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February 17, 1924 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-17

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ay In The Cure 'hs .

-- Bari

-r more Sayvs
"Hamlet" .Rotten


First Methodist Chorch { cused by Herbert H1. Schefer at the
Can 'Folks Follow Jesus?" is the 6 :30 o'clock discussion hour. There
ject .to be discussed by the pastor will be no evening service.
the First Methodist church this lltlehni Evangeica]('hurh
truing at the 10:30 o'clock service. Sunday School and ible classes
naoon the five classes In bible :study will meet at 9 o'clock this morning
I1 meet in Wesley hal and between in Virg Peihehern v elieal curch.,
khours of 5:30 and 6:30 o'clock Fnrtlih services will be held at 10!
n house will be held in the hall. o'clock and German services at 11
William McEwen is to lead the o'clock.
Ysleyan Guild Devotional meetng F'irt IBapist C hurh
6:30 o'clock. His topic will be,; Mr. Sayles will speak on "Thef
hy I am a Christian." There will; Changing Moral Basis" this morning
no evening service on account of -,t 10:30 ,o'clock. Church Sunday
University service.; School will be held at noon and at?
Presbytel si Church !the same hour the students bible
'The Messages of he Bible" hssr'class will meet in the guild house.
nl chosen as the sermon test at the Btween the hours of 5:30 and 6:30
30 o'clock morning worship at the there will be the usual student Friend- f
sbyterlan church. Miss Mary loss ship hour in the guild house. Dr. Le-
1, Prof. W. D. Henderson of thne ex- Iry Waterman will speak on "Relig-1
lion department will lead the stu-; ion andl Progress" at the student's
it bible classes at noon The usual lDevotional meeting at 6:30 o'clock.!
al hour will be held at 5 :30 ? rrinity Lutheran Church
lock followed by the Christian En- "Connecting Links" is the topic to3
.vor' meeting under the directionj be discussed this morning at the 10:30
;emit Fielstra, '26, at 6:30 o'clock., o'clock service in the Trinity Luther-
topic. of discussion will be, "The i an Church. Sunday school classes
e Problem. Is There a Superior?" will meet at 9:30 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Epiiscopal Church I Zion Lutheran Church
oly Communion will be offered "Eyewitnesses of Jesus' Majesty"
t. Andrew's Episcopal church this will be considered this morning at Z
ring at 8, o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock the ?ion Lutheran church. The 10:30 h
Lewis will read the morning pray-I o'clock service will be in German.
AMn deliver the sermon on, "How I Bible study hour will be held at 9I'
4 We Think of the Kingdom of o'clock. At 5:30 o'clock the studete
?0 The confirmation class for! suppe will be served followed by th t1
Its will meet at the church at noon' student 'Forum at 6:30 o'clock. The "2
,t 'the same hour the bible class for I topic to be discussed will be "The
(swll meet at 306 N. Division. Mr. Virgin Birth of Jesus" The sermon (I
b will conduct the evening ser-; subject at the 7:30 !o'clock service
yat,5 o'clock which will be immej"will be "The Riches of God's Grace."
ely followed by the student sup-
Rev. E. J, Nutter of Detroit will
akat the student supper. OnTh S a e
Inesday, at 4 o'clock there will be___
n house in Harris hall. At 7
aek Qn Thlursday morning Holy Whitney
Lmurtlln will be offered at Wil- "Irene," the international muical
ts .Memorial chapel. cmedy with Dale Winter in the title
role, is coming to the Whitney The-
Unitria Chch tre on Saturday, Feb. 23. The story
be subject to be considered this prercnrsislfwtthad
seies atstheu10:m0no'lokitar-fventures of the shop girl Cinderella
~evcsI Fndmnaimo in fashionable Long Island society.
I3 ; C!, The young peoples sup- The girl is lift ed from the drab life
will be served at i:45 o'clock and of underpaid drudgery in New York
wed ,at 6:30, o'clock by a lecture! to supreme social triumphs through
"Thie Larger Bible", by Prof. J. H the medium of stunning clothes and
ford of the English department, her own natural carms.I
Clhurei of Chist The company includes in addition
r,. Iden will sneak at the 10:30 to Miss Winter, Flo Irwin, Mary '-
)cekr service this morning at the Moore. G1'dYys 'a Nag*0, Dorothy ;La
rch~ of Christ Disciples. Bible "--r T>-"ly Iane and George Col-j
ol fs to be held at 9:30 and the liii
G's Ser vice club meets at the same
. Tue student's bible class will Garick
er at noon and there will be a " Ie' Pol" begins a second week atl
ig people's service at 6:30 o'clock. the Garrick Theatre tonight, with,
Week prayer service will e held I strong indications that the en gage-
lnes8ay evening at 7:30 o'clock. men t will have to be extended to a
Congregational Church third week in order to accommodate
r. Jump's topic' of, discussion this i the throngs.j
ping at the 10:45 service will be, The story is that of a young mn-
olution and Salvation." Rev. R. ister who is ousted from his pulpit
lbert, of the Colored Baptist. because of his outspoken condemna-
ch, has an interesting tale to tellj tion of~ his congregation. The large
Race Conditions in the South." He cast of forty members includes
speak at the student social lour Charles Waldron, Sara Sothern, Doro-
:30 o'clock.: thy Shoemaker and Henry Stephen-'
ft. Paul's Luthierani Chutrchi son.
9:30 o'clok this morning ser-I---- _
sin erman will be held in St. [ erlin. Feb. 1f>-American women
's Lutheran church. At the En-' ieoin~z ouse. in Perlin assert that
k ,services at 11:30 the subject Iv hit flour is virtually the only food
een upon will be, "Salvation by fI whch now retails for the same price
m.; Alone," Bible classes will as in 'pr-ar days. Foods generally
ta 10;30 and at 5:30 the studentI are 40 to 50 percent higher than In
at hour wll be held followed by 1914.
servinig of, the stident supper.
subject, "Astronomy," will be dis- Daily classified for real results

*t<T t f
R / 5S C


ii m u [L C A TE E r o a n A rt W i t 1 w M sic a n s Ve 'to o 1Lz, _ in Afmaor, and will
prbbygive an encore program asLIC N RE ES AT I'
"lIPj~D>1i~'E1iAhisis la-ed1 last on the program, M1r.
.ioir IET.,l 1)?Y ,R.likGarilowitsch will lead the orchestra
cers ( t e ~ to~tyin bnynrehs- Yublert's seldom heard seventh2
Spri~'ngfield, Ill., Feb. 16-An almost ofIraina dc'iuadudr? will he" disl-tiguishd byvThle 1local
priceless collection of Lincoln relics l ic'mdcrsip 1lrl l't ile r oNAi~ctv h f austontr of re than 75 i~entr i Xng stdet
has been offered by their owner r s I aI le4> of(tI (J(_'_; 1 Oi agril ,~.S'?,te alclS mltuo. ")" 1141 0enein udn
inducement to the establishmen~nt of ( Imnl 1 'I('et~yta CU i 'I'''ica'm NikiSCh reTceCntly came to this counltry wre-iven the "once over" at the
an Abraham Lincoln museum nhere, tu on dnu o' r'iet~-floin rupsi uoean i elhsrieduring the registration
according to the Lincoln Centoun a r i lj 5illiQ' hsi h many appearances in the Ea.,st this dlays. According to Dr. W. E. For-
tassociation. 1 C, c? .al lO 1 OZ 'i1'c ;T)0. eason have made it clear that he Is <+sy(the o heservice, nothing startling-
it11his)lthe ,pe g t9 'l,.ts n artisCt to be reckoned with among was discovered by the examinations,
tisthe hoT- E oft te assc~iafion, its to)ur. , WE .hhwrcodcdbyalteo-
io cers say, tacontal h Sn uinteporary pianists. ,h weecnutdbalheo-
garcon county court house can be oh- fmsetr.i o He will play the second piano con- tors: at the health service.
tained as a Lincoln mus~umi. For the poieeuainltelof 1 os
l kind < atamnmw((S nl f x ___________________________________________
present, rooms in the Centennial build- I'
ing, or space In the state' historical precd"udne n ntrlin
museu, Are suggested as a place fo con nfr Poesr hlso
the exhibits. this tour are iss Ed iIt :).:)bbof
William 0. Converse, owner of the the ,MtropchIan BUSCX1i01rt, Ne "H
collection, has offeredl the relics to the York . a ,1 :1 _ .1 , to I _Clcark Ti~iena rtl!
association for exhibition in the pro- instmmn2eIof il Rce n1itfleINas
posed museumn. The collection con- PtoieTei;~ dvril~s
twins pioneer furniture and utensils ParnzTh .alalreiss
andi is regarded as almost priceless
and the most complete in the United
States, Mr. Converse said., Appropri- 'WE t 41S[ PL1 LANGU U[
ately catalogued, protected from fire,
and theft, and open to the inspection
of the public, preferably in a build-
ing; dedicated to Lincoln, are the con-
dlitions under which Mr. Converse t, .
made the offer..,
Ain appeal to owners of Lincoln
relics, 'in Illinois and throughout the - f ~
United States, to loan their relics to
the museum is planned.
L _ThiS Is Furniture month
Campbell Ill1
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of thme Eng- F otso
'lish department has been ill during i all C11h
!the past week, Hle will meet his;, .

John Barryinore
"Hamlet is a rotten play.. Terrible."
This blow at the intelligensia who
hold forth adamantly that Mr. Willia~m
Shakespeare's play is. one of the great-
est or all times comes from none other
than John: Barrymore, concededl to be!
the greatest living interpreter of H3am-
let. Hle is going to appear imn it in I
London shortly.

classes again next week.-E

Engineers' and Architects' Materials
Stationery, fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, ^Tobaccos

when we tell you that a fire in-
surance policy is an absolute ne-
Your home, your office, or your
factory all contain much that is
of gr'aet value, and you should
"not leave these tiings unprotet:-
ltl against fire' when for so
smli ayeam'ly sum lyou Lcoul1d
takie out <11aim t itiLa tofire iuu '
209 1st i Fi ds bel ha Y l 'g

one of the most
advantageous in. which to
buy furniture. 4. Re-
arrangement of our stocks
gives you the opportunity to take
advantage of reductions in price,
while values remain the same.
art uin Hailer
at 112 East Liberty Street


- ". ;i C IJP:iS:"',": 1 l:.di'.1RS[1a 7'Y:.

_ . . - .JI



,._ ....v_._.__ a y






7:#VEN IN( ;f

The Delicate, Charmin and Exquisitely

nnnAoalincr Qtnr,%T -



,P Y

A ljan ' m'l


Nlothing is so desirable as
the thing hard to get

SHE rhYl




S i and
overcoalLs upon"

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L c }fig

r . v
t' ' ; ,
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should I be beau-
if not to be bbed
:wing 'Screen Favorites





To have Been Based Upon the
Escapades and Actual Career. of
One .of America's. Most Famous
Women Grand Operatic Stars, This
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by the folko


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cents Ech or25
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