
assumed that it is still an important l
plank in the platform of the Demo-
cratic 'party.

1 Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan
From the files of the V. of 1. Daily,
October 12, 1898.
The Daily yesterday received the,
first issue of the twelfth college daily,
"The Daily Student" of Indiana uni-

rave about all the reasons for skep-
ticism, you know, and then he'd haul Tonight the opening number on the
in the flexibility of language, and then program will be given when former
he'd say "Has a telephone operator a Governor Lowden of Illinois will
profession, or a trade? She has neith- speak. A man who has been governor
er-she has a calling." of a state, a member of the United
Inasmuch as all his other tricks I States congress, and a strong candi-
were working quite smoothly also, he date for the Republican nomination
quite ravished his audience, which for president, and who in addition has
was large and intelligent, a reputat'on for brilliance and elo-
quence is surely worth wiie hearing.
An interesting study in the psychol-
ogy of advertising is furnished by the It now remains to be seen whether
advertisement of the Majestic Thea- or not the student body will take
ter in yesterday's Daily. The film is nr..-nttr,, + r.-, i t, i-.--. . t -


fl' r


IJttSchiaffner,& )Ir
a .c Ql.-'cr fine ma'kes
T~ T~ TT~-N Y X § TT

l a A'n VVATAIVA -A A'PlP ,


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