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May 14, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-14

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pyT~p f7~~l47~fp ______________________ Patroize ailyAdvertsers.-Av al
IIER E T ___________________________
OFSTO0P STREEIT,!RUING hwn!____________
>., I~invc ~sdlM( 1(fle are the most pr-t
i t t c o the new stop laws
ar, ordirrg 1toAnAbor polie re
ports :51to lf ~S ingenral sPeem to; {
' d~isregard theo lawvInmre than (10 towns-!
people, but .;gi l t a en tS ake the pl-!
ce th no obleh. As yet few girls; at
I ne r c eensumn.3ned to the policej
y Fc '.t, ' 'y1 r t f ' y: aticn for their violattons of the or-1
fr,,dna neebut il e pnce suggest that C1lFU BOTIIFIY
"?. :.. ....:,.:.o. .4.. .. 'c5 <law w4[as mla for women as well as Mahly ?lsi.ni2d -~n
men and for students as well as town-
ea ~e. .........,.G'.,.rtitipeople.._An average ".ofd:t o..eeople 4a.
Q ~day have been arrested for violation1 CLOTHES FOR. THE COLLEGE MAifNj
t. ihe r fU. ~Fhi4 Camp1)of this regulation._
Tb ^Tnvrsty of Michigan Fresh Air car, conducted annually by the Student Christin association,
nMl give an acting this summaler to a bout 500 poor. airneedy k ids of Detri ot andl its suburbs. The sale otat~gs°
to def r y the cxnenses o the camp this summer was herd yesterday ont the campus and in the fraternities. The S so~Dlt ~uetcmitei hreo h apcnit fN1oOihn,'4,caraHryC lr,'9,Ewr
cCobb, '25, Lionel' Cro cker, grad., Charles Steven, '26, Harry D. 1-oy, '24, and Kenneth Kelar, '26.v?
0:10109 nu~~~~mrch to the hollow, Sbut they will hand held is annual banquet las swl nl ~re?~htis o ih.RE oe atya,& otigt akTesn ilb edo h ~ba,
Kelly, 21,cara I h nn, steps andl the Varsity band will assst21ciraoftevnn LT W
SIFull drections will be announced as --- ---
~ Jb soon as theyare issued by the coin- Fanenonrr sno
mittce civil enineering society, will initiate
(.=e~ BrwJc - , Icue nSulrS;1 e nTuesday, May L0, at thei M RSO OUEC R. TK URH TRE t e cen
rife~Ji i 1*((i e ir iostponed New YRKl
pleg aine rStudyDue to a conflicting date of the Var-Egneinlrh ac a ilTlelione Murray 1hill 88cccou ntry
t ~bring the miodel constructed by hm T
_______sity band and to inclement weather, a required1 by the society, and wtii
IJMil!fkS,'Vdl (;ERIZI r\Y.Totie seioar sing 'scheduled fr lastl be received among the honored after ou ersettvlinb tte charge $2 or, m
' T iA3,lJ° 611 OFPt1,n1 night, was postponed to "next Toes- he has pro0ved his worth as a civil
-audyngh, yI, d le)(ay andc the TCuesday following,. Th ' enginee..HO EL STATLER, Detroit cleaning m n'
S ur a ni ht f a 1 , ms be r- T d a , M ach redefnitely decided upon for the r.a- 1
nuICpN~h;crmneatog with samples of ready-made Clothiing-
in the p ast the occasion h s taken I N
place on Friday nights, according t
the ommtt6e. n charge of the pro-e. lrihns at n he
gram. The complete ii of speak- nytingl t'IC -a'i QaB o
p'rof. Thomas Reed, ;of the pol~ica ' rt'ce.'anYd haal- at for Sprin
science department, and Oscar Li own ,~oeae&~o''IilrcA~r~ Telephone 13
'2411. An audience of more than 5,0( 'Prices, ils Our N'rot to.
is expected to fill Sleepy Hollow for eocso.° , P R
Professor Reed has spoken at uum.I I T '-19C_9JL.1J'J,~ONCO !nOYTN 220 BELLEVUE AE.14U
erous student gatherings, amiong them:'- }6mAr etter impresswens______________________________________
Activities Night and the annual Gr id- OVER THE ARCADE ' HEATRE ACROSS FROM THE CAMPUS
Iron banquet. His subject will Iff
general in nature, as will those of the Phone 269-M
other speakers. - ^-
'Ann Arbor will hear Edwin Deny
for the frsttine wbi n he make, h-
appearanco here Saturday nighta ai*
tho h h~ ba0frequently spioke n c
neg ~ O g is -'cts. He ;il . :-
in the actiw i; s. l ft a "' BT95+r y d 4ti Mt : ,S t. 'y
For the stuide t , Os 4r ritatllRI..
dent instii.otor in taie ul&v.
ing''dep artmenY,'wll addes ia r tl ' s?
Bring. His speaking ability s lki .
dencedll o p"i~~p~int~1~r
mst is ptAi ig' aCttvli $is of the Un - "° 5 ,
versit , ong ther'm h< , Northrn or--
atrclcnetand the Varsity de- _
bathing team.p
Folowing the cutmaote0oi>
Maijest i heaters willhold oe,
house, showing new film releases for.:a c
the evening. Admission is free toI s s t ', vy~v
eachs ofr thsethaer CpNiht
Other events on the program will o, $
be numbers by the Varsty b and ilc .
the traditional singing of "W here l, = '.". Y"r,.¢,p .- ;s.n
Where Are the Verdant Freshman?"-,4
whchwllbe nuished "4.,lirr,
the verses ofh whicfwilib
later. The committee has not yet an-
nounced the plans for asrenh~ling t ' rjHIS trip is fully described
T ina booklet written by/
Professor Nylander of / t
Princeton University whichK
gives the complete itinerary
and itemzed 'exper-3ses.' It
will be sent you upon re-
Iceipt of the coupon belowa . r
t Also the folder "What's u

W VE1)NIv~SDAY, MAY 4, 1424
classilled tor real reaults,
n th
eor fo
S Stilts.

Going on, in Europe in
1924"and illustrated liter- xyWa od of r -
ature about the United"States Lines
'CeisSteamship Fate-$895 and u sPTeeLugn Sit
E1 uifl Thousands of students and teachers are sailing for EuropeO
" J°ummer Vcation this summer in the third class cabins 'of United States LinaeS'.
Yucncniuyora-sisSeaaeecuive space has ben reserved ol the Escm otbe'e gaeu n infe
vo an c ntincholastiall-tisS. S. President Hardaingi- June 24th asy, 1 Spfring Suiyts--just ecendty arr'ied".
vneetshlsialthsasummer without foregoinig the S. S. Republic - - - July' 2nd , are these new S rnSit-u e'C tl
desired change and recreation . ~ ~ L va ~ - - -Jl t tstecee ei'ip tefn oln n
that summer should bring.S.S eata - -.Jl 5t;,I 5 h ceer elll ,tefiew C'. '1
Youwillbe refreshed and develpd,' Similar reservations have been made on other eastbund the expert tailoring combined that make DAN-
physically and mentally, through ships and also on westbound ships (including the Leviathan)®p
attendance this summer at r Iy for your return. IEL BO NE CLOTHES hg l desirable.
SUMMER RCliege women are invited partic- -water and other conveniences hgl
)N M V ulriytmake reservations on the in each stateroom. The food isf
CB3 .S eulcsiigJl r s hlsm peiignpeU- 'eivieyu npcino u pig L.t
on the W6OODED SHORE Isecial third cabin accommoda- ful and service of the best. Public ivt
OF L.A$(E MICHIGAN ions are available under proper rooms are large and inviting that have just arrived.
Come to Evanston, the bauty spt chaperonage. Women will also ,Ample deck space is provided for r -
tennis, enjoy concerts,' dramatic perform ee calcaeoe ntegmsaddne: alcaet
anecs and inspiring lectures. Earn credits other ships listed above and on are a feature of the voyage.
toward College, Professional, or Advanced the return dgesr e~ cuutahr fnt rp.T is orcac oejyh
fromn other eadirg institutions.TL2Cas"' 7,1Ste " nddu+r21dv-
degreer.Coaalty includs teacnersitedotegtris.cthies oftr adndeurcantonoy the .'
S ,mr eshoninClodcs t& ofolowing Echool; ulff-O jniyu~..
li fo Lll eoi Ti LnesuSipsIs otsterg e f~rope at th e lowest cost
Scoio mnc Sho olo fuk ei S Third class cabins on these ships "possible in years. Dozens of in..,
course Covering, full 'year's work accommodate 2, 4 or6 Persns: tdrnationaleventsare taking place
n! Ccn-er+1 l tmii try. Twelve IThey are clean, airy and comfort-' in Europe this summer including 111 ~o "
courses in Department of Reig- lale. The berths have soft, sani--, the Olympic games and the IY Mar of6 S ti -1. 3~t
icus Education. tary mattresses and clean inen; E'ritish Empire Exhibition.
School. of Commerce offers'courses in "
1"Salesanhip" .Factory management,"
l'"Insurance, etc Schol of Journalism I ,T j I'AT. y
fetrspractical newspaper work.- I , .1. D .. ',&~LJ'Vq -. L. N %A i ..
Many courses supplemented by trips, MAWU.Min83
to eadngindustrial and financal1 14 Washington Blvd.TelpoeMi02 DTT'
centers of Cicago close by. ..s rgonizenn
V TilS OOKLT 'or Your ocal Agent
NOW READY IU I E t1~~~ pa~sfrB A D12 4 $ A N S.B a c t r 6 4 E I E T
ClFollowing Handy UNT DST '' SIPPINGBO R21S, AI eBrnh toe6 'ELBE Y
,ClpRequest Form ..
-b --


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