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t And Hubbard Equal World's
Marks In Dash And
Improvement In Other Clubs
Threatens Giants' Supremacy
?'Xichan's 'track squad ended its
indor season last Saturday night in
the most dstentatious manner possible
"when it downed Jack Moakley's Cor-
nell team 67-28, taking ten out of
11 of the first places.,
One of the brightest sots of the
entire trip to Ithaca was the recept-
Ion hbich the team received at the
tinds of Cornell. From the time the
tean arrived until the train pulled out
on the return trip to Ann Arbor the
&ciuad was given every consideration.
Cars were waiting at the station
hen the team arrived to take it to
The ithaca hotel where it made its
uarters and after the meet a ban-
utV'hs given in the hotel for the vic-
torldi s team. During te meet pro-
~# a 'a1d played Michigan ;and
Cornell songs and themeet started to
the accompaniment of the "Yellow and
the Blue."
Wolveries Loe~k S4reng
By its performance in the Cornell
meet Michigan established its repu-
tatio as one of the strongest tirak
combinations in the country. Al-
though the distance run records made
were not'especially good the other
marks were all indicative of high class
performances. Especially was this
true of the dash, the hurdles, the pole
vault, the high jump, and the shot
put. Two world's records were tied
in the dash and hrdles while a meet
record was tied in the hurdles, and
new records for the meet were es-
tablished in the high jump and the
pole vault.
Led Wittman ran the 75 y dash
in 3-5, tying the imiet 'ieoid e -
tablilhed by Lovejoy of Cornell t o
year , ago, and the O4ldd*ecd (
the istance indoors. DeHart Hub-
bard led the runner tq ;th jap, ;pln,
both urdles, tying t6 "'ieco 'd of :
4-5 tablished by Watt of Cornell in1
1920 n the highs and establishing a+
mar of :08 2-5 in the lows. The lat-
ter ark is also the worlds record
for t e race. Ray Smith of Michigan
mad a leap of 6 feet 2 3-4 inches in,
the gh jump bettering the old meet1
reco of 6 feet 1 1-4 inch established+
by S rgent of Michiga ip . 9kr
Broo ers vault of 12 feet 1-2 iches
was inch better than the Ild record
held gy Landowski ofMich 'i s.
3Mielhigan Score' first .
Th meet started o prpit s .lY
for lchigan when Griffn 'and litks
of ichigan landsd the first two
places in the mile run ahead of Mac-
Nell of Cornell, the time being 4:35
4-5..: Bowen and Wolkowitz of Cor-
nell evened the score when they took
the shot put ahead of Doyle of Michi-
gan, Bowen making a heave of 43 feet
2 3-4 inches. Doyles best attempt was
40 feet 5 inches.
The landslide was started Michi-
gan's way when in the next event,
the 440 yard dash Purdy of Michigan
took first place in :53 ahead of Croz-
ier of Cornell. Hubbard gave Michi-
gan another point of advantage in the
high <hurdles when he breasted the
tape Jn :09 4-5. Wittman lived up to
his reputation when he took the 75
yard ;dash in :07 3-5, four feet ahead
of Rifesell of Cornell.
Michigan made its first slam of the
evenig when the half milers led by
Captain Hattendorf' c -sse" the fin-
ish lie in 2:01 1-5. A second slam
camef directly afterward when the
Wolverine two-milers led by Calahan,
beat te Cornell runners past the tim-
ers ,i 10:01 4-5 Hubbard took first
in thd low hurdles in what is world's
record time, :08 2-5.
Smith and MacEllven of Michigan
took first and second in the high
jump. Smith made a leap of 6 feet
2 3-4 inches for first while Maell-
Ten went 6 feet 1 5-8 for second.
Brooker had little difficulty in beat-.
ing out Bonticou and Greening or
Cornell in the pole vault with a jump
of 12 feet 5 11-2 inches, half a foot
ahead of his nearest opponent. The
mile relay went to Michigan in 3:32.
Reinke, Roesser, Purdy, and Hatten-
dorf ran the relay in order.
According to reports that come National league as he is the first sub-
dribbling from the training camps of marine style. flinger to grace the
the.National league clubs, thje Giants senior circuit in many years. He'has
are ab'ot due to relinquish their su- been laid up for a few days with a
p1renacy in the senior'ivcuit. swollen hand, contracted when he
There is not a great deal in the stopped a screaming liner from the
progress of McGraw's aggregation this bat of Eddie Roush. Another new
spring tocombat the claim that the hurlefr who is making an impression
New Yorkers will at least encounter is the Cuban buddy of Adolfo Luque,
tough sledding when the season opens. star of the Cincy mound corps. The
The league leaders are being troubl- newcomer's name is Pedro Dibut, and
ed especially with their infield. his preliminary work has made him
Frankie Frisch is on hand and appar- a fixture on Hendrick's aggregation.
ently as good as ever, but Dave Ban- He has a nice slow ball and a tantal-
croft is now managing the Boston izing curve. He pitches much the
Braves, thus depriving the Giants of same way as Al Maul, a prominent fig-
their erstwhile shortstop. Taryis ure in days gone by. Priesmuth and
Jackson, the young star who replaced Aulbach, left-handers, are also show-
Banny when he was taken ill last ing ability on the hill. Begley, a
season, has not shown to advantage rookie, will undoubtedly hold down the
this spring and apparently has slip- place utility infielder as he has play-
ped considerably from the form he ed good ball in camp.
displayed in Bancroft's shoes. George Contrary to the experience of the
Kelly, who at one time threatened Reds, the Pittsburg Pirates have en-
Babe Ruth's supremacy in the home joyed well-nigh perfect weather at
run field, has been looking woefully their stamping ground at Paso Robles,
weak at at this spring, and Manager Cal. Manager McKechnie "has uncov-
McGraw is considerinig benching long, eyed several good new men who seem
George in favor of Bill Terry, the destined to hold down places on the
left-handed pitcher and first sacker. team's roster when the season starts.
To complicate matters further, Heinie Chief among these is Moore, a short-
Groh has not yet fuly, recovered fro'm ,stop, who' will make an excellent un-
the effects of an operation which he derstudy for the veteran, "Rabbit"
underwent this winter, and his legs Maranville. Ens is another infielder
are -in bad shape. A third baseman who is sure to see plenty of action,
with bad legs is as useless as a pitch- and Dan Alley, a young right-hand-
er with a lame arm. If Groh and er, has apparently won his place. Mc-
Kelly both blow up, thj. formerly .Kechnie has. practically decided on
great Giant infield will be badly shot, his lineup for the opening game,
The brightest spot in the whole of which will embrace the veterans of
th espring training is the showing of 'the club in most cases. Either Morri-
McGraw's young pitchers. Wayland son or Cooper will decorate the
Dean in particular is showing lots mound.
of stuff and Muggsy already is count- The Chicago Cubs have found Cata--
ing on him for a regular turn on the lina.Island, Cal., a fine place in which
mound when the season starts. Dinty to get in their spring training. The
Gearin, the youthful portsider, is also weather has been ideal, and the play-
displaying plenty. Maun and Brad- ers hoe , rounded into shape rapidly.
shaw' iay be -in harniess when~ thie The chief worry of the Cubs is cen-
1924 card opens up., tered, around Charley Hollocher, reg-;
Under the; eadetshiopfatheir nw' klar shortstop, who has been a hold-
manager, Jack Hendricks, the Cin- out since the contracts were first sent
cinnati Refsare, naling 04 9 out Nither the management or the
6grgess itheifr cnditidning." Jack recalcitrant Hollocher has made any
has a difficult task before him, that pretext of relenting, with the result'
of stepping into the shoes left vacant that Char ey is not yet in harnesRE
by the untimely death of Pat Moran. Manager Killefer makes na secret; ofL
To make his btlifen heavier, constant the fact that he would like to obtain'
rains at Orlando,, Fla., the Reds' the services of "Rabbit" 4Iaranville;
camp, have made it impossible for and rumors have been circulated to
the squad to work with the desired the effect that Maranville was to go l
degree of regularty. Accorig the Cubs in exchange for pitcher
prN nt indications" ,the Cincyr ztch- Vic Aldridge, but nothing definite has'
ing staff will be stronger this year. come from either club regarding the1
,Caril ays, w,wa~ys ;rld ad'::Ythei deal:
New York Yankees, has been look- Branch Rickey, manager of the St.<
ing to be his old-time self thisg g bou, Crdinals, has likewise beenr
and his :spirit-i beter -than ever'be- having his troubles with the ques-;
fore. May's underhand delivery tion of holdouts. Milton Stock, regu-
should carry him a long way in the , (Cbhtinued on Page eight)
Fisher Makes Changes In Routine
Work And- Drills -Nen On I
Short Pokes3
Coach Fisher made a change in his
daily program yesterday and gave his
candidates an extensive drill in sev-
eral fundamental aspects of the game.'
The pitching staff was drilled in
handling bunts and getting a snappy
throw to first after fielding the ball.
The twirlers were also given some
work in covering first base when the.
first sacker fielded the ball. Both
these details play an important part in
the team play of the diamond nine
and Coach Fisher plans on continuing
this work until perfection is reached.
The batters were given their initial
work in laying down bunts and plac-I
ing them for successful sacrifice hit-
ting. Regular batting practice was
also held.
Although the cold weather hasl
shown no signs of letting up, Coach
Fisher plans on sending his out-
fielders outdoors before this week is
up. The men have had no work in
shagging flies thus far, spending each
afternoon in hitting. The outdoor
workouts will be short, lasting aboutl
a half hour.
Regular infield practice is still on
the daily schedule but as yet none of
the new men have broken into prom-.
inence because of their handling of
the ball.
Eight pitchers will be carried on
the roster of the New York Yankees
according to the present plans of the
Bush, Hoyt, Shawkey, Pennock,
Jones, Pipgrass, Gaston, and Roett-
ger make up the corps upon which
theGotham fans will place their hop-
es of another pennant for the Yanks.
The firstfive are veterans, while the
other three are newcomers :to the
American League. Roettger saw ser-
vice with the 'team in a few games
last season, but Pipgrass and Gaston
reported for the first time this spring.
Eight members of the track team
have signed a petition asking that
Earl M. Schwemm, '24 be allowed to
continue as manager of the team.
The trouble came as a consequence
of the disbarment 'from activities of
16 members of Theta Nu Epsilon, sec-
ret polWial fraternity.
" onSeattle Cub
I There will be no b.asketbarll '4Hi
ractice tonighlt or j- Tursday fh.Ii 8EI(N SOON1- w i eate (f~
T . nformer Tigers have captured
The next practice will rma gyn im oistions on the same club since their
oh next Tiesaice n il b. \s l ' 'iiN T STAIT' WORiI release from the Detroit team last
I F . MT1IE{ h I DAY year.
George Cutshaw, 'who received an
I_ _unconditional release at his own re-
quest, will hold down the dual role
tnii e fstlargt of utility infilder and coach with the
Johnston Works sof cl !Seattle club of the Pacific Coas tea-
Ted ullaitwhoawill conuhitin llle gue. At present, "Cuttle" is going
______me _ad ?etht Forr Wa ey r einthe through daily workouts with the
be~b possible shae 1 Or the long runs. coast aggregation, and is getting into
New York, March 31.-Little Bill This syst of spring training for exceedingly good condition consider-
Johnston, the flyweight enigma, has !cross-couintriy mIn was inaugurated ing his advance age.
reversed the process and the o<UrP0s last year and it provel of sufficient Cliff Brady, infielder, is playing for
worth to warrant its continuance this the same club. He is working at
of physical training, in preparation s ;an. Thim men who report will have second base, a position which he will
for the tennis season of 1924, and is the advantage ef expert advice ana probably play regularly. Brady came
"training up," instead of "training conwitioning and will enhance their l up from the Toronto club to the
down." chances of making the Varsity hill Bengals two years ago. He broke
The United States Tennis associ- and ai squad next season. ' his leg in a post-season exhibition
ation relates that Little Bill's gym- Although actual work on the roads game, and was not free from a limp
nasium work in San Francisco, in will not start until the return to when he reported last spring. Man-
which he is now engaged is all pre- school after the coming holidays, ager Cobb released him, believing that
scribed with the object of relaxing his Sullivan urges all those interested to ; he would be of no further use to the
muscles instead of contracting them Itreport to him at the Waterman gym- team.
because of his need for more weight, nasiumn as soon as possible so thattea_ _
Therefore, he is rowing on an indoor he my make an estimate of the num-
machine, wrestling, playing medicine her and quality of men with whom '
ball and using the chest weights. will wvorx.
Although it is not clear in w~hat Previous (expel icce 1i not neces--
manner these exercises p rovide inns- sary for par icipation in the pro- -~ £
cular relaxation, the tennis association gram that is bin, arranged for try-
claims that Little Bill is gaining in outs. Freshmen are especially urged -
strength, endurance and weight. ,O com out andr all those men who With the conclusion of the frater-
-o- ever h'hored any thought ofnI
Berkeley, California, March 31- doing something in the way of long thiy wresting tourname.nt comes
the end of the winter athletic
California and the University of Fen- running will be welcomed by Sulli- season for the fraternite Thec
nsylvania will meet in the California I van -and will be carefully watched I Aria1,o ,,,,'
SPANi Fo~ ~DINAYTwo Formner Tiges
memorial stadium for a post-season<
game on New Year's day, 1925. Per-'
mission was granted by President
Campbell who lays emphasis in his,
letter that it is understood by all that
there will be no return game played,
in the East.
Austin, Tex., March 31.-Oscar Eck-
hart pitched the Texas squad to a 4-3
victory over the University of Min-
nesota yesterday afternoon. Threel
home runs provided the feature for
the fray, two being made by the Goph-
ers and one by the Longhorns.
Princeton, N. J., March 31.-Fencing
tournaments, the first that have tak-
en place at Princeton for almost tenf
years, were run off as an introduct-
ion to several exhibition bouts given
by Colonel Breckinridge and his
Entries are coming in fast for the
class bowling championship tourna-I
mebt which will start soon.
and conditioned for hill and dale
eues are iew ana nI wind-up
within the next few days.
IAll eyes are'turned twnd nin
Sullivan has u.drtken this work I AL1euowara spr ng,
withian eyehtount disckeinghsandwhich will be the last lap in the race
with an eye toward discovering and for the all-around athletic efficiency
developing Varsity material and to cup for the fraternities, and the an-
give those men who wish to take ad- ( nouncement of the opening of the en-
vantage of the opportunity, a chance try sheet for tennis, all-campus and
to get into fit physical shape. Sfrnternity,
CALIFORNIA TENN1' TlA , rThe all-campus meet was well pat-
ronized last year and will be as big
l ' i 4' lUI );ESPLAYERSas ever with both doubles and singles
Unmversity of California, March 3, titles to try for. The fraternity tour-
-AsI th tofCaliormnas Marcha31-nament will consist of doubles only
lenge rounds a Varsity tennis team and will he a bitterly contested affair
leng 11;Irsiy tenis eambetween several of the houses which
of eight men has finally been selected be e eea ftehue hc
of iglit:icnTla ihaiy ee seecedare struggling for supremacy 'i the
at the Uversty of California. ! race for the cup.
Irvink Weinstn tops the list hav- ________th _____
jng gained the leading l)osition two
wecks be'ore the end of the matches. Ithaca, New York, March 31.-The
The other men in their respective Athletic council of Cornell university
rankings are Chandler, Captain Phil has awarded nineteen letters for win-
Bettens, Darhanian,. Stratford, hyde, ter sports. The Varsity "C" was giv-
Olmstead and Burke. en'to,-men active in basketball, wrest-
---- - ling, and hockey.
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