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February 17, 1924 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-17

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Dr. N. F. Miller Picked Vice Chairman
Of State Branch in Nation
Wide Campaign
Plans for what is expected to be one
of the most effective and one of the
largest public improvement cam-
paigns ever carried out were an-
nounced recently by Dr. N. F. Miller,
who has been appointed vice-chairman
of the Michigan branch of the nation-
wide anti-cancer campaign now being
conducted by the American Society
for the Control of Cancer. The cam-
paign is planned to last for a month,
from. last Friday, Feb. 15, to March
For many years it has been the 1
practice of this organization to hold
an annual cancer week, and the cus-
tom has proved to be a great help to
the medical profession in their fight
against the dread disease. In an at-
tempt to make more generally known
the exact facts of the scourge, and to
bring the people of the country a
knowledge of not only the dangers
but of the fact that cancer is cure-
able if action is taken in its early
stages are given as the reasons and
the aims of the campaign being ex-
tended this year to a month's dura-


..4- .

director and conductor. The engage-
ment was made possible by a group
of Detroit music patrons who acted
as guarantors. James E. Devoe of
the Philharmonic-Central concert
company is managing the perform-
ances. Tickets may be obtained at
Grinnell's during the day and at Or-
chestra hall before the opera.

Read The Daily "Classified" Columns

_ /
1 _


Lasket containing the remain s of Nicolai Lenin being carried tit rough the streets of hosco .

"It seems to me that the prevalent Thousands stood jammed in the,
conception of cancer," said Dr. Miller, streets for hours with the thermo-
"is that it is a 'disease which is al- meter far below zero to see the cas-
ways unavoidably fatal, and that once-
a person is afflicted it is quite use-AT HEA E
less to ever make any attempts to TI ThEA T
~have the growth removed from thel
system. Nothing, however, could be (Continued from Page Nine)
further removed from the exact case. the husband. The picture is based
Caneer, what attacked in the stages upon Blanche Upright's novel, "The
;fs early formation, has been found Valley Of Content."
to ield easily and absolutely to med-___
T treatment, and so we have inau
gurated this month's campaign in an
e.:rt to bring ,before the people the The bigness of the west and the no-
cnception that every possible small bility of its people, described as only
growth which does not seem to fall Zane Grey can describe them, are
within any of the ordinary maladies, shown in the "Call of the Canyon"
be reported to the profession at once. which appears at the Majestic The-
It is in this way, and in this way atre today through Wednesday.
only, that we can ever hope to make The story, Zane Grey's latest accom-
any progress towards completely rid- plishment, treats of that phase of
ding the world of the scourge." American life when the love of gayety
and extravagance followed in the
Pwake of the great war. It is a story
A tN IflhI- Iof Fifth Avenue and the Mojave Des-
G iii PBIHD tert, of frivolous New York society and
the stern life of the western ranges,
ofma pair of society wasters-a man
and an attractive girl-and the effect
which the great open staces of the
(Continued from Page Nine) West has upon their souls and their
on-gradjujaftas f i the Unliversity ( love. Richard Dix, Lois Wilson, and
are placed in the third section, ar- Marjorie Daw are the featured play-
ranged in one alphabetical list. Names ers.
of women who have married since ma- This week the Majestic presents
triculating at the University are plac- Ernie Kaiser and his "Blue and Gold
<d in alIphabetical order following the Orchestra" and its current special at-I
above list, with their maiden names traction. Also a comedy, "Aggravatin
followi g. Papa," and a feature cartoon.
Service in the different wars is in- The locale of "The Day of Faith,"
icated by certain marks placed be- which features at the Majestic on
fre ch name, while the latest rank Thursday to remain throughout the
each - man authentically reported t week, is in the underworld where the
i also included in the records. high lights of life brilliantly flash.
A plead is also made in the book Humanity as studied in the lives of
:or anyone who has information upon those who haunt the fringe of the law
'unknown" alumni, that is, those forms the basis of the emotional dra-
:ose addresses have not been turn- ma, "The Day of Faith." The lives
e in and so are not listed, to mail of people, fraught with consant dan-
;t °iormation to the Alumni cata- ger, shrouded with mystery, make

ket containing the remains of Nicola! Moscow. An idea of the crowd
Lenin, "Little Father" of Red Russia, be imagined from this photo.
carried to its resting place in


. i

' their tragedies the more gripping. I(tendant <dangers and hardships as de-
Eleanor Broadman and Wallace Mac- I pcted in Ralph Connor's "The Man
Donald enact the leading rules in the From Glengarry." There is no more
picture. . |!interesting figure than a brawny lum-
Ernie Kaiser's Orchestra in a new herjack engaged in the precarious oc-
program, a comedy arid news, are add- cupation of felling trees, riding logs
ed features. and blowing up jams. The popular-
ity of Ralph Connor's bo6k has been
Orpheumn due to his realistic portrayal of this
Betty Blythe'iri "The Darling of the fascinating phase of Canadian life.
Rich," a comedy and Fox news consti- 1 Also Sid Smith appears in "A ,Man
ttqte the Orpheumj program today of Position" and Pathe news.
through Tuesday. Wednesday and __--
Thursday Jack Hoxie appears in "Gal-
lopin' Thru" and the last two days i M USIC AND
of the week "Yankee Doodle Jr." and
Ruh Roland in "Haunted Valley" will i LT USICIANS
be presented. ____

When you get oxfords
to ward wintry winds
away from frigid feet--
get Walk-Over style,
that will be good for
spring, too.
SAngle-oxford of pol-
ished calfskin, soft and
mellow, with futuristic
angle decoration, Is $7.
Cubist-raky oxford of
C.:d Gray soft suede,
a new shade,


A new English model-
2wbutton-soft roll a-
pels loose back--blunt
vest pleated fullCut
troser. mart, orc


nc u

with tip, top
and vamp deco-
ration of tan
calfskin, $Io.



An entirely new and different Mary
Pickford appears in "Rosita," shown
at the Wuerth today through Thurs-
day. Mary has grown up and her
famous curls are coiffed high in the
Spanish style of the nineteenth cen-
Holbrok Blinn supports Miss Pick-
ford together with Irene Rich and
George Walsh. "Rosita" will be pre-
sented at the Wuerth with the same
special musical settings used in the
Chicago and New York showings of
the picture. A Mack Sennett comedy,,
"Find," and Harry Langdon with the
1924 Bathing Girls in "Picking
Peaches," are added attractions. ,
There is a certain fascination about
life in the lumber camps and its at-

?w &-i/ V

Super/y tailored by Hart
Scihafner & Marx

Detroit will have a three-day season
of grand opera of the first class when
the Chicago Civic Opera companly
coies to Orchestra hall Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this
Tomorrow night iat 8:15 Vclock
Boito's "Mefistofele" with Chaliapin
and Edith Mason is announced. Mary
Garden, Alexander Kipnis and Ric-
cardo Martin sing Tuesday night in
Richard Strauss' "Salome" while Hal-
evy's "La Juive" is scheduled for
Wednesday night with Rosa Raisa in
the title role and Charles Marshall as
The entire company will appear in-
cluding a large orchestra, chorus and
ballet. Giorgio Polacco is musical


115 S. MAIN ST.

9lain at Washingtonz



You 7TiMay Inspect Ti

_ ,
l tl e
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4e in Alumni Memorial hall.

their stolen joys the more poignant,

. .....


.....t.".N..........nft,.."+,w ........................... .u".... a...... .


Special Showing of

No men who have achieved success in the world of today
ever gave in because of a single rebuff, nor did they gain
success through a single attempt.



Don a ids on's

Likewise no successful merchants ever cut their advertising
because no immediate results were apparent, nor did they
achieve success through the medium of a single advertisement.
Both the great men and the successful merchants have the
common trait of CONSISTENCY, which is the key note of
their success.


Have You Seen Our
Diavcry abiCS
We have Home Spun, Monk's Cloths Kapac
and Orinoka Sun and Tub Fast Colors in a variety
of patterns that will appeal to your every need.
Estimates cheerfully furnished. Everything in
WINDOW SHADES. Holland, Brenlin,
Fringed or Plain, made to order in the best work-
manlike manner.

CONSISTENCY indicates system.

We can systematize

your advertiseng for you as we have done for many other

Ann Arbor merchants.

Phone 960 and let THE MICHI-


guide your sales successfully through the

medium of a well planned advertising campaign.

F913f4L. ;1 9^?i!Ql.CS 9. Zr 5 .'i $'3'


-.~Iw-.~- - ~lU!Iam AMPI



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