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June 01, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-06-01

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mer School

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Year Course

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zny Visiting Professors
To Teach Summer Students'
e outlook for the Summer Sea- "ivn wide publicity by the govern-
s bright, indeed," said Dean Ed- ment, consequently a very large en-
H. Kraus, of the Summer Ses- rcllnient is expected.
"Of course, it is rather hard to G ui';luate students seem to favor'
et the size of our enrollnent a5 su1er school as a place to take up
umber of students we have is subjects they need in a concentratea
ly based on industry. Medical form. THere are more graduates per
engineering students, especially, cajita in the summer session than in'
return to school in the summer regular sessions, for example, in the
y cannot get good jobs. But in- summner of 1923 the total enrollment
ions are splendid." was 2,786 of which 486 were graduate
e Summer Session of the Uni- students; in the regular sessions fol-
ty of Michigan is becoming more lowing there were 10,064 enrolled of'
lar each year as the enrollment whCh 620 were graduates. From
he past five years shows. The these figures it appears that summer
lment since 1920 is as follows: scliool is a place of more serious work
0-2,194 than the winter sessions; this is the
1-2,794 elief of many of the professors. Ap-
2-2,786 prcximteiy 250 students complete
3-3,066 thci work for a degree in the sum-
big increase in 1923 shows that mer sessions every year.
people are regarding summer One of the more important courses
>f as an important factor in edu- given only in the summer is athletic
n rather than a place for "flunk- coaching with most of the coaches act-
to make up credits in. ing as instructors. Library methods
ere will be 350 instructors teach- swill also be given'by Librarian W. W.
nore than 500 courses this sum- Bishop, with the aid of nine assistants.
These instructors are mostly Four distinctly summer school courses
men and men who have come to conducted outside the class room are
ecogniZed as authorities in their the engineering and biological camps;
>us fields. A few of these men at Douglas lake and field courses in
from other schools and will be geology and geography in southern
only for the summer. Among !Kentucky.
more important of these are: Non-curricular entertainment also
nas E. Atkinson, LL.B., Professor features the Summer Session's pro-
aw, University of North Dakota; gram. Twelve excursions have been
[am L. Bragg F.R.S., Professo arranged to points of interest in the
hysics, Victoria University, Man- surrounding country under the su-
te-, England; Stuart A. Courtis, pervision of Mr. Carlton wells of the
Dean of Detroit Teacher's Col- Rhetoric Department. One of these
E. i. Hayhurst, Ph.D., Professor goes to Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, under
-ygiene, Ohio State University; the direction of Prof. W. H. Hobbs,
. Kalaw, A.B., LL.B., Professo.r o' hc ad of the Geology Department. Ad-
ical Science, University of the dresses will be given every day by
ippines; Austin T. Wright, A.B, slcaker of renown mainly in the
.. Professor of Law, University of I!Natural Science auditorium. The fac-
forinia; G. C. Whipple, S.D., Pro- ulty of the School of Music will give
>r of Sanitary Engineering, H-ar- a weekly recital in Hill auditorium.
E. V. MsCollum, Ph.D., Profes- A g:eat many plays will also be given,
of Dio-Chemistry. Johns Hopkins otstanding among these is the open-
-ersity: Clarence S. Yoakun, Ph. air performance on July 18 by the
.ssociate Professor of Applied Psy- Shakespeare Playhouse company of
ogy. Carnegie Institute of Tech- New York City. These features are
gy. Dr. Voakum will remain here open to anyone who may wish to at-
I? new School of Business Admin- tend The Observatory will be open
tic;. tlree nights during the summer for
'ie Summer Session of th'e Uni- studeints only who have obtained
ity of Michigan has been designat- tickets at the office of the Summer
y the Unitei States Public Health Session.-
ice as one of the four centers at" Duiring the week of July 21, a series
h instruction in public health of lectures will be given on govern-
be stressed during the summer ment and po4itics under the auspices
24," says the University Bulletin. of the National League of Women
other three schools are Columbia, Voters. Prof. T. H. Reed of the Po-
iornia, and Iowa. Accordingly the litical Science department, Prof. A. E.
ner Session will offer many Wood, of the sociology department,
yses in public hcalth and relative -Mr. J. R. laden, and Dean M. M. Ka-
ects. These courses have been law will deliver some of the speeches.

Heads Summer Regents Establish New Five c tathematics 4, physics ]E, and econa-
mi es-total 17 hours.
School Staff Year Course In Engineering One summer session will be requir- Cinema
ed also, between the sophomore and C
junior years. Shop 3 and 4 must be
At the regular May meeting of the chemistry, five hours; drawing and taken at that time, each being a four eti
Board of Regents, the proposed five descriptive geometry, eight hours; hirt
year course in Mechanical and Indus- hour course. "The Extra Girl comes to the
trial enginering was adopted to take shop work, 10 hours; engineering me- Juniors under the new system will Wuerth today through Thursday with
efect starting in the fall. This course chanics, 12 hours; mechaPical en- take engineering mechanics 1, physics Mabel Normand as its stellar figure.
will lead to a degree of Batchelor of gineering, 24 hours; chemical engi- 2E, economic statistics, accounting and Miss Normand enacts the role of Sue
Science in Mechanical and Industrial neering, four hours: electrical engi- three hours of electives during the Graham, the ambitious girl from the
.angneering and has been drawn up neering, four hours; civil engineering, first semester-total, 18 hours; engi- country, who would be a movie queen,
by Prof. l. C. Anderson of the me- three hours; economics, 36 hours; ยข neering mechanics 2, mechanica en- and who is fortunate enough to find
chanical engineering department 1.1 shop management and transportation, gineering 3, labor, accounting, and work in the wardrobe department
conjunction with Prof. E. E. Day, dean eight hours; and electives, 12 hours. three hours of electives during the see- when told that she was not even a
iof the new business administration "This new course," says Professor ndl part of the year, totaling 11 hours. "type" let alone a screen star possi-
department here. Anderson, "is designed to meet both Fourth year students will be re -bility.
The plan was approved by the fac- the demand of students and of busi- quired to take engineering mechanics The fun, both in the small town
ulhy of the Colleges of Engineering ness men and manufacturers. It will 3, mechanical engineering 2 and 7 where Sue has ben matched to the
and Architecture at a recent meeting in no way supplant the present me- chemical engineering 10, managerial village druggist but loves a poor boy
and makes 176 hours necessary for chanical engineering course. The new statistics production management and named Dave Giddings who in turn is
graduation. The courses required are: course tends specially to give more three hours of electives-total 18 crazy about her, and in the studio
English, six hours; modern language l accounting and economics courses, all hours. During the second semester where the big movies are made, is
or cultural electives, 16 hours; mathe- of which will be offered in the School engineering mechanics 4, mechanical amusing. While comedy runs ram-
matics. 18 hours; physics, 10 hours; of Business Administration." engineering 6, fb and 35, managerial pant, the romantic tinge has not been
The courses will be divided as fol- accounting and electives totaling 18 neglected, for it is dovetailed with the
Ieau Edward 11. Hraus plants, as well as important civic and lws: first semester, modern language, hours of work, will be required. comedy in an inn se d a form
Dean of the College of Pharmacy, state institutions, are visited. general chemistry, or shop 2 and Eng- The final year will include, during Larry on in LHte Shoes h
Professor of crystallography and latest comedy, The Literary Digest's
ierlogyandsDiretor of tahe d At the University of Michigan every' lish 1, elementary drawing, mathemat- the first term, mechanical engineering "Fun From the Press" and Pathe News
Mineralogy, and Director of thes Mt- effort is made to utilize all the avail- ics 1-total 16 or 17 hours. The see- 10, 9, 8, and 36, electrical engineering will complete the early week program.
eralogical laboratory, who heads the able facilities for carrying on the ond semester of the first year the stu- 2a, and financial management-total From Thursday through Saturday,
faculty of the Summer Session a ork of the institution during te dent will take a modern language, 17 hours; during the second term, civil the Wuert will present John Gilbert
MiChigan as Dean of the Sumner summer months. The University is shop 2 and English 1 or general chem- engineering 2, English, financial man- in "The Wolf Man." This story con-
School. Dean Kraus' article on sum- endeavoring in this way to serve to istry, mathematics 2 and descriptive agement, personal management and terns a young Engishman, who, when
sthe utmost the educational, profes- geometry-total 16 or 17 hours. mechanical engineering 43, totaling sber, is a perfect gentleman, and
from the Michigan Education Journal. Isional, and scientific interests of the In the second year, first semester, 14 hours. when drunk is a beast. A comedy and
State and Nation. The Summer Ses- the required work will include a mod- Pathe news will also be shown.
iraus Descrbes son of the University of Michigan can ean language, mathematics 3. drawing r aF atronii Diailv Advertser.- Adv
properly be characterized as the Uni- 3, Chemical engineering 1 and elemen---- Majesti
Sumn er School! versity at work during the summer tary economics-total, 17 hours; in the ".Iimmie the adtaker" sells anything -ow would you like to spend.your
months. second semester, ,nmodern Inauaze .n icklvy-Adv (Continudi on Pa e



c vaiu accircat ca, C4, LLivl4Glta lciia uck , _a x ztity .-'rsu r. (l till clil ll U vAl ci3 C 1 WC1VCj

(Continued from Page Nine)
namely, from June 17 to August 28.
The regular faculty will be augment-
ed by distinguished members of other
law schools.
The session in the Medical School is
six weeks in length and courses will
be given from June 23 to August 1.
All of the inedical laboratories will
be in full operation this summer.
Many special courses have been ar-
ranged in 4onnection with the instrue-
tion which is being stressed for public
health workers. Of particular inter-
eat to physicians of this and neighbor-
ing states is a special course for prec-
titioners which will be conducted by
Professors Warfield, Newburgh, and
Wilson, and will exteid over two
weeks, namely, from June 23 to July
4. Registration in this special prac-
titioners course will be limited to 25.
Mention must also be made of the
fresh water Biological Station on
Douglas Lake in northern A1ichigan.
The courses at the Biological Station
are designed for both undergraduates
and graduate students. The Station
has acquired an enviable reputation
among similar stations in the United
States. Courses are condiucted from
June 29 to August 22.

.- Today In T
t'ongregaiionuil Church .
At the morning service of the Con-
egational Church Mr. Herbert A.
imp will preach his farewell sermon
fore leaving on his trip to Europe.
embers will be received, babes will
baptized, and the Lord's Supper
il be celebrated at th' conclusion
the sermon. After supper the topic
r the talk is "War and Jesus," and
e motion picture film is an exquisite
ory by Kate Douglas Wiggin, "Timo-
y's Quest."
First Baiptist Church
"The Glory of Going On" is the sub-
~t for the 10:30 sermon by Mr. R.

'he Churches --- Hefence should also 1e0madeto
R" 1 the "Field Courses in Geology and
Geography which the Summer Session
conducts at a camp at Mill Springs on
Edward Sayles, minister, at the First the Cumberland River in southern
PaPtist Church. Edison H. Cramer Kentucky.
will speak at the Church School at During the Summer Session many
noon. All students are requested to special lectures, concerts, entertain-
meet at Guild House promptly at 5:30 ments, and excursions are always ar-
tor the canoe tiip to Beefsteak Hill ranged. Special lectures are given
which was postponed last week on ac-; every aftei noon and evening. Weekly
count of rain. A. C. Anderson, former concerts are conducted by memnbers
president of the Guild, will lead the of the Schooi of Music closely afliliated
oill trp service. with the University. These concerts
are given in the magnificent Hill
Episcopal Ch'ureh fAuditcrium. Semi-weekly excursions
"The Power of the Ascending i ai e conducted under expert guidance
Chiist" will be discussed by Mr. Henry fer the benefit of the stutl011s of the
Lcwis, Recto-, at the 11 o'clock ser- Summer Session to Detroit and Jack-
vice of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. i son where the great automobile and
(Continued on Page Eleven) other industrial and manufacturing

Clean-U pand aint-Up
Don't let your house die of neglect--sink
nto decay-all for the lack of a good coat of paint.
Houses sometimes live longer than people. If
kept painted, they have been knwn to live more
than 200 y-ears when fed regularly with preserva-
tive paint.
The improved appearance and increased
value will more than repay the small cost of paint-


. ee
We employ only competent "wormen and

guarantee our work.

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