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February 20, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-20

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Old Uno Fair Idea I Rvie



urther expCllanlation1s con1cern1ing
liew c.: iiculuni changes in the
it engineer ng. course were givenl
An interview y'esterday- by Prof. W.
Iload:, ]ea.d of t"he commtiittee that
bseenwokn for the past thr ee
four months uipon the chlanges
clh were recently adlopted by the;
ulty of tiec f(lleg;es of: Engineeringi
it is :anl ati'tempt to nmake mthe civil
jneeing curricuilum more flexible,"
fessor Iload phointed out, "and give
s1udient wh ws ormeirly comn-
tely lted rdown, m ore of a choice.3
aire ailso trying to introduce more
't'v', inI g a broadler education
ag nn-tchncallines. The pro-E
ed work wll1 taken largely in,
humn :ity and Science group~s."
F'; s Iea ired. Work
lIn formier years )but 16 hours were
iwe sudetsfor modern language
rses or cultural lectives. Tphis new
n afllows twelve additional hours of ,
Hivfes which has necessitated a cut
the req;uired work in the depart- f

ation, the American Political Science
association, the American Sociologic-1OM OITN CLUB T
a l a s s o c i a t i o n , a n d t h e A m e r i c a n O M P UHSa i t c l a s c a i n r f s o a s a d i g i
fo h ttsia soitowieUProfessor Crane serves in the same~
way for the political science associ- Five Michigan cities will entertain
ation. Prof. C. E. Marion of the po1- memlbers of the Cosmopoit'an clubi
itical science dlepartmnent of the Ui- vwhen they make their annual tour of
evrsity of Chicago is chairman of theI
council. the state spring vacation. Starting
April 14 they will- visit Battle Cre.
COMM ON T 1alamazood, Grand Rapids, Fin, andi
C ~iii'ivi(i V IIE LT~iLansing.' In some of these cities',iis, the
students making the trip will be en-1
This is concer prevention w eekr. tertained in private homes, and in all
That's a good start. Some day ceases the points of chief interest inI
we'll have cancer-prevention inonth- the city will be visited.
that will he better. Fnaliy, well11 hIiiBattle Creek they will be shownI
have e cancer-prevention year-thatthog the cereal plants, at Kalama,-
will b best of all. z oo they will see the paper mills andi
The majority of cancers (10 notj the Western State Normal school, at
constitute a death sentence unlessl Grand Rapids they will he shownj
combined with ignorance and fear.I through the furniture fac tories, at
Here are some facts given out by Flint they will make a tour of the,
the United States Public h-ealth -Ser- Chevrolet plants, and at Lansing they!
vice: will be given an opportunity to visit;
"Cancer is at first a small loci. the state capitol, the Reo plant, and
growth, easily and safely removed. E M A. C.. Carleton Wells of the rllet-
"It is not a blood disease, oric department will have charge ofI
"It is not contagious. the trip.
"It is not hereditary.
"Every lump in the breast should Daily classified for real 'results.
be examined by a competent dloctor.
"Sores, cracks, lacerations or lumps 'G dER SER SHPA
which do not heal may turn into canl- GNRL !r hIA
cer if not treated and cured. Tickets. Travelers Chechs, Letters of(C-e 1;t.Tour-
"Continued irritation in some form pAI Zs. readmisin affdavlts, ete. in~formation..
is the usual cause. Cancer rarely re- Lines rape, Orient, cruise, Tours, etc.
Our legalizedi pagers Drini, rciltives and friends to
su~ts from a sudden injur'y. U. . romn foreign countries. INSURANCe..All
"Persistent discharge or bleeding is E. G. KUIEBLER' 601 E. Huron St.
suspicious."t Phone 1384 ANN ARBOR, MIC
Those are the main facts, and yet
most people crawl into a mental 1
"dugout" at mere mention of the dis-


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It was f urt her explai
or -lead that as two y
.age coreare rq
tudent had : some of t1ir
chcoo, one language w.-t
e elcted ou:tsidle of
.nder the old arrange3
Eighlt hours, of sutrx
amp Davis du1ring th(
enu elimlinated by tai
ut the camp is; left as
tie opinion of Professo l c e o ie 1n
[lents, ra.ther thant
ork hera in the sum
HlechyesIni lit
The four remainingI
tared byelimination o
ecjuired worvk inl astrc
rome the iil- enfginee
'whole. The 12 hort
an be taken in tiwo g
ltan threeben taken
1i %Jorit y of the elects
bly be taen intheO:
Grloup A consists ofI
ondicsn Mglst one
hilosopihy-, political sc
holoy, while thlesecox
, conrsists of work in t
is, ais w(1,1 as surveyk
ext ball, but cyn be
It's trnu2 efficien;cy

ned by Profes-
ears of a lang-
ired, unless a
is work in high
is all that could
technical lines
m aent.
'eying work at
e summer have
e new system,.
an elective. In
r' Hoad this will
st part by threV
+- t:. .4

'he Uniion Fai~~ ~(
The Un ion Pair t hat wil be held±Mach and 8'pin the Yost f'oid ou~s(e is a rtevval of. acus loi of years
ago at the Vni'et'sity. Thne last large Fair was held in 95 in 1 ,aterm'nan gyinasiun. Sever~al of the booths
that were run byfratrernities are pictured above. Fraternities will a ha.I ave the concessions andl sideshows I
at theFa. More 1 han 40) booths willi be placed about the sides or t te hf ie horse. A circus wvill be carried on
in the iddikle of tho floor and (dancin g will continue during the entire cven ing on the basketcfba ll floor. The reg-
ular U..nion orchestra will turn~sh the music.
DR E A the play ers will take even a larger Anne ik aone with the lonely
plart in the campus life.! Latimer. 1Unlot unately, Latimer has'
fallen in love with Anne in the mean-
"A 'Way Out", Robert Frost's fai- 'The Dovri'Road" by A. A. Mine , tLine, so that it' is highly pr'obable that
ous play, published in the Seven Arts which the Players' club is to present; his admnirable institution is broke:, up
magainein 117,is o begivn tnigh inSara Cawel Angll ailas the .final curtain falls.
magainein 191, i , o begivn tnigh inSarh Cawel Anell all!Tle production is under the direc-;
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, is one of the author's most \\ huinsi-, tioni of Cleent Smith, of the rhetoric


It's trute efficiency
CI ass lie ds.--ADiv.

to use Daily

---- -,.__ -I -- ---

the~ opion oxU of this week by the Ann Arbor Play- cal and amusing comedies. The story (c'ial tmen t and includes Elwood Fay-
mer" session. makers in their own studio on Spring; deals with a certain ?tMr. Latimer who. held. '25, lune Knisley, '25, andl Don-
College street. A new play written by Bur- lives in a manor house just ofhetiled0(1Snlydor, '25, in the leading roles.
hours were se- rowy of the jour°nalisni department will r'oad~ to Dover---tile roadl which elop- --R.B.H.
of two hours of also be on tile programn. ing couples take when they leave Eag-'--
onomy and two' The Ann Arbor Playmnakers, so call- land for the more tolerant France.~'
ring course as ed because they make all their own Rich and a trifle eccentric, dlr. Lati- y, rane Return
[rs, of electives settings and costumes and usually 3ier conceives a plan to stolp the run-
roups, not, less w rite their own pllays, were formerly;- aways detaining them in his home110 Fy rom .Convention,
in either. The known as the Dodo Players. The pla~y- gentle but firmi force, and throwving';
yes will lrob-? ers arc drawn from the fae.ulty, stn- thema constantly together for a week. i 'i'oiesasors iiinuntl E. Day, head of
iterary college. dent body, and,(Ithe townspeople oi' Thus lie gives them a chance to see the eeconomic department, and Rob-
courses in eco- inn Arbor. 'jis is the first perform-!- each other as they really are, and tt r T. rn of tihe political science
arts, history. ance given since the reorganization " through the contrivances of the host; - rtzaiii mot iEtl1PllCelMonday from
:ence, and psy- and change of name of the society. x as they arc at their worst-particular- Chicago where they attended a meet-,
nid group, group Thle society of the Ann Arbor Play- ly at breakfast. In consequence, heig of tihe Social Science Research
the _mre scieace- makers corresponds to the Little The- gen !rally finds that the pai' are quite (Xc irulti, to wxhich they are delegates.
ng and military aitre Players of other cities, and isj willing to part and return to' "'their,,The council aims to make a survey
pi'oving to be eminately successful.)I homes at the end of the time, of iho existing agencies of social re-
1 go into effect It is hoped that in the ilimediate fu-' The group of lovers withl whom the <s'carclt making special reference to the
adopted by tihe ture that the organization miay be paut play is directly concerned--Anne and! subjects covered and the methods em-
1A y so desire. on a busness basis by 'ssuing stock Leonard, Nicholas and flustasia--thus 1ployed.
to the valute of $10,000. When this discovei' their mistake. The two gentle- i The Social Science Research coun-
to use Dahl' is accompi ;o ! a larger studio near- mren quietly disappear, and with Eius- cii is nlade up of three delegates each
er the campus can b~e obtained and:; ta s comforting an ailing servat,fcf lcimth e American Eonomic assocl-

Cancer thrives on misinformation
and fear. It's time to stop feeding itI
the food it likes best.

ds v. . G __ -
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.ti ;:
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Our Ne/v
Spring Oxfords
A re Here

Imported Scotch Grains, Brown Calf, and
those new light 'ran. Calf; also a bunch of real
snappy Blacks. All new College Lasts.
$6.090to $8.09


The tang of the lime-the mellow
smoothness of a Gin Rickey .... well,
that's gone but try Oh HenryI Rich
butter cream dipped in soft caramel-"
roiled in crisp nuts, then coated with
sweet milk chocolate. That's another
blend you won't forget.
Oh Henry!.
A Fine Candy--lac Ever ythcre
Oh l~uis the.rsqtster.4 trs~adrurof=W ilam-



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. .


.xtr t
..<' r


of BIra tiof :AN-Iloll Fame




.. --

Not a Preachment But Rather One of the Year's Best Photo-
Plays Abounding in the Fundamental Essentials With a Surprising
It Brings a -Story Aglow With the Fever and Passion of the ",Jazz
Age" and the Problemfs Confronting the Great American Society With
Its Growing Carelessness and Laxity !

- .
r ..
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y. _a ''' . -.

I An A jjpriate :P rog3ram Fdl'Eo iilA 1Day;
1iF~ Ui qO-R(IE N1IA.
4 A.r

"W-.. --- nar.+w+.'



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