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February 13, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-13

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ieY f I rI1 11- .

Mci1ntt;,i i ho H as Been Searching for
Observatory Site Sails
Feb. ';
Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of the
astronomical observatory, who has
been seeking a site in South Africa for
the University's new 27-inch telescope.
sailed from Cape Town Feb. 7 and ex-
pects to arrive in Ann Arbor about
March 15 according to lettersreceived
yesterday by President Marion L
Burton and Prof. R. H. Curtiss, as-
sistant director of the astronomical ob-
The expedition has been a success
according to Professor Hussey and the
oxperiments have proved that the con-
ditions in South Africa offer the most
remarkable sites for astronontical. ob-
Bloemfontien, British South Africa
offers the best site of any which Pro-
?essor Hussey has located. He expo'ct
to mount the telescope Wednesday.
Feb. 13, 1924 upon naval hill, so-call-
ed because the British had naval guns
there during the Boer war. The site
is the flat surface of a rocky plateau
about 400 feet above the surrounding
Professor Hussey said that weather
conditions around Bloemfontien are
unusually good. Only ten percent of
the nights have been cloudy during
his stay there, while according te
Professor Curtiss fifty percent of the
nights here are cloudy. Prolonged
rains do not often occur and most of
the rain comes in the form of thun-
dershowers. During his 39 ;lays there
1rofessor Hussey has seen only one'
shower. This was the regular rainy
season. The clouds of dust in this diy
country settle very quickly leaving the
air quite transparent. This condi-
tion is very favorable to astronomical
Work on the 27-inch objective is pro-
gressing favorably. At the request of
the University, Prof. F. Schelinger of
the astronomy department of Yale un.
iversity inspected the objective while
hu was inspecting some work which is
being done at the factory in Pitts-
burgh for his University. He reported
that the work was progressing satis-
factorily. The factor has assured the
University officials that the objective
will be completed early in May.

Ohioan Succeeds
Gregory As Oil
Lease Prosecutor

DoIyou want to attain a ripe and
CnI CSCOMPETlTIONS mellow old age? Here are some of the

Afiee Poierene
Atlee Pomerene, Democrat, former
Ohio c(.lleagrue of 1-larding in the sen-
ate, and now a practicing lawyer in
Cleveland, has taken up the work of
preparing the government's case in
the oil lease scandal with Silas Strawn.
The former senator was named as spe-
cial counsel by President Coolidge aft-
er Thomas W. Gregory, former attorn-
ey general, resigned because of the{
embarrassing position in which he was#
placed by testimony of Edward L. Do-{
heny, oil magnate, showing that Mr.
Gregory had once been counsel for the
Doheny interests.
Prof: Thomas H. Reed, of the polit-
ical science departjnent, is the authoi
of the latest of a series of Govern-
ment Handbooks, published by the
World Book company of Yonkers, N'
Y. The book is entitled the "Govern-
ment and Policies of Belgium". This'
series of books of which Prof. Reed ir
an editor together with Prof. David
P. Barrows of the University of Cali-
fornia, was started before the World
war and, as the editor's introduction
states, "was rudely interrupted by
Prof. Reed secured his material on
Belgian soil by taking up his resi-
dence in Brussels in the winter of 19-
22. In his preface the author, in ack-
nowledging his indebtedness, tells that
his sources of materials were Belgian
manuscripts in Belgian libraries, in-
terviews with leading Belgian profes-
sors, discussions with party leaders
as well as with the heads of the city
Professor Reed is also the author of
several other volumes including
"Form and Functions of Citizenship."

Final arrangements have been com-
pleted for the University Glee club to
enter the mid-western schools com-
petitions to be held Monday, Feb. 18
at Chicago. The club will leave that
imorning by special train and will sing
in the contest with thirteen other con-
ference and midwestern schools: The
winner of these competitions will go
to New, York city, and 'will compete
with the eastern schools in the com-
petitions to be held at Carnegie hall
early in March.
George Oscar Bowen, director of the
club, has chosen the twenty-four men
who will represent Michigan at the
coming contest. A public recital will
probably be given by the organiza.
tion this Sunday in Hill auditorium!
before the club leaves for the compe-
The Thursday following the club's
return from Chicago, the organization
will take a week-end trip over Wash-
ington's birthday, playing in Kalama-
zoo and Ailegan. Booth's dance or-
cihestra of Ann Arbor will accompany
the club, and will furnish the music
for the dance following the Kalamazoc
As general subject for this semes-
ter's Univeristy extempore oratorical
contest, the Bok peace plan was an-
nounced yesterday by. Norman B.
Johnson, '25, chairman of the local
contests committee. The try-out will
be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
Room 302 of Mason hall.
Any phase of the general subject
may be selected by the individual
speakers, it was stated, and each will
be given three minutes to cover his
material. Competition will be open
to all wha have not made the Varsity,
debate teams. From the results of
this try-out the seven best speakers
will be picked for the final contest
the following week.{
In May the three winners of this
contest will meet the winners of the
contest last seniester to decide the
winner of he Atkinson Prize contest.
A first prize of a gold medal and $50
will be awarded and $25 for second
Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler of
the voice faculty of the University
School of Music,.have announced their
intention of resigning from their po-
sitions in the School at the end of the
present school year. They expect to{
establish a studio of their own in one
of the !larger music centers.

recommended recipes:r
1. Don't use tobacco. 2. Smoke,{
chew and take snuff. 3. Sleep manyl
hours. 4. Sleep few hours. 5. EatS
everything - and much. 6. Chooset
your food and eat little. .
These have been selected from the1
dozens of recipes that appear, as in-<
terviews, in the daily papers. Afterl
reading which, the seeker of long life
decides that persons who live over 90t
years-and tell how they do it-are
either human chameleons or awful
The truth is that such people have
reached old age by the grace of God
and good hick-often in spite of their
One sure way of having more birth-
days is to give your body the same
treatment that is given an auto.
You remember riding with a friend
and admiring the smooth hum of the
motor. Your friend begins to act
queerly. He leans forward, listens
races the motor slows down, and then
apologetically tells you, "She's not
hitting right," and "Hasn't been over-
sil1- for a year.
Why not treat your own motor, your
body the same way? How long has it
been since you've had an overhauling?
Ten years? Don't wait for nasty lit-
tle knocks to develop. Don't wait un-
til you're ready for the scrap-pile be
fore calling in an expert. It's imol
pleasant to learn from the brutal.
truth-telling expert that a major ill
started as a slight, and perhaps un-
known, eeasily-remedied defect.
No auto is worth as much as your
body. Your physician is the expert.
A birthday overhauling increases the
number of birthdays. The rest is ur
Moscow, Feb. 12.--Six deportees, two
of them women were slain or died of
wounds in a clash of prisoners and
guards at the Exile barracks of the
Slovetsky monastery. Dec. 19, says Iz-
I vestia in an official report; cause not
given. .
Trieste, Feb. 12.-Mussolini has ap-
proved a commercial concern to ex-
ploit the Aegean Sea isles, as bases for
shipping Italian goods to Asia Minor.
S M T W T F 8
1 2
3 4 u 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 q4 26 27 28 29

R. 0. T. C. PlansI
Work on a new drill hall for the R.
0. T. C. has been started in the rear
of the present office building formerly'
occupied by the highway engineering
department and the evaporator labor-
atory. A new floor is being put in the'
large space which will be used as a
drill roon and an assembling point
for all members of the unit during the
winter months and at such timhes as
the weather is not suitable for outdoor
it is expected that a rifle range will
be established in the building for in-
door firing by the company teams.
The space will be suffilently large, it
is thought, for an entire company to
practice movements and formations
until such time as they will be able
to train in the opeo.
Moscow, Feb. 12.-Leon Troftky, war
minister, i.l at Tiflis is reported in an
improved condition.
Like to drink malted milks?
Sure thing, Old Top!
Then why not eat 'em_-
here's your chance.
Pure Malted M lk Bars
contain no cane or beet sugar
Safe for Athletes in Training
Right size for your pocket. Go
greatat the game -atthe show--on
hikes--at school or in your room.
5e - At All Dealers -5e
Send a nickel for a sample.
T 'Malted Food Company
Makers of
the iocomnpirable'fcuntan drink
WAU'kesha, Wlscooslu

(Continued from Page Three) I
was forced to bow to the superior
court strength of Gamma Phi Beta af-
ter a close struggle which resilted in
a score of 22 to 18 in favor of the lat-
tet team.
Only the last few minutes of the
game decided the fate ofthe second I
teams. The end of the first half was t
decidedly in favor of the Alpha Omi-1
o.ron Pi six but a basket and an add-'
ed foul gained by Ganimna Phi Beta
orought the balance of the game in
their favor. Elizabeth Pike, '24. in theI
position of forward on the victorious
team played a skillful game, while
Faith Dumaa, '26 and Helen Boorman,
'25, starred for the Alpha Omicron Pi
Alma Crouse, '25, Lois Miller, '24,
and Alleen Miller ,'27, the three stars
upon whom the Delta Gamma team
can depend, again proved their mettle



II. M. Nimmo, editor of the
Saturday Night will speak at tl
meeting of the Student Press
the University of Michigan this
ter, to be held at 8 o'clock
night in University hall.
Nr. Nimmno's subject will de
some chase of modern jomu
based upon his experience Zv
Detroit Saturday Night. He
garded as one of the foremost
lal writers in this country.
All students and faculty m
are invited to the meeting. No
Mon will be charged.
"Jimmie the adtaker" sells a

The business world is

in the g~mic with Pi Be
Roberts, '27, and Eliz
'24. played exceptionall:
latter tQam.

yours to work With
-not just one corner of it, but the whole
length and breadth is within your range
of influence when you choose Insurance
as a calling.
For insurance-Fire, Marine and Casual.
ty-touches upon every phase of business,
is an essential part of the most vital activ-
ities of commerce and industry.
As the Oldest American. Fire and Ma.
rine Insurance Company, so greatly respon.
sible for the present dignity and prestige of
the insurance profession, the Insurance
Company of North America urges college
men to give to this worthy calling the
consideration that is its due.

Insurance Company of
North America
and the
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
write practically every form of insurance except life



"" 111ill Itltnn+ sninn+rM...''
. slit
' i li lIt a9...1

617 Packard St.

Phone f'92

Students of economics, especially ad-
vanced students in business adminis-
tration, have been invited to take part
in the summer excursion and tour of in-
dustry that will be conducted by the
Harvard School of Business Adminis-
tration. Th trip will cost approxi-
mately $400 and will last four weeks.
The tour last year gave 25 students
the opportunity to study management
methods through personal visits to
industries and mines in the northeast-
ern section of the United tSates, trav-
eling in a chartered car.f
The tentative itinerary foir the trip
is to visit a few of the larger indus-
tries of New England first, then pro-
ceed to Pennsylvania, thence to West
Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, and Minne-
sota, returning by way of Chicago and
Detroit. Further information about
the trip may be seruced from Prof. Ed-j
mund E. Day, 105 Economics building.

(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)


" i !
' fil l {. I I .. .



James To Deliver
Lecture Tonight
Dr. P. E. James of the geograpny de-
partment will deliver an illustrated
lecture on "A Geography Cross Sec-
tion of the Middle Andes", before the
Geology Journal club at its regular
meeting at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow
night in G-436 of Natural Science
building. Dr. James has made a care-
ful personal study of the region, and
is an authority on South American ge-
ography. All interested are invited to
be present.

Written with a Parker by
K P.' ("Brick") Muller,.
California's great football ,captain

41,'. i
,i a
L I.I , I

,I,,rl -tf 111
"r'i1i 1
1 I 1 j~



Noother shaving
cream has it ~p;.&I~i~-
We want
a slogan
describing the hinged
cap that can't get lost.
Can you give it to us?
Williams'and knowhow
gentle and soothing its
quick-working lather is to
/ # the skin. Perhaps you
! haven't begun to use Wil..
hams' yet. Whichever the
S8 case, we'll pay real money
pp. for your ideas.
$250 in prizes
or the best sentence often words or less on
tevalueofthe Wllams'HingedCapwe of-
fer thefillowing prizes: lot prize$100; 2nd prize
ffi0"tothrd rizes,$25each;two4thprizee,$ii)
*aci~ s hrdzer each.Anyundergraduate
sonts submit identical slogans deemedworthy of
prizes, the full amountof theprizewillbe award-
ed to each. Contest closes at midnight March 14,
1924. Winners will be announced as soon there-
after as possible. Submit any number of slogans
but write an one side of paper only, putting name,
address, college and class at top ofeach sheet. Ad-
drs trs...to onte~ **st Editor 'I. I . Willisa


TGake aVLoo at This
PMarker DQ$
A New Banded Black 'en
e4 Special 'en for Students
Has large ring that links it to your note-book
or a pocket-clip-Free
THE idea of a super-smooth medium
priced pen with good ink-capacity
and a large ring-end to link to the ring of
your note-book originated with students
themselves. We acknowledge our indebt-
edness, and we know their idea is a winner
for wherever this new Parker 0. Q. has
been introduced it has stepped right off in
the lead of the medium-priced class.
Moreover, this Parker D.Q. is produced
by the makers of the Parker Duofold-
everywhere acknowledged as the fountain
pen classic. Not only in craftsmanship, but
in all mechanical features save the color
and point, it is like the Parker Duofold.Yet
even the point of this $3 Parker D.Q. is 14k
gold, tipped with NATIVE Iridium and
polished to the super-smoothness of a
costly jewel bearing. The cap is reinforced
by a strong metal girdle - the only pen
we know of, of equal size, at less than $5
with a banded cap.
Try this new Parker D. Q. at any near-by pen
counter. It is your idea of a pen - made to the
students' own specifications.



A If CII!,Ilh.. '


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I a 'j If I , ,
I llli hl N'I
/ IiII i'Ni

$,. ~i;;


You like to grasp a pen like this. It's
big. It's husky. It looks strong, reliable,
long-lived. And it is.
This new Wahl Signature Pen is a won-
der for college work. It never needs prompt-
ing. You don't have to. shake it. Touch
that flexible point to paper and the ink
starts with your thought.
The Wahl Comb Feed regulates the flow
so perfectly that the ink never floods. The
ink capacity is enormous.
And the everlasting nib-it's a marvel.
It suits itself to any writing style. Just
seems made for your band. It is heavy

14-karat gold. Tipped with the hardest
and finest grade of iridium that money
can buy. Experts say this ccrlasting nib
is the finest made.
Another big idea-clipped in pocket,
purse, shirt-front, or notebook, the Wahl
Signature Pen will not leak. The patented
cap-construction asaures this. The gold
band you see around the cap prevents
There are two big sizes at $7 and $5-
one for men, one for women. Ask for the
Wahl Signature Pen. Other Wahl Pens
from $2.50 up.


Manufacturera also of Parker"Lucky Lock" Pencils

Long or Short-Large Ring or Clip-Duofold Standards
Ciikins-Fletcher Drug Ouarry Drug Co. Students Su opli Store
to. ($ stores) Wahi's look Store Cushing's Drug Store
Chas. W. Grahau Sister's Bsk Stare 0. D. Morrill
(2 stores) Haller & Fuller

Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL CO., Chicago


Copyright 1923.
The Wabl Co.



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