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June 01, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-06-01

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MIII1 University Offers More T


,an Kraus Surveys The History of Summer Schools In The United States Since 1890

500 Courses of Instruction During Summer Months

Views Around Campus Past and

Present Show Picturesque Beauty of Local Scenes


©c~ ~T~[E~

Bly WD n L01 11ward II. Kra a
nvrCstpIIi fromTI'Me l I he31lig ai Eiiea-
Coiutal 3 oiurn. I.
Of t'~m~ycagswihhavel
Ive N l roui1t il thiie elicationlal Syvs-'
tells of the U1nited1 States (lurilsg thec
lth;" Ity y *'rs jC-hops the gets
ari Imos m1)Otanlt la e been those N
dafic~l 1'.1 . Am reiiCan lhigh1school
and 1ti e cof the summler mon1ths
for mntnsi e StLudyolltlhe part 01' '
the ci uool teotcher ad the college stul
d .nI. Ill fac"t thI penod sine 1_"'90
maly v 1 1 e char cteri'Led ais the era
of -tile Ihi-1h schlot for 'thIe enor mus -, " irt
increatse in11seCOnldarly schoolssnc
that time h Ias tn ~ido hligh'school edul- f -
cation wel nigh unlive'aL~). Froi itehl -
Un 1versity rpoinit of view, ow(Cver, thl.,
same Ip 1(dd maiy he dosir~nted a ~theC
era of thesulimmel soession for (duringi
tlie Llastthrty ,-ears no ph' se of 1u1.-j3 > W t+
versity illtl trution has devieloped as
ra pid y a that relating to xsunuuzri
Tl c inodcrn sunim r se Sion is a;
Gistin 'tlv A nerican 1contribuition to 4
edulcationl. The th'rst ttenmptS 7t 'urni- }; I e"
fier instruction were itid, .at lHar- ' r pt
studly ides} uilde ibut little lheadNv yI
at first but it was slowly tak1enll1)° up r'
and other inistitutionls in duce timwe b-
gan to int roduice summer 'c0111, F.(1,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Theslee curses w c Ireat fir ;t 1p rhurrily
for teachers and dlinquient studenits. xwould I),, conducted along the same' csio after the' courses or meth- who r ueilti~im >afN sal ie 1; leole lrrc ftorn-av rvdterwrthdroi;l elte
rather S; apl and (onis:te _l m oty v crsityy- r, and l fulrthler, that a 5s )O -'the sum m er terns, their transfer to T he 11 f fu:w i e l w ' 1( _d ll Cra et ~ . w il e nl;( C t a e i l ' i a 1L"tl i ' f s l n i l v y a I C_
namely, of instiructors andI :si AatsiiStrucI(tlonal staff (lulring h, 0 mmer('asly aiomlish'e(I. st ruc ofl
I[1 tAugus' +t 17, l.d'eis ,Millear' upd ntion)IthiS O L 0I11 1'Usero gal.SOn saread, inVlidicated, thef grows h lVOftitle;f'
B ishop J .ohllII. incntf] ruceda thieruivsi (1Stie'S follow'.ed hGil 1'cag's of summier sessions 'since 1890 1has lion, and e
Sundaiy Slt'l Assembly fo v kr two lead - and boga a t",oilstreni;hIe£L-ith'll' ibee"?marelou('ps. binthat. year only. ait le(restt
weeks on bI tle (Chaulltauquai~, (New Vorksummler ouss. Smmrseson ewIeails and college students "l lo h and otfti 1;V1: X ,-09( vrl'ii 1 lih''>2i1idt~t-;%l'i~ hmevso h ate la !i1=1t
giVe ill truclltt:n ii]1th)O5e subjhect -ano.At preet abilot 40iii ti ki- g (t'ppoiwtnities for summer Study. " Il'I-n.s iLl
which01would eeof service to teail~cerslionsof l h!1igher educaition inl this COUi~l For e'ampe1)1(, at the University of dents is
in Sunda0'y scools. 'File, resufltsof lthe try g'ive summer 1(itrct (lion1. last 1 lir''ig;11, summr in( lStrUetion Wais first (Urll.
exie ]'ll'1t wer('so sesfutS4ll 1tat (year oIplroxilmatey A),0 suetsgve.n1 '4 henl only 91 stuIdents c'iSs
siia asmIe ee ed(lrn wr nolled t ithe 1aros ume eruld.Latyerthe registratTino Ih
su 1cce'ssive summI1I]ersi. T he y w ere' slow - Ss ions int he nied t t':s. Sum - apprxiTO: at;(ely 3,100 ,. n an increase1, in - SE t ilI;5l81l'' It 'i'2ll.i i Ga 'l ;t '~ j - .'11'"w e t. S mi ;l
school tfor,, teacher; s Il hel( )ih'.more than lone-ll that ol' the rgular 1 i I tis(01'( 14 )lso 1given for pra ctically 1'x e1,(A
SChools of the United Satswasa~ocleg er.l in rI. ii'i L-all.of1theo1lier 'leading sessions. - ~c.r'
organize:.!- snwdpruepov i CS5lf1rSt~ial' J(8j iinlthis ;period there has boeenl
ed to be veory successfll. l, h u-j e mllnTrl II-tcgi 'tl sahdtae in the character 01f c-I' '' i
mler study idea inow1 began tl O l)r'eadancl.11he1(1( "i'studet-bod ."epcal piiie
very ra pidly- du(,every larg°ely.to the ITesm r nsiwl i Ii i i 0-a ePui csit yo . iii .° oeaa

ant reugistered plharmnacists and dr
(-hi-ks preparing; to take examninatlo,
fo 1lc s srgsee laraiIn the School of Education spee&
emnphasis is placed upon courses
meet the prcuiar needs of teache
and public school educators. Tl
reg ular faculty of the School of Eid
c cat~on of the iversity of Michig<
is ugmnted l y a large number
disinuisededcators from other
1i itutions. he workI in thlis unit
_r'e Summeiir Session has been great
Sp nAW inlinxo ircet years and has a
vni -neel w ide attntion among; publ
'01 wha en t baughoutthe counti
hinediatey nder 1the jri:dict~ion
ti eScON!l(ofEduca~tkin72 cours
hill ble Gieldd. Trhese cou.rtse3 a.
gronuped as lolw: History a,
Pi-rinciples f dut tn 4coulrs;e
{'r" _ucatisna 1 A dmini.:Ii-ation andl S
' w pel=iion. t6 courses; SQcondary IN
(;e- iG,°, it courses!'; IElemenCtary Edi~
("1 ionS curse; Eucational Ps
ciloloIgy, "IenttI I lea,ur-emcnlts, as
('tOfa rd V oca~iwral Guidance.
11is:1 H :Iyg"ioeeand 1.0"; fill IN
' .- ;(1;., 5 courses, +;;; and A ?fthltc CoaL
jinn and Admlni 4rahtin, 16 coUM
All las tictjon in tie School oINE
l ( atiea extent,,; over a period of eip
weeks, from J3une 23 to August
wit the exceptio of the work
, tl etilc Coaching an~idndinistrati
v whichl is six woeeks in length.
As prev;iously indicated, the Sol
1';r Sesio:Cl 1dacps spial emoCipha:
oit .,(''h.(lMis exceptionallylarge.
a n; laso yea.lr over on!"-third( of t
?l itii'e S~itd( .i 1)?"s!v"C~fliS1te;d of C'-
Undr te upevisonof the U:I
' (UI5(ip ( 'w v d~geve-r'eight weeks'
1'ieciah~y-digd to meeP.t the nec
1he Summler Sess-ion of 1921 of t
flier~lvof M lobigan has been d(
iait('Na a rubic health center
Io r c1 Ge:cIa;l Ii. ;S. Cumm11ing of t
; I ti St_1ites ureau 0"' Public Heal
- r. ohnsunudwvall, rofk
8-ofI lygie'ne and Public Health a
- l'~ ~'tr f Studenits' +1elf'are, hasa

11-n to the Uiversiity for the inst ruction. This is b~eing do)ne at the
0str". University of Michigan. ] lien, 'tot),;
Iic!ion of te1p-I-te t~n-'n' .infre(quently tac w ho vf'return
earl, thou01, is I)a ovide in- 'for stinuner study can~ be, encouiraged
l)it-h ill meet the 11cdeifia nds1)3,y the older memb~ers of the.'fae:ult y
'::1'{ sIFudents', of the inStitu..to ]begin intensive gra6dute qwor'k,
aiso Oto gve('(Oui -;esof speal Which will ultimately, leadj to anad
,.) teIac 1,r" of theC statte vanced dlegree. In the leading sum
h-is.: parts of lie ('(Inn ltry iner sessions of the ('ountriy', fthe fac('
?10 i21 lI UntOn sel yes. This ulties Pre now in niany w1tyt)Supro
at itf tl'e 1first grulp. of stI - to those of tie' regular session, Par-
to ;)," ad1quiat ely served.,] a tcularly in the plercentage of men of
ilr. 1V:!elst be Inud e of the the higher ranks offering instruction.
:ifi'i 'd e) II Xdl~iS U) I G Uiversity authorities havie not. been
fli'O it (II 'OI0 tleI LgiiilI owc in recog-nizing their resIJnSibil-
'mu! i i~ieoin Oe i y to the teacher and the regular st22-
ur'A r h 1 fil I i ~lh$ dent,, and have a~ccordlingly prov idedl
I I ~L'0ISf uil )Ii 8~01very generously for sutnln r inst,3e
r'' t bei borou(:il laid tedl, t~2 At the University of Micigan
'ca.. a rcoi-s's einI'o- 1)y the faculties selected for' ne;t sm
151 . ~ctitIlo1 ' 1. slier01 will total more than -100. Includ-
oat. i igi ionl l ~]i' l~is.ed in this number are. ove r -10p l'omi-
.,t.. 0' h, *( ii , ist fi f~ 'it ('(luctitol'S from iotlet' in. titlllions

23 to August, 15.'I is dlesigned to
meet the :needs of the regular under-
rraduaite tudent(,r and of the advanced
studenclt who desires -to fulfill th-e re-
(,i. P1(xnts for higheIir degr*ees. Many
otthsecoui'rs are primairily .for
-'ucaitoi's, tlimt is. f( r -supprinltendent,
sop: ~srs, ndteacher1,Is ac'tivel.y en-
In the Colleges of Enginec inklag nd
Arch~iitecture mich of the instru ction
is w'dapted t') the nei'd;s (oI'the regula'Ir
stu( dnt (01' Eng ineel'rng. In1connection
Wi! ii thlese (Oia'0an excep~tionally
xx'l equl ))l s :liunl' o-camp foir !Sur-
vev:."J11 is condiuctedl in Northern
~o P iano Douglas Lake, Nwh,!re,
s3tudetst of S-iu-veying are given a ,ivery
titholo^1h trainin~g in that sub1ject tiun-
derI field c0iitio tIs. Spe~tcial menion
holoirl nle of thekGeneral Arts
arld ladustr'ialI Arts (Li's s leigne
foir SU pel' visors, iiist't('ti'5, stuii(liflts<
o'f art, .gradt' e cahe's, iand s:'hoo i 1)vI'n-

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