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February 15, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-15

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. ., q , h ,

Mu .. X.

Collects Violins For Hobby ;F N PI N F TIN r


1I'n '. Stuan Nidenit "Les Inter-,
este,1" Tlia Bi th hItBut Just
s G ourd lr.'I
~While Dr. Philip J. Dick of the Med-o
ical school is teaching in St. Barthol- i
omnew's hospital of London university f'
his place here is being filled by Dr. J.$b
I13. Humne, M.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., senior '
surgical assistant and joint lecturer sr. x.
in anatomy at St. Bartholomew's.
In an interview with .a Daily report-jp
or, Dr. Hlume enjoyed himself at thet
re porter'si expense, when he was ask-
cd whlat- the letters signified. "Well,"
hec siil ed, "the M.B. is for Bachelor of'
Y~Edicine; the B.S. for Bachelor of Sur-
geiY, and the rest is Fellow of the Roy-
al College of Surgeons." j
Is Oldest lit World
Aykced about St. Bartholomew's, he>j
s;;,tod that if. was thought to be the
oldt hospital in the civilized world
being 'S01 years old. "Of course, you r
'umderstand," he Paid, "that it is much !
larger than this hospital, and but one
college of the University of London, r
whose medical students alone number
more than 5,000. It has 750 beds. The
s+ l- cnts at' St. Bartholomew's number
about 700.
"For a eail place the work dons
Isere i e xcephtional," he stated. "I wvas ::..
mucih impressed by the variety of cas->
cs anid the thoaroughness and care ,: r r "
'with which they are investigated and_______________________________
treated. I was also imipressed great-
ly it tje ig dere o copea- Ef rern i balist surrounded by his collection of violins and (insert) ;
tion]IbeITeen the various departments. l~ 3.O ide
'.['ie ystemn is more highly organized. Efrem Zimbalist, famous violinist, is considered to have thc world's fin-
tlan in England. "est collection of violins, among which stands out preeminently the " <Titian
"1'e, haps the thing that impressed Stradivarius," so called because of its color, for which he paid $=33,000,
rie inost," he went on, "is the X-ray Zimbalist prizes this violin so highly that he kept it constar tly by his side,I
work conducted here by Dr. H~ick~ey. I encased in a life preserver., on the trip home from Paris w~uere lie bought?
consider it far in advance of anything the instrument.I
in any of the London hospitals," The masterplayer's collection is ri valled only . by that of A. Waddel, a
Treads Lightly Glasgow sausage maker, who does no t play aniy of the strin-gedl instruments
"Do you find the students 'here 'su- in his collection, nor will lie allow C~iy artist to touch them.
perior or inferior to those in Eng--
land?" Dr.,flume was asked. The doc- I
tor struggled to suppress a smile while D o0 }Y Kino wv- University C. ur . I
he formhulated in his-mind a diplomat-
ireply., then it came. ,-- ikt Elects Officers,
"The system of medical edcain 'Ta 7,0 tceshv enor-~
the third and fourth years (differs 'dered printed to take care of the ex-'
~from that in England inasmuch as stu- pected crowds at the Union fair?N v0lirsee2ltelb hIo-
densts here have not the same_ individ- That there are more than 500 active iv eh sit.y ChawbeIm;ofl Commerce at I heir
ual as sociation withi the patients in participants at the present time work- :n4et~ng ifN the Uni,)n las;t ii;ht to1
the wards which tends, perhaps, to ing on the fair plans. I take the Ahac(':s cat h: en \vh() were ratl-
diminish his Interest. But," he added That it would take one sign painter niated In l{Ftbruta r cor for other reats-
"I am sure that students when given a period of two weeks to paint all of1 ons had h) gI~ ceU ) their duties at the
~Opportunity in clinical demonstrations' the signs that are to be used in the endd 01 the !'~er at MacDonaldl,
and practical classes display as much fair? '26, was madi ve ht;ncial secretary, and
keeness and interest as their col-I That the program to date includes 'Aallh A. 1 -rtii,'5 and Iloward L.
leagues in England.", more than 75 side show am~usemhents ill ' "hr;:~4, were e:, d directors.
--- addition to regular acts which are to-
Long-liidden Picture Brought Out be given and a general dlance for ev- 3 Pally clasiFied for real results.
Cologne, Feb. 14.--A portrait of Lou- eryone?
ise, Queen of Prussia, by Gustav Rich-' That 10,000 square yards of bunting ....,f..
ter, has been placed in the Wallraff- will be used in decorating the field
Richartz museum, after having been house for the occasion? I MEW1hs'._l

n9r fDA L'LIYlwood Fayfield. June Knl ;ley, Iind '"Ann Pocr -dotter" has beef
0 IT UI D RA M A l onald S nyder. Th'le ttage1 setting, as nouced the mo st outstanding pi
(( usual, is beinig de:gnd anale~itd inta the ClevelaInd Playhloll
i ine IPlayers' club will present their by the Players' WVorksh;op. ;-t WOs1. l. t rin s with it ti
firs RhI JM~ u~ ull-length play in several years'. Ia ledrcoienaioiof dr'
on Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, in Sar- 1~-uiiMa~ h 'a r-go ers alike.
University 1Cn in- a1 awl Angell hail The p~roram The Michigan ilehertoi'ythieater' an- (sheddby Katherine WVick
wil cosis. o aoroucton f . A ;puncs he jecnd j N, f (rolpi. wilhe the same as in the of
give their flr=;t ini- Milie's whimsical comedy, "The D~ov-'this .season,. "Anne Pellersdotter,." a laIyhouse production.
o rgari ration next ier Road." 'three-act drama. by WViors-Jens::en, on ----- -
AI Grange r's:,dainc- jThis play was a marked' success in Saturday eve-ning;, Feb. 16, at theWht Luenos Aires, Feb. 14.--Tlie
hoped by thie 1- New York two years ago, enjoying a ney. tine Athenaeum, a historical am
becomle an a Inual ,1run of over two hundred- performances A few single tickets for this play, erairy society. met in the Plaza floigteato' rvossa-my-silb banda h hte opoetaanttenmn
"nishied by Watkin's on's triumph, "Mr. Pim Passel By." box office. Price-s are $1, $1.50, $2.; street AGuaymlallen for Lumis
ewill be entertain-i It is a charming light comedy, touched There is no war tax. Firpo, pugilist.
>f vocal and instru- with polite farce in a few of its mildly ,
Refreshments will# extravagant situations. The threq acts !~
s nay he procured are played in the reception room of all n 2t
e. certain Mr. Latimer, a rich and eccen-'
-_-"-- tric gentleman who makes it his hobby
A hundred persons to stop passengers on the road to Dov- /
barged with illegal- ! er, the road which eloping couples O ',"1C r a
I;igrtefrm ItlyI from London take on their wayv to un-C h i e f'aar r
r eioutmaeymoral Paris or immoral Bordeaux., ro heYleNw
,d, to get into the The cast includes many of the more Fo h aeN w
competent campus actors, among them

For that 8:45

bsprint against time

i t. 1t"t,

A BIG night and an early morn*
ing class. Hard lines--but a
Rubberset Shaving Brush 'fn
help 2 ways.

Someone, probably an insurance
agent, was quoted, recently as saying
that from the mass of one hundred
college graduates one individual only'
rose to the Polo and butler class, peril-
ously near the top of: the financial lad-
der. Five othcrs became comfortably
off and found themselves after twenty
years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive their
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
words, dreaming about being a rich
man is one thi'ng, and making the grade,
is "'something else again."
Yet the ninety-four presumably work
just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their
business is the axis «on which a small
and uninteresting worts revolves. They
have become devotees of the dollar
and when that fickle deity deserts, have
nowhere' else to turn. Jammed in a
dull, straight rut of business they can
never leave the road and jump the fence
into finer fields of life. This, thenm is
the portion of ninety-four men out of
ivery hundred now on the campus.
The answer to the problem lies in
the proper choice of a career.

Between now and Commencement we
shall have something to offer can the
subject of "Careers." Watch for the space
with the Famous'Signature.
Sixty-one years in business. Now insuring One Billion Seven Hundred
Million dollars in policies on 3,25,000g lives.

" V .:f/ .: -.n. w"1r..ww ..ww~ V r ..rsr i " +,p r ' .ra .' r "P ' ~+ «


hidden since 'the latter days of the war
when word spread that "the Yanks are

.. M

March 1 has been set as the I
final date for payment of pledged{
f Michiganensian subscripti 4 .
Payment of the specified fiveI
dollars may be made every after-
noon at the Michiganensian bus- I
iness offices in the Press building
from 2 to 5 o'clock..IU payment
is made through the malls by 1
check, checks should be made !
),ayable to the 1924 _Michiganen-
siJan and a receipt will be re-!
turned. In view of an expected I
last minute rush, the business I
staff of the 'Ensian urges that I
payment be made as early asI

San Salvador, Feb. 14.-A group ofj
American aviators has started on a
flight to Guatemala City.
S Representatives from all fra-
ternities and campus groups in-j
I tending to have a, concession at J
the Union Fair that will be held
j March 7 and 8 in the Yost fieldj
house are asked to get in touch j
1jwith the Fair committee some I
4time this week.
j A member of the committeej
will be in the activities room of
{f the Union every afternoon from l
4 to 5" o'clock. It will be neces-j
f 1 sary for all groups to submitj
E their plans for sideshows this
f week. j
I _____

BMarvelous Creations from
coty, Houbigant, Guerlain and
other famous makers
offered in special
$1.00 Vanity Packages
The Eberach &son Co.
200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.




Subscribe for


Put one over

your Michigan. Daily!

on your beard

[I - . - i

*jr ,* r ir{'r



!- a





.~ Tmorning gv
it who's boss. With a Rubberset
Brush and just 9 seconds' tinme
you can slip so much lather in
'about the roots of each hair, that
every single one will have to
f stand up and take its medicine.
Only a wonderfully supple
brush ... having fine full bristles
with just the proper degree of
stiffness to give the correct mas-
saging effect. .. can possibly bring
such speed-such cool, soothing
comfort. Without such a brush
the keenest razor soon dulls,
pulls and scrapes.
Gripped in rubber-
Notice that Rubberset bristles
are gripped everlastingly in hard
rubber. They can't come out, get
in the lather-make trouble. Each
Rubberset Brush is guaranteed
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stay in.
Save time. Give yourself this
comfort. Get a Rubberset today
from any shop on the campus.
Made by Rubberset Company,
Newark, N. J., U. S.. A.

If you have not been
asubscriber this pre-
vio-us semester or are
entering the Univers-.
ity this semester do

R -.I

not fail to





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