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February 15, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-15

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In competing against the swimm!
FveAnt At Illinois Only Three team of Northwestern university
ks Off; Trials cheduled 1 the city Y. M. C. A. pool tomorr
For Feb. 23h afternoon at 2:30 p. m. Michigan ta

Wild Goose Chase May Prove Profitable;
N E i)2.A4 L. . - f '1's . ' . . JUI1JSK IIuJ OFF O

t '' WS L i


{ I

men are meeting last year's Confer-
IS AND CHICAGO TRA once champions and probable chain-
MEAMS OFFER CO3IPETiTION pions for this year.
In swimming encounters thus far
a scholastic difficulties safely this season the Purple have easily
hind, Michigan's Varsity track vanquished all opposition and all in-
s training hard. in preparation dications point to another title for the
e opening of the indoor season Evanston school., Every meet thisI
Illinois relays three weeks season has been won with ease and
tomorrow's meet should furnish someI
-Ifast water performances. Howell, a:

bLished in tneir new lea It _ -
t the Yost field house during
d semester recess, the members
squad are gradually getting ac-
Ld to their new surroundings,
e once more repeating the per-I
ices which they made duringL
t two weeks spent in Waterman
sium. Steve Farrell is making
effort to have the men in their
>rm for the Illinois relay try-
'eb. 23, when the menmhers of
uad will engage in an informal
a1 for the :-ght to attend the!

Purple dash man, is a world's record
holder and in every meet this season
he has come through with highest hon-
Coach Barnes, Michigan swimming
mentor, has not as yet made any defin-
i c hoice of his entrees. The proba-
bility is that Gow, Johnson, Kerr, and
Vaupre will take cane of the dash e-
vent, In the plunge Kearns and
Seidmn are almost sure entrees. Pa-
pe gutl Milnel', and Wittingham will
do the diving and the latter will also
enter the breast stroke event. The re-
lay team will be picked from Gow,
Johnson, Kerr, Vaupre, Wittingham.

, eOther Entrles Stroig
Ihe Wolverine squad will h7ave its
nds full when it stacks up against
e competition which the Illinois
et will afford this year. Chicago
d Illinois both seem stronger this
ir than they have been before in
reral seasons. Chicago, in trounc-
r the Purdue team last week, dem-
strated its all-round ability and sev-
I events were won in record time.
is likely that the Midway team will
>ve strong competition for any
in in the Conference in a dual meetj
s season, and it is likely to make!
good showing n th larger affars.
.llinois will be another school to
a.st a strong combination this year,
greatest strength lying in the nun-
of capable performers on the
uad rather than in tht ability of a
all number of stars. Harry Gill,
kch of the Indians, is determined
take Michgan's' scalp this year at
ery chance and the 1-2 point victory.
Michigan over the Illini last year.
still an'object for conversation in
Urbana camp..
Wolverines in Form
f the Michigan team maintains the
ce in the coming meets which it has
own in the practice sessions lately
will prove a menace to the chain-
nship aspirations of any team in
West. The ability of a smallI
wd of performers is the one thing
>n which the squad will be forced
rely under the prsent conditions)
1 Steve is making a hard effort to
a larger number of dependable
n who will be able to take points
.h second and third places, a nec-
ity if the team is to win dual.
ince the squad has moved to the
d house it has been handicapped
the condition of the floor and per-
'mancs have not been quite up to
ndard except in the field events.
e eight lap dirt track which is laid
und the outside of the basketball
irt is still soft and although it is
good condition for light practice
footing is not good enough for re-'
ding breaking performances.
?ractically the entire squad came
ough the final examinations with-
losing any members on account
ineligibility and although final re-]
ts have not been received it is un-
stood that with one or two ex-
tions every possible point getter
the squad will be able to compete.
'atronize The Daily Advertisers.t

Y - .
isver re m VntGrETRPFime
' ! { tMany of the teams in the fraternity
Nine Players Taken By Coacl Barss; basketbal tournament went into the
Henderson, Anderson Graduate; final, last night in tht games at Wa-
^Maeuff Ineligible terman gymnasium. The small num-
x___I lg eher of l ague game remaining will be
.. B G. - played tonight and the first few days
MEET BADGERS AM) GoPHERS of next week.
E Az: IN TWO GAME SERIES Class basketball is attracting a
:" commendable number of athletes this
x Coach Barss and nine players of the season and most of the teams seem to
'sMichigan hockey squad left yesterday be evenly maclied and many battles
! afternoon for their annual trip to Wis- royal will be staged before the initial
O honor is won.
-twgonsin and Mnesota, where they will nh y a few games r main to be play-
play two games against each of the this week and are as follows:
twoschools, returning about the mid- ' 7 oc'lock tonight, Chi Phi vs. Trigon
d weeigmaAlpha Mu vs. Kappa Sig
nextwka, Theta Xi vs. Cygnus, Kappa
SThemen who left on the trip are Nu vs. Sigma Chi, 7:45 o'clock, Alpha
aCaptain Kahn, Peterman, Reynolds, Delta Phi vs. Theta Delta Chi, Alpha
Beresford, Todd, Quirk, Weitzel, Lind- Chi Rho vs. Phi Chi, Delta Chi vs.
SCFIASEM.Xi Psi Phi. Nu Sigma Nu vs. Phi P1,
KID rA\< strom, and Levi. The coach made his 8:3, o'clock, Sigma Phi Epsilon vs.
W1VPAAF -ia selections after pra lice Wed-!8:0acok graPhEpinvs
esdIay nigh The vers wil Alpha Tau Omega, Zeta Beta Tau vs.
Delta Sigma Pi Phi Beta Delta vs.
f};counter their opponents without the Psi Omega, Delta Sigma Delta vs. Tan
services of Henderson and Anderson, Epsilon' , 9:15 o'lock, Psi Upsilon
who have graduated, and MacDuff, who Peers
was declared ineligible at the last min- vs. Phi Epsilon 1, rvs. Tau e-
1ute. MacDuff, who is a brother of last ta Phi.
-'ayear's captain, had been showing good
form, and Coach Barss had counted Approximately 45 teams have en-
tered the annual fraternity foul
! -- enhm o acpabe sbstsute
I Mee Hdgers Todayan Tomorrow shooting contest which v will start
I. - -- Loren lturcliison in action Th"ovrnswilho pwt I within the. next two weeks, the def-
The Wolverines will hook up with inite date pending final decision.
Muskogee, Okla., Feb. 14.-Chasing throughout the city, and became the chison while he was in grade school Wisconsin today and tomorrow. The a few have signed up for the
a goose revealed, if it did not develop, biggest sporting event of the day. here declare that catching a greased Badgers are out to avenge their defeat all-campus tournament for the foul
the sprinting ability of Loren Murch- School was turned out regularly every pig is an easy task compared to laying at the hands of the Michigan sexte& shooting stars, according to present
oFriday afternoon and the youngsters hands on a frightened goose-especial- earlier in the season. On their trip reports. Numerals and sweaters will
ison, famous dash man, who next to would shed their stockings and shoes !y one with a long running gear, and to Ann Arbor, they lost one game and be given to the high man in the
I and prepare to chase the goose. especially trained for his racing ail- tied another by playing one of the event.
is considered the best entrant America It was not known whether or not hies, as was the one possessed by best defensive games seen at the Col-
has for the Olympic games at Paris Murchison, pere, found out his son Murchison, Sr. While the noble bird iseum this year. Captain Johnson was All senio hit' who have had cx-
this summer. was the fleetest lad in town before le had his wings clipped so he couldn't especially efficient at checking the
The story of how Murchison, then started his stunt or not, but it is leave the ground, the gait with which rushes of the Michigan ice athletes. quested to be at Wineberg's coliseum
a lad of 13, first became famed in averred by those who competed against he moved could not by any stretch of I Since the Notre Dame contest, the at 7 o'clock, tonight, for the game be-
his sprinting ability, being told around young Loren that he won most of the imagination be called a waddle. Varsity pucksters have shown greatly tween the senior lits and the soph
here by former school mates of thee red topped shoes-until Pa Murchison After leaving here, Murchison went improved form over that of early engineers.
lad who remember him as he went to barred him in a spirit of fairness. to St. Louis and later to Chicago, and games. Against the Irish, the Wol-
Sequoyah ward school here in 1912 But the episode of the goose first his latest sprinting ability was deve- verines displayed excellent team work, Puck chasers among the diferent
and 1913. brought the young redhaired lad into aped in athletic club competition there. as well as an impregnable defense. classes will burst into action at 6:30
It seems that in those days Mar- prominence as an athlete. After that Then for several years he was not They took the lead in the first period, o'clock tonight, when the first tilt of
chison's father was a salesman for lie was sought as a member of the heard from until the last Olympic and then fell back, contenting them- the annual hockey tournament for the
a "Blue Goose" make of shoe, which Sequoyah football team, where he games, when he was on the American selves with holding their opponents in classes teams will be held.
featured the well known red topped played halfback with Leroy Deck, now team. check. The Notre Dame performers Little dope has been secured up to
boots which formerly were the pride a star with Southern Methodist un- Recently word has been received by were unable to break through the the present time on the comparitiv
and joy of all tow headed youngsters. jversity, champions of the southwestern Fred Murchison, his cousin here, that Michigan defense, so well did the Wol- merits of the aggregations that will
And the favorite advertising stunt of the conference last year. and he also won Loren is to receive a large sum for a verines play their men. Against the make a bid for the title and the cov-
old man was to tie a-blue ribbon more glory as shortstop on the school 4 series of articles telling how lie devel- Badgers' Barss' aggregation will have eted rewards, but it is certain that it
around- a goose's neck, turn him loose baseball nine and naturally was the oped into a great runner and dope to play fast, rushing offensive game if will measuire up in every respect to
in front of a flock of kids and give the leading representative on the track, stories on the Olympics. But local they are to get through the tight Wis- last year' successful event.
I Following is the hockey schedule
one who caught him a pair of the afoe- where he never found his match for ; friends of the fleet young men are bet- consin back wall. for this week: 6:30 o'lok, tonight
said red topped shoes. short distances. ting he doesn't include the episode Gophers Are Strong fr tineer. f:es i7clock
The goose chases were famous Those who competed against Mur-,of the goose. The Varsity is also in hopes of trim- juniorengineersvs achitets, 7 oclock
ming the Minnesota team in the Mon- o'clock, senior hits vs. soph engineers
. ~~~~~~~ay and TuesdaygaesTh O'cok eirft-vsp nier
roach Sullivan Issues .F inal out this drill no entree will be consid- -d a games. The Cop-06:30 o'clock, tomorrow night, junior
O/cN sscrseFdn hers have one of the strongest aggre- its vs. senior engineers, 7.,o'clock,
There are no heavyweights to{gations in the West, and have not yet winner of fresh engineer-fresh lit
Call For m en In A nnual Show speak of out for the squad and Suli- been beaten or tied. Against Wiscon- game vs. winner of junior engineer
vaxn urges all big men who have any sia the Gophers ran wild, winning by architect game.
boxing ability a all, or who wish to scores of 4-0 and 5-0 in the two games
Preparations are being made by and mental training that is invaluable I learn, to report to him in the immedi- played. However, the vast improve- Entries are now being accepted at
"Ted" Sullivan, boxing instructor, for to the proper development of any man ate future. ment in the all-around play of the the Intramural office for the annual
Michigan sextet will make it difficult foul shooting contests for the frater-
the annual boxing showr which will and in its various phases adds mater- ~frte xrlcst eueavcoy iisadtecastas
"b7ac0" ILLAN WILL NOT for the Go'hers to secure a victory. nities and the class teams.
take place about March 17 either at illy to the general efficiency of theATA A ATE--------E.---In the fraternity tournament there
Waterman gymnasium or at the Yost participant. Boxing is a man's sport CTwill be a team of five mien from each
field house. and tht ring is the best medium Iouse. Each man will throw ten bas-
Sullivan is anxious to have more through which this manhood vin be L ouisville, Ky., Feb. 14.-Bo McB kets and the aggregate score of the
men come out and train for the show1 ascertained Come on out fellows andi Millin will not coach Centre College's five members will be taken Th fi t

Freshman track candidates will com-
pete in a track carnival tomorrow af-
ternoon in the Yost field house under
the direction of Coach Hoyt. These
carnivals will be held each Saturday
as a means of ascertaining the abil-.
ity of the various candidates.
Coach Hoyt is gradually rounding
his men into shape for the first tele-
graphic meet 'which is scheduled to
take place in the near future.
Illinois has been in communication1
with Hoyt concerning a meet and al-
though as yet no definite arrange-
ments have been made it is expected
that a triangular meet between Mich-
igan, Illinois and Wisconsin will be
held some time during March.
The yearling track squad this year is
well balanced and almost every event 1
is well taken\care of by men of more
than usual ability. In the sprints Hoyt
has Sterling, Hester, Northrup and
many others who are capable of step-
ping a fast 50 or 100. In Lasser the
coaches have a man who has already
demortstrated his ability in the low
hurdles and who has more than ex--
tended the Varsity hurdlers.
Northrup and Prout perform consist-
ently in the pole vault and Weekes is
about the best bet in the high jump
event. The best milers are Jung and
Hornberger both who have turned in
some excellent times for the long run.
Lovette and Munns are heaving the
shot a fair distance aiid show promise
of further development.
The squad practices every afternoon
at the Yost field house with the Var-
sity squad and time and again the
yearlings put up a good enough exhib-
ition to make the Varsity tracksters
do some tall stepping.
Dublin, Feb. 14.-The authorities,
city and Free State, are being besieged
by tens of thousands of men out of
work, the vast majority of them sol-
diers recently demobilized.
It's true efficiency to use Daily
Classiefieds-Adv. I



which he hopes to make even a bigger
affair than the one which he con-
ducted last year. This year has seen
an increased interest in the sport and
although there have been numerous
men whp have reported for instruct-
ion there are always places for more.
In commenting upon the value and
general usefulness of a good know-
ledge of the 'manly art" Coach Sulli-
van said, "Boxing in itself is as ex-
cellent and interesting a sport as is
offered on the athletic curriculum of
the university. It involves a physical

let me help you learn to handle your
Next month's boxing show from
present indications should be a great
success. Any student is eligible to,
participate who has had the necess-
ary training. All men who are i-
terested in competing in any of the
events should report this week to
Sullivan for the necessary preliminary
training without which no man will
be allowed to enter the ring. At
least four weeks of supervised drill
is essential for participation and with-

itL; LL YT ii LVE (AlWl V 61a, th VACGeVld
football team next fall as the Trustees 1Adca tidaes r or a 2in fclo
deie)o oak cilnt ra and outfield report at 2 o'clock i
decide. not to ask McMillan to break today at the Yost field house.
his contract witn Centenary College. R. L. FISHER, j
It was intimated that McMillan would! Coach.
be offered the job in 1925. 1__

-1 iaa o~ p V IL UiL .nu . 1le lrsF
round will be considered as the pre-
Liminaries with the stipulation that the
ten highest teams will battle it out for
first place in the finals. The -same
rule will hold for shooting in the
(Continued on page eight)



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