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February 17, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-17

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Goes To Sweden nnIn
FAST HOCKEYTILTStates Minister RRI iniy

Chicago To Have
Damp Candidate
For Mayor's Job



Captain faecuff Scores Two of Tlhreec x3 1Food Prices Soar as Transportation
Goals Made by Varsity Sex-T Jams; Dusseldorf Has Supplies
toals Made t tersity Sex- fcr Ten Days , -*
Dusseldcrf. Feb. 16 - (By A. P.) -- .
Braving King Winter's furious out- French headquarters is keeping a
break, 200 people filled the stands watchful eye on Gelsenkirchen, where
ls igh a the coliseum and saw there is evidence of increasing fric-
Michigan's hockey team bow to the lo ewe iiayadcvlas
speedy Minnesota sextette in the tion between military and civilians.
greatest game of. the present season Several arrests have been made be-
by thescore of 6 to 3.cause of an attack on a French officer.'
Starting with a determined rush. Robert Woods Bliss The burgomaster, chief of police, di-
the Wolverines drew first blood when Robert Woods Bliss, formerly third rector of the Reichsbank and other
Captain MacDuff scored a beautiful assistant secretary of state, becomes city officials are in custody.
goal after four minutes of play in the United States minister to Sweden. He Five Germanis, among whom are
first period. Captain Pond, of the succeeds Ira Nelson Morris, who re- , Burgomaster Arstein and Vice Lord
Gophers, took the puck a half min- cently resigned. Mayor Schaefer of Essen, are sched-
ute later and tied the score. The nex' uled to go on trial at Bredeney to-
few seconds were replete with ter-Cj day before a court martial, charged Judge Bernard P. Barasa
rific rushes and finally Henderson }fwith obstructing the occupation. There'll be a showdown on the wet
shoved the rubber through the scrim- IIO C L FINi 1The protest strike at Essen yester- and dry question in Chicago soon.
mage in front of the goal for the day brought French infantry and mai Judge Bernard P. Barasa, an avow-
second Michigan tally. fr Ibchine guns to the city hall, which was ed wet, has announced his candidacy
Not to be outdone, Captain Pond occupied. The boycott at that city for the Republican nomination on a
again showed his sensational playing LUIhas resulted in an announcement that platform which includes oppostion to
ability and again evened the score at . the soldiers will be permitted to ap the Volstead act.
two all. For the rest of the first per- Senate Investigation Committee Dis. propriate necesities where such are}
iod the play kept alternating up and cusses New Advisory withheld by the proprietors of the
down the ice with Minnesota having:'cuse ewAdiorp Y popieos f h
the best of the exchanges. Bartlett YEsToop Y AJ
Food prices in the Ruhr are taus-}T " AYI
scored a goal which was followed by CONSTITUTION TO BE READY ing serious concern. With transpor- WGj
another by Pond Just as the period IW S I G O
ended. At the end of the first third BEFORE SPRING ELECTIONS tation out of gear, provision dealers
the score stood 4-2 in favor of the- find they can practically make their
Northmen. It could be seen at the With the drawing up of a tentative own prices, and consequently the Congress was asked by the budget
outset that the hard ice was not ben- constitution, the work of the Senate charges for staples have doubled in bureau to appropriate $78,665,000 for
efitting Coach Barss' men any for their Committee on Investigation of Student the last week. German newspaper, refunding of taxes illegally collected.
fast opponents were having no trouble Government is rapidly nearing con- have begun a campaign against the The British debt funding bill. was
in getting started. pletion. Only problems of finance and speculators, urging the government to passed by the senate 70 to 13 and sent
Michigan failed to score in the sec- location of the Student council office act. Food supplies for 10 days are to conference with the house.
ond period but the defense tightened now remain to be solved before the available in both Essen and this city. The house by a 189 to 113 vote or-
and the best Coach MacDonald's puck final report can be submitted. These Expulsions continue thick and fast. dered an inquiry into the iriportation
chasers could register was two goals. questions were the main topics of dis- Among the German officials who have of intoxicating liquor by foreign dip-
These came in the first few minutes cussion at the meeting of the con- most recently felt the uncompromis- lonats
of the period and from then on the mittee yesterday. ing hand of the occupation authori-
Gophers were unable to cage the rub- The new council provides for a new ties are 26 Rhineland functionaries. American exports during January it
ber for a count. Play on both sides method of electing members and offi- who are to be sent into the interior was announced totalled 339,000,000
was somewhat slower in the second cers and reduces the personnel of the On the constructive side of the oc-. compared with 344,425,000 in Jnu-
third with the Maize and Blue defense council from 27 to 12 or 13 members. cupation ledger, the French note an ary, 1922.
performing brilliantly. Three ex-offico members will also be increase In the number of coal trains Announcement was made at the
MacDuff Scores Final in the council the resident leaving the Ruhr for France and Bel- White House that President Harding
Hope was revived in the last period of the Union, the managing editor of glum daily. These, they say, are car- had accepted the resignation of Di-
when Captain Maebuff scored the fin- U rying about 5,000 tons, while Rhine rector Forbes of the Veterans' bu-
ahe goapof theevin ilM . He had been The Daily, and the captain of the foot- barges and steamers are moving fur- ffect Feb 28.
at goal of the evening. He had been ball team. The Student Advisory ther shipments. The French point, reau efcive Feb.2 .
indulging In numerous rushes al em h tdn dsr te hpet.TeFec on Appropriation by congress ,of $20,-
throughout the closing minutes and committee will be eliminated, its place out that on Wednesday 410 passenger As
his frequent shots at the wire looked being taken by a committee from the trains were moved in the Ruhr. 950,000 to reimburse ship builders for
good, but because of the efficient work Student council which will have losses sustained as a result of sal-
of Bartlett, Gopher wing, were of no slightly different duties and powers. London, Feb. 16.-German agents. vage of work on war craft after the
avail,, except one. Up to the last per- According to the tentative constitu- the Telegraph says, have been extra- Washington Arms conference was
od the game was devoid of any num- tion this committee shall be compos- ( ordinarily active in London recently recommended by President Harding.
ber of penalties but some idea of the ed of the president and vice-presi- in their efforts to estimate possibility The administration shipping bill
speed of the closing minutes can lie dent of the council, the managing edi- of British mediation in the Ruhr. was restored as the unfinished busi-
gained from the fact that there were.tor of The Daily, and two members Soundings have been made in various ness before the senate.}
five fouls called in as many minutes appointed by the president. IL pur- directions, the newspaper asserts, add- Republican leaders in tlie hoig e, it
One prominent factor in last nght's pose will be to express student opinion ing the results obtained all pointed became known are working on a leg-
game was the presence of frequent to the faculty and to carry faculty towards a demand that Germany must islative program for the remainder of
flashes of real teamwork on the Wol- opinion to the students, and promote give full assurance that guarantees this session of congress which does
verine sextette. The results of their common purposes and action. It will would be forthcoming from the indus-
two weeks of-steady practice could be also make recommendations to the meialmagnates before a suggestion of not conteplate action of Henry
. r Ford's offer for Muscle Shoas.
readily seen and such improvement proper University authorities upon T, mediation could be entertained.
was welcoied by the fans. Becarse matters of general student interest,(Citinud, isaelTwu)l
of their greater expreience in playing and upon matters affecting individual (Continued on Page Two) GIVE OUT PPLICTIONS
together for the past two seasons studento or groups of students. Cer-
working combinationwih BrltflbK I iN - TceaplctosorheSp-
the Northmien presented a smooth tamn powers of enforcing the rules of rfTrI
and Pnd oldingthe limh t the council will be invested in this Ticket applications for the Sopho-
and Pond holding the limelight. committee. fmore Prom will be given out from 9
Captain MacDuff carried the hon- It is expected that the new consttu- mo ' tg
gors for Michigan with Comb and Kahnion will be completed in time to take iiBi ss Vm2 to 2 o'clock this afternoon at the
olding close second honors. Com effect at the election this spring. The Union. h Prom is to be held
at geal, played his usual steady game committee working on the new or- March 23 in the Union ballroom, and
and was responsible, in no small mea- the price of admission is to be $5.50.
sure, for keeping down the Gopher, rganization consists of Prof. M. P. Til-!660
scre. Tim keime the poer Iley, of the English department, Dean Congressional Approval Practically While all sophomores whose dues
score. Time after time thepowerful Alfred H. Lloyd, of the Graduate Assured As Act Goes to are paid may apply for tickets to the
puck within striking distance only to School, Prof. Evans Holbrook, of the Conference . formal, but 200 of the applications
be foiled by the improving Michigan Law school, Thomas I. Underwood, will be accepted. A self-addressed
defense.d '23L, L. Perkins Bull, '23L, M. B. MCCU-BEIR, WILLCIE S AEstamped envelope must accompany
Henderson, replacing Lindstrom at Stahl, '25L, Thomas Lynch, '25L, Eeach application. Mark Duffield, '25E,
center, although somewhat hindered Howard Liverance, '23, and Harry Washington, Feb. 16-(By A.P.) - wil have charge of the tickets.
tContinued on Page Seven) Kipke, '24. Congressional approval of the Brit s
U Ld b ~tIf din .ttLemetwas fl vLSIr- EDATItONAL SENIORS

"Definite statements of rules1
and regulations covering proba-
tion and warning to students of 1
the literary college are extreme-
ly difficult to make," declared
Registrar Arthur G: Hall, yes-
terday. "Rules, if there are any
set rules, are as follows:
All students receiving 2 or
more D's and E's are placed opm
the list to be investigated by the
Delinquent Committee of the lit-
erary college.
If a student receives D's or
E's in less than half of his work
he is placed on warning; if he
receives D's and E's amounting .
to more than half of his work
he is placed on probation.
"These rules," he said, "are I
more or less flexible in as much
as each individual case and cir-
cuistance is taken into consid-
eration, as far as possible, by
the Delinquent committee".
Warnings are lifted as soon
as studentshreceive records J
showing nothing below the C
grade. In order to raise proba-
tion, a student must receive noth-
ing below C and must also re-
ceive a grade above C in at least
one course.


1 fmd'T~e v



r 1

Cables Resignation to President Hard-
ing; to Take Effect on
April 1
San Juan, P. R., Feb. 16.-(By A.
P.)-E. Mont Reily this afternoon ca-
bled to President Harding his resig-
nation of the governship of Porte
Rico, to take effect April 1. It is un,
derstood that several men have been
considered informally in government
circles for.the governorship.
Among. those are Maj. Gen. Clar-
ence R. Edwards, retired; who com
manded the 26th division oyerseas
and r has also served as chief of the
bureau of insular affairs.
Senator New, Republican, Indiana,
had ;been suggested for the post but
in view of the possibility of his be-
ing appointed to a cabinet post soon,
his name has not been prominently
mentioned in connection with the
Porto Rico position.
Governor Reily's nomination was
confirmed by congress in May, 1921.
His resignation ends one of the most
controversial situations of the pres-
ent administration. Opposition to his
administration was voiced first by the
majority of Porto Rico, the unionists,
when he declared in his inaugural
address against any agitation for the
independence of the island. The union-
ists later reversed their stand, but in
November launched a campaign
against the governor which has never
Comedy Club Will
Give Milne Play
Members of Comedy club display3
their dramatic abilities yesterday af-
ternoon in the first tryout for parts
in the organization's big annual play,
to be presented March 28 at the Whit-
ney theatre. This year the produc
tion that will be staged is "Mr. Pim
Passes By",,written by A. A. Milne'
a whimsical romantic comedy of Eng-
lish life.
IThere are seven parts in the drama
and these willebe definitely filled this
morning when the final tryout is
held at 9 o'clock in Newberry hall.
All the actors are being chosen from
within the ranks of Comedy club, a
group of more than 30 students, The
entire production of the play is under
the supervision and direction of Prof
J. Raleigh Nelson, of the engineering
English department.
Professor Nelson is judging the try-
outs and is executing the settings fo
the 'play. Rehearsals will begin
Tuesday. After the cast is chosen
today, six weeks intensive work wil!
be undertaken before "Mr. Pim Passes
By" will be offered the campus for
its approval.
Stephen Q. Hayes of the Westing-
house electric company, Pittsburgh,
will speak at 8 o'clock, Wednesday ev-
ening, Feb. 21, in the Natural Science
auditorium, and not on Tuesday, Feb.
20, as previously announced. Thje
subject of Mr. Hayes' lecture is "Elec-
trical Engineering in Janan". The

Ineligibility Works Havoc With Var- Windy City Athletics Rest Ho
sity Squad But Stiff Fight Is Krogh in Mile and Hal
Expected Mile Events
Indiana university's swimming Michigan track men will en
team, led by Coach Merriam, Captain Chicago tonight in the initial
Churchman, and Manager Geddes, ar- the 1923 season at the. Wind;
rived in Ann Arbor yesterday, prim- Coach Farrell is confident of a
ed for the tank meet with Michigan with the majority of the points
to be held in the "Y" pool at 2:15 o'- in the field events and on the
clock this afternoon, a meet that will In the longer races on the tr
be Indiana's third Conference event outcome is questionable as t
of the year and Michigan's first. ' roons have an excellent man, in
The Hoosiers, already defeated by for the mile and half mile. 1i
Northwestern and Wisconsin, are set stronger in the mile than in tl
for a strong attempt to wrest their mile and Bowen - and A.rndt.
first Big Ten victory of the 1923 sea- considerable trouble in defeati
son from Coach Brown's Wolverines, It is impossible to tell flow
while Michigan is equally determined Farrell's men will run on Ch
despite the severe handicap of inelig- peculiarly banked track. In Al
ibility which has removed such star they have found considerable d
I performers as Gow, Schwartz, Haw- in adapting themselves to thi
ley, and Valentine from competition, but it is safe to say that tIb
to keep clean the slate that was open- Davis will be able to win the tv
ed with a 48 to 20 victory over M. A. race as they have shown then
C. Jan. 26. to be of better calibre than, an
But few tickets for the meet were that Chicago has had in-two.o
sold yesterday and the sale will be years. It is probable that th
continued at the Athletic office this not be forced to run their hari
morning and at the Y. M. C. A., which which case they have ben ins
is situated at 110 N. Fourth avenue, not to try- for tteir. Iestime
before the start of the events. merely win the first two place
Captain Churchman is the mainstay Chicago will find its 'g
of the Indiana aggregation, swimming strength in the mile, half m
the 40 and 100 yard free styles and hurdles. In the hurdles' the
the 150 yard back stroke. With him Brickian who will'be able
in the former events will be Moore, .Hubbard and Higgins 'a stif.1
who will also represent the Hoosiers the dash, high jump; pole' vau
in the 220 yard free style, and in the shot put the Maroons are we,
back stroke he will be paired with it is likely that the Wolveri i
Lauter. Churchman is one of the most be able to take the first two
powerful swimmers in the Big Ten, in each event.
but he, together with Moore, will fin> .Although Chicago's relay te
some tough conpetition in the 40 and to Purdue's delegation .
100 yard events at the hands of Smith Boilermakers to bre.nr 4
and Searle, the crack Wolverine der to defeat them. It i" lke
sprint duo. In the 150 yard 'back Chicago has a well balanced
stroke Churchman and Lauter will team as they have been accusto
be opposed by Hubbard and Kerr. having during the past fev
with the outcome a toss-up so far Michigan's team will be made
as the relative strength of the swim- Martin, Thomas, and Joyne.
mers is known. of these men will run in the44C
(Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Seve
Alumnus Wites - pIC U iBuN uIX
Aviation Article h

In an article in a recent issue or
the "Manufacturers' News", Howard .
E. Coffin, '96E, president of the Na-
tional Aeronautic Association and'
vice-president of the Hudson Motor
Car company, explains the needs of
American aviation and its relationship
to manufacturing. ..
"Dangers of aviation must be elim-
inated", states Mr. Coffin. "Federal,
inspection of all ships must be provid-;
ed. Commercial aviation can be made
safe by careful inspection of all shipsj
and training of personnel. Witness
the success of the Aeromarine Air-
ways, Inc., operating flying boats from!
Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Atlan-
tic City, Key West, Havana, Palm
Beach and Miami.
"On the Detroit-Cleveland route
last summer, flying two boats each
way daily between these cities, a to-
tal of 1,839 passengers with baggage

Members of the Press
hold their annual mid-year
Wednesday evening in Ba
nasiun The usual semi-n
ner will be served at 6 c
will be followed by a sho
meeting at which officenr
coming semester will be e
The remainder of the e
be spent in dancing and'
of etertainment. Tickets
Wair are on sale a ',the
League booth in Universi
price being 75 cents. All
terested in journalism,
members of the club or n
come at all Press club mu
Bring 1500 N
Before Corr

Dodos Repeat Previous Success
Last night the Dodos, local dramatic being the work of student mnembers,
group, presented in their playshop a and the other.two being written by
Geries of four short one-act plays, faculty members. Dodos is arousing
the second showing in the shop of much curiosity on the campus, and
these plays. With age the perform- considerable interest is being aroused
ance grows ,Qnd some of the rough over their work.
places which were too apparent at The plays presented were: "Life", a
the performances the night before morality play by Oakley C. Johnson
were smoothed off. The plays were of the rhetoric department; "If She;
written as is the custom of the Do- Sleeps She's Not Awake", a puppet}
dos, by members of the group, two play by Marie M. Paryski, '25, one of '
the student members; "Who Laughs
IfLast", by Jeannette Sitler, '23Ed,
k EXTEND TIME LIMIT iI another student member; and "The
ON ELECTION CHANGES 1±Confessional" by Prof. E. S. Everett
Eof the rhetoric department.
Changes of election may be IIMention of the performance of,
made again today in the office '1 George D. Wilner of the pubic speak-?
of the Registrar. This extension I ing department, must again be made.
was deemed necessary by the au- He appeared twice during the evening
I thorities since some of the grades I1in "Life" and in "Who Laughs Last",

ate passed the debt refunding bill. IE' - -
Tle bill was returned to the Six students in the School of Edu-
House for adjustment of amendment. cation received grades' of all-A for
Parts relating to the plan for extend- the first semester of the present school
ing the debt of $4,604,000,000 over a year. They were all seniors. The'
terro of 62 years at reduced interest students who received, all-A records1
but providing that settlements with are: Mary Chilton, 23Ed, Andrew J.
other nations must have the approval Green, '23ED, Herold C. Hunt, '23Ed,
of congress instead of the President. Margaret Sclhmutz, '23Ed, Isadore
. The vote wvas not reached until Stark, '23Ed, and Jerome Thomas,
7 o'clock, after a continuous session '23Ed.
of eight hours. The bill was passed
a week ago today by the House and APPEAL TO PRESIDENT
now goes to conference. Chairman
McCumber of the finance committee, London, Feb. 16-(By A.P.)-
Republican, Utah, a member of the Eighty-eight laborite members of
finance committee and also of the al- the House of Commons have sign-
lied debt commission and Parker Wil- - ed the following cablegram to
hams, Democrat, Miss., were appoint- President Harding, "Amerlea
ed as the conferees for the senate. On- with Great Britain unwittingly ,
ly two independent amendments are has made France's present ac-
in dispute between the Senate and tion possible. We appeal for
the House. These are the amend- American cooperation today as
ment of Senator Brockinson, Demo- the one hope of saving Europe,"
crat. Arkannas n iron i fr annrv.-

was carried with only one delay in Approximately 1500 names
scheduled operation and without the the list to be investigated by
slightest accident. The safety of trav linquent committee of the A
el by air must be so insured by the trative Board of the literary
government as to remove all serious at its next meeting which will
doubt from the public mind." the first of next week.
-- Of this list,: 85 percent. ar2
who have been placed on w
Regent Leland To and probation before this sene
R sg Po iinat misnetrtm., Tw
Resig Postionand five of time list have bewo a
aa sens
discontinue their work int-
Regent Frank B. Leland of De- versity unless they can glve em
troit has announced his intention not satisfactory reasons why.they
to seek re-election to the Board of be allowed to remain on';prob
Regents of the University 'according Most o,f this number have
to a public letter which he gave out called at the office of Prof.'
Thursday. Humphreys, assistant dean of
Mr. Leland suggests in his letter erary college for the purpose'
that Ralph Stone, of Detroit, a grad- ing their cases. The admini,
uate of the University, succeed him board will take each indivildu
on the board. He also urged the re- arately at its meeting determi
election of Regent Junius E. Beal, the merits of each case whet
stating that Mr. Beal, being a residen not the student deserves
oAnAoa techance.
of Ann Arbor, was on the ground the In speaking of the quality
greater part of the time and should grades in general, Registrar
be allowed to retain his position. Mr. G. Hall said that more warnin
Leland praised highly the zeal shown probations had been lifted this
by Mr. Beal in his work pertaining to ; ter than ever before.
the welfare of the University.
Mr. Leland has been a regent of the Professor Hobbs to Lect
University for 16 years and for 15 Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the
years he has ben chairman of the i- department, will speak before't
nance committee of the 'hoard. -, .- _. f0 -. a


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