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March 05, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-05

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5, 1924



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MAW %a , &W M1UN

- I will be a presentation of the two na
~IJLSS ifAM IONHIPtional programs for women, the Camp,
fire and the Girl Scouts. Laura Mey.
er, '04, will speak on the Campfire anc
. TR 016Glalys Young, '24, will speak on the
tN FORS AND SOPH(PI1100E S TO' 'Vocal group of Student League al
- RATTLE FoRIt [ASS the Matinee Mus'icale vvill meebat 4:1.
TILE o'clockto day ijf thOw 1 11 ~u
- ~to elect a group c1ha' in
'~The junior basketball team will bat,-
:#1e the sophomore sextet for first place FH e.T as
In the inter-class tournament atb 4," e o a s
;'coc toayinBarbour gymnas4unss
F dT6 Ass s
41hile the spirand feha teams
4111l face each the iiinth~e struggle for ZC~ . W O.Ai
.,econd place.
These contests will make up, the -
-hird round of the series and close the
inter-class season. tUniversity women;
:ore urged to atend the gamies and -
port their respective teams. Member-
:..hlp in thre Women's Athletic associa-
*.tion entitles women to admittance to
X11 contests. -



1~IL unri ~jj~jyi~ lind Girl Elected
TO Phz Beta Kappa1
METI ~ FILP, O L in but a Phi Beta Ka ppa in her
-- rjno year! Such is the record of
+ Th fist al cnt sw7imming meet 1±lorence Carlson, a student registered
airii IIIIThefirs al caousin the University of Minnesota and
ULIJUCHO ILLIR frv elt b eda li nvr ity ajo4ng in music. This attainment.
;Iw l l a k e p l aeLaL4 wc ocl, T u r s a y , i , h o u h t o b r ea'k blln ocoky T hu3rat t h ea yyY T v . C A . I t i lt! t oc b e s h r ebl n d , b u t "b e a u s o n y
Athlticas~ci ai ad idivitalareelected to the fraternity in their
PRFSSOR RAlRTLIETFT WILL A.honc ooitwilltgiven for partici- ijunior year.
)RaES$ MEMBER1S A IS pation. 'ile relaitive- standinfg of the Receivin credit for extra honor'
'1EING Four clarss will also"be 'announced. p3oints, she will graduate next June.
Th vns o h et il e: 21S ei aoigi uiad p ca-1Are you looking for your vocation, yWard free style; M0 yard back stroke; izing in piano, besides taking courses'
o1, is your vocation looking for yoUz?;140 yard free style; crawl for formu;I in Greek and Latin.
The Vocational club ha's'been founded' breast, stroke for form; relay race; ---
to. help the women of Mich igan find out diving-piain front, '. .)ain baick, and i actors C1losen As Ideal Hunsbands.
what bind of work they wouldr like to j front jack knif'e required, and twxo otJl!I- A doctor is the "ideal" husband. At
do. er styles optional, least that is what 17 out of ;45 girls .in.
Most, women look forward vaguely to, Anyone interested should sign up the senior class; at esyacolege

Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
} - - - -



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Have- you seen our picture of Yost
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Pictures. of all kinds of student int-
Eastman Kodaks and Supplies*
Amateur finishing of Quality

Junior Girls' play practices for this j
;~ekare as follows:
Today, at 3 o'clock, chorus 9; at
;o'clock, chortis 1 at5 o'clock,ch-!
wr2ts 12; at 7 o'clock; cast and choruses;
'for first and second acts. Thursday, ,..,
0t 4 _oclqclk, chorus10, at 5, o'clocll, :.
~,:cous aft o'clock, chorus-3;,rt 4ri-
,ilay, at at3 o 'cocki, orus ;&t F,6,
,nlock, chorus 4; at 7 o'clock; cast and=<:s
t~horuses for first and iecond acts. 1I SSan cff~Sot : .
fordaat-f ocrcst and.scccrts.Miss Jane' Scott, asSociate general
,.~ses frfrtadscn ds secretary of 'the National "Japanese
All, practices will. be held, in Sarab Young Womens association, has come
Xaswell Angell hall unless otherwise j to this country to got a fund of $250,
,Stated. 000 for building purposes in Tokyo
s and Yokohama.
SSigning out slips f~r February and The social aspects- of the disaster ,
'delinquent ones for January must be worry the people far more than the
hianded in by Saturday, March 8, at the loss of their material possessions, she
iAffice of the dean of women. states. During the period of danger,
r_ and stress the great courage of the
-Senior society will sell senior collars1 Japanese people made the community
4 t the candy booth in University hall morale much higher :than at the pres-
3froml 1 to 5 o'clock, March 13,'14, 17,, ene time when theo people are living in
end 18. TfrisK;i1 be the, onl~y place-Wt4 sudb Wreted ontdition ;.
I~btain these collars, which will be the The Y. W. C. A., by the request t~
:regulation size and shape. the Japanese government ,has, donatedg
1 f - , lumberfrqm nvihh len~w enporary
y Pi L azai34 Theta w il;no f pie t headquarters haive been construct~tU
a, eek. ; .for :he xoen of the refugee camp.
3rNooy,;iittiJ, ~ad Cfra;
EThe Girls' Mandolin club will hloid a l umber, Nr ;pQt ' crrmigated t
a.aegular weekly meeting at 5 o'clock to- rook, 'rs .besnt~ .omuch asS~
2znorrow in Newberry hall. th1 -
The chub eader~stringcus
.ill have its next meeting at 7 o'click' Tniethe ~acltal 'sels anything~
7 ,omorrow in Newberry hail. There (li;lY-- I

doing "something," a. something that jinimediately with Miss Elsie Erley
usually resolves itself into teaching harbour gymnasium.
school, but there are other things for
women to do and the purpose of tihe Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
Vocational, club is to,'find this other #
sort of work for them. The Vocational
club is conducting a series of discus-
sions on such work. The leaders are
women of experience and the aim of
the club is to put girls in direct touch I IC u.sIi
vvwith practical knowledge about some
of the fields open to women. e
The first discussion is to be on cer-YO
tain phases of social service work.
Prof. 1U. H.. Bartlett, of the department
of public health nursing, will lead the g'-not just one co
frsit discussion at 4 o'clock on Friday. lengyth and breadt
'in:the Y. W. C. A. "parlors at NewberryI of influence when
ball. All women who are particularly 4s p calling.
J'Aterested in the subject are cordially, For insuv.rance-F
'i-it t b e _ty- touches' upon
St in ord -Wrnnie x a c t t - isan''essent~ilpart
;A small leopard" with class numerals! hies of commerce
its sides 'is the mascot= of the jun- As the Oldest 'A
la"women of Leland Stanford univer~ rine insurance Can
sity. The animnalkrecenztly appeared on sible for'the presen
U ot basketball field. k the insurance prc
°-°____________ Company of Nord2
WAT H YO RS E men to give to td
TIV CH Y UR SEP R' jconsideration-that

at! stated in answer to a recent question-f
naire. Lawyers camne next with eight
votes, and the third, place was given
to ministers, who received five. ?

less world is
work with.







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Read , thee'-



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ThatS ho/vs Distinctio
When4' a college man or woman takes a week-end trip or i3
returning home for a vacation it is necess'ary to have luggage
that is serviceable yet smart.

HAT BOXES are needed by col-
lege women who wish to- have
the right hat for the right cos-
tume. They are priced $5.00 and
BOSTON BAGS in brown or
black may be used for an over-
night trip or for carrying books.
Priced $1.75 and up.
BAGS of the many popular leath-
ers in desired sizes are found
priced $4.00 and up-,.

SUITCASES are convenient
since things may be packed flat.
and because they may be slipped
under a berth! Priced $12.00 and
STEAMER TRUNKS are just the
thing for short vac-ation trips,.
They are priced $12.00 and. $15.00.
Steamer type, $24.50.
going home or ,taking a long
vacation trip. Guaranteed never
break trunks are priced accord-
ing to size, :$35.00, $45.00, $57.00
and .1-50.00:

- -


o. .

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