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February 16, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-16

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Coa ch Farrell Confident of VictorY
?[,roons JHave riot Showni (wreat
%. ~ Strength Tintis 11"u

.is i'ahas (10I'e this {[nein'1see-
onld",and isho uld be :a 1)1::>0 Will by ~
wi Wde'IW'~U

SChicago i ;WC'1 %%I Xen k j I he
11 NDY CITY ATIMETES I WiEi( fioitl eveflt ;1s they le, t :all ol them
nY MOST ofHEll) E?1TV I ' urdne,. The \V in oem 4Ji I ei
W ith 1t-the ]ist of (tntre(},, lle ih j np I ~ ~t ~ li 'sh
for fthe (Chi(,ngo m eet tOmorrox(?v 1niht ~~' m I - a
the Wolverinre taci 1<m on will n-} h n Xek :a d r-s
lay .11d4leavet11i" evenling hbr tilt lI mr a i~, h2ca
Win1dy City; Co"1('11Va Ir(el Iisci -, pl' iei[a'
dent (o1 Victory aitshl as a: 1)it u iia nnh ae -o ;neai e-; 1
tilled wlGit 11 Rsi ron n l(t. '~hV ~ e d1. i
It ?i(11do 1)bt 11u litat the iMar(1Cns ' 111. e 0 11ilo 'ii ti n> ;i-
be :i1iable 1toIali' nmore ta1 on11811 ()it(. bt e n- hi h Xz- 05
tirs lc~ ai~1UilyIhyWI( ~oii dJ~ V ~ 3i
(Ii fea.ted l lv Thtr(lI( I .; ( uln 15 o 110e eArd
1-2 to :1-1 1-2. Th1wMafroons.hw en F'iffO; vih
took; fivoe( ISr t(7 otheir ppUen;lilxl I 11i ;h o rphu'd
foiUr. T1e1t i r li'.'s p;laces we1",'!. i lI le Iktl m4 he nIs. I...". 1 a0
"..I, '4(1yard. hil-h hurd (le:, hlf mt ile, 1111 l i (' o t. ( C' 1 ni 1
(tle 1 f il, ;and Iwo ifll' (I evel:;. 1t' 1 (Jdam t ii:'s Imore hi :1tY ii t
t11(1";h1 t?]e tilres inl I lie ra ce:; dhfier li1 n t IK a 3II n \
.;tce i')'; e to 1,110 1 racks a I. [a' °r-Vir( i- hO Ittly l ,._ af' i o ~: d
t S
i 'm I: (1 r; *lIai n' re mol e,. jQ tI- CX l .
K jgitin~Ih .i~Laj :no'mI ti'vi K1I;h ua n 1 -I'e l
I'" i'l+i t}( 11 Witl3 P b elt;: 1' l 1'(lie Y''1i1 ?. Oh :: reI?]-t o -o*;
the1o n~il and,11h1llF mile'. 110h iis u 'o1) ( .1W a 3 f-i 13e'1331 00
O11 111f mile wS;1 2:11 1-5 anId 1: L 1toXX S).hid1(71., l;r" e 1 ' "'_13
.,-I'mor the imh.Krogh is Chicago':,I O11n gyti1 t :recod ad hs ae I(
-d sh l'one:t bet., hU.t. i is dof1lt:I diu lh ' i # h1 E 0 <([lh 0)? a 3a(M4. 11. duim
lr:1 1 wtl)0abile to de,(eat 13oIo n., tvIlen - moo tl. I W , h tI uiI., inantedl
lli1ckIt Bwl tVildte 4 adIuh rof&, itaeofIh'a
an10(1it is eXjY'eced l ihiatHubrd rl1011(( Ov'r Tt'1 a w)I nan illK:
Ihiggins will tind 'a Stif t)IOi 1 ''m ~i-
; is m a n . l1o ur1 k (' W 0 n1 ht w o mile n jo Ait I:(r> al. " I'(': 1i i' 1 0 h~~ a K n
10':12 1-:) ina stiofrace. 1I11E', llad noancE'eu haLe o m d wsc
P avii, however, shlould easi-,ly be ii1linn the urns hefr Ilhtul" w lre t-I
to (efeat 1him11at this time. I heteam tallrolughist gi. o w ;-r
Stitt. of Chicago tCook the (juai 1' r ver. it it,, ('2 d ~ I v Iwh
-Vmile ]'un21with ,a time oof -43:2 2-5. M1-- -f ewv. 1'-ti t' il i:'anelQ

bility meeting in the athletic office at! two or three attemptni, he had nea r
' :30 when it will be made known those j the- basket.
t [t will not be aisle to compete this! However-, no one has at~eipted to
coming terms, take any credit from W isco-li:in. Thai
The team will be accompanied to- Badgers sliowed a great teamn, a re-
night by Coach Farrell, trainer Fal- markabile defensive atrgainand
lon, and manager Snell. itwo or thiree men who? either pios nen
-- -~ --- 'an uincannzy ab'iity to sink, long she!ts
or- an unusual amount of luck. The
{ igamcerwas remarkably clean for one
B Lh 1 10 W Elayred at such al terrific pace during
such a large share of the time. titvwas
i I UM1rough and there was somre hard eheek-
ing but the number of personal fouls
STR NCT AElf anior'e seriouis natuewss1ib1
" ° 6, t V I? V:1RtSITY CAG~E STAR;'le1rtysutwl etui r;
RT 1141 :N' E tAll i14T I N Jthe trip Tuesday afternoon0 to pe~
[~ ~jTfor Iflie', ics[I r1Ii' onlthe schedule withI
-- ~~Ohio -t:.atoe a I ('almi a T"lhu ms an
'Jlt Milleinr. VIrsi ty basket- night,
I :wae (i~iilftit k lst week, ifout[ A I[Y C~ I~ [
bij itao I t nw it vloier of1 11 l3 !'
'~ t i: at ay 1 1;1, X'I ~ll t.0 lelipiod(
to.i eti i ;' ho first go mm' oft11c h5
Pl nt.htlm-:- r \'o w rjos for t c1 'WLL REOFIaTls
-.=;! e eh:; i1000a; l31 o! I i t . tt --
.t-.XXIlafl5awIil, oe 1[(a tlCO4if1C11 5'1.[t.1F ?4 N \SI 4 ii'1 1 1I,
l: ,r3e . e.";:igansI o ma, .Ire 1r.emain-"' A1LI, iV Oi: Vh;3 II X'IK IALI,
r~ e - l the f'alank:I 1 e,aa VWi1lkr-ta !

In selecting the men for these lectures
only m.en of national or international
_>..r lnenee in the f il of zoology and
-~llywere considlercd.
Capt. 1 lyron D. Adams, of Chicago,'
J-i.. Ba llllenger, of Detroit, will
,ial t, the smoker given by the
Vti Iln are a Tranees students in
tii ?, eading room of the Union at 8
Oo {ii-kthis (3viening.
(ainAdalms is a Member of the
P,, I, S;Ieridani association, an organs-
za1111cmlosed, of army oficers. Mr.,
i1.l ng is sti pervisor of training ill
0f t'Ietroil V eteranls' 1.ureau noffi('0.
f, a 1e la il unish the music.
'T(,) -p' -lIriilw u's will pre-'
-I'- '1 on i (?aixilt ~''April 26, unider
I ltc a t lri-0:- 3)1la So.r ;ictdad IFlisplailieni
., .:tlin i3i~l :at 1lte ir.aeel ritmg l:3titriglrat
ha< Fi, 13ii 2!)Ita, iivcr~ity hall1. ,At I he
sant3 ~i li;'it X S l li- lil()lo (I eml lthut. 1lii'
S-i ia t lila a, 'Lo ('i'i o-os I ii'i
o n V'' ill he',>i%4n i 11)(hI f-ea ja
a (he>i tedAd----t payn.--A d v,
X11 ir.tltit it l tvetiy. _=1 li?;lltci
- K:i iiil':iVs X\'oksa. >o iht and '1
XX - tmlonl'1 1know ho. .Smlokers
a i- -(.'LZY a hoit>i I theRadio
I it.t e 1i and ha:, ()iisi-ht. Maki'
ail lnsl tt5 :0(1 it;iguttl
1 ils )0 nocal liittioii).
A s.. i._ 0 .lgs a-hI i'1' , IX tryi o t"< 'i
U 11 il'GI gnIshs!;ni u-
: :' fil"h F ,- n' -e-

\'e doll;! I t i!(he Taior,,wh"ohas
tl~ntg~ I iP 1(1iro'tiingof Ed.
V. ~iu &Co.,' iig, is her-e
oill his setit !- 117iui t Niit 1(1 ti".xs
>fn i( hi'i Ilemlisro ht t s
1 1;' ;3'~it>1.Vntio'y 0 tie oall-
7ii15;l as~imil ot -l1eil :3


Xoli'll enjoyY seeing the heau-
tifil (colos, the new patterns,
the. now syls olmonstratig
thel s1periorIty of lcdl. V. P~rico)
& (9, .Tailorod to AMeaisui'
n ae -s0lee~tioii and placo
youtr'ord(er' tarry soi youell get
f'ir:; 1 chloico. le-lvery whene tvol.


309 S. Main St.

AN NAi0liiIL


MA- itMYa iloiir (-ota-l ilto ta.ke
ph rI[.1 Iul- ia~iho ;it) t'i:;fhii i'I ntOi-
'1, I l ii lj ,ii[i, l IIo tt r
13fut~tA lier Andh UP i-; -h~e a
starlthe Plagn e, 3~tit horly titter the
Wj~ining of 0the 5second hi boO el
Hy "c ''lb-iga 33tHashi iotathe fray~. Ile'
till I, 'hI ;iitathe laOr W01,2", (it the'
I ". X elIl ull'v, as; 1WcAdoeto (-:Myaix
hidt tgoahls At.1) li.ha s S[t> 'i' n; lid 3in
t-,,v > on :1is (£-:'0 'r lt -; Irem; 11he
foul line. 1Patlaskin won l !i;;t:£ 3-neo } St nft'1'
17--I5, Itlf, .;n-a' r.4om .IfEh , or CIti iIl
elf toI > atIIn e t ,LI:at. he; t II i 110 n
xo ee ganlesi ll y. n-n';ul'
seejms hae e tintii£ytit >ainy
th ' WMci(Man iwas IThat no0131an'.was
to he tusedlXwho hiad not pei'iommned withI
cite 1m mu aI 1im(-vimintothe li=stgame
af toe n V30-i£. 01o itleast1 t1at1 is the-away
Manntcg I' .e[1klehas it. 'Flit 23)n lgm-t-v-
of !"Abliteamns amre to iftorrt and etitennt
WHIO £ 011t01'omise. It is likely t hat the
c :ic s xwili b)0 played off With com11-
id a x ,,hlc_trznji' itl[r,- twnnn flip two'

L'x(tsriVC'Ioc al Dealer

1311I m tlov (4It t t l /th' 1'a e i 1 .j I 22 \"C
sity 001 XII il'e<po3't at1.1_~teh Ia-
a[Itf31iil to i ('3u t R[ay in \Val.- 0
t'lla3n gyluilf! laiiiiti In t t' Im 10313,
ll101l 0' mr w i 1t' 1il l ."I i1 t;3 11'..1311 tho
thlis you 1"> 41tvlilne 11111.
E 'Wli le 'fift" h hi tl se-V!1e1'i t I E: t
ea-st1 qi"(11at e ih \m' Hng1ff'(3311 ill
iv.r thellii 11'ttit f;w K!'a 11 '.
tille for'i talll dlt s 1( ellonii i ;tt-
'1110 wort.-out. tihisarY~o3'ooli will l)l'i-
ia~ bl hehgi 1 and wHIcontinule lt 1'
-) 10'o Wy l'3 l dzhva. The hitigf'icage
hfill, --i ;Iii-3tlllit111 lla ',gx-ti 1)11.1 hI
In1 "l1S'.ill. &1'wlge cilly ill gO1Iiil~4l; e
imat! a: th(-4il (i'I11(I
3{E?' e Va 't (1111 out 3-ths a goo 10
:i'roo a 1W is i1to 2t1l'ill.?0111 this terl(
1iajfnl allyistaljn:31 4 all nw'.t Whe1ie l'C"
h~o~e h~t "At i 1 lOilkle; t7.. 111t(Wo- 'r3,...
1'ligli httlii 0:511tllol X ol euwl .-swithIt(1;-
jiahtlle hli(ii-hing nia1telial [or- the etolgl
s ' i5011.



Your, bank should ble sound, accurate aad
efficient. But that is not enough. Banking
service to be of the most use to you should
b)e also intelligent and interested.

That is what this bank tries to be.

101-105 So. MAIN 330 SO. STATE ST.





AT 3 1.r


(lamIs a Ptea. Two Cits per word 'a day, Al A 1d o i vue t. YM3i -
~mu + c6atfor' first day, 25dc i1nimum le~i~",2lc hie
cevUll per 'warm per day It char-god. White s-jace ca3 ':d. ,or at.z A t f
atft Dom' agate 11h0. Cla stiedl, charged only ti the o 1,. 03.n
F U&-gr s. ' Twolv emots per Itno, withaout c oz~trac~t, ac 'i-.




< ._>

1i L' ' ''! (-,-'.IiI iIg { P' 11 ' ''C "WO IProf.LtfI. . Jennings, ' lih ad of the
a geilIti (l rejiarltnmcrofl (fzooloy of .JIo us I Ucp-
- kiiis univrsgity, will be the speak er fii
VAR IT C GEMEN the first of the zoological lectures ntext
TAR TRP T DAY 11onday and Tuesdaty-, Feb. 19 anit 0.
fAt this tilde lie will (liver three talk-
--- two W' whiich are of a.? eh uleal on 113-33
_ ((ioutinuied from PagI"e Six) and are intende'd foraane;4:;it u-
sc te th a tat tltG end of the period dents in zoology and biolo'gyad ilt -i,
('c~tch IX enawell Ind the rest of the other one of a p6liular nTature lo h;
agrsfelt hig hly satisfied that theyI given to the general public.
kwh eldtheir hosts to a tie scor'e. I ince Ihis graduation Egnon]i the Unt-
('eppfon l piltyed with more dash and Irelility hie has studied in a number(i
canpistcncy. I-han he. has ever shown the universities of this countryad
beforee and was the- terror of the Card- Germnany, and has also held teaciij
i1:11 c ogein.n throughout 1tle ginle. positions InI a numnber' of Anierican it 11-
1 ihenovel. allowed the elusive i]- i- iversities. lHe is ai inemtem' of Several.
i;: 11 mome,(11111 iin-heifeet of fr'e academiciis and has been itaarded a
wil1'Oad thc iesul 1 wits that the bt'il- ntumbder of scienltific honors.
1 tvi it am was held to t wo field T'hi's;et of t hree lcettiuea, is one of
0,0u;11s, noi Iher of' which could reasoni-; a seri(es of eleveon silmilarI' setS lill-
ably he called legitimiate attempts. ranged by the zoology dopart 013-t,
I~Gjit :4t~'S (ht ie hich ate to bo given I hi ssh, s r

- y
H: 1

r {,.;
y' -.
Xa Jy
' ;,?

REPLIES to the following boxes are LOST- aA Wite oitite ioh-
-at -the .Dly 0ffice: T- -P..Mi., V.D.13., lg-ib haeM11 y igt o
L.E.B., G.Wt.- v loer.110' 11-X.
FOR REN~T -_--_..__....._
FOR RENT-Four room modern ln i hie ~mta ~gl 0
aipartmet--furnished. Just right for w.ar d ot',', kt.![ X1)41 AXV.!)7-2
-I married- couple. J. K. Malcolm.I -- ----- -- - ------ -----.- --
602 E._Liberty. Phone 1713-1M. ; LOST--.air of 110951 1'I,!,i it( ls(1
c5_3 I t n i 1 Stree.t fho1t Wer i Nciti 1'
CAMPU'S. VERY REASONABLI+. J1101ST-Or :tr:?cea front. ~wLbav
06413TAPPAN. CALL 1582-m. x95- 1 Noteb ook (if c. 1 <I t and PropetHy4
FOR RENT-Double room, boys lean-f ! ad.<;-3
inz 'chool. Redued re 'ntatl.(tOne


. ,.~ P ET,}, . V 1 rC3RT P"
, 't a°


he k ;ao g 1a l~ll ol w rs1r e x -ese day centered about what
Iaight ha111b,:IllllO~u id al Michigan
scored a ha rgl'l'111111 [tot' of f'ree lthrows
or f lag-gr'-ty haft 31een00inlhis ustal -
-11;1!w !v'wn e wo'\a5siwlt in1to the gao 010
duehri the ecwnd hatl f. XW'it h but. oneI
!ti ti w io l Ol the1111las.t periodI the,
_ VI3' 's still w-ith in the grasp ofi
('ttetittlw1'.11i XX ituhi, onc, oitttsep ti_-
tmim11;i l I.ht, l1iLowini hulm1! tew 'of tho
azt11rt 3lfroIi 'at.l1113- ttl Iine' who-hI fatil-
.i t'r onl(y33'oil" i.''5111 ieffortlInby
I lgg-3' ywould ha1ve It imod Ithe gOant
a V-a yt a- i g'i'li'otlalit1013 wouldI
ha xi-'t ori3'1 wil l ii lt e at. Jotsl t. n mit

hilf block from th-e Engineering
arch. 1115 S..- University. 97
FOR RENT- Steam heated suite or'
room two blocksq from camtpus.
Cheap. 502 East Liberty. ~Call gat -
FOR RENT-W~fill share suite.,witlt
>student. Care of furnace anppliedt{'!
onI rent. 5-4:1 Chiirchi St.9
ROO~tMS PFOR E1IHT BOS-2 stilt (s
1 double rolom, 200 N. Mate I,
WANTED---Well heated double r'(oo-i
or suite by two upperclassJuten inI
quiet home. Will pay $3 each. (Give
pa.-rticulars. Box Tt. S. IL, 97-3
WANTED Youn g and healthy in en{
weighing about 150 pounds at ihe
University Hospital for blood don-
ors. See Dr. Morrill. 97.3
WANk TED----Roomate, suite with sleep-j

LOS''--Funlasin.knha'.' n iti:~is
A. D. M. on god ap. phione 2
1'o 'T'----ti1e e' w %-ct t'ee Nm'a-hi-mt'\ ,
17ID YOU lea e your glossef athei
A1rcadeBarber :Shop? $S e-oone d:i
105p----tl.w ied ml'm' loei i-h
N optil t'ily. C":Ili .st3;aoIx 6 97-I 2

Pens do not hold 200 drlops,
but why wvorry abouL the drops
that a self filliglpen, holds.
Banmboo Peis give you what
You gct from others and a little
ytIllo e for e;tg)l1fioe tiffie





I.E .

u~erth & Co.


!outdboor track
Brand new. :

pair' of Spaulding-
shoes, size 8 1-2.
Wilson, I 4G6-M.
_!)l1-! 9

ing, porch. On. Forest.


11 l I

share room. Call University

W134. - ANNOUNCEMEN ,T-D oteO)) now uth at
134.- tRider's 200 drop capacity Master-
-pen is the most popular pen on thme
I-nttkla t htan-i C, n.r~A.Pt fl ("gl


-ly-1e get You the late':t

STUDENT washings wanted. >Sa1tis- c rl1asI:t r ic $i i a easn.J l
faction guaranteed. Phone 3261-J. a idrsPm ho.2
X 37 -4 DANCING---T)ainc at T I -ais TI1-
TYPEWRITERS - Remington, $15; Tai 4st, 85. :>t- t?
Oliver, >15; Hlammonid, $25; L. C.'----_
FLINT I,3 ',~- ln 'd sd
Smnith, $,15 ; Royal, $40; Underwood, lae r(a tgisrtu3m i'
$40; Corona, $25 up; a few new of -leavesniht. hsilld n e.l'i
t he earlier model $40. Renting , I118_;T..1. 9721
0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade E . NORIMANTON IM1,1111, te'tei1 cr of
96-3 1 violini, piano thecoi-y . Studio, 3t 7 N .
________ MAIM________________1_ Main. Telephone 611i-M. 94-11
iI ET US do your laundry woi'k. Fi
BlOARD-At Greene's Diningz Rooms. i class hand work gua rt1 od~ . Phoneos r e h m a e cek s i ,; 2 6 ) -
broxwn and nut bread. 812 L. C'ath- I

ljnslcai sen-
text clay to
same music
speed with
ou with the
one of the
have your


0 CE
-The opening of the Spring '1923"' Season with'- the finest, ;widest, most
wonderful selection of men's, young men's and children's Suits and topcoats
kn the annals of mercxiandising-as a Visit will, prove.
.: s f!M -ark ey 5 a Fr e ma n
SringSuits nd Top Coats
Every individual garment is p}-iced in 'accordance with our wvell-known
extra-value policy which means. a definite saving to. you of $3.00 to $5.00 on
ev ery purchase.

You go to soire of the great mi
theatr-es and hear the latest m:
sations. Then you come the r
our Music Shop and hear thes
on Columbia Records.-

Our Lxtra- :Vt1u e Priees
on suits and Topcoats are
$20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45

It is really wonderful, thes
which we are' able to supply yo
latest song hits. In fact, it is
best reasons why we should

Extra Trousers for Every Suit
r ._ A N .

. ,, i.

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