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May 03, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-03

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ale Races, ?Natiral Stud Trips,
'reasure Hunt, Rite Flying,
On Program1
utdoor events will mark today's
a m for "Boys' Day Out-of-Doors",
;losing day of Ann Arbor's ob-
n e of Boys' Wep Bicycle races,
uire hunting, nature study hikes,f
a camp fire will occupy tlre ci
of the boys.
is morn~ing, bicycle races will be
at the fair grounds, with prizes
vinners in the events. The -boys~
rath2 er at 9 o'clock ,it thde Fischer
le store, 115 west Liberty street,
'm a parade to the fair grounds.
n ail, fortyv prizes will be award-
contestants, each, of whom will
mited to winning one first,, se6-
and third place to afford even
rtunity to win.
tre study trips will start from
NJatural Science building at 9:30
ck this morning, under the dir-!
ni of Unversity (departments.'
e trips include a bird obnservation
and a botany and tree study
:o sections o; boys will be formted
he trecasur"e hunt in the afternoon,
for boys under 13 years and oneo
Ihose above. The hunt will start
the Y. M1. C. A:. building at three
clk~ whlere the boys must register
Iri-ilipate in the event. The trail
leap? the boys about, the count ry-ed n up i Sl py i o ow a
fig flyers ivill h"ave their chanice
eny Hloll.ow at 1:30, when con-
of all descriptions will be held.
re'striction is ma de that each
stant construct his own kite.
.:-es to w iners of events during
day wvill be (distributed at th1e
fire and somper at 6 o'clockl in
?3r Hollow. Contestamns in all
s will be given ticket; ito)tne

and frtrity houses some distance
away, whorimmediately dispatched as- WnnoridR dioSin
sistance. ~Iy STUDENTS TO Plan OfHisa
Vitamin Epet.I, I!I'J 0 IR liT William Wade Hinshaw, owner of
EU I I I LI III flthe University Music house and pro-
Frown CanIdeadicer of he operas "Cosi Fan Tuttee',
OfF odCapsues1heilcai Engineering Wlen Plan Tripi and "Th~e Impresario" in this city
'kThrouh N mb of Bsiness recently, will sing ov er teradio sta- 1
Plants tion WJZ, New York. at 8:30 tonight. k
t The object of the singing by Mlr.0
I ROS.WOITUTH(OE tiinshaw w ill be to get Tfans every-
WILL SUP RVI E 4IL{VPSwhere to listen in and with~ the w;ell-
known imp> resario as leader, to join
in the songs thmeje.A M.H k
'r More than 100 students of the chem- slaw s tate tis attem'ptsisl one ito+
I ical engineering department will vis- get the wihole worldl to sing the same
,.,, .:G.it Detroit industrial plants today. The!j song in the same key at the same
{ F" 'class in Ch. E. 5, under the supervis-!time.d
..... r ion of Prof. A. H. W'hite, left yester-a
day morning for that city' where they
inspected the Carl E. Schmpidt anid comn-5B PTS I[g
pany tannery, the Acme White 'Lead UU I0IU PI CU H
Sand Color works, where a compliment- ~.iah~~f~
:.:f::ary luncheon was served, and the I0SH~ AILIIAI
ford Motor company's Highland Park To *1 I 3I1NEWYI!
EToday these men will go through jIn observance of the fifty-ninth an-
J... the Ford River Rough. plant and the niversary of the Second Baptist.
'... Detroit Sulphite Paper and Pulp corn-I church, corner of Fifth avenue and .
pany. Students taking Chemical eng- Beakes street, services will be heldt
.~ineering, course one, numbering more during the coming week. The church'
, K athan 50, will leave this morning at has 214 miembers on its roll, among{
6:18 o'clock over the Michigan Con-1 them a number of university students.
tral for Detroit where they will visitl The principle speaker will be Rev-Ii
' the Detroit Steel.Casting company, theI erend David Tittle, associate pastor l
Michigan Malleable, Iron company and, of the Olivet Baptist church of Chic-
~te Ford River Rough plant during ;ago, Illinois. ?Reverend Tittle wil
the afternoon. -I preach Sunday morning and evening,
This gr~oup will be. under the su-I and M1onday and Tuesday evenings. z
per vision of Prof..W. P. Wood, of the: Other speakers will be Rev. Herbert
chemical engineering department. Stu-t Atchinson Jump, of Ann Arbor, Rev.
1)r.,Wai1ter 11. E ddy1. T ents in Ch. E. 3 will also visit sev- ,Charles hill, Detroit, Rev. I<. A.NWil- I
hopes that the crystalization of the vit- ' of the same department.
as some Scienists predict. "it would Brussels, 1flay 2.--Premier 'Vheunis .the, partial strike of baker; which be-
take all thp joy out of life." he sayUs. and Foreign Minister flymnans are top gan~ last Frid'ay, all of the bakeries.I
iPrevio~us to his successful eaperi- ' e guests of Premier 'Ram say Ma c- and blread sirops of thc^ capital are uin-
I ments, science only knew what vita-! Donald at Chequers Court, Enxglandl, der protection of police and republi-'
nuns did-not xvht they were-tests c oer t the weeik-end,whetey ilcagird.Am bkrsreui-
havinag proved that they prevented dicsste.rceue obefllwdi'ng 250 ;f the city's 400; bakte shops.
scurvy and other Pernicious ailmeIILS. in \applying the experts' program for __-
a reparations settlement. Paris, M1!ay 2.-Rccenst reports' that
Ba e a lReut rencli and 'Turkish troops had clash-
ItItr~efcenyt s al ed in Syria are dlenied in semi-official
(B3y Ra-dio I)o'',he LDqily) .CagNisids .-Adv. quarters. A French airplane' patrol
- - simply dispersedl a band of bandits,
AMEICA 1~~ < Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. it is decla~red.

9O I "Atomic Structure" will be the
topic of a.IUniversity lecture to be de-
livered by Dr. Robert Andrews Mlilli-
'kan, distinguished physicist at 11
o'clock this morning in the Naitural
Science auditorium.
Professor M~illikan, winner of the
YJobel prize in physics last year, and
known- widely for Miacievnements in
the studyti of atoms and elcctrons, is
in An)n Ar o~r to deliver- the Ph1i -,eta
'Kappa speech tonig ht. He is niow
director of the Norman Bridge labor-
atory at Pasadena, California.
Minneapolis, May 2.-Major Sohn L.
Griffiths, member -of the, Conference
commiittee of athletics for the' Big
Ten addressed the student body this
afternoon on "Modern. Development
in Athletics" and at a banquet given,
in this honor tonight hy the Minnesota
Physical Education association spoke
on "Newver, Objective, in Athletics:"
Major Griffith, was director of ath-
letics at Drake University for 15'years
and foundled the Drake relays, now a
national institution in traxck.
Patronize Daily Advc rt isers. -Adit
y ,

- rte,
r ,
_ ,
, ,


To the-ball player-to ANY athlete--onie
of the most appealing features of his
favorite sport is the shower and rub-down
that follows the exercise. One three-letter
lad said he'd play on the croquet team if
he could get in condition and they'd prom-
ise him his Mifflin massa after each.
game!l One man likes baseb, !] -another
golf-a third tennis--but ALL agree on
the delights of a Mifflin Alkohol rub-down
after exercise At any sort.
Fine to soften the beard, before shaving;
to cool and soothe the skin, AFTER shaving~.
Splendid relief for fired, aching feet; great
for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and
Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula
which actually improves it for external use.,
College teams and many other athletic
organizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu-
larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the
handy-gripe one-pint bottles as illustrated.

St.+ Louis 4, Detroit 1.
Washington 6, New York 4.
Eoston 11, Philadelphia 0.
Chicagow 3, Cleveland 2.

unknown origin swepolt fields NVe~work 7, Boston 4. (13 innings)
gut half a mile to the south Philadelph a 7, Brooklyn ".
avenue just inside the city Cincinnati 4, Chicago 3
adistance of soyveal bloek8,: i 1tabu g 3;St, Louis . ..
*Several frame houses wer~e - - -
d wih rin ad aforet o Official organization of the Coolidge
with damadaor s e , lub,. .on. thie -campus -was held- T-hur -'
nple.te destruction,_p. tlhe day ,night ivlen more tha~n ,
,ction of scores ol,,Auldent dents' joined,. 'the o-rganization, , i
ioswho su~cceeded in get-; is ,bosing ,, ident Cool'dge for A-t-
blaze under control after -o I ,'erm-n. 1
an hour of effortL. ----
, fedT by dry leaves 4and- I jPatronize 1Daiy Acvertisers.-Adv. .
swept east arnd withli the .
'had nearly reached the for- I~de9HE RtII!lhijiI199lI§jlIt !B49E1¢iJW;
re neighbors reached the - --
Fearing that their homnes ='SRAX BER Y
burned A~wn, the~y tele- =-
an ically to other neighbors S £'H. 'TC A~ ' -
Chiropodist and-atP o h o s
Orthopedist I
rh Unitcrsif ' baneg ,,
"Where 1they n
)laIdtrip ENGLAND j ° how to mad'e em"
Dun~dtrtp FRANCE
cundirip G!ERMIANY i 104 E. HURONT
gIr Foan, ran~c$330 wT

* A ~ fcrisp sal ad ofTomato-
anid Cucunmber. .
A tal glass of perfect Iced .
Marbuck T(ea'<Shop ,
632 Forest Ave.
- ~A h Carte Service

Appropriatel. Packecd
Securely wraipped and
r ailed.
Bets Ros.Sho

Mifflin Chemical Corporation
Sales Agents: HAROLD F. RITCHIZ & CO., Inc.'
171 Madison Ave., New York
Toronto Sydney Wellington
the external tonic

.. Illlllll

4 , ,


- A,- - - ,

.- -
- ..

- A
- -~4 +> - 4--~~-~. A'-

And Daily Thereafter, ' Will Place on Sale
at. Ann Arbor Round Trip Tickets to Toledo

,,y r'
, ,
. _ ,

d .





In A-nsw'er"
to the Many

R Ills plammallp

1MMN, N.,Presen~u
'etsn wickoue


k, .. ®Fourth'
rbi-~7ee ilagCYearly
2p~ered jiL
r h S mzp _.evi sed n d Sta g ed 6Tokn M rr y A ders on.
with those \ Unique and xtraordincr0comedians~:
Ccarl IcD-ndcal, U/a Shcrr'...-,,
CQeor'~e RcxDose/y, ..chrn Sheehan,_

The DOBBS Sport Caps have
finally arrived.
~Appearing in the lighter shades,
and made upe in a variety of patterns,
the new, short--visor, harnd-tailored caps
are nobby.
Drop in and seicct yours while-
there is a large assortment.

Tinker & Company

State at Williams

1 S ;

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