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April 01, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-01

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Opening with a radyo program lasting!
from 6 Saturday nighlt until 8 Sian-
clay morning, the Chicago Tribune an*
pounced its new super-station, WGN.
Station WGN is one of, if not the most I
powerful broadcasting apparatus in
the world, having established the pe
sent long d?.atance irecord.under teij-.
former calliletersi W.TAZ :anlthe
managementof 'th e ~Iwater Bleach-r
hotel.: Mayor William E. Dever of'
the cityof Chi cago', tmd E. A. B~eane,
United States supervisor of rardio,
were amnong many prominent speaker7
of the evening;. From 3yeA 1.r(3d:
morning until 8 this morning tlw,,
first program ever broadcast as far as
New Zealand or Australia was sent outj
to those countriesa by Station WGN. The
WGN sta.ndhq for te47Chcago Tri-
bune's motto: World's Greatest News-
paper. te elo Tw
Due toth fact that e lnTothe
of The Daily goes to pres, in advanoer ;of e
of Section One the station was listefi
in the program column, "Ileadliners". ledr
under its old c,-ll letters, WJAZ, ViA been
new wavelength will also be used of
370 meters, except for the long dis-m~w
tance programs such as from 3 o'clock __
this morning until 8.



Des Moines, Marche ".1_( ly A.P.
-De Hart Hubbard, national senloi
champion and Max Teeble, University
of Missouri national junior champion.
will compete in a special hop step and
jump event at the Drake Relay meet
there April 25, _26,~ Athletic Director
K: L. Wilson, .of =Drake. announced to-
The l~op, step, and jump is to be in.-
chidled In the. Drake meet for the first
time be co'ai dla e of the emphasis of nker--
iletan Oypcofcasare playing en
jthe ev ent.

As Gladys she. is realistic, and nothing
more than a true to life cook~,Re d te W n
though she is in love, and faithful to
her husband, with reservations. j
The situations arc amusing, though
a little trite. The lines are consistent- Eo e ri*t
ly clever. As a rule, there is a subtle To F,;; 00* n-Wrr tir,1t~ons, it wiil be
point behind it all1, and the joke, it !:, t:tr yn asige pr PpnI
BOOR EA ,S; a l st RAte5
seems, is on c~exreeromlanticism1, as . 2dsalnr3rod
it is practise'd by some authors.AL i.SId- !+Hi LEN . 10U AND CH


- IL B.

E. G. KUEBI ERAvvn Arbr.Mich.


Ilaitll giIl;g board of AIM stock (A' change of'lloscow-left to right: K rasoosviickov, 1i. 1llFv if41h,
( old nikiun and Comiber;


The stock exchange of Moscow, which is one of the most important factors in thle finaneial 1I ul
federation of Russian soviet re publics is irestoring t &- equilibrumn aif ter being, seeely slia(k,'u by dis .overyr
embezzlements of Alexander Krasnoschekov, president of thle Indiustral I ik.
,The latter was once a lawyer in Chicago under the name of Toban,;con. The -T'iCnm of Abus ate
to the revolution of his manipulations of bank funds in -thle interest or himself andl his brother. r oth haE-ve
n under arrest. for some time.
Th~e managing lhoard of the stock exchange, of which Krasnosehekov AsK: a member until his arrest is
JUng; the situation under the gen eralship of Goinberg, the president o f the exchange.


(Continued from Page P~our)
tic situation in the second, in which
Applejack and his pirate mutineer
cut the cards for leadership and life.
Bait he come through it all well and
sound, with the help of his wards, Pop-
py, and a trusty revolver, which he
kept at his side through it all. The
revolver provided him with safety,
the girl, with coffee and comfort.
The characters combine the charms
of the romantic and the realistic. Amn-
brose is pathetic, but likezile- wheni
he: is an Englishman of high stand-
lng, thrilling \0hen he is a pirate, and
consistently funny throughout. Anna,
us, An na. is fascinatig as a lady from
remote parts shrouded in mystery.

Lawrence 'Kan., March 31. - Auto
tourists who travel through Kansas,
this year, will have to pay a.(daily
fee of 50 cents for the use of public
tourists camps.
(Patronize Daily Advertiserr.-Adv.
"Hley, there! Aren't you a friend
of mnie."
"I certainly am. I'd do anything.
hI the world for you. Yes, aniy-
thainzg "
"All right-prove it! Give me bad'y
that Eldorado pencil you barrow, aJ
last night.',
17 leads'-Y-all dealers


St. Paul, March 31.-(3y~A.l.)1
Wh'i-;ped into a blinding blizzard by a
401 mile gale, the heaviest fall of snow
inz the history of St. P'aul's weather
bureau paralyzed(lwise and vehic-
ular comumunication today.
Thr'oughout the northwest the
storll4s intenzsity was; felt buttreport~s
indicated it reached its height. Even
in Mnneapolis snow"fall waz nearly
50 percent less than here.
i$, in~ches of snow fell here from
noorn Friday till noon today but early
this morning the storm had let up'
somewhat although it was still snow-
ing. The previous record was 16.5
inches for 24 hours.
Arthur Taercer, 1 is I wo for~
reeveral years has !bn employed at
the North University Aeu.branch
of the Anin Arbor Savings :Bak, was
charged in a warrant Thursday .with
appropriatinig ,5, f, bankse
Kaerclher lives hhle ad's
disappeared fro~m this vicinity. TEhe
Bonding, company insisted that the
authorities broadcast a, descriptonm
and it is thought that hie will be lo-
ca<ted in a short time. While the
amount of the charge is only $150.
auditors believe that the~ total sb~ort-
age will reach the $2,000, mark.
Lawrence, Kean., March 31.--Muni-
cipal _utho'ities are devising a sys-
tcm I' j -.which inUormation, on 'stolen
cars and "wanted" persons, will be
distributed quicker and more effici-
ently over the state.
Da ilyvcla ,sifled for real realults.

'ce nter s or, if not orgaflize(l, can ;assed
M KIA LAS EIN al fromx the central offic e in byAa nn ALU i'U SUSLBSCRIPTION
Arbor. Aiulong the plans to; raise
OTERS OE T T9SIN AU UND nov'e'l has been the "O;ne 'U2~eCAM AINOTAS 20
f Club;" the members ot which agree to
gie 'to the fund l per, cent of their.
Comparison of alumni funds of other i estate. Over 1,200 subscription.- to the(,Mich,-
colleges with the alumni flund estiib- i _______ igan Alumnus, official pub~lication of
lished at Michigan show that Mlich 7 - i*the alutnani associa; ion, h1ave beaen 4e -
gan s lggig fa beind in te ~~'~f&L4I~~&~L' Icured by the association in: a re'cent
money subscribed. The alumani fui inJJ()l
of the University am~xountedl to $5,627 .- Wills'Offer Priz campaign cond(ucted aimong the orgmi-.
24 for 'the fiscal year ending Jine 30, ~ ized clubs throughout the country.
f1923, according to the report made To stimiulate interest, in 'tll formns'With a campus subscription campaign
by Roy I). Chapin and Ralph ;Stone, -ri reporting, as well as to better initiated Monday among the graduat-
'92L, at the ,director's rneeti'ng Satur- the general character of the work now : ing seniors and with a continuance of1
day night at 'the Union. being done, the officers of Sigma Del- the alumxni can';ass, over 3,000 more
Yale heads the list with a fund of ta ChI, national professional journal- subscriptions are expect(I.
over $5,000,000 collected over a per- l stic fiaternity i M cooperation with Setli H. Bidwell, '241,, Paul C. Bez,
rod of 33 years, Princeton comning the Iowa chapter of the organization, 25 'd, and John Rt. Carrigan, '24 L, were
next with a fuend of over $715,000 col- is offering a gold wvatch to the report- iselectled by the association to head
lected in 15 years and Cornell follow- rwoprfrstemotntwrtytecmaign on the camnpus and will
ing with a fund of $700,000 donated in piece of reportorial work in the twelve solicit every secnior excepting those
16 years, In the, west Chicago leads ofonhesengineeing tecollteo teenige who plan to
with ~~~~~~The contest will be open. to. all susrb -e~l oi, udo 8,0 olce nn h apinadutlJn
four years while Michigan in a: period During pprbr thttesecpin cf o ,as e ca mpig adgntl un
of three years has establish a fund sponsorer of the movement. All copy 1 pca rate ofmp0aigbenien
of less than a tenth of that amount. for the contest must be, mailed to: theI After that dlate $3.f10 ' will be charged,
The , fund was established in 101.f Iowa chapter of Sji~rna Delta Chi not]
followig a ,r-comendation by the tafer than November 1, and the dec-~ Iron ore owes its origrin to organic
class of, thatyerwhich confrilh.utc& ision of the judges will be announced acids 'produel by bacterial (Iocotn-: '
$3873.Thefun~d wa.s incorpora<ted immediately thereafter. positions.
in90 under the naine "T'rustees of
The- uros':" he fund is t o-
touh td, bme or in ascli of STUDENTS fPPLYLSTORE~
which' sal b ursed to pro no e the ~~ui nv riy A eu
welfare arld' usefulness of the llni- t.
ver sity. oili~v St r
The recently issued catalogue of the;
University estimated that the living,
graduates and nonegraduates number-
ed 55,017, To boost'the fund amiong SCHOOL MATERIAL. NOTEBO OKS, SMOK(E S
these it is sug gested that theyble;
reached through organized almni' -

S1500 awarded to prize
winners, from, 60 di fferent


- L i

. _ :

.Th,,e l 'wi*nning ~r adv ertzec-nts C)
PostumPrdcs cccd
from the 5000 s " t in

l l:

OnD 1Novembcr. 12, 19?3, the -Pos.lum a '.mpanyT annoUnled its prize
Advertise vent Wrilirng Contest. AWithim) six; weeks over ,)0OO different
advertisernrn is «ere sent in revecaling a very real interest in adverti-im'g
amnong eollege students arnd a surprising fanixiliarit'y xith Grape. -Nuts"
Post T oasties and Post Bran Flakes.,
*We are very glad to announace the following prize winners:

First Pri e, 00--- . I1.Lebensbutrger, Uiversityv of Pennsylvania
oSecond Prize, c )-Raymond A. Steven., Srac tre Univerity
1Third Prize, $c 75-.T. FL OVCIles,Stanford University
Fourth Prize, $ 5- C. Beesey, Jr., Princeton University

+, .
_ .
r ,- -6.x.5 S
,a r:' ,.c

' 1!

SNeatly combed, well-kept hair isak
business and social asset.
STACOMB mnakes the hair stay combed
in any style you like even after it has
just been washed.
STACOMB-the original-has been
used for years by stars of° stage and
screen--leaders of.'style. -Write today
for free trial tube. 1A WO
Tubes-35c "'Jars-745c ,
Insist on STACOMB-in the black,
yellow and gold package.
For sale at your druggist or wherever
toilet goods are sold.
Stn ar boratorles,.1nn.
S3West 18th Street, New York City,
Send coupon for Free Trial Tube..
113 West 18th St., New York City. Dept. 1


Whta al6fadif e
just ents"
v 4' t
F), ..-all the di fference
between just an ordinary cigarette
and-- FATIMVA, the most skillful
ii blend in cigarette history.

Amherst College H~owkard Ketcham
University of Arkansas 'J. Chas. Linthicumn
Baker University Vernon W. M~cCune
Boston University Paul W. Sampson
Broaddus College ' Allen Crislip
Brown University S. Norman Gourse
Butler College Gerald E. Woods
University of California Miss N. Bunker
University of Chicago Oliver Perry Petran
Colgate Ulniversity G. 11. Faulkner
Cornell University J.:lEdgar Myatt
Dartmouth College James W. Taylor, Jr.
Davis and Elkins College Mildred W'aters
DePauw University Silas B. Reagan
Harvard University Milton B. Glick
University of Illinois William P. Lindley
Indiana University. Marjorie Binford
State University of Iowa C. C. Rudkin
Iowa State College Hobart Beresford
The Johns Hopkins
University Phineas Smoller
University of Kansas Ellis Van Camp
Kansas State Teachers
College Hiram S. Davis
Kansas Agricultural College 'Theodore L. Bayer
Keuka College Mildred L. Wolcott
University of Maine G. M. Robinson
Marshall College Lafayette Hutchinason
Mayo College of Commerce Raymond H. Pieper
University of Michigan H. P. Bundy
University of Minnesota Victor R. Portmann
University of Missouri James WV. Price' ,

Middlebury (College a
i lniversily of Montana
University of'Nebraska
U'niversityi of North
University of N\orth Dakota
Northeasternu tniversity
Northwestern 1UniversityV
-f)ialio ma. City CoIlle
University of Ok1tlhom1a
Oregon Agricultural College
Ohio Stale ltsiiversity
Penn. State College
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton University
Ripon College
Smith (College
Stanford University
Syracuse University
University of Texasj
University of U~tah'
University of Washington
Western Maryland College
WVest Virginia Wesleyan
West Virginia University
Williams College
William &'Mary College
University of Wisconsin
Yale University

L. TJ. S. Brody
(:lirles Tl. Evans
nihuris ,1.Tierney
It. Donl Innis
W. Homer Kelley
Jessie Gertrude Stel
Samel Merrill
Mary 1. skeeln
T. I". Morton
S. I. Lebensburger
.I. C. Wleley, Jr.
Chaurles N.Mella
L~etr iluzrt
Hlen We11 dekamitn
Janet Payter
J. E Loveless
Raymvrond A. Stevei
harry E. Moore
It. C~. Davy
Hlelene Cole
J. L. Weihrrauch
Edna AMiller
C;. M.' Morgan
Iherbert A. Dalmas
Lawrence NV. Slierri
Harold H1. Laskey

In addition to the above, pl'wes ,Of $25~ have been awaf'(e the follow-
ing students in 60 different colleges for tibluittin ; the best advertise-
menit from their owen college or university:

lana S . hat horne
Walton Al. Whitworth
IBoy J . 110l1511

itt "

h'le advertisement winning the first prize will appear in the first issue of next week's paper.
The Postum Cereal Company

:r:....... .,,..



. .

.e,.. .e...
,. .. .

Tomorrow. Ni'ght and Frioday, Aril4th

,. ., r



amn App1e -Jack


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