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October 12, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-12

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_________ __________~-~~~a~~ ~

w n

Tr uswic llthe forer Che ofaihou
have signedl un since the last
nouncement concerning, the intcrho,
hockey tournlamrent, 14 of the, hou
on the ca±mpus having signified tb
intentionts of participating in the c.
test. Ec team is to have ai yell le.
er ;and each house is to wear its c(l(
not only for ;purposes of idlentifica't
wtut also to lend so,],e "house sii
thle res.pective teamns. Phctce i
alread1y begun andi the first 1gamoev
be pla yed' off on Friday, Oct. 19.
The rines of all houses will beC
in a hat. TIhe first. two (Yrawn A
play .first, the scond( two next,
s1ll-will he nilehedl up in this w
rleentire schedule for the tor:
,iet will b~e postedl in .Iartmu a g
nasiuum tolcy<.
Th c on'> etil iu Ii loi,-;(;, wIth V11
j7port managers7'i for the S 5EiiSf are
f~l'-: ";pna 1>1 ta, Dorothy
born; M taCook, ifelen Jones;.
urlinae hou .., 1 Sear £;ight.; Cama
Ph i BLeta, 1WIuI"Ifed Chwney; I)
Zeta, Norma B~owbeer; Del-ta Caml
Lo is Miller; Zeta Tau -AI]Aa, Ani
belle Burdick; Kappa Alpha Tbl
® Mary Hlays;,Alpha Epsilon Phi, R,
Kay; Dewvberry residence, Be
Flays; D~eltaI Delta Delita, Cliarl(
lEckhert; Betsy B~arbour, Martha (I'
Theta Phli Alpha,, Jean td1vens-a-vd;i
CMiOOnega, Edlna iaov

Exg igPat
an- /




tile o


' YEIISITY WOMIEN TOLE As Opens Inn on WslnwAcn
ItiS "HVE GROUPS IN SCHOOLS Mrs, Edna Placy, 1G9Wahtn
aw avenue, offers auiu aac'o
Many University women are ox- =spending an afte rnoona e rcnl
pY resing interest this year in the so- oCpened Washlteulaw ln. Lt:cagb
ciaf service work of leading Girl Re-

f .' l.i N VAYI' RNGYM - 1
PlIans arm well under way for a dance
ivch wsilbe given from 9 to 12
o'clo<ck, Saturday evening, Oct. 20, at
j itatormra gynmasiumn, for the benefit
of the Michigan League fund, accord-
ing t:) Olive Waggoner, '24, who is gen-

jAll irunior women are ,ashed to pay
jthe Junior CGiris' play tax 01f~i to a
representative of the class from '2 to 4
afternoon this week in tthe' othcc
of the ([ean of women.
Tryouts for first sopranos for the
!University Girls' Glee clubi-,will be
held from 11 to 12 o'clock tomiorrow,
mornin, in the School, of T Msic.
'The L.andladies' league will meet

serve groups. Marianna Smalley, '25,
whlo has charge of this phase of the
city Y. AV. C. A. work, reports that
the following University women have
already signed tip as leaders of groups
from the grade schools: Lucretia.
Brewer, '24, Pauline Kolar, Camille
Maclure, Charlotte Cromwell, '25, Max-
ine Cromwell, '24, Helen Hebauf '26,
; Margery Brando, '24, Elinor Bausch-
ard, '25, Jean Macauley, '25, Josephine
Lang, grad., Geraldine Masters, '26,

on an afternoon st roi , oneicy
in, have a bite to .aa ieudIh
rest of the atroadui .T
fireplace gives the lueadr g
decorated roomis a 1- :_-lilc";, _m
phere. A smokingra rbenpo
vided for m en. M rs. .t:VcInn is a hobbr-anthe
to make it unusual. Tea eh
obtained for privat.ep've-a'ahe
d'hote dinner will e~n:vdStv:\
evening after each name.'
Athena Literary rociety wl od
open meeting at 7:15 o'c-le.Tut-n :

wi ll

the first of a number of large projects ;o'clock 2Mondeay evening in the parlor '23, 1 ary Stewart, Mary Simpson, '25.
fo wlin h egu udthsya.of Barbour gymnasium. c There are at present eight corps of
--Y -Girl Reserves in the schools. The ad-
Chairmen for committees have been 3('rin to Attend F~ederation 1etuiv' visors oi' these corns will plan with
appsointed as follows: Anne Sheldon, DenJa!aito ilatnl tht <>iris a prograiii for the year and
'24 floor; Lot iSe Pennington, '24, tick- _4 tngo heFdrainof'oe'stwill endeavor to giv~e them normal na-
's, D-1oris Crouse, '2, muisic; Helen clubs tto'i r'Cv i1~trol Ele tc'lwats ~ ie
)_Xibridge, '24, hall; Edith Millen, '24, thle guest at tea of Westminster hall-
iadvcrtising - and Afarian Goddard, '26, en Friday afternoon and of Kappa JD}A e XJTl d
lser.Apha Thletat On Sunday afternoon. r, a th W an Act
I Patrons and patronesses will incltude -
P'resident MarionL. Burton and Mrs. --_________________
E[ >uIrt{3n, )-an John R. Effinger andI
PVMrs. I fing er, Dean Joseph A. Bursley T V OUR FAMOUS
-.and Mrs. B3ursley, Dean Jean IlanilI-pTi'TP
~ o, Mi arion Blood and the faculty J 'j" f1~ (?''I
Ad.Pee akyon lC3a WYCili- advia uv hlordl of the Women's league, J I1 , £ J 1 I ' i JLJ#1i L
au, 3.; t!' <'0 nly sIinxi \oi, of i1!le p a !rty 1'u. 'lobi s .. ehhoff, andl Mrs.
or live pi'501t5sonoil *t 1-iI sland ilic khlf, Dean 'Wilbur R.:Humphreys
, r,2 hen t he recenlt Noits , exediti on a :nd Mrs. )-inhuphacoys, Prof. Thomas E. C'~ ~ AUt
reached the isl and. 'FIbe party, (:or- 'ltanial and(I's. Rankin, Prof. Louis!
7istijjg o 11 1a1arI- f tunr~a og AIi Er-' fit 9 St "ssand Mrs. Strauss, and Mr. A--
IcaIexeoera, was pat tof the Statff-: dMr. 'redlerick W. Peterson. IG~TATCE
anronC1 ex,).O *,i ha, of 'I 21, M i:i aic for the daunce is to be furn- (IlhF t.I^'S '(Y CULA. '1: " DRUG SUNabDRIES
-isbed by Bergen's orchestra of Yp- ,
I «g F: -r<, ,i;this ag'out) played for the Sonl- /id,riWs C ice C'ompounded'
ior ball which was given here in June.
T !i'c kets will be placed on sale Mon- ~efx~1
da at Wt' r' anid Graham's ibook- !MA NNS 4' LL .I
IQdrls.x a ,IF, I ,VF jstares. Thfey may be obtained laterii
cL ; a ( xeckatBarbour gymnnasium hand i 213 S. MAIN rS eLET A R O
j ~ __ at the leag ue booth in University hall.I
!~L1I(i~I lt~liA ~lO T ho lprice of admission has not been _____________--_____________________
LXG U~ ~ Ihl)I Ii definiely settled as yet, but will be an-
TI' S 1 lR iiouaeed inThe Daly .later.
A t2 i~i es 0!ofti hQ h'r''adiihlatPe Ca:121
naioconIni i2tte,,,of, the 1 inve-rsit oi''en'' FtttG.- ~fv4
_1 ncmi~u lecce will this year be di-'B o d For H~iss Blod
r'.. L il ocr8 un~+iing tieefforts of ~p
il iieaty iwomeninsevrallare
X1a1 > >mneL dt fth tulliglitl: arionBlood, as.,istant (lean ofIo
mind ath em th.an2 encoun'aging numer- ViflilTethgusofonraa
o7 ml e ttIm n 1fc~,sc tea iven by Dean hmilton from 4 to)
a;; xere g£,i venlast, er.''he annualG6o'clock' this afternoon in the parlors
taar il<egie or. 7 and8 f arouag4 5m. Miss -aml
w) e bom te - cli l ~ IYI i n charge of nthef ton,BMiss o Blood, antil Miss Alice Crock;- : r tr ;
acrg'auiateaetii ls (0151its t :cr will be in the receiving line while
d oiI i Cro-a , '24, chtairian ; Jrgaret 'Mr's. Alfred :1I. Lloyd, Mrs. Edward
19cx(.n, '24, EJ izab:eth Siemmrnann, '25,I Campbell, Mrs. W. H. Faust, and Mrs.
and Rt Ri, '6 d ~iii1 amnpli llonner will pour.
land, a special stleiit, is the suere- -__________
G . cy, and v.111l bo in the office formeirlyE ADV ISORY O KTO
1 cup't1ed bsy :Ncva .u£3' ecvell, in 13 ar- G v
C 1. .NUEALLYEA./ t/(
heour gy~lnasillni, froal 'to 5 o'clock ; 4L..

. j





. I

2 ~ en-Todaiy{
IArcade--"Enemies or 'Women,
Lionel Barrymore.j
Iajestic-Viola Dana in "Roug-
ed Lips."
NNuerth -- "D~own to the Sea ini
Orpheuc --"Fools and Riches."
Whitney - Tonight Do
Wolf Hopper, an:l the Gilbert
7 and Sullivan conic opera coin-
p1 in? ,.ute'Th iao'
Round Velour

PHONE 2925-M'

a ' namncnl oun obc muu~ y
chpkIpoinhth::ccct. She wvidl eep b-ooks and(
ta ke care of an -v conflict of dates or
o,.er difiid ntie" Which a a aise.
More than 59,000 was added to the
Uni erit ciLII!c~ ianLea, 16 build-
1ai ~n ac year by the varcous wVO-
mh' 11,,)~l a -and etlher organization s
on t he Ca T;:us, mu ec-ding to a report
Lic a;in'ei ae

Two hundred seventy-three fresh-
rncn registered at tile junior advisory
des (I~rig egistrationwee,, c
cording to a -temporary report inade
out by Margaret Beal, '25, chairman
of the Junior advisory committee of the
i Women's league. Of that number 161
had been assigned to advisors pro-1
vious to their coming to the University
wh ile the remainder had not sent in-
their applications until too late for
summer work. Only 14 freshmlen re-
I porteed that they head had no word from



wPhy uy
on the
Blossom Shop,
Nickel's Ar.-ade 213 E. Liberty


their juniors. One hundred fifty-five
J~ fi~ ~4'W'I ~ Jioirs acted as advisoirs.
' IL a s 1 ' $Al "a I "Ju nior advisory work should not
y ® )LloynAtop %with tie .endlof registrationj
Tnornto, Oct. 10-(By iP)-Lo1 week,"bMiss Leil said. Every junior
George- before a large aurdienice in iCts requested by the committee to call
V: A' fy iiall today pleaded for unity uip her freshmien several times during
- iathiln the IBritish empire so that wahen Ikhe crar to show that she is interested.
the crvy of war goies up the Brif'sh em-
I {1-re n,,,a: say "halt" aind theo cry of EPartrolnize Tf'be Daily adverd.iers.
f Ewres5ng is personal thanks to ' . 'l f~~1
i 'Toronto and C ana da for the aid t red - cad i vjC L A d's
1g'vo from 1914 to 1:18, thne ivar time. .__
the premieir stays lie feared, another _______________________
"catastroplhe" tunless sonie inierven- l A lAN-4 N INilOR US 1,1NI,
ittCo could bh' supplie'd by Great BFri- t~cndI ' liimc Slaov Time)
l Leave Chamber o, Comm~erce
tam~ and if unity prevailed witihin'I We ay udy
the empire and amion g all it:6 coast t- 1 :i a. '= 6 :4s a. n.
a s : h5 p. '1. 6:4 5 p. t.
cent farts. 4:45 p" m".
__________JAS. I. ELLIOTT, Proprietor IC
Patronize The Daily advertisers. 1oeg-MAiaM.h

T &1 y and Tomorrow
These asclractiv velour pil-
lows will add to the 'cheer
<and comfort of your room.
They are ,round and come in
old blue, mulberry, rose,
(ark greell and brown. To-
day and tomorrow they will
sell at the special price of
$1 .98.
Enamneled Reed
Waste Baskets
. Today and Tomorrow
H-ere's the sort of waste
paper baskets that will not
only help to keep your room
neat but will also be orna-
mrental. These baskets are
-~f enametled] reed in bronze.

di V aat

_-_--_, SATURDAY
Perhidasthe ms sum>:i. :t omi 1t le at i-fits s t .,.sensational author ever
-screened, andtclg of lu plodged themselves the "eternal
Senem es of 1onyt h ugdpicl orgies at which were in
-attendance the most striki, a beate of all Eiur'ope, and who finally, .
one by one, eeconquered b~y woman-all-beautiful.-
F' J A/ I1
m __ ' , r . -
pre.sentc.s /rnc

IF ',
I $

....___.. ,..C ___ __._ .._ i b:.Y fi :. ~





A Sloe'ialIie i'1 Pna~'i~i
The Alost Slupen'Idous
Piece of Realism
Eiver Rho tographed
-6, ,,

a. ' "A rI
La 1r L

: ;

rt { : i i l
- . ;
_ r
" f ,,y .
i , _' .
P ...

And the Comedy Riot










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