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October 09, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-09

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Des lie Have To TaCUT HNE ~EK
L D1r. E. G. Anderson, formiorly ofa
the Carnegie station for eplerilar cniai t
- evolution and the (College of ihc' CCit
a ~of New York, is with tihe Dottay (c - !
p artment as national resea _ek fallow.v
Dyr. Andetson is devoting 1,, ceattire c
time to investigafi onsit airily at the
botanical garden, on heredity itn maize:
ifand fruit flies.t
Dr. George Sartori;, has tgone inlto'
the office of Sugar Ploam Inv estig a-;
tions of the Department of' A ricul-!i
. .f. ure of the United State:;, and itir.
Peter Klaphaak, of the saute (of tee'
has returned to the University to pour-r
sue graduate work. 11r. H-ulgh Sm :tith
s ~~~an assistant in the botany deparctmen t
r ~~~~~last year, has gonle toth iE .l ivr c Isiv%
' 4 *~ (of Maine experimental station ;s as
sistant plant breedecr. P'rof. F. A.
S' pragg, head of the plant bre cuing de- -
Herr Fellinger f p artment of the Michigan A^griculture
A new post, that of currency corn- College, is taking a y-ear's leave of't
creaed y te absence for writing and research and:
missoner hasbeenis here in the Botany De-artlnent.
German government and Herr Felling- Another new, arrival is (talnes IW.
er has been appointed to the new post. w~aters, instructor in B3otcany at S;yra -
foreign money found in public eating
cueUiestwohsetOne of his duties is to confiscate all useoniersiuty, wo iha enrd
and drinking places. Whether or n onrdaewr ihPoen
he has to check up on all the marks
printed isn't known.
Former Governor Frank 0. vdc
of Illinois, will onen the O0 to deal
Active roles for the play "A Thou- ilecture courseI prograteio: this veear,

TOld To Avertise ! ar) A OL TF
AancCyOt8-B A.)- FORH i~iA b qL mac, Tryc~ui s for the business staff of the
VhT;ether you have rings, radishes.Grgyl ill meet in the Gargoyle
'ide;. or an ythfing else to sell, news - Edward D. Lager.'i, dre.wc ikesin the Press building betwveen
n+) eraivertising will help move l the extension division of t0 ii ' r- 2tid 4o'clock this afternoon. Posi-
.,od rad should Be used Tiber- s ity of Iowa, has tak-uni eh1argeLions'' on the staff are openflonily to
71v, "ote MerchandisIng Transpor- aluixuni celebration to oce be!n in Io;
tation ccemnitte:e told member of thej City on Nov. 3, ,when Mcia ~
? Icrican ji .lect 'ic Railway associa-I there at that time. Ie is goi oc
ton t(, _1y in convention here.! send letters to all aflumi in thou
Inthe years. the association has in order to urge them to attend tho
inceaedthe nuber of companies game.
e. a li ertime ten fold, but too many Stratton D. Brooks, '97, pre ident - r'
til re no advertising, the report! the University of Missouri, aii1 fo r'
1h_~d ~euie te public util- or presi&Lejt of the U?¢_niversitr o C01 -
ot ,-aeunder-advertised. L a homa, will attend the. fni. It is i L
t r h a n d i s i h.g transportation expected that a s'pecial car of rooter,;ti 7
throu,_gh[ithe printed word is growing from. Kansas'City will also come, nr:--
vr~y rpiclly in the electric railway der his direction. Another giroup f!:
indisi r'. The numiber of compane- planning to come from Iin 1eapls.
ies no(w using ad-vertising in one form President *W. A. .Jes .ur, of Iowa
or an~other, parti-ularly newspaper ad- University, intends to so'ajd invite tioius
Y rtis'ng, nuitnb,.;rs approximately, 300. to President Marion L. Bro,(IoY-
Thre e vs ago one-tenth of this e rnor Groesbeck, and (lovern,"'r Ken..'
Isnitaer were using detiig loll, of Iowa., to be lprcsent t. :he'
_______ game, it was announced through tle.
IAlumni association here.
'. 1 P1 F Z REL ATE The association will hiave pae:
. ..,1YON K AISFR iat numaxaerosalmnrmeetings tar

r(unhom,1ore 'anIsecnd em ester
I fre'Shmen. I
Any one who( i ?f iterested in the
bu Fsliness manaII 3 :mC;t (of.I 1aagzi.l!
the avriig adgnrlcondluct
of te buines isurgeda to try out
or t h staffl, as there are several va-
Scani es ithis ;year.
Daily classilledl for real results.

Fes°v Mea(

Lc nflonl, Ge 8-(By A.Y.)-Some in-
teresting letters written by Austen
One nmberli~n to his family when, in
IXas a young muan he visited Ger-

Iowa the week before th ame
The discussion group leuaders of ;h
Student Christian Association will

'fl.ny to comnplete h's education, are meet at o. :)ju oc~iUci. tomorjrowic-
'published in the. September issue of nonfrlnho.Ih etn i
"Tfz Em. pire leiew , be held at the blue roomi of the -
Aiong other anecdotes the writer Inn. .
gi-ves the following story of Prince~
Wilhelm~, now the occupant of Doorn s
II-oase, in Holland, and often refer- NE D X
red to as lplain William Hohenzollern. °.LERIY
"Prince Wilhelm, seeing one of the 'N T Y
C: ri-man offircers, Goertz Pasha, who is, -~ .i



.oe v ing in the Turkish Army, with
three ordjers on his breast,-asked for
what service he got them. The pasha.
aifter a naomnent's hesitation, replied:
' The first I got for flattery, the see-
c U- ler .feo 1in g and Ithe third for lv-,

The ArborFut
Watch for Opeiig



he will speak on the "Org.an t ~ i mg.2 v u{ xuLc iuttt
Government.""What a scoundrel I must be!' an-i
The box office ticket sale for resrrv- s,verod the prince, 'the sultan has sentj
ed seats for the entV ~rire cs , j1m dthree, and in diamonds."
begin a~t 1 o'clock this afternioonin --
IHill auditorium, continuing unt.il. I
o'clock. The sale rl also 1von,
t e s m h o r onda y a n d F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n . F L I N
(iidAllowed to pEic+, ;, INSTRUCTION
Washington, D. C., Oct~- 8: U
jrtetiremient of Ambassador (.hdd '
Rome will be effective "at 1,i; :,, --- ''oeTh~lorie---$l1i a course.
ure" it was officially samidtky <Jt -iicgL' t field, P ,wkrd street }
State department. Tu ic ios dr' 5 , i ?i~nis
now enroute to the U.I.S, 1ec; e l
it proves to be Pais desire tore. l'asmir $arul
Italy and sever his cotnniection, at
later date he may do s.___________
I -_____ - - -----

D~on't mIss i:n . w l
'while. C.ome C ealoy s -'
Cer~taiii I I erIll scm 0f soul.

-- for
2,')0 pages oft'ier.' t 's n: i Vien sof Aim . . rorr. '11w lest C01-
Yellow and Blue
College Days
When Night Fall Dear
Win for Michigan1
Fight; Men of Michigan
Michigan Memories-
And many other songs in sheet form.
Bard Arrarn ements
Orchestra A.t°rr an ts
Two Mandolins and Guitar
PulIed kby
N* )
For ~l i l



_ _ .. . _.
.._ ~

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