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April 22, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-22

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antorti Duse, Famed Ita lian AIMNfl 10 SEND COAC Read -The DIly "Claissified" Column
Tragedienne, DiesIn Pittsburgh T [MIS





I(Uoftinflef from 1vagc Uno) succes-,ftrl runs in New Yoik ;and Boa;-I
wh-1o wrote -everalply for her. The ton, horr i l1(rtoirP in(cluding the hot-z Officers of the Michigan Alumni As-
two were f'riends, for many year;; win-tcr-hwnwi i l y Viclorien S'ardoii socation of the ninth district were el-
til estrang ed by a qu .arrel in which all and Pumas, Ib1sen's"r;"oll's Touse" ected at a convention held at Sagia-
Italy took a sympathzetic interest., rand works of the Italian dramatists. aw on April 17. JTames C. Graves, '9I,
Mine. Duse's father andl grandfather S was elected president and E. J. Otta-
wvere Italian actors. Tier grandfather! way, '94, of Port Huron vice-presi-
Luigi Duse, establisheod the Garibaldi IJJ?/1] .,i dent of the district association. John
th'eater at Padua. EShe first appeared KE Brondige, '001, of Royal Oak wa
when 12 years 01l1 In minor parts with - -- made s~ecretar'y and Douglas JItol y.
Strolling playersi. She iws horn in a ;iinI" - r ;i '23, tre2nsurer. Mason P. Runney,
wagon on Oct. 3, 1859 at Vigevnno. ther'efor"ol''e nuperu~~ to '07E, of Detroit, prediden#. of the Mithi-
Pavia, 'a Village -on the outskirts of decife.if l~oih., i,;rl;,>,;MI 15'gati AlumniAs ochation and.:Stuart
Venice. By the time she had reached toil(hi1tl:at maes all hi;; il ,; l Mtaing H1. Perry, '194, '96L~, of Adrain were
the ageof2 she hail won recognition coin hime-r l of .'s elected (ire!tors of the general associ-
in Naples as an actress of great power. g .igfrr:ti oele~oiacathon. WilfredJ B. Sh~av, general see-
lier successes calledl her' to Rome in ~~ f t~~ s cai n prsdd a
the early O's to ~P~'is then, to i tehe method is to take tin utterly the business mueig
ennal and ' Berlin in i 1892 and lL ond on hackneyved and inane plot filled to ,the It wK. gre t l' etngta
and New York in 1593. <In 1SS7 she brim with utterly har-kneyed and inane the alumni ssociation would raise
]had married an actor of the company lines, and (;hoot them, at the audience the fund., ne.eszary to send Coach
of which sire was at the time a nern- abot ten tumes- faster than they have "Sioee" Farrell to the O~ynplic games.
beaSinrCic, from whom she ever been shot before; resulting, you Approval" of Vie appropiation for the
beprtSignormCecaslaeiSothul nw ri h Wom-en's Leagne was also given. I
sepraedsom yar laerinSoth holdkno, n hejustly )raised After l~e busin ss imeeting a d n-
Amrcwenhrhsad bno-"ohan speed." As a result, every- was given at th e S agi a w Club at
edl the stage to become Counzsul-Gener-
al to Argentine. Thie actress later one seemed to be mildly or wildly en-ewa which 150 delezates were present.
resumed her maiden name., thusiastic, but as for mayself-with the Dean John R. E'fingei' of the literary
Self restraint was' said* to have exception of the dancing -no thank collegae'was tile princ'pal speaker at
been her chief characteristic, learnedl you. . . . the dlnner aend Mr. Shaw also gave a
1%y yeaIrs of toil anud deprivation, but ; ---- _shioit talk. Wagner, Tang and Tav-
when her lines demanded it she rose M >roscow, April 21.--Japanese f'shcr-i are's, local entertainers furnished thne
to great dramatic heights. She had r~nat Viad ivtO t k a~e reported toaia'rnezr.nt an Aimz Arbor oreh'-t
what has been described a singular have accepted the Soviet cliai of neair- jextra played.-
mnethod. For years she never used a !.y i,Ot)0,oUoo yen for their o1l1 fishinrg lichiii'in students whose homes are
face "make-up," scorning toepo otat n cnlddnware n 4a inaw and who were home for
cosmetics, rouge or powder and it also intents. f'V1 spring vacation gave a "sprout"
ha,, been saidl of her that, insteadI of i
making an artificially-prepared entry, "Jimmie the adtaker" sells antig- -----" - -
she would minge with th~e crowd onI quickly.-Adv. CHEAP LAWN GRASS
the stage and glide Sihnltly among Orsia et u Wcry
--" Un~t(~d b t~e udenc. ut Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. a'1 kinds of seeds. T'here is a
when she stepped out of the rank;;ean o ci i}an rs
. lok t"tThowiesesen-ecd. We isulply that demand

'it 'L


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job Nwith1 -,t-%vic'(
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do AW





i Jj

to bo wotik Milli'somucli spirit andi
y eetna,:U)n'ae1he py seeman
h rbom.,:oee-ad Alitoiiie of Paris,
She also was fastidiously exacting,
2 bhout all details of the scenery for h3r
One of Duse's great triumphs out-
Sside of Italy occurred in I.385 wheni
-.-she went to Paris at the invitation of
Sarah Bernhardt, who had offered her
7her own theater in which to give her
repertoire of "La Dame aux Camelias,"
"Frail Frou" and similar plays of an
cemotionl character. A. misunder-
Sstanding aro-se between the two acli-
"e' C"sss, however, wh'chb 'somiewhat
i' traiine "- the ir frendship although
(- awh always: free'y acknowledgedc the
geniu,,sof the other.
Fcllowi g' hc~r Paris suiccess5 came
Duse's debut in Ithe, Itnited "tates,
iwhere hcr : po la rity gained of tha'.
time suffered ;aemewhaf as the resn?±l
(11 a seond t.9ur iqwhiich slm'eapp-ar'e
. lt'1 j A 5 <inp {riten forher byi
Aiinzio ta'414vf i Were plot alto-.1
gether well received. Later l'Ajiunzio
plan ' i p 'layhouse for her iz
Lake ,Albano in'Italy hut the 1 'oiem
fell thr it^h af er the ste ai--F-i
ohtaine ii;Tat l c cpital pledge:
''"La LIocandieri' jay Goldoi;iivhypr.l
(3, w~ ne of tilefits-e ' I r ix .e r
h u t~c yine~cled' i h e ertoire
:iw A atlin 11;hE j aie lad. fInj
thatwell~ niey'it is ,5tid,1
Duse Nwi r(-'-ard ~dby iany aS atl
her ] ! ashr-its,
AMe. TDu~'sfirst ,appeamranc(, ini the
lited Ptat- in 1893 was hiiarked byI

Damon- i
"Hey, there! Aren't you a friend
or mine?"
"I certainly am. I'd do anything
in the world for you. Yes, any-
"All rigt-prove it!I Give me bncV'
that Eldorado pencil you borrowed
last night."
Ue mast d n*i is '"d
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by furnishing low priced gras-
ses of good ituality, meaning b~y
that, purity and:,qulick gro'wth.
If for o n y reason a. cu 0wer
desires lown- riced grass seed
it -will ~paty himf to buy it at.
our store. Just because we car-
ry the finest and miost expensive
of grasses is no reason why we
shouldn't have the other and
lower priced mixtures. We are
here to give our customers what r
they want and need at the price
they c ainafford to pay. Our
prices are always reasonable.
We are anxious for our custom-
ers to have good lawns.
Cor. Washiingtoni & Fifth Ave.

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pree'~it ioiaT il l Ciiz i'rII Atmiosphiere of I5 ts'rellenIoiltess in
P-crid.cli''s i), (),c and eiJn:

It Is the Laugh7 Sentsat'oo of thcA1

.Prices--$1 .10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75

All Scats Reser)


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q.106 Roundtrip GE~RMAN'
'6 day tour Englattd, Franc-e Sti
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For Men and Women
Group leadership, dramatics for
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sign, games, folk dancing, sports
a in d athletics. N ew lhhysical
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1 Recrearion TrainingSchool
800 S. Halsted Street, (Hull-House)
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Tubes--5 Jars-75c \-
Insist on STACOMB-in the black
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For sale at your druggist or wherever
toilet goods are sold. - -
..Standard Laboratories, c.-
113 West 18th Street, New York City

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E ~TbaR is a diriing-oom where the well-
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M cooked dishes. Where is that place?-
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