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April 26, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-26

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(Continued from Page One)
Fraternities, general, professional,
tnd honorary, their relation to the
Inversity and their scholarship re-
34r(mats were discussed by the
1an at their conference yesterday
iorntng. The matter of scholarship
eqirements for the initiation of new
hen was also considered..
The vale of oonprary ratr nitis
o a schoo, and the best atd .fairest
asans of deternmining eligibility to
riembership brought forth a gret
.efl o discussion. The basis of ,se-
dctng. menmxa bers for these soietis
las found to Vary in different schools,
Iany of them choosing men on a grade
>asis alone, while others include per-
onality, activities, and other features.
Honorary Fraternities
Some of the delegates deplored the
ood of honorary fraternities during
1e past 25 years, pointing out that
bese organizations, which are sup-
osed. to represent the best of the
tudents of the universities, sometimes
ave more absurd initiations than the
eneral fraternities.
Dean L. H. Hubbard, of the Univer-
Ity of Texas, opened the question of
Ve scholastic requirements of frater-~
itles by explaining the system used
t Texas. He said that by requiring
comparatively high scholastic aver-
ge for initiation, scholarship has
omie to l4ave'a real sad~ i n
Detan Thomas A. Clark, of the Un-
versity of Illinois, in commenting on
statement by Dean Hubbard to the
ifect that the system in use at the
inivrsity of Texas makes for a
lightly higher scholastic average
nong the fraternity men than among
he independents, said that since the
tar scholarship in general at Illinois
as been considerably higher than be-
tre, and that students have shown a
iuch greater interest in their work.
Other Addresses
Dean E. E. Nicholson, of the Univer-.
tiy of Minnesota, and Dean S. Af
ohnson, of Colorado Agricultural col-
age, gave short addresses upon if-
orent phases of fraternities.
A business meeting was held at
thieh Dean Robert Rienow, of the Un--
versity of Iowa, was elected presi-
ent, to succeed Dean J. A. Burleyr
f tflis University. It was decided to
bid te next ainnual pie ein of th,
ssociatlon at ChapeI Hill; niversit
C 'rth Carplina.
nd Mr. Joseph A. Bursley at dinner
ast niigt-
The closn. e i Oii t 4t
nec wrill be d
norning in r oam 8
t thIs time a r i t a
till be held. The d41e '.
Lie Ohio State baslia g
fternoon as guests of the Athletic as-
Miss Ruth Cleng, teacher in the
Vomen's college at Pekin university,
hlna, and considered as one of the
ading women educators in China,1
as accepted a Barbour scholarship
i the University of Michigan for the
ext year it was announced yesterday
y Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the astron-
my department. Miss Cleng will,
pecialize itiieducational work along
he line of school organization, super-
ision and adifinistration.
Prof. Rufus stated that Miss Cleng
as een educated at B rmingham uni-
ers I'ty In England a d also spent two
ears at Cambridge university, For
Lie past five years she has been on

he faculty of Pekin university. The j
ecuring of Miss Cleng is the begin-
ing of attempts,. to get only the
ighest grade of Oriental students' to'
ome to the university under the Bar-
our scholarships.
Levi Returns From France
Professor Moritz Levi, who has
pent the past two years in France,
as recently returned to Ann Arbor.
[e is one of the oldest members of he
tomance language department here,'
oming to the University as an in-
tructor in 1890. In 1922 Professor
evi was absent from the University'
n a leave of absence, and in 1923 he


Special iPrograin Arranged For Entire
Week Feitures Parade On
"6Loy-alty Day"
Ann Arbor's Boys' Week program,
which is to be held in accordance with
the national observance of the week
will startv with special programns in
all of the churches tomorrow, and will
co 'tinue, on. thrqugh: the week. Each
day has been set aside for some special
program. A parade to make "Loyalty
Day" will be held Thursday. Spec-
ial radio prograims have also been an-
nounced to take place during the
Coach Fielding H. Yost is general
chairman of the local committee in
charge of the programs, and is assist-
ed by Dr. Hugh Beebe, V. 0. Nelson,
and H. F. Gross. Coach Yost is at
present attending the Drake Relays
in Des Moines, but will return to Ann
Arbor in time toadirect the general
program. He is also scheduled to
speak on "Playing the Game With
Dad" over thj ,radiofrom station
WCBC Friday evening, and Saturday
night he will address the final assemb-
ly of boys for the week in Sleepy Hol-
The Chairmen fo the daily pro-
grams have been announced as fol-
lows: Sunday, Prof. W. C. Hoad, Boy's
Day in the Churches; Monday, Albert.
Fiegeli, Boy's Day in thie Schools;'

Tuesday, Frank Royce, Boy's Day in Mr. Wicks has come to America for
Citizenship and Industry; Wednesday, a speaking tour, one of his objects
Elmer D. Mitchell,.Athletics; Thurs- being the establishment of closer and
day, Geo. E. Little, Loyalty Day; Fri- more friendly contacts between The

day, Boys' Day at Home; Saturday.
R. K. McAlpin'e, Boy's Day Out off
Door. Special programs have beenf
completed for each day. Tuesday the
boys will be shown through the city,
buildings, antl iil bold a meeting
imong themselves in theemyo'soft-
ive. Loyalty Day will be marked by
a parade in which the Varsity Band,
the "M" Club, R. 0. T. C. units, and

Guardian and its readers in America.
His recent speeches in the East are
reported to have been enthusiastically
received and many tributes paid his
albility as a speaker.
Madison, Wis., April 25_-The board
of regents of the University of Wis-
consin tentatively approved the plan

Boy Scouts will take part. for the addition of ten acres of land
On the Radio program, for Sunday adjoining th campus for the use of
evening, at 7 o'clock, Dr. A. W. Stalk- intranural sports.
er will speak upon "Boy's Week, Why
and How;," the- Boy Scout bugle corps Patronizo Daily Advertisers.-Adv
will give several calls; and Prof. W.
D. Henderson will speak upon "A Bet-
ter America Through the Boy." Tues-
day night at 7 o'clock. E. F. Mills, of
Ann Arbor, will speak on " itizen-
ship," and the boy scouts will give
bugle calls. The University Glee Club
quartette will sing, and Corch Fielding
H. Yost will speak on "Playing the
Game With Dad," on Friday night's
program, at 7 o'clock. investment in
The special radio pragrns for il'e
week are being given through thIle aider
courtesy of E. E, Dreese of the en-
gineering department, head of the
radio station. I
Sails For Summer
VzstV n E. F A, P 5l"' d


This is the first picture taken of President Coolidge and his cabinet as it is constituted today. It was made
after the first meeting attended by 1qth of the new members, Harlan Fiske Stone and Curtis D. Wilbur. It
so hapened that the day was the birthday of both Secretary Hughes and Secretary Weeks.
Those in the picture are (left to right): Front row-Postmaster-generl, Harry S. New of Indiana; John W.
Weeks of Massachuetts, secretary of war; secretary of state, Charles Evans Hughes of New York; the President;
secretary of the treasury, Andrew W. Mellon of Pennsylvania; attorney-general, Harlan Fiske Stone of New York;
secretary of the navy, Curtis W. Wilbur of California. Rear row-Secretar y of labor, James J. Davis of Illinois;
secretary of agr'icultiure, Wenry C. Wallace of Iowa; secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover of California; secre-
tary of the interior, iubert Work of Colorado.

Water Colors, Etchings And'
Wood Cuts Form Art Exhibiti
Water colors, etchings, and wood Lights and shades, and dark shadows'
cuts done by Sears Gallagher and .1 combined, with the vivid colors the1
Walter Phiilips form the: exhibit giv- artist uses are fihe exanples of this
type of art work

Training of IllinoisNational Guard
units begins July 12. The Twelfth
Field Artillery, I. N. G., will train
July 12 to July 26, and the 1224 Field
Artillery and the first battalion of the
12:3rd Field Artillery will train from.
July 26 to August 9.
The period of training for units of
the organized reserves will be divided

en under the .au.spices of the Ann Ar- into tnree classes of 15-day periods,
bor Art association which will open [beginning July 12 and ending August
at Memorial hall today and coAtinue0C1.
for ten days. Phillips is an associ- Approximately 4,000 C. M. T. C. stu
dents are expected at Camp for the
academy, a member of the society of training period August 1-30, This will
Canadian Paintehethers, and of be the busiest time at the camp, with
the society of Graver-printers in Col- military training students attending
ours in England. Sears Gallagher is I from Michigan, Wisconsin and Illi.
from West Roxbury, Massachusetts, -- nois. Attendance at the C. M. T. C.
and most of his work is done from Many Michigan, Wiscons1in and Illinol 1is voluntary.
scenes in that vicinity. I University Students Will A feature of the camp just an-
The water colors of Gallagher are Eitrain nounced by the war department is the
made around Monhegan-, Maine; Jack- !_selection from the students of 15
son, New Hampshire; and Marshfield,, FIFTEEN STAR MARKSMEN inarksei ito conpete in the nation-
Massachusetts. The etchings vee. WIL4I COPETE AT PERRY l and int r tional rifle matches next
made near Boston, Cambridge, andf ", e"tember at, Camp Perry, Q. The
othe tafasolbrr !losde epcting sr Battle Creek, April 25.-(By A. P.) 'marksmen are to be chosen in compe-
es laid on the Maine coastnhase p- Camp Custer again will echoto the tjtXC tests.
zlzos~t _strez arirat:er t iAistramp of hobnailed shoes, 'and the
especially 'truei'r"Cliff" "Rocks",summer sun will smile on lines of Baseball Results
"ThuerQoast,; , and "' ie Led .A haki-clad students of r when the
SY beauty is "The mlitary training season opens May Anierlean League
Sug lMa ie ihere! he brilliance o1 15. Men who will train at the camp Cleveland 10, Detroit 2,
id .1 n artling. yetut ; this year will come from units of then ,
4 ' j1~~ tarl~, e put y Chicago 6,i St. 'Louts 3.
on wi'ty and delicacy ofregular army, Illinois National Guard, Philadelphia G. Washington 5.
touh h s"truly artistic. Field Artillery, all organized reserve lde" Yorku , Boston 2.
Amntgtheetchings 'Sand 'Dunes" .except air forces and medical officers, ___,__
stands out from thorest. "It is one Ut. O. T. C., less air and special units, atiIalLeague
of the finest etchings in the exhiit and the -Citizens military Training Chicago 7, t is 5.
for. it ,tells. somuclh In a few ines", Camp. Chica t 1, is .
is.the charactrization made by Prof. A C1etachment of quartermatcr and Crnlnati 10, Pittsburg 4.
Bruce Donaldson, of the Fine Arts de- medical officers will arive at cam, Boson, Phlael rai.
pamnt number of ch'kld figures with a battalion of th Second ln an-
playing in the ter makte several of try May 15. oeadquarters campany d 11iIll11111111111111111111111111116"'
the best etchrings:he F y Tw ian e rn -
'=Aoc rng t , ano d block tan sfer- Fofthe e ithIsnr a t ry brgadr n -'ha-
rng t ther. Thod bdesayn s dry FCluding the staff of Brigadier'general E T alo Reide
points are severalwhich were reviewy Vatn, orin g oy ilrive ue r $-
ed in a recent number of the American A h u .uts
magazine, of Art. Wood blocks yare as will units from Torthe airide a iya
made by carving the picture in the ! Fort W7ayne. Two airplanes ronthep $26-3 it .50
wood, coloring It, and then transfer-! Fifteenth Observation Squadron. Cha- !
ring, it to paper. The delicacy of lines nute Field, will reach Camp thie satie Extra Pants educed from
and coloring shows true artistry.! date, according to orders issiuedf Iron =
"The Golden Hour" and "Norman Bay" the Sixth Army Corps area headquar $9 to $2.50
are pieces of finish and beauty. 'ters. -This etariayofroperi
j for a short time only. Sivall
!=deposit required with order.
Call the Interstate Tailors
',dat the
or Phone 123 for appoint-
:w,111111Q11111111IHi ll1 i111l 1111ti 1111ii :

Have ouSeen
The most beautiful res-
- taurant in Ann Arbor-yet
We serve only the highest _
: cuisine-excellent at all
S times. Both counter and
table service.
in connection is prepared to
serve you with deicious sodasx
and sindaes-both afternoon
and eyening. -
I e,
- A
. ni A bbr
.215 S.;MainSt.
: ~ill11 llllllltttllr11rlltt IA

Sidney F.Wicks, one of the editors
of the Manchester Guardian and a dis-
tinguished figure in the British jour-i
nalistic world, will deliver a Univer-
sity, lecture here Mlay 21, it was.,an-
nounced yesterda~y. His subject is,'
"The Labor Party and the Labor Gov
ernnment," an analysis of the reeent
political upheaval in England.
First R un Pictures"
A- I I)

302 State St.
Pen Specialists

will pay you big in-
terest as long as you
The same' pen will be
a legacy', to your"
Sold and Serbiced
by Rider himself

.<... .

- ...

New Crop 'Flower


Ann Arbor people do not real-
ize that right here in our own
home town we have one of the
largest stocks of flower seeds
in the state. In annual seeds
we have not only the well known
varities but we have the new-
est. novelties in separate colors
as well as mixed. In perennial
flower seeds we have a wide
variety, and carry many kinds
not carried in. retail catalogues.
If a small quantity or an ounce
is required we can supply. Our
stocks are fresh and germina-
tion is guaranteed. Everything
in flowering seeds, plants, bulbs,
Cor. Washington & Fifth Ave




The Most Ihiportant Cli 'C MIN
' tO f gagemient in the istory f.Aluf
t 7 17,r
ihfor twenty crowded-to-capacity
-Weeks held the audiences' of the Astor
Theatre, Broadway, New York-the
most exacting theatre-goers in t'-
5 world-spellbound by the glamour o2
its beauty and the infinite tenderness
of its fascinating love theme. When
you see it you will understand why.
- And you will understand, too, why
it is called the world's most colossal
j masterpiece,
II t -
I- -
- -
-- \
as the

Are you puzzled as to what to give your son or daugh-
ter or sweetheart for Commencement? A lovely Chinese Rug
in their favorite colors for their room, or for a new home would
be much appreciated.
Or have you a certain amount to spend in buying a birth-
day or wedding gift? You wish something that will always be
nice. A really good Chinese Rug grows more glossy and
beautiful with age.
Temporarily at 818 Church Street


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