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February 20, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-20

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l MMIw Y rrrpl I Y MYIMrlrr r ii WrWwYVYrY rYY4

VOL. XXXIV. No. 101.





Will Draw Boys and Girls From All
Sources For Four Ten Day
A donation of more than 160 acres
of land to be used for the exclusive
purpose of a summier and winter
Fresh Air camp for both boys and
girls was announced recently by the
camp committee of the Students
Christian association. The donation,
according to the statement, comes as
the culmination of, a three year's ef-
fort to find a permanent home for the
The land is the gift of two well-
known Ann Arbor men, both of whom
wish to remain unknown. It is situ-
ated approximately 25 miles north-
east of this city, in the Pleasant Lake
section, and is separated from the
main highway by a narrow unimprov-
ed road through [lhe woods.' Practic-
-lly all of the land is covered with
virgin forest, and while no deed has
as yetben made. it was stated that
provision would be included for uae
preservation of the present remark- 1
able condition of the timber.
Reimann Named Director
Lewis C. Reimann, '16, has been
named director of the camp for next
summer. Mr. Reimann has been do-
nating his services to the summer
camps for the past three years, and#
much of thie present success of the
institution has been due solely to his



Gargoyle Waxes Coy Eluding flAIIH RTY STANflcS
Fair Sex In Leap Year Issue


Poor Grades

Spell Doom Of

Only once in the college life-time flight of a figure, whom we take to1I
of a humorist does such an opportun- be Gargoylius himself, from a design- n One hundred sixty-eight students in
ity come as was offered Gargoyle this ing female was one of the outstanding IVunrdsxyIgtsdnt n
month. Leap year is bound to furn- features of the issue. Of a somewhat the literary college will be asked to!
ish an almost inexhaustible fund of different type than the covers of the leave school immediately on account
I humor and it only remained for the earlier issues of the year, it possessed Es
garg editors to pick the cream of it an attractiveness derived both from SE TTOREYE ITER('FOOL C l s porhlarshipeithAdied
for their Leap Year numoer. Garg its color scheme and clever treatment OR EIRATER ifastaigh ard of th e Tin
has been maintaining a high standard of the subject. Ranking close second istrative board of that college. This
all year and this month's issue is no to the cover in point of interest were is seven less than at the end of the'
exception-they have sklmmea tine the frontispiece "Michigan, 1928" and ASKS INVEST IGATION first semester last year, when 175 stu-
cream. the smaller drawing "Leap Year, OF OFFiCIAL RECORD dents were asked to leave.;
It is the custom of college publi- 1924." FLOriginally, at the end of the first ;
cations to announce a feature inumber Other material both sketches, jokes semester, 189 students were asked to
and then subordinate the feature to a and humorous articles were of a high Probe Connmittee Withholds Sentlor see Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys tot
mass of irrelevant material. Garg grade, upholding the standard of the Name Found in Records give reasons why they should remain,
anniounced a Leap Year number and magazine. Of )11 Firm in college, and after the Board had!}
produced a Leap Year number in Unfavorable weather conditions considered the various excuses offer-
every respect. With the exception of have caused the distribution of this Washington, Feb. 1a.-(By AP)- ed it was decided that 168 would be}
occasional flash-backs to the J-Hop month's garg to be extended through The attemtp to drive Attorney General asked to leave.
practically all the February garg re- today but with such a product to sell, Daughtery from the Cabinet was re- One hundred sixty-one are includ-I
fers in some respect to its feature sub- it is certain that the sale will not sumed from a new angle in the Senate ed in the "home list", as there are }
ject. last long into the morning hours. today after he had adopted an atti- only seven women who will be asked
The four-color protraying the B.G.B. tude of defiance toward his critics., to withdraw from the University. {
Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mont- The Administrative board also de-I
ana, not only charged on the Senate cided, in the case of 48 students, to t
Nfloor that the Attorney Generai's refuse one hour of credit on account
ame was mixed in the oil scandal of excessive unexcused absences.
from the first but he charged that Mr. Students who were placed on the
Daughzerty's personal friends hadE "home list" will be asked to remain t
been expecting money in exchange for out of school for definite periods ofI
their influence with him and added time, or in some cases refused an-
that "if the Attorney General has iot other entrance at any time.
1liore Than 2600 Cast Ballots in the Adrian Van Muffling Iopes That Day actually got the money he is a iugger Most of the students who were lilac- t
Daily's Prolibition of Iudividual Aeroplane fool that the people of the United ed on the "home list" have been on
Referendum Never Comes States give him credit for be:ng probation for different lengths oft
Seeks Imnuediate Action time, and because of obtaining poor
CAMPUS BOOTH IN FRONT OF AMERICANS DO NOT REALIZE The speech of the Montana Senat- grades for their last semester's work
LIBRARY TO BE CONTIMTED POSSIBILITIES OF THE AIR or was delivered in the half of his will be asked to leave.
resolution asking for a sweepng in- ____
When the hundreds of votes regis- Past, present and future problems vestigation of Mr. Daugherty's official
tered in the campus prohibition ref- of aviation were discussed by Adrain record. He sought immediate action N
erendum had been counted up at a Van Muffling, consulting engineer for but consent was refused by Senator
late hour last night it was found that Ithe Fokker airplane organization of Lodge of Massachusetts the Ropub- r
the backers of complete enforcement Holland and a pioneer in the aero- can leader because of Mr. Wheeler's lAIh hFORFIELDiHOUSE
had staged the biggest rally seen so plan. industry, in an aladdress last proposal that he himself select the1
far, seriously threatening the suprem- evening in the upper reading room of investigating committee.
acy of the light wines and beers tick-. the Union. Tonight the Attorney General not Balcony seats in the Yost fieldc
et. Yesterday's voting brought the That Americans, and especially only maintained his determination house will soon be able to take care of
totals to 1276 for modification, 1033 American capitalists and industrial against retiring from office under fire 12,000 spectators when the presentf
for enforcement, and 365 for repeal. leaders, have not awakened to the ios- but also refused to make any reply seating plans are carried out. This
The campus booth which. on a- sibilities of the aeronlane .is the le- to the attacks upon him. will be facilitated by another balcony,

The Day's News At
The Capitol
The tariff commission made public
its estimate of the cost of filing and
marketing hard spring wheat flour.
The House approved the Democrat-
ic surtax rates as a substitute for
those proposed in the Mellon Tax bill.
A debate on the Soldiers Bonus was
precipitated in the Senate, when Sen-
ator Bruce, Democrat, Maryland, in
a speech, opposed it.
The Senate ordered an inquiry into
charges attributed to Colonel Thomas
Miller, alien refugee custodian, that
t the treasurv had juggaled estimates of

Four Instrumental Soloists to
Series; Alumnus Named
Concert List

the cost of a Soldiers bonus. The coming May Festival to
May 21, 22, 23, 24 promises t4
The Senate Veterans' committee con- exceptional brilliance and ot
ferred with Director Hines regard- ing among the musical seasons
ing conditions in the New York office country, with the announceme
of the Veterans' bureau and the per- least a dozen distinguished
sonnel situation in general headquar- who will each take part in one c
ters here. of the six festival concerts.
Ithat is new will characterize t
Attorney general Daugherty remain- son, the first festival under the
ed defiant in the face of new attacks torship of Prof. Earl V. Moore
aimed to bring about his retirement gives evidence of continuing ti
from the Cabinet. ical traditions which have be
f tablished in former years und
President Coolidge let it be known ferent leaderships. Soloists wi
that he regards business as not ser- ; won foremost positions in the
ious- injured by the developments in al world, but many of whom ha
the oil inquiry. er before been heard in Ann
will participate.
The Wheeler resolution for investi- Emmy, Krueger, dramatic
gation on Attorney General Daugherty of the Munich opera, an arti,
and the department of Justice was Iowledged to be the greatest
sent to the committee, a vote in the neran operassinger of all Euro
Senate being locked on objections of mnhead the list of vocal soloist
Senator Lodge. coming' to America in March
year is an event of importance
The Senate engaged in de bate over musical world. Leading critics
the oil situation daring which Sn- iery European capital and mus
ator Wheeler, Democrat, Montana ter are unanimons in their w
charged that friends of Attorney gen- commendation. She comes t
eral Daugherty had obtained moneyi Arbor with the highest recoi
for services in connection with the de- tCons of Frederick Stock, dire
partment of justices cases. the Chicago Symphony orclesti
p heard her in Europe recently.
f ~Engage Recent Artist
Dusolina Giannini, an Ameni
prano of Italian parentage, w
been on the concert stage sca
ear, gbut in that time has sun
0CIT1 &? thelargest "orchestras of the
try, has also been engaged. S'
Results of the recent investigation as phenomenal artist, possessing
the greatest voices of her da
to future vocations of University stu- ,discovered suddeiy vwhen sl
dents, which was started last week the place of a noted artist in
when seniors in the literary college gie Vai, N'ew York, in March la

efforts. Since its inception in 1U21,---------------*------'.,..a .t.*.-'-------- -'--- ,
w143 ,hehstedily v-count of inclement weather, was fore- lief of Mr. Van Muffling. He thinks
eed the conditions so that with the aid ed to move into the entrance of the that a campaign of educational prop-
of the present new camp site, which main Library, proved popular with aganda on this subject will awaken
is considered by authorities to be students and faculty alike. The booth interest which will lead to America's
one of the best sites possible, for the will be open for balloting again to-; taking the lead in the commercializ-
purpose, he expects to be aie to day, officials announce. The printed! ation of th aeroplane industry.
handle from 1200 to 1500 boys immcballot for the use of individuals or To the lackof knowledge of the lat-
girls every year. groups who wish to mail in their est progress and the lack of familiar-
"We are planning on having reg- choice appears again this morning on ity with the machine itself, he attri
ular building now that a permanent page four. Many voters also took ad- butes the present backward attitude
site is assured," said Mlr. Reimana. vantage of the booth in the loliby of here.
"Cabins for the children, club houses, the-Union during the day and it will Aeroplane transportation is econ-
and other buildings will make it possi-- continue open at least until tonight. omically more efficient than any
ble to utilize the camp the whole An examination of the names at- other means, says Mr. Van Muffling.
year round, while the proximity to tached to the ballots received so far If time saving is taken into consider-
Ann Arbor will make it especially at- reveals, local officials say, about 20 ation, it is much cheaper, as the cost
tractive for the citizens of this city." percent of the voters to be women per mile for transporting six pass-
The summer session will be divided and the remainder men. Although engers is only fifty cents arter all
into four periods, each lasting ten most of the women, they say, have costs ar takn into considration, in-
days, and boys and girls will be tak- I expressed themselves in favor of en- cluding insuranc, five year depreci-
en from all sources, including the juv- forcement, there have been a good ation dnd all gasoline.
eile courts, Mother's pension bureau, number on the side of modification of Mr. Van Muffling hopes that the
settlement houses, and many others, the existing statutes. Of the four sor- (lay of the individual aeroplane nevr
There are to be no limitations as to orities who have sent in their com- I coms, stating that .it is not only im-
cred, race or color and it is hoped that bined votes, two have had a majority practical and of no use, but that the
student leaders will be available to i for the all-dry ticket and two for the average individual is incapable of be-
take charge of small groups of -the ' light wine and 'beer provision. In all ing trustd. with an aeroplane and
boys and girls. The courses of the there have not been more than 12 they would become a menace. His
camp program will include swimmIng, votes cast for repeal by women, ac-1 hopes lie in th commrcializing, es-
boating, and fishing, as well as con- cording to the facts given out last pecially for long distanc transporta-
siderable regular work every day, night. tion, of the aeroplane.
while several educational courses in The country-wide college vote is
nature study, under the direction of I now on the verge of its second westP
"Dad" Lockwood, well-known natural- Thernaers to startfNo rtotalsfrom
es d. br tdnaet emld any other institution have been re-'
e. Teach Indian Lore Iceived by the central committee, it -
Special arrangenr nts hae been iwas said last night. This is atrribiut- APPLICATIONS100aAnC
maee orang Inan e bthe ed to the fact that scores of smaller --
Ottawa tribe to be at the camp at all colleges, not having daily papers Ticket application for the 1926
times and teach Indian craft, canoe I have been forced to delay voting un- Sophomore Prom to be- held March
making, basket making, and weavinv til the publication of a weekly or 14 will be given out from 2 to 5 o'clock
with grass and reeds. There will al- imonthly periodical. I today and tomorrow from the booth
so be an Indian squaw to teach bead- 1! mlflia-aeul . in the lobby of the Union. Approxi-
work, while two medical students nately 500 applications will be given
have signified their willingness to jUTout.
teach first aid and life saving, as wel Applications must be filled out and
as to look after the general health returned within a week after they

Washington, Fe. 19.-(By AP)-
The trial of the oil enquiry, after
previous rambling, led directly back
to the United States Senate.
When the oil committee met be-
hind closed doors to examine certain
records of the Benaard stock broker-
age firm of -New York, it was found
the name of it Senator entered there.
Withhiold Name
Pending a more complete examin-
ation of all records of the firm in
New York the name was withheld.
While pledged to secrecy now, com-
mittee men declared that when the
audit of th books for transactions in
oil and other stocks by other govern-
ment officials had been finished there
would be no suppression of any of
the facts unearthed,
London, Feb. 19.-The resignation
i of Edwin Denby as Secretary of the
Navy was treated by English news-
papers as the biggest story of the
Giving most of the front page to
Ithe story, the London Daily Express in
an editorial said, "If only half of the
charges against the Republican ad-
ministration are proved true, the re-
precussion on the candidacy of Presi-
dent Coolidge in the approaching
presidential election will be serous
enough to defeat him.
"The Democrats are in no Fetter
"Every one who had hopes has
seen, them dashed to the ground and
his chances of election drowned in

which will be constructed on both
sides of the building above the present
ones forming a second tier of seats.
The original . plans for the field
house called for a total seating capac-
ity of 12,000 persons. The first bal-
cony, together with the bleachers fin--;
ished just in time for the basketball
season, hold approximately 8.000 per-
sois. The new set of stands, when
coimpleted( will seat the - additional,
number of 4,000.
Work on this second tier will prob-
ably begin at the close of the basket-
ball season and be carried on during
the spring. These seats will help
take care of the great number who
heretofore have ben unable to at-
tend athletic contests in the Yost fields
house due to the limited space.


Prof. J. L Brumm of the Journalism
department spoke before the Cham-
ber of Commerce at their weekly
luncheon yesterday noon. The lunch-
eon was a forerunner of Ann Arbor's
centennial anniversary. Professor
Brumm outlined several ideas for a
pageant to celebrate the coming event.
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, pastor of the
Zion Lutheran church, spoke on "The
Ann Arbor of Yesterday."
Charles B. Warren, '91, former am-
bassador to Japan, and President Mar-
ion L. Burton will be the speakers of

were asked to fill out questionaires.coun
have not, as yet, been completely com- al N
piled. Prof. George E. Myers, of the at tb
vocational education department of A
the school of education, is in chargeSc
of this work. cour
At the present time the committee light
finds itself handicapped by the fact thef
that fully one-half of the seniors, not and
having picked their vocations, did not: recit
fill out the questionaires which were I
distributed in the Registrar's office. mSo
The committee is anxious to obtain mea
some definite expression of opinion Mat
from this large group and will wel- Heins
come any suggestions which embody Ihers
some means of accomplishing this, ac- iss
cording to Professor Myers. Ann
The questionaire asked such infor- those
mation as the definite vocation the the t
signer expects to follow, when this with
vocation was chosen, if the influence, she1
of college and college life has caused i
a change from such choice previously Tit
made, and how the student expects to the
obtain his first position. worn
Seniors who have not filled out one first
of these questionaires, and who wish'fir
to do so, may obtain same from Pro- pear
fessor Myer's office in Tappan hall ycosi
I lyr ic
Moscow, Feb. 19.-Mrs. Theodore his;
Roosevelt and her son Kermit, have beau
arrived from Pekin over the Trans-
Siberian Railway and will Leave for othe
Western Europe in a few days, dent

equent reports from all ov
try have confirmed her sen
ew York successes. She wi
he Saturday night concert.
third soprano, Claire Du
dinavian soprano, whose ti
success withthe Chicago
pany, has placed her in the
, has also signed a contra
festival. She is a lyric sc
was heard in Ann Arbor iz
al with Huberman two yea
Popular Singer Returns
phie Braslau, dist'inguisl:
can contralto, who. ranks
zenauer, Homer and Scbu
.k, will sing miscellaneous
at the Friday evening pr
Braslau has not been he
Arbor for several yea
e who recail her fine arti
beginning of her career, wi
pleasure she reputation
has since required.
Compared to Caruso
to Schipa, leading Italian t
Chicago Opera company,
k has so often been compare
of Caruso, will'be -heard
time in Ann Arbor. IHe w
in the Friday evening prog
tar with Miss Braslau. IH
tenor, a true Latin, and
audience away with the
aty of his voice.
sare Baromeo, bass, who i
r than Chase Sikes, a form
of the School of Music, i
temporarily his engagement
a, Milan, and coming to A
to sing at this festival.
mun, an American baritone,
orio type, will also be hea
first time in Ann Arbor. HI
aid to be admirably adapi
baritone role in Delius'
t". Negotions are still I
two other artists, a barito
mor. They will be announe

of he camp.
No financial arrangements have'
been made for the support of the in-
stitution other than the regular tagj
day, which comes some time in the Six performances of the twentieth
near future. Alumni and fiends of I annual Junior Girls' play, "Thank1
the camp give very liberally, while You, Madam," which the class of 19251
several prominent manufacturers of
foodstuffs donate large quantities of is presenting March 18-22 at the Whit
their articles. ney theatre will be given instead ofF
five as has been the custom in former,
Plan Dendral Betterment years. The play will open its run on
Tuesday, March 18, with a perform-#
Notre Danie, Ind., Feb. 19.-Trees ance in honor of the senior women.
on the campus of the University of The performances following on Wed-
Notre Dame are to be moved farther nesday, Thursday, Friday, amid Satur
apart in order to provide room for day evenings, and on Saturday after
their development and growth. noon will be open to the public. Wo-
men other than seniors may buy seatsz

have ben issued. Work of consider-
ing and returning them will begin
inunediately after they are reecived.
The price of the tickets this year
will be $5.50. Applications will not
be considered unless the class dues
of the applicant are paid.
'Ensian Calls For
Business Tryouts
Second semester fresnman are
wanted to try out for the business
staff of the Michiganensian. Those
interested report to E. G. Upjohn. '25,
from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock this after-
noon or tomorrow at the Michiganen-
sian office in the Press building.

"America is out for a housecleaning next week before the Chamber of
and the. inocent as well as the guilty Commerce.
may be swept into the dust bin.
SBudapest, Feb. 19.---Th~e cr'own's
tall to 90,000 to the dollar has created
something of a panic, the public
M IS TO S110W UNION duobting the international loan's out-
Grinnell Noses 0
Moving pictures will be made of the "
booths, circus, and parade of the Un- In un cago

ut Michigan
glee Club Contest

In reading over the college
humor magazine we were able to
find some real good jokes (also
a few that were shady). Let this
be evidence that we can find any-

for Tuesday evening.
Mail orders for tickets are now'
being received by Edna Kadow, busi-f
ness manager for the play, 1503 Wash-
tenaw. Remittances should accompany
all orders for tickets with a stamped,
self-addressed envelope enclosed.
Checks should be made payable to the
Junior Girls' play. Tickets ordered}
by mail will be sent out after March 8
when the mail order sale closes.

ion Fair, March 7 and 8. by a camera-
man of the Detroit Free Press to be
own throughout the state. The e-
troit News in connection with the
Michiganensian, is also planning to
take photos of the gala event. These
will be run in the rotogravure section
of the News' and later in the Michi-
Two exhibits of a serious nature
will be included in numerous booths.,
The Enginering society and Tai Beta
Pi. honorary engineering fraternity.
will give practical demonstrations of
engineering phenomena and mater-
The Enginecring society has been
granted the balcony of the Field
house. where the Fair will be held,
for their exhibit, which will be a'revi-
val of the engineering exhibit for-j
inerly used at Michigan. Objects of
engineering interest and demonstra-

Michigan's Varsity glee club took Michigan sang their first song, "Now
second place in the annual coumpeti- is the Month of May", with a keen un-
tions between mid-western schools derstanding, and "Laudes Atque Car-!
held Monday night at Orchestra hall mina", equally' well. George Oscar
Chicago, finishing four points behind Bowen, director of the club, voiced thei
Grinnell college, the winner of the con- opinion that the club as a whole per-
test. Beloit and Northwestern, tied formed up to expectations and was
for third place, could not cope with ? satisfied with the decision of the
the standards established in the two judges.
first place winners, their total points; Although no announcement was
k showing them to be 26 points behind ;made by the judges following the con-
Michigan. test as to the superiority of Grinnell
Michigan finished ahead of the oth- in the final scoring, it is believed that
er seven conference schools which en- their college song won the decision for
tered the contest. Alumni of the var- them. It was the type of song which
ions schools- represented made exten- made possible a variety of interpre-
sive preparations for the concert, with tations not possible in "Laudes Atque#
the result that Orchestra hall was Carmina".
sold out by the time set for the per- All the clubs entered in the contest
formance. Crinnell college, as a re- aggregating 350 voices, sang two congs
sult of its victory, will be allowed to while the judges were making their
sing in the eastern collegiate compe- decisions. Tone quality, pitch, en-

Senior Class IIresidents
There will be a meeting of
the eight presidents of this
year's graduating classes at 4
o'clock tomorrow in room 306
of the Union. limportant class
business will be discussed.
('hairmen-( 'hlss Program

is s-
a te

E Four instrumental soloists w
heard. Sylvia Lent, an America
linist, scarcely more than a
whose artistry promises to ove
ow even the brilliancy of Morin:
Rubinstein, has been engaged.
is credited with an almost un
genius, and has created a furor
in Germany and America.
Christian to Play
Harold Bauer, the renowned
ist who played in Ann Arbor in
ately following his debut with the
ton Symphony orchestra, and
three years ago, comes to this
val a well-known and well-lwy
tist. Ann Arbor agrees when
acknowledged a master pianist

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