E astern olege Executives
A Discuss The Modern Girl
We hear a =seat deal of criticism; apply herself to scholastic work with
for sophomores, and 20 for freshimen IIa of thae modern girl. Men and women; brilliant results. Let's stop criticizing
l ju N ~UDIn this way the school work of the in-V5u9,U oWae aTte hadof nsttuion o the modern girl. I think one of our
'IA S tILULu dlividual and her school work may be lannarsueyia;teachers hit the nail n the head the
equalized.n nrlernngac jei i position to1 other day when she said that the
IW ISL O SAY e TALKS.I II 0 K MSS 1W NE know something about that young per-1 conduct of the observed was ait to.
" ,I3j l c !U' E I" son-the girl of today. Listen to what be reflected by the mind of the ob-
Athena To DISCUSS XER same of these people have to say about server."
LAKS 5OF w07MNXMEET AT NXA OilOSKaEdXPERT WILLEROR DECO Ahers .N a~rcepe ide Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, of Bar-
TITTLASSOCIATIOK N ie H N "'aval , reid n ard college remarks: "It is true that
CHICfAasarGOllge a good many of the younger generation
The current topic of the Teapot ' - what we need is to be infected with; (Continued on Page Seven)
'WW1l ingnies t get; the poi t ;of; view Dome,,affair will be the subject for dis- Unusual phases of interior decoir-; youth. Then we will understand bet-
othier deans and of the students in cussioni at ,the :open meeting, of Athe- Ilion will be the general subject '6 ter what youth is driving at, and youth 3M ilign Dames to Meet
e educational institutions all overj na Litrary society which will be held th etrswihMs dt og hn n a.Yuhhs' enlv The Michigan" fDames will hold a
e country seemed WQ be the attitude, at 7:1l, o'clock tonight in the Alph~ las. Deane will give at 4 o'clock. from Inug in a vacuum.; The 'modern girl1 regular meeting at 8 o'clock tonight -
sed4 , t e o a Assa t otn Nui rot m of University hall. The pro-:! March 4 to 8 in Alumni Memorial hailI sees all of life that sh e can see. WeI in the Faculty Womns' club house. F
=o Deans of '*omen in their ith reg- gra iss~ollws under the auspices of the A. A. U. W. cnleE great deal from her. WeveE Miss Barbara H. Bartlett, professor
94*uiair imeetiiig held last week in Ohlica- "History and Exnlanation of theI The topic which will be discussed learned that she has a fine mind, that! of tp4ile healkh nursing wil ad-1 -
go, according to the report of Miss Dome Scandal," Geraldine Masters, Tuesday will be "Home Making;" Wed- she has originality and that she can dress the club members. ..
larion H. Blood, assistant dean-of '26;I nesday, "The Home and Its Needs;"
try Evasion of the much discussed prob- gation," Helen Hebauf, '26; or Plays in the Homie"; Friday, "The9
em of the "Modern Youth" was also "Edwin Denby and the Part He American Home;", and Saturday, 4e MU1t.BEY
bvident at the conference, Miss Blood Plyd"Ete(Adro,'5 Keeping the House Awake." /_
I aid. Rather the deans were incIfn- . The subject will then be open to, Miss Deane is a member of the fir-3
ed, to discuss tiib problems on their general discussion. Visitors as' wellJ of J. C. Demarest and company, an in 2c
bam iuses; with reference to "what we asalnwmmesar n e oa-tenior decorating company in New.
,'imed to do 20 years ago." Indirectly tend. York City, and of the Interior Dec- i " a
Albert P. Fitch, professor of the his- oratosa association of the same city,-"': 3
tory of religion at Amherst college, She is also editor of the interior de-
gave his views on the matter when he1 coratiug department of "Today
%ad that every one is the outgrowtho Ic s Housewife." MIbss Doane, is a radn1,
bf the community, from which hey' ate of Vassar collge
owes and therefore can not be muh________________istfre °; ai Nw ate*
etterorworse than the older genera- for single lectures 7u cents. They have
tion. Junior Girls' play practices for this been placed on sale at the following0
;_''oaat4oclcchrs2;aean HAnIlton Speaks week are as follows: places: ,Foster's Arts shop, both ofSA P E
One of the most outstanding talks. Toat4o'lchru2;t Graham's Bookstores, Quarry's lre
n the opinion of Miss Blood, was giv- o'clock, chorus 5; at 7 o'clock, chor- store, Wah's Bpokstgre on State street ! Pranenly on Display at
nby Dean Jean Hamiltoni at the u ;at7occkchrs1in t! arthaCook and Betsy JBarbour dor-.~u
middy onn ssinwhnse dle parlor of IBarbour gymnasium. Initories, ;and 1-eemn eberry iious e.r UY WOQ L FOLK & CO.
~poke on "Social Problems and How W ednesday, at 3 o'clock, chorus 9; at The talks are 'open to the geueral.1)1-b- 326 . State Street
o Meet Them." She discussed her oclck corst; 7 oocklockr- He.t,.n Arbor, 1Ich.
'ubject fromh the background of her us12at7occk cast and choruses _________
kgeneral experience rather than with fo>istadseodats1hrsa, 1rs. Riggs Faculty Club Hostess IDeindb
lawy direct reference to the 'problems at 4 o'clock, chorus 10; at 5 o'clock, Mvrs, Henry Riggs is general lhos- i IEH UI
othMihgncmu.chorus 7 ;at 7 o'clock, chorus 6.k Fri- less at the Faculty *\ oe's chlu-;I° A D
"! Personnel work in colleges was tak- dlay, at 3oclock, chorus 13; at 4 0' house, 226 South Ingalls street this ROWAATWSTET 14ET2NS'~E'
en up at a dinner given an Thursday~cok hrs4 t 'lccs n week.. Monday, Mrs. Horace W' Klin-gH~TWNLTANOEA fOUS DW, KNcxxaoca Bvamo
evening when the various deans of choruses for first and second acts. was hostess; Tuesday, Mrs.rVI i" 'vrs~z NEW YORK
wcmen discussed the vocational work~ Saturday, at 71 o'clock, cast and chor- Gram., and Wednesday, Mrs. Arth ur J. -
mwhich is being done in their colleges,. ssfrfis n sodat. Decker., During March and April, s . [saiac
The general result o~~~ the discussion I All uractices will be held in Sarah hostesses will. not be apitdfu _______ _________
. vas a feeling that no institution Caswell Angell hall unless otherwise! Thursday and Friday, but tea will be
tasalnintiwokbtisbak stated. served by an attendant from 3:30 to
~ed up by all of the other colleges - 5:30 o'clock. Saturday 'will be :re- 4
wvhich have the same objective. Trot o nvriyGrs leIsery ed for private-parties. Any 111-{ :,I ,
-p"ga ensEtrti club will be held from 3 to 4 ocloch.b1oftecu wd'ihe o* r
Amog~ he-more scia evntsoftoday in the studio of. Missn hul clMMaude~ix~. m- ~ ~ XP
' He conference wasa -breakfust Nwgiven Kcni h c l Y isMue~a-boswl-b roie -"~-~
m..- - 1. r.; . t . M uaaic{. e. t l'I att2t ttJ> ,N w m l??::}I
.'ly h eichigdans werepn s en a=Des'boosgw ll b pr .1sedip19
t"Ihe Michian deens o en a.- '.orFeruaybnt clubhouse durinig the- :iorth and 6 Whro ,"
='ni d , o t nr siy o is ui deliiuquient'ozes for January must li men bers'aib f'wuted 1to eiijo y t eni. 'O ld :,w Y o"k" -
-hneinby Saturday, March 8, at the _______________:
; ormerly of the Michigan State Norm- ofieoftedeno wmn-'^ ________ "'""t ?? [~ou~Y~e~- w
.al college at Ypsilanti, presided. l__ I'.~ slA~~
In addition to i en'Harfi'ton and !"I , 1 . ,:r9Kx , L *i, ? 'ci~ ofQT Tt
41 is Bood othr Mchian dlegtes The regular weekly tea given for the I)~l~
3othe conference were Miss Zelnia graduate students will be held frajli 4,pTh? x rc
t#Otikdireet lh.MarMIN Cook:builds Al,:.:C~ 1 T $P '? lt4odl~ ~3Be"s.~roP
rous. s.Theopile RBack..and . ty4~ik5 "(I z '
bigf ,liMiss Hlen }ihop, director of.._,._1b>cn'c
{ ~MssP 'd Crocker will act s1
-L~e Perry, director 'of IBetsy!' BSar- -____ .----,
our house, and Mrs. Jlius 0. Schlot- tfIfi
er-beck. De I-I ilto is expeted I -t+? Arcade--Gloria Swanson mi "The-A E I, Hurning r x - -; t
,,,eet o M r rfi, '2, o tnor il m e i n asd lhMilr in " h
St nf rd_____IDii'_h
Atnotcemandtf liaeB. doay,'23, esiornai rnmeet nMils in nns.I ORA-s--b=l~
'betroll , dEiett. Newtn Is3,, intWeipcturenAir.
fadCleveland, to Dr. Kenneth M.ITh S'for w men' lt i bor_ rhem -Calsess in G e ay -OtherFeatires-
I h dl e c id e d aio f T ew m n s ay t eic o eg - jel s H l . IE L O P TO O Q U R
anybro h KpaApafatriyaec~neiinfreith ernwiter or r l."i e-Jns imarkab ledoi uble role n an ex- .FeEtuOOng
end Dr. McColl is a rlinoebr of Alpha spring quarters, but the Stawnodw-~ctn tr ftePrsa n
auOea en have expressed their belief, since (.zerwordI_________________
", nnouncement of the engagemient then, tat intercollegiate Competition Stge-Tlds Week
Miss Josephine Helen Gibson to -Coming ytokep Smpineies y,=-
tmr Togo,'2,wsmd atplans have been, made for them to IA~otiTakuti tr
~he Pi Kappa Alpha fraterliity House,ontm ie Whitney- Thursday,- ArthurIA otl--akno ----Sor
Iturday. Miss Gibson is a graduate _____ -amrtin's musical sac~: ___________________________
f the M arion L ouise W hith y train - - Prof.he m ee . s n t p a iI - - c es tW ld io xl"4 -s- -- - 2- - i-- N-4
'ng school for nurses, Dlodgett hos> Pr.of. Preston W. Slosson.. of the his- --1
Aital, Grand Rapids, Mich. t o TefWiny-Soy departmlent, will speaki TeI hte- aturday -"The Cat I
Kasa o *O-'igin of the League of Nations," at'z and the Canary."
-- The Adopts Point System 7:0 oclok Tursay-igh inroo
Te"University o Kansas has re- F' of the Law 'building. All Univer-. Garrick-Detroit--"The Fo
g ently adopted a revised point systemn city womnen are invited to attend. - -- s
~n regard to participation of wqmen in1
ft~mu* activities. -Points are awarded N -
"or holding class offices, working on
committees, acting as undergraduate
epresentative of the Y. -W. C.; O4 .mTHE DISTINGUISHED ACTOR..:
working on publications, tatting part
' Ai the style show, etc.« I
The scale allows a maximum of 60 1
~Valints for seniors, 411 for juniors, 30MI t It's a Niagara of RoarinPg Laughter!
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PhOnIc 130