PWO -HEMICHIGAN DAILY Des lie Have To TaCUT HNE ~EK IN BTAC qN 1;R T LE~FT L D1r. E. G. Anderson, formiorly ofa the Carnegie station for eplerilar cniai t - evolution and the (College of ihc' CCit a ~of New York, is with tihe Dottay (c - ! p artment as national resea _ek fallow.v Dyr. Andetson is devoting 1,, ceattire c time to investigafi onsit airily at the botanical garden, on heredity itn maize: ifand fruit flies.t Dr. George Sartori;, has tgone inlto' the office of Sugar Ploam Inv estig a-; tions of the Department of' A ricul-!i . .f. ure of the United State:;, and itir. Peter Klaphaak, of the saute (of tee' has returned to the University to pour-r sue graduate work. 11r. H-ulgh Sm :tith s ~~~an assistant in the botany deparctmen t r ~~~~~last year, has gonle toth iE .l ivr c Isiv% ' 4 *~ (of Maine experimental station ;s as sistant plant breedecr. P'rof. F. A. S' pragg, head of the plant bre cuing de- - Herr Fellinger f p artment of the Michigan A^griculture A new post, that of currency corn- College, is taking a y-ear's leave of't creaed y te absence for writing and research and: missoner hasbeenis here in the Botany De-artlnent. German government and Herr Felling- Another new, arrival is (talnes IW. er has been appointed to the new post. w~aters, instructor in B3otcany at S;yra - foreign money found in public eating cueUiestwohsetOne of his duties is to confiscate all useoniersiuty, wo iha enrd and drinking places. Whether or n onrdaewr ihPoen he has to check up on all the marks printed isn't known. CHOOSE CAS-T FOR FIRST GD L DE I1 PU ROLES~ MASUES ~ LECTURE SE$1E kE" Former Governor Frank 0. vdc of Illinois, will onen the O0 to deal Active roles for the play "A Thou- ilecture courseI prograteio: this veear, Stre*?t. Car Owners ALMIEDAPO1 TY.tUTS WANTED TOld To Avertise ! ar) A OL TF AancCyOt8-B A.)- FORH i~iA b qL mac, Tryc~ui s for the business staff of the VhT;ether you have rings, radishes.Grgyl ill meet in the Gargoyle 'ide;. or an ythfing else to sell, news - Edward D. Lager.'i, dre.wc ikesin the Press building betwveen n+) eraivertising will help move l the extension division of t0 ii ' r- 2tid 4o'clock this afternoon. Posi- .,od rad should Be used Tiber- s ity of Iowa, has tak-uni eh1argeLions'' on the staff are openflonily to 71v, "ote MerchandisIng Transpor- aluixuni celebration to oce be!n in Io; tation ccemnitte:e told member of thej City on Nov. 3, ,when Mcia ~ ? Icrican ji .lect 'ic Railway associa-I there at that time. Ie is goi oc ton t(, _1y in convention here.! send letters to all aflumi in thou Inthe years. the association has in order to urge them to attend tho inceaedthe nuber of companies game. e. a li ertime ten fold, but too many Stratton D. Brooks, '97, pre ident - r' til re no advertising, the report! the University of Missouri, aii1 fo r' 1h_~d ~euie te public util- or presi&Lejt of the U?¢_niversitr o C01 - ot ,-aeunder-advertised. L a homa, will attend the. fni. It is i L t r h a n d i s i h.g transportation expected that a s'pecial car of rooter,;ti 7 throu,_gh[ithe printed word is growing from. Kansas'City will also come, nr:-- vr~y rpiclly in the electric railway der his direction. Another giroup f!: indisi r'. The numiber of compane- planning to come from Iin 1eapls. ies no(w using ad-vertising in one form President *W. A. .Jes .ur, of Iowa or an~other, parti-ularly newspaper ad- University, intends to so'ajd invite tioius Y rtis'ng, nuitnb,.;rs approximately, 300. to President Marion L. Bro,(IoY- Thre e vs ago one-tenth of this e rnor Groesbeck, and (lovern,"'r Ken..' Isnitaer were using detiig loll, of Iowa., to be lprcsent t. :he' _______ game, it was announced through tle. IAlumni association here. '. 1 P1 F Z REL ATE The association will hiave pae: . ..,1YON K AISFR iat numaxaerosalmnrmeetings tar r(unhom,1ore 'anIsecnd em ester I fre'Shmen. I Any one who( i ?f iterested in the bu Fsliness manaII 3 :mC;t (of.I 1aagzi.l! the avriig adgnrlcondluct of te buines isurgeda to try out or t h staffl, as there are several va- Scani es ithis ;year. Daily classilledl for real results. Fes°v Mea( Lc nflonl, Ge 8-(By A.Y.)-Some in- teresting letters written by Austen One nmberli~n to his family when, in IXas a young muan he visited Ger- Iowa the week before th ame The discussion group leuaders of ;h Student Christian Association will 'fl.ny to comnplete h's education, are meet at o. :)ju oc~iUci. tomorjrowic- 'published in the. September issue of nonfrlnho.Ih etn i "Tfz Em. pire leiew , be held at the blue roomi of the - Aiong other anecdotes the writer Inn. . gi-ves the following story of Prince~ Wilhelm~, now the occupant of Doorn s II-oase, in Holland, and often refer- NE D X red to as lplain William Hohenzollern. °.LERIY "Prince Wilhelm, seeing one of the 'N T Y C: ri-man offircers, Goertz Pasha, who is, -~ .i fZ J .oe v ing in the Turkish Army, with three ordjers on his breast,-asked for what service he got them. The pasha. aifter a naomnent's hesitation, replied: ' The first I got for flattery, the see- c U- ler .feo 1in g and Ithe third for lv-, WHIATP The ArborFut Watch for Opeiig t F he will speak on the " t ~ i mg.2 v u{ xuLc iuttt Government.""What a scoundrel I must be!' an-i The box office ticket sale for resrrv- s,verod the prince, 'the sultan has sentj ed seats for the entV ~rire cs , j1m dthree, and in diamonds." begin a~t 1 o'clock this afternioonin -- IHill auditorium, continuing I o'clock. The sale rl also 1von, t e s m h o r onda y a n d F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n . F L I N (iidAllowed to pEic+, ;, INSTRUCTION Washington, D. C., Oct~- 8: U jrtetiremient of Ambassador (.hdd ' Rome will be effective "at 1,i; :,, --- ''oeTh~lorie---$l1i a course. ure" it was officially samidtky