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April 22, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-22

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blishied every morning except Monday
g the University y'ear by the Board ini
ol of Student Publicatiotis.
mber s of Western Conference Editorial
eAssociated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
aches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub-
3 therein.
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,

lug majority as is seen from the fact
that a single state's votes may amount
to as miany as 10 (for Wisconsin.) MM R L
Thus the Democratic vote reinforced j /,,
by the votes of a single :tate may ;SA AS
be enough to clog up legislative func-_WHR YAGI
tions, . and to render the supposedly 'TEFUT
dominant power helpless and inactive.
A second reason for the impotency Constant reference to us by one of
of congress is that "we have the form our most persistent 'admirers as A
of government by parties and the ac- Critic has finally born fruit in the al- j
tuality of something else." In about truistic plot that is about to be un-
fifty percent of the States, Congress' folded to the public-and will be tin-
men are chosen by direct prinmary,
and to this extent party discipline. in folded as soon as we have finished this

a _


(Diy K na)- a etAn order of priests in Tibet is:
forced to gain their early education
in cells isolated from al human in-'- Feauig S PRI1 ohEd fteDaoa
tercouse. Food and water are pokedl ii III Bohunds of thxD ag na
through narrow holes to them, and ! IC~i
they are left to their own thoughts.'=D1~tA~BO
=G A A ' / / They are supposed to meditate and J A1 ILY i
become wise-instead they go insane.____ _____________

Michigan, as second lssmttr pei mrt
;i postae granted by Third Assistant Post- congress is Impossible. Hence party introdCtorTy paragrap. You remlein- fns1 i Ut Imass vi metLcritics e-
master- &neral. laesi nCnresi eryafliIhrta ehdjstdcddt tr the American s;colleges wuld 'wish -
Subscription by carrier, 3.5; by mail, ledeshinitCogrsscsoearyeithebrmtatweordjuswdmiddno sar
$.00. out value. The party leader has not molding amu opinion when upntheolee a o omno
Offies: Ann Arbor Press Building, Miay- vpwr oefresoi at ot- cusw this country.
riardl Street.tepwrtenocslipay were forced to lay off for the sin Thywiealnghbottec-I
)hopes: Editorial. 244 oo 7.11. ui-ig i esrsthtne ulparty
____________________ 66pr eas heCnrsmni vacation..-And now that the vacation lege men sitting in the, front row of
,n, ~o an 1. supporn beasesthatConesfllsmaTenwieatlnghais hecl
has come to an all too early conclu- I the Follies, or lying in the gutter{
i tied communications, not exceeding 30o directly answerable not to the party
Vr will be p#bished in ,The Dal edesofhy tte"utt hsaosi sin, whe propose to, start right in on I tanked up on ;gin. The critic likes to !I
tie iscretion of the Editor. :Opon request,thsmligae.(Nwhrwyu mention dancing, smkng and other
flie identity. of" communicant will be e- tuets who can be easily appeased 'byti odn ae Nwtrwyu
begda ofdeta.secesadpoie I1neCn indshack to the first sentence and "supposed-to-be" sins, as the chiefj
EDIORIL SAFFparty discipline as well as by the draw-I with it all.) Well, since at least one He does not picture the five days in
Telephones, 2414 and 176-M back of having in power a party with person has seen fit to call us a Critic, the week when study holds sway overp
but a small majority which is ren- 1 however ironically, we have decided the campus. Critics appear to want
MAARRYG DIOR dered impotent by this lack of party to go ahead and give the campus the ! the coleg mean to bury his nose in a
-Hdiscipline.Y benefit of our ineffably good taste and hook on the first day of school and;L
Ni'ews Eitor..... .....RcbL, B. Tarr The situation in the Senate is even run a little sort of a short course in come up for air on the last. A1
Editorial Board Chairman ..It. . C. Morarity tewiiggm-rm nw tl es hti h mrsinrcie
City Editor...... ... .. J. C. Garlinghouse more crucial than it is in the House i tewing am-rm ow illasthtsteipesonecie
Night Editors The Senate of lae has become a; school is over-just like the shortj from their writings.
. Ii.Ailes A. B. Connable, jr. grand juyrthe than a legislativei courses in Swineherding at Wisconsin. It is up to the critic to get to workl
Bar'Cdo~ P.M' WagnerapN.gs body. Aside fromrotn mesrs***adofroegodhetciiim
~ o r t , E it o . . . . . . . . . . R alp N . B~ t S o f a p p o p r a t i o , a d s - f o t t T o s t im nu l a t e i n t e r e s t i n t h e c o u r s e , o r d e l s e h o l d h i so p h e .M retr
w1omen's Editor, ......Wiiona Hibbard w r feigpie o h etcl tsmtigb os' ne--
ifiese ditor. ........Ruth A. Howell Senate has effected no honest to god- weaeofrnIrie o h etcai.a oehnghlos' ne
I..sistant City Eitor.K.1enneth C. Kellar things published each day. We, give stand will never reform the moer
Director Michigan News Bureau.R. G. Kansas ness legislation. It is too engaged in iun
1Dramatics Editor...Robert B. Henderson minute investigations-oil and oher- outhtiladhetosenledIclgiftnesrfrmg.TyI
* Assistants Lihran wsetobboerdwtisntul in the course will all turn in shorti could tell the college man or woman
r ,eka .S asiedlgsaiefnton nteSntto themes on the assigned topic-not ever I what they want, anyway. Let them of-1
~: aBrknl R S .Masia l; lgiltvefntonknth e-tto
lleamaB~nBoer Ve' >.iC"Mornteei iialu-sigig 1310 words, please. The prize winners fer something worth while instead of
.W. C Bownad arlohlMorcer sruction, and a dire party impotence will be announced the next day, and I barking at the moon.
,. ernadette Cote Ihyde erce Senator Borah is justified in his plea prze will be mnailed simultaneously
G. W. Davis Anrew l'ropper wt h noneeto h wr. PEIETBRO' A
Hlarotd4'Ehrlieh Marie Reed for the dissolution of the Senate as w hteanucmn'fteawr. PEIETBRO' A
1.- W.Fernamberg }* * * (eihmnnDetroit News)
7. 0. Gartner Emarie Sciraudr grand jury, and for its entrance upon!
ISad beth Heath C.' A. Stevens Oeo hs erM. ... adTergnso h nvriy o
. nninry w. 11. Stoneman a legislative Spring Drive. Onehf thesefDlear Mr.........ande TMihegadensre ote Universityo
MnigloswrhMarjorie Sweet In short, the party system of gv- tenm ildi ihik oe ihgndsref
Enilyline Frederic G. elinos fo h elhSrieifrsi naig te slaryofeidnt
Dorothy Kamin N. R. Tha ement has not worked out success-fom te elhSrvcinrsin nreigtesary fPeidt
Margaret Keil mr. J. .walthour flrada eutw aeaCn the jolliest kind of way that we slip- I Burton from $18,000 to $24,000 a. year.I
Vilias Kendall Merman Wise "fity i and as an resultf werhavethalCon-!It utb eebrdta ag
Joseph Kruger ________ gressional impotence and inactiv iyjp po he forhat e-II utb eebrdta ag
_________________ - that has had few parallels in our I tares, and that they "will be report-~ part of the salary of the President of l
BUSINESS STAFF political history. ed as unfulfilled requirements for I the University is ne essarily spent in 1I
Telephone 960 ____ graduation" if we don't go to the sort behalf of the University Muh hospi--
BUIES ANGR IEANORA tuTr I of extra concert series they're giving tality Is expected of himis compel-I
BUSINSS MAAGERthis spring. Then they have a list of led, indeed, by his position. His en-
LAURNCEH. 'AVRI Elanoe Dse, ermd Inallthethe lectures with the ones we didn't tertainment bills, Incurred ciefly
~. dvertisinR ............. L. Duine capitals of the world as "The Ma ni- I go to checked. for University purposes, are paid out
Advertisnig..........Perry M. h}ayden fcent," and known to everyone as the And strangely enough, it appearsI of his salary. His standard of living
Advertising..........W. Roesser 1
Advertising..........H. E. Rose tragedy queen of Italy, an actress that we actually went to three of the I is dictated not by his own taste, ut
Account........................ . ..lale sx ehv au eolcinb h eurmnso i oiin
cirwulatign .............C. ruidy 'without eer in the wrld, is dead, jsx ehv au eolcinlb h eurmnso i oiin
Pubicatio ..........Lawrence : i ert ,, of a bolonzey standing, on the lecturel The State should therefore see not
".Assistants and wvith, her asses the °Duse0'lgedi
Cllr. Campbel { N. I Hl land I desk initie Nat StAd and moving only 'that thee Iecesary expenses are
ienwie Caplan Mf. L. rland which has bcconme.:a tradition to a lei fet ,up and down showing us the allowed, but that something remain I -
Ehas# Chaion ,Harold A. Marks
Jon4 onlin ;tyron Par ker world always eady to;l1y ;at the ;feet pr 6pertwaiyto walk, and advising us 'for the privte use of the head o
.ous M tiDexter A. I. Seidman }t nvriy
Jose h I. Fnn ec. A. tracke of a true artist the': l~nnage dclue the to wear Ground-Grippers. "Now I al-IIt tvesy
avid ~ Aight R C ine great. The magic voiee, and her fai- w~s The University of Mlihgan is a
-C -- ous hands are forever stilled, and the "'and I've always found them a mighty{ great, and famous,'. institution and
great woman who inspired Gabrielle ( comfortable shoe." its Prsident -mtnst be one of the
_n_ __--- d'Annunzio fwth thegone rgreat passion1 The second one was about taking a educational leades (of the country.
~TUl"SDAY, APRIL 22 1924 of his life has played her last tragedy.1 bath-- -or was that the one about heavy! It is no moafte theh just that lie e
_--_ -- -- Before sich art as was hers, petty; underwea> in wtiter? Must go and paid accordi 'Y.-
Ngtdio- ILP .WANR words of praise seemvinadequate; witlh hear those faSCinatng talks again. W
____ -j Sarah D ernhardt, se ranks with the * i
PJOESO BY1TY immnortal of the world. Her art sei- ~ l SUBJECT FOR THE FIRT
Today IxMeiigan as well as friends ed eternal, but only the tradition- of, °I +M IN THE TOLE O RTY SILI.I~k~I
and ssociates throughout the country La Duse wvill retnanlnto a world ,who'COURSE, WE OMITTED TOSY I: T
mourn the death of one who has made I sincerely, mourns the loss of he 1r tIS
an impeirishable contribution to the: greatest tragedienne, and a -agnIfi f it HY 1 L1KE TENNIS.
university' and tho nation. Our symc- I cent woman. - The prpose of the exercise (the
pathy goes out to the family and rela- Her farewell tour of, Amerca,the theme, we ea, not the tennis) is to t
tives of Prof. Louis Holmes Boyiton, third visit which 'she madc} to this inculcate into those who are takingj "JUST MA JINmD. "ZANDE'R, THE
in this hour of grief, who passed away country, proved Indeed her farewell tis course the principles of ARGU- i GREAT," and"LITTLE NELLIE KEL-
in Chicago Saturday. tour to the world. Perhaps the great--'1111NTATION. Looking up references LEY," a review by Robert Hender-
Though Professor Boynton has de- est acting of her career was made on to Argumentation in Scott and Denney son.I
parted this earthly existence, he has this visit when she courageously andj will be considered tantamount to "Just arried," which I take it you
left to an unforgetting posterity the with fortitude faced the rigours of a I cheating. And so, inasmuch as we in- did ot see, because the house wasj
emblems of his life: sonic of the nation wide itinerary 'to bring to hemr tendk to run this thing on an honor very small that night, produced an1
"finest works of architecture in Amer- admirers here the aesthietic'poy which I system, each contestant will kindly impression o some lof two dozen
Ica. His short, sojourn here will stand I only a true artist can give. Her work write at the bottoni of his work: I creani puffs iside one stomach. Now
as an inspirlation to his colleagues' will stand forever as the summit peakI haven't taken so much as one peepI a cream uff, cf course , is about as
and to the students who have studied of true art. The names :of Duse andl into Scott and Deney, swelp me Ben- deli-Jous a delicacy as the minds ofj
with him. Bernhardt, so similar in th ehir great- jamin.1 bakers have yet prodiced, but when
ness, yet so dissimilar in their art will * * * taken end n end lke banunas or
WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH CON. be forever the high peak in the art I The Greatest College Daily has just- peanuts the finl effect is nauseous,1
t~RES o thespoen sage I gt wrd from its iost reliable news I even gasos. to say the last.
According to arcn report it is --- source, to wit, the Ann Arbor Times Similarly the first at of Jst \lar-I
estimated. that the Congressional Re- The most disgusting 'person is the News, of the decease of the great ac- Tied" struck everyone as exceptionally
cord for the present Congress will be man who comes into a lecture class, tress whom the better class of critics clever and risque in the best Pat-
more, voluminous than that of any crosses his legs, spreads a note-book called La Duse. And now we are sian manner; nearly as good, in fact,.
previous one. This excess of verbiagej out on is knee, and then ~proceeds to$ gladder than ever that we didn't go as some of the musical comeies at theI
can probably be explained by the fact wipe his feet all over the other fel- in to Detroit to see her a fews weeks local Washington theater with. their
that the Record will contain an ac- lows coat-tails. i.ago. For if we had, we should be. crude and interesting versions of a
count of. the things thmat Congress- obliged to bore all our friends with main street Coiedia dl' Ate. The
bas said and not what it has done. the remamrk that we certainly are glad ! second act, on acount of its bedroom
This deplorable Inactivity of Con- s~ we went in and saw La Duse, and how I complications, also managed to pullI
gress is clearly brought out by fact f'wentyFive :Years ; we had a kind of a hunch. that we I the audience into an active semi-inter-I
that, of the thirty-three legislative re- A p ~would never again have the oppotun- est. But the final scene, left with
commendations that President Cool- A~go d71 M cigfanl ity and how think if we'd missed it- nothing to do but explain itself and
idge made in his message of December ~ her last American tour! push the leading lady into the hero's1

G, not one has been acted upon or From the Files of the U. of H. Daily, I As it is, we and all the other hun- arms, fell as flat as the proverbial1
has even received serious investiga- izrHl 22, '1S39. dBred million Americans can hardly es-' pancake. Gags that had seemed funny
tion by our congress. The public is __ cape a thrill of pardonable pride thatI in thme beginning appeared doubly stu-
generally enraged by this inactivity. This year is the first for a long the great tragedienne selected our ! pid with their repetition, and the en-
Congress' lack of real constructive ac- Itm htalo h Vriyfobl country out of all the countries in the tire performance 'herewith descended
tion has brought the public into "a e r i1n icue eetep>world to die in. And think of Pitts - 'r om naughty frouz-frou to the conven-
mood that angrily awaits the chance Iueo he"itrs acIa he burgh'. There's a city with a future, . tional, sentimental frothy smut.
to vote against every congressman' han's. hey? If the inhabitants of the SmokyI "Zander, the Great,," on the other
now in office, both Republican and,l City aren't holding their heads a lit- hand, was melodrama of the highest
Democratic." TefrtoaseisoleuesnItle higher this morning than they were order, genuinely interesting, and capi-]
The inactivity is a natural outcome gienb yesterday morning, we are neither 'a tally acted. Alice Brady in the lead-
Miliary urgey wa givn byDr.
of gross impotency for .action. And °sg o er ing role, despite, or perhaps because,
i Chas. B. Nancrede to the in~edical saenrI er
wherein does this impotency lie?1 of, the fact that she had a voice like
What, tudents last evening, in the lower
Wain other words, is the matter lecuemomo h eIclbid The vacation is over. There isn't a crow with a cold and broke every
with congress? ing any doubt about it. And we might decent rule of acting, made her, part
Congress could not act if It wanted _____ have been quite gloomy about it if effective to the last syllable of hpr
to in. its present state. It is too in- it weren't that our good man Wash- every line. Even surpassing Miss
The students who served on the actotnrhd jst ared n, eelngIik
tir~ately bound' up by the cords of I nt hdjsbagdifenglk Brady was the aco otaig the
pohica an paty ivary.FortheYosmit, epec $~J1 piee piz the queen of the May. On the spot, character of "Good News." It is quite'
present congress our party system of money. In addition, by act of con- we called a meeting of Denizens, and impossible to describe his portrait
government is Inadequate and unable d ress, those who held a seamnan's berth ,th last lap of. the year was begun.' I to those who did not see him save
to cope with conditions of vital import Iwl 'cieto month.xrapy The meeting was called to order, as a kind of shuffling, grumbling,
to te ntio. Th paty thatis an thelan smn on moth.Theupon petition of Brother Washington: booze-befuddled combination of Uncle
posed to be in power has such a nar- matr si the hands of Edcwin Denby known more secretly as Brother Ex Walt and Mister 'Punch. At any rate,
matte1r isi wn-,,, .1 na £' vnn r ofth

Ar s r rr f irr rr rwtrtr n t il ii :


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