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February 17, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-17

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News From The Other Colleges


)N T.1



Prof. VWillia:n: 'H-. Hobb. o th7e
geology d(epa rtm~entill!eadat-
per alt the col)ven!iO n oi, P=an-1 ac;1ib
scientists to l)e held l i.: 'l;) i1i'f
andSyne, Astala.Aug;. 13to
Sept. 4 this ta ll, harving acceptled an'
invitation extend(ed to him b. - the of-
f eery of the Australian National Re,-
search ecouncil. I rol'essor tHob i ;s plans
to leave Ann~ Arbor in MATy and to re-
turn in the earlier Datrt- of October.
The aims of the con.vention, as stat-
ed in the announcemnent, are to "dis-
cuss and pr'omote concerted actiorn in
regard to scientific problems special1-
lyr affecting the indth 'triatl progi'CS ,
c mrnercial interests;, heall t andwell-
ljEins roi the Pacific 1peop ;les, and io
all peole uaud the Pacific (whiUch
ii; over hlf thr population of -tb#'
world r5 uby inian; of promoting tho
feelinlg of brotherhood among scien-
lists. whic h is; no meanm fact or in the
mnaienanrce of wiorld peace,"
(Centinuri fr-m lPa~ebe
inl circles opposed to mediation ,ni'r
those willing to discluss it v
cle adds fthai rir 11a; enff
in;formedl of the situation anld lfinW
"oss5ily in a fewv days6 deyd opient-J
7- r l b n ':jm tned to0 ,fr.) tc t!'
Ithat the Ge.rman gov rnmnt c"1. i
v',o tonthe nugh to -obtiain ose o
atitheguilinges robteblyanatb.
I ) utuC~COre wih iPrs designed af-
tr thmedanc~ietIEgyptan sye o r
chiteciureaill cost 5,000 i1 ': i
TALKS TO A'ued [I, 2U.2N'
lcir of he tgrpied ioi' iadres=ri the Al
nih.The subj ectRHofhis, tll was
"Mangemet of the w Egltrfni ' ltoe o
Therstrcturhseldhihis desigindaf-
maager of the Union se Jute 1Al-

illinoi1s-Four college students have !unpaid pledlges. TPhe -commnittee ad-
formed a new organization. The "Sui- vises the students that their pledges! Members of the Alpha Gamma Declta'
tide Club", and have announced that fare.. teadily redued to less than face sorority w-ill have charge of the. mati
the membership will be kept up to; value by the necessity of borrowingI nee dan~ce to be given f'rom 3 to s,:30
that number. The members arey all1 $200,00o on which interest must be3
engaged in chemical experimeL~uts o ' paid. The borrowed lmoney goes for Mrs. Wl Lias H. T'norgon.at Mor.irb-
anl extrelmely' poisonous or explosive ;actual sannconstruction. et. rtuM rs.. Ralph J I..Curtis, and
nature. I Mn C.Cu. ,rismore wl f 'as..,c
i1, shingi6a-Frosh who violateIat pt
I neSses forQThe ao ffair'.
1 F1 I---Dr. F. 11. Sheldon 1form erly; Fre.hfllhifl traditions are paddled by Mui;iliefrise yPu VI
inl the ministerial service at \fichli-' members of their own class. 'lhey sns rhsra ikesae$1acn
gawilspa a hae Snay not allowed to Smoke on the canLrj us, pl or 7' cen~.1c~ts a rsng e iS1t co-
mrorning. Dr. Shldon is now secass" 3tihe women or enter the audl-
tary of the Board of l~ducatioii ( tho tani by the iront door. ~ ed rmte(ac ilg oad
Cougregationral church of Bosto". tHe I- hefnd oe thLUivrstyof _ich-

has spoken at iowa several times. The would you i ea Vorta )( type-)_____________
sthject (f his 1(clelst year wai, jwVriter with a standard keyboard? trth ne seeerrgt A
"The Need o1 SF -control'. !Then its a Remington. Call Black, Remiington Po tuible vl ll h11(11,_ t
1aO I ie~tig 432 Thompson. 1128-J.-Adv. ca l2 lS-.J.-- Av.

lottery, AWillial'a Citin, re pr , eening
an In lianapolis --lothiaog comlpany.
Was placed undler arrest yestordlay.

Lawe and Medical. Books. at. Wahr's
University Bookstore.--Adv.

Lose something? A Classified in
classified ad 'will sell it for you-Adv.."



,_ m A

A ~: t~i b cii hi'Ia~i'lr li. lia~c e) r', lie Graiit P~ al.,.in aIst
v c0U :tBilg~ dp'ca"d:.wre ien I1a thrill (le0o f t' P- ( nAi I Behl o r a['£'encb
flying a(,,{ , landed his pliane inl tlhe slit ct bice he Cma"lPat;.'hen Ito ok his SL td beside the other ve~-
biclle ,walti g to i1 pavongcrs.;'a 1' ( nd)(armeie icouldna"'t co the jokie and B'cue3ler 'witas balheoi off .to the
city ~ai,,'' to :;uwr acoarge o vio 1W injj c~ y laws by lanniig anl amrp lane in the tIrceels. > is Bald to be
the~ .est11 ueun'shlv andnof this l'i md.

tQi.n2, it was
dhiting a"s
he's Ipay 0one.
have paid $40
this allrount rC
ditional suit
the dra}wing o
edl under $500
I mv a---With
star hurler,
tealn faces tIt
exp~erienced 1p
probable ofitl
and Marshall,
squad of las(.
aucoe red bet
s;OnL be.inls, C

A3 -Wan~t . rr g

e,7It1'. vta lr . (:#Ia S o i 'c4tl p50-^

asserted, has been con- ai!~HHHHHHIHHH~HUd~IIIHIHHHHHI~HHHHHHlIHHHH~IIUlH1i.
it club" in which }rn- : .. ,
dollar a week until tihe1i
. hveryone con,plot ia.: w
eceives one suit. Anuo
is given each w e:h I y.
ots. Quinn was }plac~ e t l toth
bonds. --
thel g":v4touof their " All winter, lowr and
Frohwein, the basebal
:e Coming season mminu,". high Nettle tons.
dichers;. rhte two most w
1u, tndidates are Duhm-
frt i the TFreshan ad 14Values no'~
year. Unless ia "mIIeid" I.13G.. $1
for'e the (:'cfwturen c,. sea-
lai reao fol :'i.' ;x.ted
its wore' distri ided o:)l '
! t o"a.(In I Ii's IIII4
rAi clture'',Ag20to so
to0 ''atihl'tie'. anll 1Rol.le -
.time 111'e erl ('il 1o''
," li''" 160 ~to ''speninig .~
Sttmn snI'tit by Downtown 108 So. Main =
committee inie'i~tC~tatt
(owO a total of $21,0)00 i =111 11ii itIH~l1111I1HlHIH~HIH1H1IIHItl

' y,' R

' f } l j i

Ji-;- r Iz lil !r V-'- i

('(lt i'sesol* :i ad y ili i' I oslab' a!t
tI1Le nliv''.'isy of.l 1 i;tigan :1 it'{ryKii
,tic 1(sl dby ltfcIlhef'5ortHle l cl1i-
s; , c.A50)ialtit1iic)of_ [tei al state 8a I o1s:
ac'ori'(i111, Oa 5ski'fflei1151010 v(;;'.1'
dlay by Louts ('. .11 11 d .\iAlm eArb'
r'eal to.
Accor'ding to) And rews, real ('Jti
111en1 throuigh~out the stawte, wl 80 a
gra ',iduo Los of the I 1.711ivorsity, and wh'Io
reailize that 1bEtter ,training is lleod'od
in the real estate htsin!_-s arie )ha 0.-
ing the p cojec't. At :Sit te convent ].1Oi:'
the pas~t two years, Andrew-) said, th
Subject of univ-ersity trainlinzg inl 'eal
estate \Vhl th.cssed.
"'Poo ofteon,'' And rows stail, "nne
cc m~ing into tih' real estate bu1si es:
discover that they are deicient in ore
Sched:ile in Effect October x£. 1922
CenralT 'ime (Slow 'Time)
D) x X D
K'\M. A.M. P.MI. J.IM.
3 :45 7:4.5 . Adrian. ... 12:45 '5:45
t') 8-.5 Te...'cumseh .. 12:15 8 :is
4: jof 8 :30,o . Clinton . . ,. 12 :00 8:00
5,:15 9:15 . . Saline .. 115 7:15
5 :45 9:45 Ar 4nn ArborLv. io :45 0:45
(Court 1'Ior.,e Square) A. M.
D-Daily, X--Daily except Sindays
and holidays. Friday and Saturday special
brs' for -students leaves Adrian 1 :45, leaves
Ann Ardor 4 :45.
JAMS 13. li;LLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M' At~rian, Mich.

cof' y '. li' M in collp ",i Si5 (I I Y ' Iifri
by far ii t ~;t'lcil tL'arry l::i
x C('/'':fl il('alsisof (te ."'Om Arlor'
S S OSi of I t' ' y'' he
fi boai't1 ltto 01w:2tl,,~
C 6' ii2v.i's tii tu v \''b05 1t () ,-abt i('
RAWlf'i )1s:.l~.; i o ['aof tMO'O,
of e 's.2! s o 2:''0daho>
Phfysi('s au 1galldI 'eof (t2 ia l'fi.

t:'' ' i "$';'.:(! '< Ii 5'l. t: i ' .L ,1i : } i 't.a I
1} r \:1, r xx's 5said tli;K th1l io loits
of ii 's (' SiP~'s .re' ~.ell 1in the ui-
v('hsA 'y' titl;r'tsetarid need hut, to
ho a ni'raiigedin llto 1a definite eulnicu-a
' lrit,.to cr'eate a coltCs rof studly inl 'eal

GIo o var o
' - ; I~ I ife'', :2)0
to) "':,l)Oiidi1lhg
:10( to "soialii


1'.'H. l+. ay, (of the Economics :tti"I'110 g,, ail
d epar~tient, wvhen qutestioned yester-

day reptlroing; this proposed course Olio Sate-
of study announced that no plans: the Stadium
have ben madie *t, give these courses 9 i sti lents


rn' familiar at topres rnt time
ini itany, (hI 'iieI'. F of' tose
Who enjoy the fresh air we have
this styvle of accoominokat ion. ilbut
f'or othe(rs lie also have lnoder'l
ikeated troom':. Mkeyoutr chioice
a"Ild call

T'H1I1 A 1 l I1", i t



ith Droty
o) big-,01.4fo z(ios,
world in

Tremendous drama;
gorgeous spectacle,
yet always human.
Stu pendous scenes
of regal splendor,
as a setting for
the age-old story
of Robin Hood and
his merry bandits.
-u~ '-'
j I . ?xp
DlC . 9t
AL _~UV~
II LsT r O


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