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April 26, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-26

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 150






Lineheon Announced by
Calls; Three Orchestras
Furnish Music


'ilam Beal
Is Oldest Grad
Of University
William J..Beal, '59 'A. M., 62 is now
the oldest living graduate of the Uni-
versity, following the death of Dr.
George W. Carter, '53M, who died
Tuesday, according to Harley L.
Sensemann, director of the alumni
catalogue office. Mr. Beal, a relative
of Regent Junius E. Beal, '82, is a
graduate of several universities, hav-
ing a M. S. degree from Chicago, an
Agr. D. from Syracuse and an A. B.
from Harvard. He was professor of
botany at Michigan Agricultural cot-
lege from 1870 to 1910 and has now
retired Professor Emeritus at Elm-
hurst, Mass.
Alfred H. Castle, '59, and John
Parker Stoddard, '59, while grauates
of the same class, are both younger
than Prof. Beal. Mr. Castle is a resi-
dent of Los Angeles and Dr. Stoddard,
who received his M. D. degree at Belle-.
view, has retired and is at present liv-
ing in Lansing. .

In an atmosphere of military pomp
created by decorations which were
permeated with the war spirit of 1918,
hundreds of dancers enjoyed themsel-
ves last night at the Military Ball in
Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums.
The "first strains of music were
heald at the call of reveille shortly
atter 9 o'clock. For a half hour or
so the guests danced when, at the
call of the clarion, they formed for the
grand march, led by Jacob Hostrup,
'2F, and Miss Esther Wiesmer of
Whitmore Lake. Following a short
parade through the gymnasium the
dancers formed in a group before the
camera at oie end of Waterman gym-
nasiun, the picture was taken, and the
guests began dancing once again.
Decorations were altogether of a
military character, being for the most
part of flags and buntings in bright
colors. One of the most attractive
features of the Ball was the dome
effect in the larger gymnasium. The
booths, too, were unique in color and
design and in the opinion of many
surpassed those of any previous mili-
tary dance held here.
Appreciated especially by the dane-
ers was the luncheon. Which was
served in three sections, and was an-
nounced by mess call from the bugle.
The music had its strong and weak
points, but on the whole was truly in
the spirit of the evening and on a
plane with the uniqge decorations of
the ball...Ted Rhodes' orchestra of
Ann Arbor, Ralph Williams' orchest-!
ra and Benson's country club orches-
tra, both of Chcago, were the groups
w1ich furnished the continuous mel-
ody for the party.
From the time of luncheon till the
call of taps at 2:30 o'clock the dancers
thoroughly en oyed the evning,' and
when the 'farewell call ws soundedj
the guests with something of a unan-
unity pas i ther rord fong thatithe'
fotirth annual Military Ball had been'
a real success ard woutlhbe a 1
ant memory.
Detroit, April 25.-(By A. P.)-
Equipped with engines rated at 10,000
horsepower, and with sleeping quar-
ters that would accommodate the in-
habitants of a village of 2,000 popu-
lation,the new Detroit and Cleveland
Navigation company steamers, Great-
er Detroit and Greater Buffalo, are
being given their finishing touches
here. Machinists, plumbers, electri-
cians, carpenters, painters and de-
corators now are at work on the craft
which are tie limit for size oi the
Great Lakes of side Wheel steamers.
The Greater Detroit and Greater
Buffalo are being built at an estim-
ated cost of approximately $3,500;000
each. They are 550 feet long and 100
feet wide, and each has 650. cabins
for passengers. The Leviathan, one
of the largest vessels aloat, has only
570 rooms.
The dining rooms are on the mlain
deck at the stern, with large windows,
set closely together, providing an un-
obstructed view. Each steamer also
has a cafeteria.
The new boats, when placed on the
run between Detroit and Buffalo, will
give the company 50 per cent more
carrying capacity on that division.
The City of Detroit III and the City
of Cleveland III then will be trans-
ferred to the Detroit-Cleveland run,
giving that route 70 per cent greater
capacity than now is provided by the
steamers Eastern Statesand Western
A representative of the H. J. Heinz
Company,will be at the Union all today
and Sunday morning to confer with
students: interested rn summer' work
with this company.

Some qiaint philosopher made
the above startling statement. This
is undoubtedly true these luscious
days, with limitations. But with

Charles F. Murphy, Director of New
York Tammany Succumbs to
Heart Fallure
New York, April-25 (By A. P.)-
Charles F. Murphy, grand chieftian
of Tammany hall and for many years a
powerful factor in Democratic coun-,
sets of the state and nations, died
today of heart failure induced by acute
A product of the east side's picture-
que "gashouse district" he' had first
with fists and then with. brains,
fought his way from the stoke hold
ward of politics to the quarter deck
of party fame and financial fortune.
in a span of ,66years he had been a
poor man's son, ward leader, bar ten-
der, saloon keeper, office holder, fin-
ancier, and finally local director and
national advisor to his party.
He began his: politican career ,as a.
precinct captain in the,.Democratic or
ganization of' New York's lower East
id.'O ne of 'the things that:led to
his popularity asalead'er was his
captaincy' of' a baseball ''team more
than a half'century ago when 'hewas'
employed in a wire factory. He 'vas
a capable baseball player 'in'his youth:
and in tirne he got together a tea nV
that went through one wvhole season'
without meeting a defeat. After this
Murphy established a club for the fol-
lowers of his team, so the story goes,
and his acquaintances grew in num-
bers through the medium of this club.
For a time after quitting his job
in the wire works Murphy drove one
of the fourteenth Street horse carsf
and later became the proprietor of a
saloon. He prospered as a saloon
kepeer, came into the ownership of
a string of four saloons and later
took his first real fling in politics
when he elected to back;Edward Ha-
gan for the State Assembly and suc-
ceeded in electing him on an inde-
pendent ticket. This, it is recorded,
was the only time that Murphy ever
fought the party.
Murphy's first appointment came
from Mayor Van Wyck, who iade hini
dock commissioner, and on. receiv-
ing this appointmnent he sold his sa-
loons and entered the trucking and
contracting business with a brother,
From this time- on Murphy rose in
I political power by leaps and bounds,
and he became known as the maker
j and breaker of mayors. His politiical
power was also felt in State politics
and on at least one occasion he put
his hand into National politics as well,
to the extent of causing William Jen-
nings Bryan to incite the Democratic
National Convention to various anti-
Murphy demonstrations.
Murphy was born in New York, June
20, 1858, the son of John M. Murphy.
I He was educated in the public schools.
He became. leader of the eighteenth,
Assembly District in 1892 and in 1902,
stepped into power as Tammany's

Conference Committee Hope to Com--
plete Consideration of Bill Af-
ter Tomorrow
Washington, April 25.-(By A. P.)-
An arrangment with respect to Jap-
anese immigration which will satisfy
those advocating exclusion and which
at the same time will avoid any effront
i to Japan is being attempted by Presi-'
dent Coolidge.,
The president is hopeful that the
Sarrangement can be effected and with
that end in view will continue his con-
ferences on Immigration legislation
with congressional leaders and .Secre-
tary Hughes. Just what sort of an
arrangement the executive has in
mind was not disclosed at the White
White House officials would not go
so far as to say that the president
would veto the immigration bill, now
in conference between the senate and
house, should the proposed arrange-t
ment fail of acceptance, but visitors
have found the president greatly dis-
turbed over the situation resulting<
from adoption by congress of the pro-3
vision for Japanese exclusion.
SChairman Colt, of the seate mmi-
gration committee, who was one of the
six senators who voted against the
immigration bill, conferred with the
president today and laid before the ex-
ecutive his reasons for viewing the;
exclusion provision as unnecessary,
illogical, and generally harmful to I
American interests.
Senator Colt attended the first meet-
'ing of tlge senate and house confere-
es on the measure but it was not dis-
closed whether he carried to the con-
ferees any suggestion from the presi-t
dent. Some supporters of the bill,
as it'-passed' the house' believes,-.that
by 'adbptidn> of 'the' non luota provi-
'lohM 1of tihe 'hbu'e measutr a'. w;ay-'
night 'be round to atify those advo-'
caing excliolbn a'nd yetmae the bl1 i
le4 objectional t Japan.
The conferees at tdays mee'ting di-
cuased Cthe.b'il in ugenral way d
proposed,to take up the Various differ-
e nea tomorrow. Chairman , Johnsaon!_
the house immigration committee
announced. after the meeting that the
conferees planned to complete their
work tomorrow so that the house may
act finally on the bill Monday and the1
senate within a few days thereafter.
Most Telephones
Per Capita Here,
I Company Declares
Ann Arbor's local telephone office
boasts of having a larger number of
telephones per capita than any othey
-city in the world. With an average
of better than one telephone to every
three inhabitants the list of subscrib-
ers numbers nearly .7,700. The only
town which approachs this record i.s
Madison, Wisconsin..
'Within the next 30 days a new build-.f
ink on Washington street will, be com-
pleted in which an automatic exchange
-vill be installed. The installation of the
new exchange is planed to be com-
pleted by the spring of 1925, and will
be the most complete of any system
used for a town of the size of Ann


I Canes of all siey And colors
j will be brought into active use by
the "grand old seniors" who 'will}
promenade for the ftrst time to-j
morrow with the traditional
walking sticks. For many aj
week they have -been practicingj
behind closed doors that they
may make a dignified appearance
as they gently tap the campus
1 walks with the horn ferrules of
jtheir supp)orts,.
j Each class has selected a dis-
tinct type for its stepping stick.
I The colors vary from the light
I bamboo to the deep mahagony
j with a. silver band bearing a
block M with 1924 engraved be-j
neath. Cane Day is one of Michi-j
gan's oldest traditions.
Predicts Crisis Caused By Industrial
Readjustment Will Be Withhi
Fifty Years
That .the crisis occasioned by in-
dustrial readjustment will come with-
in the next fifty years was the pre-
diction of Judge Marvin B. Rosenberry
when he delivered the annual address
of the Order of the Coif at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in the Law school.
Judge Rosenberry compared the fam-
ily in the middle West of one hundred
years ago to that of today to indicate
that there has been a decided change
in the fundamental human relations
in that time.
"Diversity of occupation has broken
family solidarity," Problems develop-
ed as a result of increased popula-
tion have changed in fundamental,
character. The "home is now a di-
versing rather than a producing cen-
ter. The members of the new indus-
trial order must have the same pro-'
:tection that was accorded .the: small-
er' economic unit - of 4the family, but
the development. of new 'laws should I
not proceed too rapid-ly.for, the' peo-
pie o 'grasp their..significance.
" here has; been a tendeney. point-
ing toward a freedom' from constitu-
tional restraints, a tendency :which
mi ht caus a return to :the parlia-
SmenGry frm ofr goverment., There
will never be any cause .for revolutlon
if the bar does its duty. The Bar
must defend the Constitution and law-
yers must have a knowledge of the
tendencies of the time in order to ren-
der substantial justice. The lawyers
of today do more thinking in regard to
the facts and take less consideration
of the natural rights theory of the
eighteenth century."
Stratton D. Brooks, '96, iresident
f the University of Missouri, visited
IAnn Arbor 'for a few hours yesterday,
stopping off on his way to Detroit
where he will attend an alumni ga-
thering.1 Mr. Brooks was recently in-
augurated as president at Missouri,
having spent the preceeding 10 years
as president- of Oklahoma university.
Missouri has no Dean of Men, and

Mr. Brooks' visit here was partly as
a representative of his institution to
the conference of deans which has
been in progress here. It was men-
i tioned that Mr. Brooks was also here
' to secure a Dean of Men for Missouri
university. .

Roll Not Taken Of Students In Upper
Classes If They Maintain
Certain Averages
"Student self-government at Prince-
ton university based on the honor sys-
tem, is regarded as the most success-
ful thing we have aid has done much
for the good of the University," said
Dean Howard McClenahan of Prince-
ton 'when speaking before the after-
noon session of the sixth annual con-
ference of deans and advisers of men
here yesterday.
He expressed himself of the opinion
that student government is entirely
successful and that as the system is
worked at Princton the' attitude of the
faculty is absolutely sympathetic.
Dean McClenahan was called upon to
speak when the conference turned to
a round table discussion or student
Explains Development
In outlining the means by which
Princeton students have a strong)
voice in their government, he explain-
ed that there have been three import-
ant steps by which such control has
been assumed. "In 1893", he pointed
out, "the honor system was adopted
and since then the conduct of exam-
inations has been in the hands of the
students. This system has insured
honesty. In fact, nothing in Prince-
ton's history has compared with- it. It
has toned up the whole university and
raised the moral spirit of the place."
lie stressed the fact that the senior
council has all matters of disicipline
referred to it and that they in turn
make recommendations to the faculty
committee and if this body disagrees,
the question is left up to the dean.
"I have seldom failed in agreeing
with the students' decisions and in
these exceptional cases have merely
suggested.'that "they reconsider their
actions. We are always abl to come
to a. yonclusion which is satisfactory
to the council,. the faculty, and my-
self", Dean 1cClenahan cptinued.,
lie pointed out that the second step
n the development.of the honor sys-
ten at Princeton originated from the
student body and was the cause of the
establishment of a "committee 'of the
spirit of the' honor system" which acts
in cases of petty dishonesty which
hithertofore were handled by the dean.
Recommend Action
"The third and most recent develop-
ment was the placing of authority in
the senior council of students to rec-
ommend penalties without causes for
actions considered harmful to the Uni-
versity, providing the -decision was
made by four-fifths of the Council and
that the accused man shall have :the
right to appeal to the University dis-
cipline committee", said the Prince-
ton dean. "This also has worked sat-
'In speaking of attendance, he men-
tioied the fact that compulsory at-
tendance had been done away with
there for students in the upper classes
who maintain certain averageS and
that this system has proved success-
ful to some extent.
In discussing Dean McClenahan's
talk, deans from all parts of the coun-
try asked questions of him and his
opinion of the possibilities of adopt-
ing such honor systems in large uni-
versities.. Dean Francis F. Bradshaw
who spoke in favor .of. the system

pointed out that during the war among
14.000 candidates for artillery posi-
tions at Camp Davis there was not a
single example of dishonesty in the
honor examinations.
A question as to whether or not
students will report others under the
honor system was propounded by
Dean G. H. Goodnight of Wisconsin.
Dean McClenahan answered it, say-
ing that "he had never seen any re-
luctance of the part of students to re-
port others, A spirit exists which
{ makes the men feel that it would be
dishonest not to report."
The question whether or not stu-
dent government should extend to cas-
es in discipline, such as drunkeness,
immorality and other conduct was
brought up. The Princeton dean ex-
,pressed the opinion. that the es-
sential thing involved was the prob.
lem of honesty and that this should bE
the first consideration.
Opening the afternoon meeting
Dean G. E. Ripley of Arkansas spokE
on the subject of "Eligibilty requlre-
ments for extra curricular activities'
and following this was a discussion a'
which time the various deans told o'
the requirements in their narticulal

Robert Bridges
Will Give First
-Address Today
Dr. Robert Bridges, poet laureate of
England who is now in Ann Arbor
holding the followship in creatiVe'arts,
will make his first public speech
since coming to Ann Arbor, when he
addresses the junior and senior medi-
cal students at 11 o'colck this morn-
ing in the surgical amphitheatre of
the University Hospital. Dr. Bridges
will speak on "Some Phases of Juve-
nile Medicine."
The poet-laureate is a former well-
known London internist and because
of his long training in medicine is well
qualified.to make an address on medi-
cine. Dr. David Cowie, who has made
the arrangements for Dr. Bridges ap-
pearance this morning, hasannounced
that the medical staff of the School of
Medicine is invited to be present to
hear the famous Britisher.
Runs 100 Yards In 9 6-10 At Drake;
Relay; Michigan Men Qualify
For Finals
Des Moines, April 25.-(By AP)-
Charley Paddock of Pasadena, Calif-'
ornia, the worlds fastest sprinter, to-1
days convinced his admirers that he is
ready to uphold the honors of Am-f
erica in the Olympic games when in
a downpour of rain, he ran an exhibi- j
tion 100 yards in the unofficial time
of 9 6-10 equalling the world's record,1
as the headline attraction of the 1
Drake Relays.R
The famous California athlete com-
peting in a race for the first time ini
two years, beat the gun by a fraction
of a second at the start but the formc
he displayed in the judgement of1
track experts dispelled whatever
doubt might have existed concerning
his speed after a two year layoff. Pad-3
dock wanted to run the race over,f
when announcement was made that
he ,had beaten the gun, but the con-
dition of the track with rain sul
drenching'it was suchthat he was pre-
vailecd upon to wait until tomorrow.
Paddock raced against a .trio .of
freshmen,: Phelps and Eeyringham o
the University of Iowa and..Philips of
Butler, beating them to, he tape by at
least 5 yards.
D Hart H.l:ubbard the sensational
University of Michign "negro athlete
qualified for two eyents breaking the
Drake record in the broad jump with
1 a leap of 24 feet 2 3-4 inches.
Milton Angier of the Big Ten Cham-
pionship Illinois team and holder of
.the American record for the javelin,
I lead the qualifiers for this event with
a heave of .187 feet. The pole vault-
i ers, due to the slippery condition of
the turfhand pole, were unable to do
better than 11 feet 6 inches and the
trials were called off, with 18 qualifi-
Hartman of Nebraska made the
most impressive showing of the shot
putters with a heave of 43 feet 1-2
inch. In the preliminaries of the 120
yard high hurdles, Crawford of Iowa
leaped the barriers in 15.5 seconds
for the fastest time, while Higgins of
Michigan, McAndrews 'of Wisconsin
and Evans of Illinois each won their
preliminary heat in the' dash in 10
I seconds.
Nebraska and Notre Dame divided
honors in the 440 yard University re-
lay each winning a race of the event,
which wa run in two sections. The
Nebraskan quartet made the fastest
time, stepping the distance iu,43.4 sec-

When todays program opened a
drizzling rain began falling, later
turning into a downpour when Pad-
dock went to the mark for the race
C The finely conditioned track was made
slow and heavy, and the 3,000 spec-
tators were drenched.

Fisher Sends Squad Through Leng
Batting Session to
Improve Attack
Michigan will renew her athi
feud with Ohio State university tc
at Ferry field when her Varsity bi
ball nine opens the Wolverine Big
schedule with the highly touted Bt
eye squad. The contest will 'star
2:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Fisher will send the same .lineu
the field today that started the'g
against the Aggies on Wedns
with Stryker on the mound. C
with a goodly number of veterans
school, will place a strong team
the diamond and will offer consi
able opposition.
Coach Fisher has devoted the I
two days to lengthy batting sessi
in an effort to develope a powe
attack, which was notably mis
in the contest against 'M. A. C. (
possesses several heavy hitters
Michgan will be forced to score e
eral runs to secure a victory. Ben
will be held in reserve if Stryker 0
to hold the visitors in check.
Ohio opened her Conference
son with a 12-5 victory over Indi
last Monday and gave evidence of
ing in the running for the Big Ten t
throughout .the season. Workr
who will probably receive the pitcl
burden today, with Miller in rese
held the 'Indiana nine at hi's me
Cameron, short stop, Matussof, ti
sacker, and Marts, bacsstop, are
exceptional batters.
Ollie Klee regular outfielder,
out of the Indiana game with an
fected foot, and it is doubtful if
will be in shape to playtoday.
remainder of the squad which will
rive this morning from .Toledo Is
shape for the contest.
Ohio State finished second, to M
(ContinuIed~pp age S ')
I ' L^,tsta'
The Day's News iI
The senate de sedf 'n ae i
of ithe tax bill f "'V -l
The funding of the Hungarian
to the United States was announce
The House began consideratio
the child labor constitutional am
j merit.
A grand jury was selected tolI
criminal charges growing out of
oil investigation.
The house shipping board inv
gating committee inquired intore
work on shipping board vessels.
SNewtonBaker and oirs obta
the Ford Muscles shoals offer be
the Senate agriculture committee
The McFadden bill' to amend
national bank and federal reserve
was reported by the house ban
River and harbor improvement
timated to' cost $3100000 were
proved by the house rivers and
bors committee.

The boundary commispioners
pointed by the supreme court sut
ted their report on the Texas C
homa Red river case.
Announcement was made that I
ident Collidge was attempting
work out a new solution of the Ja
ese immigration problem.

Topic Of


East Lansing, Mich.,
forestry service in the

April 26.-The
years between

Free Shows
To Big


1915 and 1920 reported over 160,000
forest fires, according to statistics
compiled by the forestry department
'of the M. A. C; These fires swept 56,-
000,000 acres 'and destroyed timber
and property valued at $85,000,00#,
exclusive of the intangible damage to
soil and reproduction.
Hold All-College
Frolic In Detroit
Several prominent figures in the
sport world will speak at the tenth
annui intercnleiate frolic and lun-

Prof. Americo Castro, head of the' {
Spanish department in the University'
of Madrid,' spoke yesterday afternoon,,
in the Natural Science auditorium on
the subject,' "Spanish Romanticism."
Professor Castro opened his lecture
with a description of the general
character of European romanticism,
going slightly in to the 'history of
European literature and philosophy.
Romanticism, he said, represents. a
return to the'ntradition of the Middle
Ages, and realism is a reaction. against
the classical age. "But above all,"
stated Professor Castro-in French-
"romanticism is a new way of con-
ceiving life. At the base of roman-
I ticism. there is a subiective and pan-

Here is what the Majesti theater
will :give' the heavy swatters, in the
Wolverine club today: 5 passes for
the first single, 8 passes for the first
double, 12 for the first triple, 15 for
the first home run, 5 for the first run,
5 for the first stolen base, and a sea-

Beginning at 8 o'clock tonight The
Michigan Daily will broaclcast ac-
counts of all baseball games played
at home or away from home, it was
announced last night. This service to.
readers and others throughout the
country, has been made possibly by
arrangement with officials of station
WCBC, of the electrical engineering
department of the University.,
In response to hundred of requests
from people scattered throughout the
East and West addressed to The Daily
I - A;^ nfn~a memr, WOO h

Invitations were issued by the 2
erican government for a confere
of Central American Republics. loo
to peace in Honduras.
President Coolidge, it was said
the white house regards as logical
sound Senator Borah's- recent dec
,ation opposing enactment of b<
legislation and condemning moves
larger appropriations.
Sails For Summer
Tour Of Engla)
Mr. J. A. Sallade, of the mathen
ical department of the enginee
college, sailed Thursday on the ste

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