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May 14, 1924 - Image 1

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S i r Ab



VOL., XXXIV. No. 165





lndiridua Must Think Vor HIimsel
And Be Constructive, Asserts
Michigan's first Honors Convocation
honoring those students who have
maintained a high scholastic average
together with the recpients, of special
scholarship rewards, ws held yes-
iiordiY, afterno t at 1illauditorium
11 sident Maron L. I1 rton delivered
the address, speaking on "The Brain
" Uorker."
More" than 250 students, the highest
tenl per cent of the senior literary
' :°'lass, with representative honor stu-
dents frontz the other senior classes.
received invitations to te convoc-
tion. Despite a heavy shower di
In the afternoon, they assemibled
; Aumni Memrial hal and, fol*~
by the. members of the faculty,' all
in academic robe, marched down
State street to Hill auditorium.
*Cannot Be Save
President Burton, In his 'speech, de-
lared that the Honors Convocation
was intended to "put a fitting° em-
phasic upon .scholarship, scientific at-
tainment, capacity to think and genu-
Ine research, the things representing
our, first' and real task as tachers
arch tudents."
"No real brain worker," the Presi-
'dent continued, "can toil as- a slave
' or evet as a aerant, for education
li 19is.'an 'att ve constructive, process'
He mcusts be a =free pron, conductng
his .own enterprise, with, no inter-
fetince aliend to, the. real wr of the
m zind. "Therefoi, he' will actually
think for iusef, for thee fs, .of
' c'urse, no th r nd a "real thoigt
At al:timne . h U.att4e!nt to supple-
uI gnt thie r thogh Iiof. @ ryJ hook he
5 !reads, every taher .]e hears, and
every ciurst . otk. ,
In decribing , the brain worker
President Burton scored'the type of
student" wa" fi'rldtws the crowvd,'a
Cher _$thvu' ht it'i.filfr himself.
t"Thos ' vho a~e tall tra~dtions, 'in
cizdng'th deniads of student ftc-
tvities 'anl sti dent' fopnat i;are
slaves ind ,callnever lbe-bain wrk
rs," he 'd61h4rtid., x+r'_;"
First Meeting Here of Kind
That' this "convocation, the ifirst to
honor"those students who -have ex-1
celled 'in scholarship, was needed was
pointed out. Stuents active in out-
side affairs are honored by long-es-
tablished annual gatherings, but those
who reach the top ii study, the real
work of college, have had. no pulc
A short selection was offered by
the University Gle Club andl the pro-
cessional march was played by Palmer
Christian, university organist. The
convocation was closed by the singing
of the "Yellow and the Blue. "
The name of Helen Marie Cannos,
724, was omitted on the printed pro-
gram. Miss Cannos is au~ honor stu-
dent in the li.Jterary c llege, being Iin
the upper tee per cent of 'the class.
Travjel Course In
Europe Planned
An 4,i.n11 ~lllait travl-oure i

--" F I I 'N S 0ii :
1 Ten neophytes yesterday scrub-( j Sphinx received tIn sophomore
'Ibed their way into the ancient OR?! literary students into the society ben edfloin h nta
I{ engineering arch. ' The initiates ! N UU ET T U N I H It hn at the Union. A.I3..;Con- ilte;t e g et f t e Dle ol , 2 ,atd a t at a t r, 1
members at a banquet given'j1in j with Eugene Dunne,'725, welcom-
f Those sophomore engineers ; iN1, ) I LLuj DELIATER '26, replied for the initiates,
who were honored by the society
ar:W .Anli;P .~ad ADDRESS while Prof. J. A. C. Iildner ot BROLEY, MIERRIA3, SMIITII HYDE.",
ar:W .Anl;E -Cr-the German department was fc EJOA WN IGE
w ell; W. T. Coman: R. Y. JDa~n; ulty speaker. (I SUCESSFUL
1 Richard Earhart; 1. C. Cocli Ei HERIDGE RECFIVES J Th following men of the cas__
{ Harry Hawkins; W. HTDeat~h I{ 'ENSIAN EDITORSHIP of '25i were honored by the o-E T ON SLC E
1W, H-. Iierrnstein; andl1. M.( ety: George Babcock; Richard L OBR SO SL C EJ
f Johnson. _ T1lrehundred Pubicationi Workers 1IDoyle; Joseph Finn; Richard{ RECORDING SECRETARY!
Gaill111 Be (xiue 4t of Board In Freyburg; Joseph Gand; Ke- '
(trl)fiIbifIlJsneth Kelar; Harry Messer;I New Union aHead Lfcads Field With
nn r!in nii Daniel Quirk; George . Ross; ; Oer eacI
More than 00 members of the and Steven Wilson. Coieio
DUT~ b~iVI r ii fl IYL staffs f the various campus pltubllca- ~l evf~ apsvt nr od
w U p O in ill be the guests ofth.BadI what is l elieved to have been'
1in Control of Student Putbl'ations A+ ilhaistcmuvoenrcrd
at the 'annual All -"Publications ban- .I. illn. 26,was elected presi-
gite at6 :o'cockshap toigh inT11TO 10 F dent of the union and Perry Hfayden,
ENDSj IheSUCnESS assembly hall. Dr. Robert 1'MM25, D NT of the Students' Christian assoi-E
Fraternities And Sororities Suloport 1Bridges, poet laureate 'of. England, FORERo eretsronforthe n onege year. lKarl
tt g Diiy Witlh Blanket willgvethle principal address. Ii N TSobton; 2 a hse epdn
Assess~mets The poet, who holds the fellowship o I1 lr~ne
--- n creative art for this year, will ad- r2. liteary vice president, C. W.r
RtEIMA1NNEEDS= LEADERS F:. , IJress the gathering upon "Journal- Drive Plannied For Tomnorroi, Friel-y dent,A. 'MS5. Smith, '25L, law vice pes-
xOR R K HI S :' ',lflII ism." Tonight's speech will be hisUdr Direction Ofieident,. . Hyd, '25M, and Jce; Pe
second public appearance ince hip Tler j_ ,I F BE, Hy2d, ombind icepresi
'OCne of the most represetative and srIvalinAnnAror ay3.leednt. Charles Higley, 26, was elect-
[most successful of the University of dressed a combined meeting of the {; t'iIfT l I 'lNPI'ATION *Idscrtr of tie S. C. A.
Michigan Fresh Air Camtp tag days, in senior' and junior medic clse bn OF EGBERTItSELL'S GROU 1Whn the count had been completed1
ithe opinion' of Harry C. Clark, '26L~, time atgo. Ia i al orti onn h
r~iring president of the Student Announcement of the upper staff a neryhu hsmrig h
Tyler Stevens, '241. as been ap- following individua scores were an-
Christian association, was held yes- appointment N r the different publi- riointed chairman of the committee of nounced:
tedy nth amu udr h as cton l nade by the newly ap-I the Student Christian association Old President Union: W. J. Wilkins,
pines of that organization. FundsL pointed managirtg editors and business Clothes campaign committee for re- E'26L, 1144 C. D. Livingstone, 'TO 482;
fcollected .fromn the fraternities and ( managers. These will inIcu the ii ief of the needy foreign students, ac-J Thomas Cavanaugh, '24, 361; W. V.'
sororities are in charge of Parry D.; staff chosen by heads of The Daily, cording to Harry C. Clark, '26L, presi-1 Spnagel, '25 247; R. J. Hummer,~.25,
SHocy, '24, retiring managing editor the Gargoyle, Chimes, Summer Daily, (ent of the association. The drive is' 115; and F. J. Dickman, '25E, 62.
of The Daily, as well as the general Michiganensian, and Athletic Program. to be as a follow-up of tile recent Recording secretary Union: Karlj
tag selling which took place on the A special five piece orchestra, pro- European Student Relief under Egert Robertson, '25, 1100; Milton Peterson,i
campus. Most fraternities voted toi vided by Wilson's Wolverines will Ishell, '26L, and ill be for all o the '25 1009.
give to the camp by a blanket assess-1 furnish the music for the affair. 'old clothes available to send abroadt Literary vice president no: J.
ment. At a special mieeting f 'the Bloard{ under the auspices of the S. C. A. forB.roly'2.36F.RSmt,25I
The goal estimated by Charles Stev- in Control last night, *Wflnm B.-;Eth- eign organization. .FB rmer 2.36 .R mt,'5
er0;t Halsy ey, ' i,'9 233. 0'; eRob-
f in charge of the camnpus; drive is two fotr of the: Michganesan for .thei pus have been set tomorrow and Fri- ,lvice reident:' C. ,W. Mrram, '25
thousand dollars, which it is estimatedl coming year. No announcement was day, May 15 and 10. The following 3 300; Russell Scribner, 25. 150. , Law
W'ill care for the 'totaf number'of boys made as to, the. appointment of the committeemen have' been appointed, vice resident; A. W. smith, '26L, 99;k
F for' the entire summer' sessions. Lew- 1business manager of the Summer] Kenneth Seek, 25, fraternities, Rob- I R.IV.r.ice, 2614.59; . 1. 1<nggas, '26L,
J bs C.' Reimiann, '16, is to be in chargej Daily.: ert Mansfield, -'26, publicity, Allen 55;r Walter Vel~c, '26L, 8. MedicI
I of the institution, and will (innate his Morton, '25, -advertising, H. G. Clark,: vice president: B. E. Hyde, '26M, 117;
I se ies and it is' trged that all stu- 1 26, baling, 1.. J. Clark, 26, booths, H. H. Stryker, '26M, 02. Combined
I dentst who' will be in An i Arbor for I CAIflITlPfIIIP Manning; ouileworth. '26, collection.' vice' presidet:, J P. BeukemA, '25D,
the hummer° sessions, and all 'others ; Tl lI I UIU IJI MVariam Wiksd, ',4, helen Porter, 9 ; William Cuick '25, 17.
interested, in, being leaders at the' "ni ~n~n.FUan '25, and Rosalie Spilding, '24, areI President 1. C. A.: P.4'11. Hayden,,
camp, send--their names to Reimann; lluH l tI rifl H gN l members of, the. G nlttee Awhoawillk'25,t 82 ;al,#ta et~yQ.ae. rie tirg o etesoo'
at"an hll a a 'atl dte: 111 lve hageofth.sroity and leaguae Oi,'. '
" .ouse campaign.'' Secretr y S. C. A.:-C. S. Higley.c
Prof Rene-Talalnon,,of the kepart All ;old cloths arc neded'and can ' l , 19eni 'i~t
At ,, 3 t,11 F-,nient of Romance languages, will con- a be utsed by. :the foreign 'sttudients. It ' <tat x ogi;,0
tA Ba x II~ SPEA S a ; stn ,re -tatthose:aving gaml s C ~ n i ~ ~ l
IU iiiriinhii 'pie t11e11 isiiudent,;Cristian associticrn..&oC .rfltr a
11i9' TtLUII L iilhirijle inu ..{ ~tee ini.charge of ,the drive:r-r
-irf i ,"~, l ~ u : lh&&a ,.of $he e9- hr iifnrmnaion oncernin : tdetails i ,.:sn l~llfh
H . H'Smith, ' 95, ot Detroit c udi ,; larn tro t Im. nci& ang ges nv Ib ie u ae. II II IIPI
datetor the Republican enatifI 1 Fthe' ,r tersit y uf owjv nd f *_____ to "14 II ful l
' oiainin a speech before the all-I' Boyce, of the University of Chi- ' G rg ye vo,,n *'
campus political meeting last nightinf cago, will also bie in charge. Thiose a AwrdedTo Fotbal Str 1;
the Union, bitterly attacked the Farm- who take the trip my ae hoc Inu o a ulyAardeTo, FouotlStrFo
Labor blocs in congress and the action; from the several groups into which 1 ih3
which they have taken in revising the it s-ivded PoAssriTlaotha
Mellon tax mleasure, nowv before tL : ('barge of a group which will sail1 Gargoyle is tile first college humor
conferenlce commuittee. from Montreal, June 1. 'The resi- r ulcto:hthsdeoe ne-lAI . EIY ' .lOG
"The present measure which is ble j dence session of the College of tile tire issue to faclty contributions. GET SIGNAL BEV0%'IINiIOY'
ng forced through Congress by the I!Seine lbegins July 10, when the groups raue aotte Mafisthe 'nn ullbacka y-rq
vote of the small minority of radi- ; will me aaist suy f atures aboranklin . ('aypo, '24. sar Mich
cal mlemlber's is contrary in principlei month. During this period of study. appears today. Original idis in ineg" asbenW
jtth Cosiuinandgie more ;ecrintoeabypcsof i way of caricatures and articles from ttawarded tro Conference medal fr tilsa
tt h osiuin gvsexrs inse akn to naeby alacs.o n h esofmmesoie Faltear in scholarship, athletics, and per-d
consideration to the iindividlual clt- teestwilpbetaknoafiteralbers. ''ofahtheThi me lra sgrate
izen than to the rosperity of the Poeso1aano il e ainIrie sprinkled throughout the iN<,es snlty hsmdlwsPoesrT~ao ilrmi nIls.ya oPu obl 2,cti
nationl as a whole," lhe said, in coin- !of tile "aFtyeautltal GNuember.c"pai
uponcethee actionipis over ona. of tie 1922'fotball teamliupon whicil
leave of absence, beginning August Promnent aculyememersll. ui
Congress.16 . terestingly 'caricatured by WIifrod B. C po lae ul
M1r. Smth was brought to Ann Azl'- 04 n eerleanle'o He wil spend the year in study ; 0 ill eerl. ach year the mail in each of thea
her1 by the University Republican ll , 'ai] cond. uctn st in patyhe Shwe "Ie O oferenre schools outstanding in the1
hagfor the subject of hadesis cnduti, will leave France with hi, or r poucdfr hs su.hree qualities mentoied Is awared
hain,7,l~es another group. Further informlation 11 iese caricatures. feature the art'hshno yacomtepfo h
The Importance of Being a Republi- !pray b ;adfrmPrfeso almo.w'ork for the issue, but there are also ig Ten Schools.- Cappn in addi-
can." F _____ _ several sketches by Dr. F. EI; Rob-!ion to starring in football and schol-
--- I iin, mnd a full page denoted to arIi a urd ntebsebl
CH roducers OfferX F osh~ is also from the 'hand of a emofayarao
c!!mrn att rY faculty mlember..,j In footl~gl Caponpayed t end



lhaiggerty,'Brooker, Rice Hayden, Sabo
Garliig'house C'hosen For Boards
In Control

Alfred B. Connable, '25, was named
president of the student council for
r_1next. year by a 280 vote majority in
' ~the largest ballot, ever' cast on the~
,R. tniiipus here yesterday. -Other officers
1fiIlilS C13 i13I1 inamned in election were the boards
~ ILKINS ONNAILE i" control of athletics and publica-
tions; Millard H. Pryor, ,25, presi-
dent of the Oratorical association, and
junior and senior representatives on
the student council.
T~he record vote cast yesterday will
easily exceed 2,400, although no de-
:': finite count has been. made. Th~is ex-
i c eeds by 400 the vote recorded in last
yeai's election, andl eclipses any pre-
vious election on the ;campus.
In winning the presidency of the
} ~Student Council, Connable received a
v total of 1,228 votes, while his oppon-
ent, Edward M. Fox, '25, totalled 948.
The men named 'as senior representa-
tives to the, council and their votes
HAYDEN PRYOR were Charles W. Merriam, 1166; Wil-
Uaum W. Kerr, 1107; John Sabo, 1.044.
The defeated candidates ajid their
votes were Irwin Deister, .777; Eu-
gene L. Dunnie, 691; and John Gar-
CH E INeQU D hPI Finn, 934. The dfae e
_ were Francis Davis, 897;:1Howard A..
Iitieeaxl m t, al) respi f ; eaiTurner, 822; and Lee W. Ensel, 706.1
Of e J~h~u Itii z PreAt ni Saj lCiii For the board in control of athle-
Of Setin tFobd ti cs, James Brooker, Rob~ert V. Rie
T - )ud' George Haggerty were elected
f"1"h JON ( ¢ ( ; ' ! A , with 1657, 987, and 1807 yvotes res-
1t; s~i'°; F\ AM;,iIi , p.:~ l ;nctively. The defeated1 candid4a
RESI~ INTlkWI ~ were Irwin Deister, 668; Arthur
'Yesterday's b lhot," on .the Varsity r; vs,'75 .~E~ad
chieerleaders anid thie-cheeving section i3~ , U
?eferenduin, ave hetne r t,to y- Per'ry 1111WHyden,;'25, JhvA. Sb
n~~~~~a~~I~rn,. G.GG ~ ', ,~ae ~ lar nghus,'25, wye
noted to retdi fh tie-lre cm,~~a 'ifor,.th,,oar,in ,pont~ro, o.-
Fo9rry i"iwith a freshiw n~l L 011Yii vs ropcations.;y l,'_10,31te'.4 an-
eetioxr il~e jW artI._ vtsropciey,,T,-eatdGn,
rhe laifrus frii 11 erei erensuti rdidaties; were (CaxrollJa .nes, '25L,:.,,
sho~wed a close race getwe en the win- E4ugene L. Dunne, '25, 844; and TJhomr
liing 'issuie aild,,,the plan of a. south as '. Fisl 4 '5,, 99,' ,., s;ir
stand elieering section, to hee onQsedl Millar'i E Piyor, ,?S5 took the plesir
of soph~onores and tippqr classmen on.- d'Pcy vof ;,the! Oratorical. association,
ly, the total vote standing 941 .to. 914. lay a vote of 663, followed by Frank
Two years ago, upon recommendation 'Backstrom, '24, who totalled 529. El-
of the student council, tile athletic as- mzer Salzman, '24, 'received 506 votes,
soeiation chantged to the present seat-' and Walter Pear, '24, received. 483.,
ing arrangement, lbut recent agitation . William Dixon, '26, won the vice-;
fore a more centralized cheering sec- presidency with 984, followed, by Bur-
tion promiptedl council action again,. ton Sibley, '25,'551; and Melvin Specter
T'he ballot yesterday shows. majority '25, with 472.. Elizabeth Van Valken-
in favor of the present system, which burgh, '27, was chosen secretary with
will be retained. The proposal to have 1023 votes, while her opponent, Beata
Psection com!):.osedl of all male stu- Wagner, '25. received 943 votes. James
dents received only 327 votes. 1J. Dunn, '26, defeated Albert Sawyer,
The vote between Glasgow a.nd i 726, for the treasurer's office by 1284

Rob~ert Leopold,, '25, for gheerleaer.
wvas close all through the counting
until tile last, when the winner forged'
ahead steadily. The, final vote stood;
1244 for Glasgow, andl 955 for Y~eo-
Kalawv Will "Give
Illustrated Talk
- - Ben 1W. 1'. ala ~r.exchngeiro

votes to-725.

the fine and applied arts, designed to I
supplement resident college courses in SU M R ERi O R
the history of. art andf architecture, ! SMEIROET0U
will becarried out in Europe this sum-___
mner uder. the auspices of the Institu-
te of International education. Ten mlembers of tile faculty of tire
The course will begin with the sail- 1department of Romance languages wvill!{
ing of the "Carinanta" from New YorkI spend the summer outside of the Uni-
on Julyr 5. All the principal cities of( ted States. Prof. Rene Talainon will
Europe are included in the itinerary. aecag fapat fsuet t
instruction being given throughoutF take a trip undler the auspices of the I
the trp. ' ~college of thle Seine, andl to study for
Ineformation regarding conditions of a month there. Walter H. Storer is
membership may be secured from Ir- going with~ a gmoup of students travel-'
win Smith, the linstitute of Internat- 'ling by third cabin to Europe,
Tonal' Education, 522 Fifth Avenue, IStudlents who wish to go to south
New York. America for the sunmner with the adl-F
_______________ Ivantages of an organized tour may do
Catania, May 13.-Premier Tvusso- C so 'with the party conducted by C
lint yesterday opend the new. Fon-:;'Garcia and G. ' Herrara. AbrahamF
tana Rossa airdome before a geat abencen will go on a year's leave ofF
gret1absnc, and Prof. Phillip E. Bursley
crowd.is already in Fran~e on a leave to
last until one year fronm June. M11
Clavel and fanny 'will go chiefly for
a plesuretrip.
I. FL TTERY i ,n.aI an...$

#1 l if' [ L.I~dY A. /Among the written articles, Shirley.;
A spiring W riters ISmith, secretary of the University,Ii
I has depicted in lyrical verse the clog{
iroblem as it faces tile camlpus. H'is
Aspiring playwrights will be inter- 3 ',ontril)ution is "The Ballade of Porn-;.
ested in the announcement of Milton lervySec," and reveals startling in-
Hocy ad Hwar J.Gren, rodc-formation regarding the efforts of
Hoc y a df o w ih cad va devGr een, rodu- Proxy and the Deans to solve thei
er o h lg ls advlete-canine question.}
ters, who are offering a prize of $2504 Other articles are "Sage Advice to',f
in addition to royalty, for the best I Newlyweds," "Speaking of the WVea-
playlet submlitted to, themr by an un-j thier," "The Muhzik's Revenge," andi.
dergraduate' of an American univer- !the "Knight of the Flivver," all by i
Tile producers guwrantee that the aoyosatos
manuscript will receivea production ! nveiIB ssO
and will pay the writera royalty of I n u t
$50 every week that the, playlet ap- ; Famty1ous A mnericans
pears. The producers shall ow n >I____
percent of all possible 'fprei ' rights NwYokMa1.Th clnae
ancrue' from vigthe playlet knot shaftlpoy-Ilof the hall of faneewoverlooking kui thitnerghsbtiiy e e Yr;Ma 3 h clnae;1
ess sole vaudeville rights to it. Hrle~ mpserafrom he seeYok ui,-
Tile playlet' should be practical for vriycmu a ieseeo n
production in 15 to 25 "ninutes ' andI prdssive ceremonies late today at the'.
should not require an exceptionallyF unveiling of, the busts of ten Americans
lar'ge cast or extremlely high. product- -nine men and one ;women'
__ yThe ten were John Adams. Philin-1

his first year, moaling the All'-Amer-";Da :4. a N x; lm r,
i can team. e second year hle play- so'frmteUnvsiyftleh-
ed' at tackle and his "last year at fu ll. iipiies in the lpohifical scienfcq deparit-
Announcement was made of the award intnt ill1 deliver an illustrated lie-
at the Honors Convocation_ yesterday. ture on the existing conditions in tile
He s asenor hissprngnot}paig island on "Philippine Night" which
attended school last semester. I'will be h'eld tomorrow evening in Lane
Another honor which was announe- hall auditorium. Slides representing
fed on the , printed program for the vieyis of the country and the cow di-
convocation exercises was the Cob- tions existing there will be shown here
lentz prize in Law. This honor was ,for the first time.
conferred upon Paul A. Leidy, '24L. - -
According to the program, Perrin H. APOLOGYQ
Long is tile recipient of thie SternbergI___
mledal in preventative medicine.lnTeDiyfrSdaad

Sever al' important clianges have
l~een mnade in the cast of "The Gray
Kc-use",, Prof:J R.' Bruihm's comedy/
to lie' nresented' Friday eveninig at the~
'Whitney '.Theatre under the auspices'
of" the XAnn 'Arbor Playmakers. John
H-assberger, who has had the leading
roles in several Comedy club pro-
,ductions, will play the part of Del..
worthy, while Andrew Miller will ap-
pear as Thompson andt Warren Bower
as Duggin.
Prof. Roy Cowden of the Rhetoric
-!department is directing the perfor-
mance with the assistance of Professor
Brumm, and Mr. donkey is in charge
of tile settings.
Seats for the play are priced at $2,
. $1.50, $1, and $.75, and are on, sale at
IWahr's bookstore.


"Honoring ,Miss Theodosia= Burton.,
"whose' wedding, will occur this, week,
'almer.. Christian, University organist,,
i las prepared gr his weekly Wednes-


Mionday mornings thlere appear-
ed an article ostensibly written
with a view to suppoiting the
Fresh 'Air Camhp" drive, whiell
stated' thiat "the court's, the par-
ochial schools, the prisons and
all other ,s'tate institutions arc
filled with unfortunate men who
are the victims of their own
childhood." The statemlent that
the Catholic schools are filled
'with human delfiquentsr is
so palpably- ridiculous that it
calls' fr fno denial. 'On the"oth
or hand, it has never been tie
policy of~ The Daily to lend i
columns for such a purpose -and.

Gorge Stanley, 'r'76~ will be one of
the speakers at the Fathers and Sons
1h1anquet 'which will be held at 6 Fri-
dsaiy evening, May 1G, in the Union. -Mr.
f Stan ley Ihas' been' prominent In Det-
i it in the promotion of archaeologic-
al donations. le has a son. who is
atte~nding the University at present.
Tickets for the banquet are on sale,


The Classified Columns of' the
Michigan Daily receive world wide
attention. This is shown by the
numerous- replies received and

m9' icrigan uauare
Dies 'In Air Crash
Robert Anderson, '24E, a graduate
of the aeronautical departnment of
the UTnivers~ityu last Februarv is (dead

ion expense. '- -''a iy treci a ,~.prougramllusomelZi
The manusccripts must bie;'mailed .B~goks. Samuel Clemens. Peter Coop-F the nmost; famous of wedding marches.
not later than May 30, and should bie., er, Jamles Buchanan -Eals; Joseph l le program, is as follows:
addressed to th'e Intercollegiate Prize I Henry, Andrew Jackson, Thomas' Jet- Rhapsody............ ...... Cole
Person. William Thomas. Green Alor- I
Playlet committee, care of liocky and I Epithalainium (Wedding Hymn) ....
Green, 110 West 47th street, New YorkI ton, and Alice Freemlan Palmer...................Hollins{,
City. The mlanuscript should contain - - Madrigal.............. Simon ettlI

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