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February 29, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-29

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ght Workout Ends Two Months Per-
iod of Training for Illinois
After going through a light work-I
it yesterday afternoon, 17 members
the Varsity track team who will at-
nd the Illinois relay carnival at
rbana Saturday werb pronounced
mady for the meet by Coach tevG
The squad, accompanied by Coach
arrell, the manager, and a trainer
ill entrain for Urbana at 8 o'clock
is morning and will arrive at Chain-
nign at 6 o'clock tonight. The squad
ill stay at the Lincoln bhotel at Ur-
na tonight and will start the re-
in journey early Sunday morning,
-riving in Ann Arbor at- 3 o'cock 1
inday afternoon.
In the short workout given the men
sterday afternoon, Steve Farrell
ound up the two months period o
eparation for the meet by giving
e relay runners a thorough drill in
ssing the baton and the dash men
ent through a few heats. The en-
les in the field events also took a
ght practice in final preparation for
,e meet. The utmost precaution was
ken not to let the men work too
ard because they will not have a
Iance to limer .up before the meet.
Winers to Oet MedalI .
Thea Iiuad hicshi will lea;e: tis
orning is one of the likeliest point
innuig ombnations in the ist ry
seno1l n f 'all of t i pr-
irmers are up to form they should
p a good number pf, ge inP
eet, in spite of the higl h'lssf
No official summary will be made
points wor. ~b ui ividuajachnl
it the final resuitswillfigre 1ar ely
any comparikOn of tlhevaio t teanis I
well as the individual performers
4tered. -Members of winning relay
ans together with individual 1oint
ftters will be &esened #t iwaith
Sa idmedal
Records May Fall
The relay meetthis year will take
pthe entire afternoon and evening.
he feld events and the individual
ack events, includingrthe dashes an
xe, hurdles will be run off in the
fternoon while the relay races, the
lost importantevnts on the pro
ram,~ will be .saved until evening.
h latter events will be watched with
terest by sport critics throughout
ho country as the Middl West is re-
uited to boast relay teams this year
hich will stand up against any in
e history ofthe sport. Times made
re -epe ted to .,onpare favorablly
'ich the reset :indoor records, 1?JI
iia particular meet aid also in some
asesawith'the natioi* marks.=
Feed A Foreign Student,
Support The Drive

Del Pratt Says He'll Settle BATTIN6 FEATURES

First. round matches in the
billiard tournament at the Union
will begin today, while matches
that can not be played off as
scheduled may be arranged at
the desk. Times for the match-
es todday will also. be given from
the desk as the participants ar-
Any match during the rest of


t' ti s

Hurlers Receive Coachnlg in
To Halt Epidemic of
Sore Arms




. 4 \orjnan E. Brown
OI Pira ttveeran infielder with th
Zier-toam, comesgtoigg-wih -.-plu--
tion ofrTy Cobb's knottiest problem-+:
the filling of the gap. t second base in4
,the:Detroit i'nfie'd
Del's soltiog ,is t oput Pratt bach-
In the belief that he can stage. f
comeback and ease the ianager's wort,
es pve1 that. saPk ,Pratt starte
training early at Hot Springs, -Ark.
Pratt's littifig was o: 'k. last season;

but Nathakept -hinmi o.ut. QC ,he l iineup
was 's poor fielding. Both he and
Cobb ttrfbtfted-Lispo ir 'sowing to
a sti ess~ih ia cleswhich hand-
icap pl him. in bending and reachiing
l4or if whic'h orcnarily
would haveeen uck-=soup.
Del .believes that this stiffpges has
left i~d that a long session of limber-
ing 11 will restore his fielding ability.
AsCobb's teaiTh tands now the
Georkian woild che"lustily were
Pratt; to return to approximately his
old-trie form. Cobb must choose lie-z
tweeft Pratt, Fred Haney, Butch
Burkb fund Johnny Kerr in filling the
post. Of this quartet Haney was the
best bet last season. His playing at
the key stone bag was not up to big
league measurements, however. He
fits in better at short or third.

the contest can be played off pre- Ii
Batting practice continues to hold vious to the scheduled day, and
the officials in charge urge that
the limelight for Coach Ray Fisher's this be done to hasten completi-
Varsity baseball squad that is work- on of the tournament. The win-
ing out daily at the field house. ner's cup is now on display at f
While the fielders are brushing the the cigar counter in the Union
dust from their batting eyes, the pitch- I lobby.
ers are toiling in an effort to acquire .s
conrol. Many of the hurlers havec
been out for only a few days and are
naturally in no shape to put too much YEA
on the ball. Fisher is forced to keep
careful track of his flingers. As -the
Varsity mentor wants to avoid n epi- TI
demic of sore arms in the Wolverine6}
camp, he has to spend much of hid
time checking the candidates for the Freshmen basketball men are hold-
Michigan mound corps to see that igdaily practice at the ild housE
they do not go to extremes. A few of ing
the hurlers who have been working under the eye of Coach Mather, Var-a
out since the diamond activities be- sity court mentor.
gan are allowed to put some "stuff" Mather has taken over the yearlingt
on the horsehide while Fisher looks team that he may become better ac-t
them over and calls attention to iquainted with his possible Varsity ,
their faults. material for next season and this af-'j
When the basketball season is fin- ter-season training, corresponding to
ished, the floor will be removed and vinter football drill, gives him an op-
the space given over to Fisher's pro- portunity to set forth his system oft
teges. An infield will be laid out, coaching and to correct any out-stand-1
and the Wolverine squad will have an ing faults that may be in evidence ini
opportunity to get in their best prac- the play of the first-year men.
tice before the outdoor diamond is Practice consists in the main of
available. This will prove a great ad- shooting from all .parts of the floor.
vantage to the team, as they will be After this practice the men form forf
able to get some real work on fielding floor work a'nd are drilled in spedy
at an earlier date than has been possi-i and shifty footwork. Pivoting and
ble in other years.. By thee time the dribbling with either hand, are bothl
men move out of doors, Fisher's ath- l stressed and the coach at times gives1
letes will be ready for the polishing the men short talks concerning these
off process, and the week or so that fundamentals. 'Many of the men have;
has been necessary in the past toget some trouble in geting the hang of
the men accustomed to the fligli. of "arch-shots' &end Mather sjgehds spine|
the ball on the. d-t can be utilized to time teaching the yearlings this style
better dva tger of sh6lii
Coach Fisher ets' t cut three'
or four more ie from the squa'd this Feed Aj-oreign Student -
wee.and his pu ils will probably bel
ready -for some .stiffer work in an- "Support The Divte
no ler'week or tio.

R 1 tlRL 111JUl111 LIIUL UI1---
Duplicating their feat of last year,
Stellar Guard Likely to be Held from1 Scarnechia came from behind in the
Chicago Court all-campus handball tournament dou-
Game 'bles and annexed the initial honors for
the campus for the second time.
KENI)RICK OR LANSDRE SLATED In the first game, the losers, Reilly
TO FILL PLACE LEFT VACANT ' and Bowers, won the inatch 12-21. But
the champions were not to be denied
With a record breaking crowd ex- and came back three times in success-
fill every nook and corner ion and won 21-8, 21-11, 21-15. The in-
pected to fild oeMichkan will tramnural department will present
in the Yost field house, Michigan will them with handsome silver loving
face the Chicago quintet in the final cup*.
home game of the season tomorrow
night, and the Wolverine chances for Only a few games remain to be
victory loom none too bright in spite played in the singles division of the
of current opinion to the contrary. all-campus handball tournament be-
Chicago handed the Maize and Blue fore the finals can be held. The con-
five their first defeat of the season in tests which are holding up the runn-
the Bartlett gymnasium and the Mich- ing of the rounds are O'Lian, 723, vs.
igan team was much stronger defen- Scarnechia, 1528R,.and Langlois, 3104,
sively in that game, when Cherry was vs. Jones, 280911. These matches
still in the lineup, than it is at the must be played by 5 o'clock, Saturday
present time. afternoon, or the contestants will be
Harry Kipke, Wolverine guard, may dropped from the -running.
not be in the starting lineup due tc
the severe injury sustained in the All men who expect to compete in
Purdue contest. If Kipke does start the all-campus bowling tournament.
he will be slowed up considerably ac must sign up by 5 o'clock, tomorrow
the injured knee does not permit his night. The first round trials will be
usual speed. Kenrick or Landre will announced in Sunday's Daily.
be used if Kipke does not start.
Chicago defeated Northwestern Basketball for the balance of the
Wednesday night and showed the same week is as follows: 7 o'clock tonight,
offensive power that characterized (class flup: dents vs. winner
their play in the first game with Mich- (class finals) upper dents vs. winner
igan. Barnes, star forward, was miss- of senior lit-junior law game, winner
ing from the lineup because of an in- wsenior lieducationunior engineer
jury but Smidl, who took his place. game, winner of soph lit-freshmen
proved the scoring ace of the Ma- engineer game vs. winner of soph
roons. medic-soph engineer game, 7:45 o'-
The play of Henderson in the Iowa clock, (society league) Camp Davis
game was encouraging and if he does club vs. Forestry club, Naval Reserves
as well tomorrow night Michigan wl
be apitio o lght tchegn vs. Architectural society, Dental soc-
be in a position to fight the visitors jety vs. Craftsmen club, 8:30 o'clock
from the start of the game to the fin (independent league) Alds house vs.
al wistLe. -Haggerty will play along- Saginaw-Bay City club, Barnes All
side of Henderson. These two mer Stars vs. Forman house, Agony, five
play unusually well together.
Chicago' will line up with Captain
IDiekson and either Barne's or Smidi
at forwards, Alyea at center, and Dug- The following men will receive num-
gan and Weiss at the guard positions erals for playing on the champion-
Michigan will leave for Bloomington ship hockey team: Blinco, McDuff,
Sunday night for the contest with Earhart, Comb, Cook, Peterman, War-
Indiana on Monday night. 'ham, Kaller, Vose, Heath, Neff.

Feed A' Foreign Student
Tryouts Wanted
All. men desiring to try out
f'or assistant baseball managers
f may report after 2 o'clock any
- afternoon this week at the Yost
field house.
} d s William White, j
Baseball Mgr.


f !

When you

see next, winter's

Showing much improvement since
their last game, 'Michigan's informal
bowling team defeated Yale 2545 to
2253 in a telegraphic bowling match'
Wednesday afternoon at the Union
Yale was off form and dropped
every game to the Wolverines, .their
highest' score being 7900while, the
victor's made 844 in"'their poorest in-
tning. I
Rump led the Wolverines as usual
and was"closely pressed by Locke
for individual honors. Morris, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, pushed, Walker,
Michigan, into second place for indi-
vidual honors in the Association as a
result of his remarkable scoring Wed-'
nesday when he rolled 244.
Syracuse is the next oponent on the
schedule for Michigan's informal
team. At present they are tied with
Minnesota for the first place in the
Support The Drive -

priesyo'l be gldyou
took advantage of this fi-
nal clearance of overcoats by
Hart Schaffner & Marx. Now


The freshmen wrestling squad
will meet from 4-5 o'clock Mon-
day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri-
day. a


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A , -;
N r .



Were 40 to $85.

Styles that

will be good next year

Reule-Conl in

Spring Oxfords


i ,

J1Iain at Washingto'






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