Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Sfntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Suscriptibn by carrier or mail, $3.5o.
Offilces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2424 and 176-M; Busi-
ness, q6o.
Communications notuto exceedc300 words
ifsigned, the signature not necessarily to°
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events will be published in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive . no con-
sideration, No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer enclosespostage. The Daily
does not necessarily, endorse the sentiments
expressed in'the communications.
Telephones, 2414 and 176-]d
City Editor...............James B. Young
Assistant City Editor........Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman......E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers Harry Hoey
3. P. Dawson, Jr . E.,'Mack
I. I Hershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
11. A. Donahue
Sports Editor. ......F. H. McPixe
Sunday Magazine Editor.......Delbert Clark
Women's Editor ............Marion Koch
Humor Editor-.. -........Donald Concy
Conifereuce ditor- . .. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor ...........Robert Tarr
Music Editor................E. H. Ailes
Al. I.]ryo'r
R. A. Billington
W. 13. Butler
11. C. Clark
A. B. Connable .
E:velyn J. Couaghlin
Eugere Car miclue:
T1. E. Fiske
lMaxwvml n.pearl:s
John Garnelomse
Isabel Fisher
Winon A. Hibbard
Samuel Moore
T. G. McShane
W. B. Rafferty
W. 1I. Stoneman
Virginia Tryon
P. AM. Wagner
A. P. Webbink
Franklin Dickman
Joseph Epstein
J. W. Ruwitch
Telephone 960
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising.............Edward F. Conlin
Advertising........... .Walter K. Scherer
Accounts .. ... .....,aurence H. Favrot
Circulation ..............David J. M. Park
Publication ...........L. Beaumont Parks
Townsend H. Wolfe Alfred M. White
Kenneth Seick Wm .D. Roesser
George Rockwood Allan S. Morton
ferry M. Hlayden James A. D)ryer
Eugene L. Dunne Wm. H. Good
Wi. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman
John C. Ilaskin A. Hlartwell, Jr.
Harvey T. Red . JBlumenthal
C. L.l Putnam howard Hayden
F. D. Armantrout W. K. Kidder
IT. W. Cooper Henry Freud
Night Editor.-RALPH N. -BYERS'
year through a systematic series of
tryouts. The organization is govern-
ed by students, though under the man-
agement of the Michigan Union and
in charge of an outside director. The
Glee club co-operates with the Man-
dolin club, a smaller oragnization, in
a concert which is presented every
year sometime in November. Other
musical programs are given at fre-
quent intervals throughout the two
terms. The Girls' Glee club for Uni-
verity women is an organization par-
arallel in purpose and function to the
men's club. Students not freshmen
wishing to try-out for these activities
should give their names to the director
of the club in which they are inter-
ested immediately, as the personnel of
new members is chosen In November.
The Varsity band is compeised of
students of the University, with the
exception of the director. The band
plays at all major athletic perform-
ances at home as well as a few
abrad ,and is frequently heard in
concert at Hill auditorium. Member-
ship in the band '1 by appointment of
those with sufficient ability to quali-
fy. Anyone with talent may try out
and sit in at practice merely by ap-
plying to ,the, director.
Trips are afforded to most of these
organizations during the course of
the school year. The Glee club jour-
neyed to the coast three years ago,
and years when a long tour is not
feasible, several short trips are usu-
ally taken through the state.. The band
accompanies the Varsity football team
on at least one of its out .of town en-
gagements a year, this being made
possible through the medium of band
Although lack of. funds has often
been a handicap to these societies in
the fulfillment of their purposes, each
organization has done its work un-
usually well and has made a place for
itself which bids well to be perma-
nent on Michigan's activity roster.
One of the things 'which should
have received the attention of Uni-
versity' women before this time is an
organization for intramural athletics.
That such beneficial activities among
women should be more greatly urged
and promoted is realized by upper-
class women especially. The benefits
to be derived from sports, especially
in the form of team games, are self
Accordingly, a sort of department or
organization such as the men have
developed is desirable, to direct in-
tramural games and contests. This
department should have the duty of
arranging schedules of games during
the different athletic seasons, and of
stimulating interest i competitiv(e
athletic events be.tween the various
sororities and league houses on the
There is little reason to believe
that a properly conducted intramural
program among University women
will prove any less successful than
that among the men. -The former
haveethe advantage of being grouped
in league houses or dormitories, as
well as in sorority homes. All of
these places are of such a nature as
to facilitate the development of a keen
house spirit and a desire to compete
for athletic honors.
If, as has been contended, the day
of the athletic girl is here, certainly
she should best evidence herself at
Michigan by helping to establish a
means towards more extended and en-
joyable exercise, coupled with a stim-
ulus to better interclass spirit, and
a deeper interest in the University
per se.
It indeed seems strange that of all
the campus publications, the Michi-
ganensian alone should have to turn
to professional fields for its art work.
Students with artistic ability literally
swarm about the offices of the daily
and monthly magazines and papers.
None, however, seems to think of the
testimony to h1s ability the annual
affords. Other campus publications
are usually scrapped after having
been read, but he who buys an 'En
sian takes it home with him at the
end of the .year, finds for it a place
in his library as a permanent memor-
ial of his college days to be taken
'down from time to time and reviewed
with pleasurable reminiscences.
Is, it not a more lasting tribute to
one's ability to have one's work thus
recorded? If the artists of the Uni-
versity would but stop to compare
the peramanency which attaches to
the Michiganensian with the transi-
tory life of the other campus publi-
cations, the year-book would certainly
not be forced to employ professional
talent to furnish its art designs.
Wonder if the Engineers are get-
ting any practical experience watch-
ing the progress of the building pro-
If you want your mail, better let
the Post Ofien know the change in
Cots and clips all the folks
Jchn Trojanowski
Has sold his barber-shop
No more razors
Will lie ever strop.
If a drummer dies would he be a
If a doctor has a cold is he a
hoarse doctor?
(As Bernard Shaw once remarked,
"If you must throw dead cats throw
cabbages, I'm a vegetarian.)
"My dear, they used
to steal them! and aft-
er he was buried she
. got the idea he Wa's
gone, and she made
them dig him up, and
he was! And, my dear,
do you know what she
did? She called the
undertaker and made him take back
the coffin . ....."
"Let me sign you up for The Daily.
. . . . every morning when you get
up-there it is waiting for you. You
can read it while you eat your break-
fast. Telis you all the news on the
campus. Got it already? Fine, fine!"
Chimes! . . "Gargoyle - -
"Pot, frosl! .
Though you notice me not
When 1'm home from the U.
Yet you'veelped me a lot,
For the picture I've got
Makes the fellows grow hot
At the girls I subdue.
-Though you notice me not
When I'm home from the U..
4 Nine O'clock
The chimes strike nine-Students
in crowds of five and six inundate the
Diag from the Engineering Arch. The
Libe, U. Hall and the rough gray walls
of the Law building-Men shuffling
along as though their swaddling
trousers and battered hats along with
the prestige of a hurried breakfast
weighed on their youthfulness -
Women chattering like sparrows on a
spring morning-The crowds increase
and the cement expanse before the
Libe becomes a shifting mass of col-
orful humanity-Weary eight-o'clock-
ers mingle with the crowd tricking
in two's and three's from the drab-
and-red tombs of Education - A
crowd, a mingle of gray pots and co-
edish colors, radiates toward Natural
Science Aud and gradually wriggles
in-A murmur of Ec One and Thirty-
Eight, Poly St, Chem, Math and the
night before ascends like incense to
the stern Minerva-There is a gradual
dissolution and then only a few hur-
rying ones, a few talking here and
there or disappearing in the regions
of State and Washtenaw and a few
idling smokers on the Senior Benches
are left.
We the Michigan Mind at high noon
That every manwho works his way
through school gets higher grades
than one who lives on his father's
in AnnI
A. B* . G *
John Trojanowski, a very good bar-
John Trojanowski
Has not sold his barber-shop
BECAUSE business
Has done a tragic flop.
No, John Trojanowski
Has sold his barber-shop
Because at barbering
He decided to stop.
He's going to pick peaches
Frum a high tree top
In Texas.. That's why
He sold his barber-sho'p.
(The Detroit News)
The colleges report a bumper crop
of student material. An army of boys
descended on Harvard the other day
and many of them, after a vain hunt
for a bed, were obliged to roam the
streets for a night or drape them-
selves on the turf of the historic
Yard. Other colleges report record
enrollments, and from Ann Arbor
comes word that the overtaxed ma-
chinery at the university will be ask- TYPEWRITERS
ed to take care of a larger personnel We sell and rent them. All pop-
than any heretofore in its career. ular makes, including portables.
This matter of accommodating Prices reasonable. S. A. Moran, Room
every seeker- for a higher education 2,, 2nd floor, 71-1 N. Univ. Ave.-Adv.
is going to prove increasingly diffi-
cult from season to season. The DETROIT UNITED LINES
president of Dartmouth got himself
a lot of notice last week by suggest- Ann Arbor and Jackson
ing that our colleges were teaching TIME TABLE
a great many men who ought to be
doing something else. His assertion (;astern Standard Time)
was interpreted here and there to Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6:oo
n.,7 :oo a.nu., 8:oo a.m., 9:05 a~m. and
mean that college educations are too l to h: o ,to:9:05mP.M.
liberally bestowed. What he meant, of Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of
!Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and cver~y two hours
course, was that good time and money to 9:47 p.y.
are often wasted in fertilizing poor Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m. and ev-
cry two hours to 9:oo p.m., 11:oo p.m. To
intellectual soil. Ypsilanti only-1 1:40 p.m., z :15 a.m.
Unfortunately, until our equipment To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.'
for the reception of aspirants meets Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a.m., r2:1o
p. i1n.
the demand for higher education To Jackson and Kalamazoo - Limited cars
there must be a fair but rather high 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 P.M.
standard set for entrance.Many col- To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47
leges have raised their requirements
in recent years and there is no evi-
dence that truly brilliant intellectual 1922 OCTOBER 1922
sparks have been extinguished whole- S 1 T 1Y T F S
sale on that account. 1 2 3 4 5i 6 7
But there is a limit at which the 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
standard must stop, In the next dec- 1i 1 .,S 1 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 2S
ade and beyond the demand for fin- 29 30 31
ished schooling is going to increase
tremendously. Parents with means Start Right With a Good Hat!
to send their children to college are We do all kinds of HIGH CLASS
multiplying. In youth itself the urge Cleaning and Reblocking of haits at
is more nrevalent every day. The men low prices for GOOD WORK. When
and women in this country equipped you want a hat done RIGHT bring
mentally to tackle a college course it to us, our work is regular FACTO-
would swamp our existing schools if RY WORK. Hats turned inside out
they matched on them suddenly. And with all new trimmings are like new.
the proportion of these potential can- We also make and sell POPULAR
didates who are eager and able to PRICE and HIGH GRADE hats, FIT
satisfy their urge for education is THEM TO YOUR HEAD and save you
larger each fall. Ii nr nah W i
for: all Colleges
at Bloth Stores
-,t ,
A Sale of Fall
Hats, $10
Exclusive models depict-
ing every newi style trend
Both Ends of the Diag nal Walk
Princeton university according to
an announcement made public re-
cently has been issuing a few edicts
to her faculty members concerning the.
age limit at which a professor must
resign and also the age at which he
may retire with a pension.
When a faculty member reaches the
age of 55 he may voluntarily retire
and receive as a pension for the rest
of his life half pay. But whenever
a professor comes to the age of 66
he automatically retires. The Prince-
tonians evidently believe that the
usefulness as a teacher of a mnan
above 66 has come to an end.
With the former of these regula-
tions there seems little to dissent. In
fact it is a most laudable action that'
permits a man who has given his life
services to a university to retire and
devote his remaining years to further
investigation and study in the field
he loves, if he so desires.
But with the latter of these pro-
visions we feel exception must be
taken. When a man reaches the age
of 66, be he a ,professor or otherwise,
in some cases it is true his usefill-
ness ceases. But not so in all cases,
and particularly not so in the case of
college professors.
Some of the most scholarly teach-
ers of which this country boasts are
towering up into a good old age, and
in the firmament of college faculties
not at all the least useful are those
who have reached their three score
years and ten.
A man's judgment at the age of 66
is about as good if not better than
at any other time in his life. And
after all it doesn't make so much dif-
ference how old a man is if, to use
the language of the street, he can
produce the goods. University pro-
fessors are no excerption to the little
couplet which has it that
"We live in deeds, not years; in
thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial."
V. MusIC
The Glee clubs and Varsity band
sir tiA nrmo _mPalnma '+O nnih
(Purdue Exponent)I
Perhaps one of the most exasperat-
ing and discouraging situations that
comes upn before any organization and
its officers is that of having a meeting
or attempting to hold a meeting and
have half of the members coming in
late or absent altogether. The ex-
cuse of being too busy is often of-
fered and. no doubt is usually based
on a fair degree of -facts but when
the work of any onb member is
checked up against that of his neigh-
bor the difference might not be as ap-
palling as the delinquent imagined.
The fact is that it is the busy one
who usually manages and so arrang-
es his schedule so as to be able to be
there and on time at that.
Of course there are exceptions and
legitimate excuses but when it comes
to attending several meetings per
week and .none ever start on time or
with a one hundred per cent attend-
ance it seems that something should
be done to cause them, to attend. It
is unfair for one or two members of
an organization to hold up the entire
meeting, thereby robbing several oth-
er members of their time. The or-
ganization suffers as a result of the
delay, either the meeting is draggy
or is rushed through in order to get
away as soon as possible. If a pexson
is willing to accept membership into
an organization he should realize that
it will necessarily call for a small
part of his time and he will be ex-
pected to -give that much to the furth-
erance of its purpose and work. Work
out your schedule for your meetings°
and do your best to be there and be
there on time. If not let the chair-
man know so the meeting will not be
held up on your account.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops at State Street)
Lois Wilso
Leatrice Joy !
Jnquestionably an
achieveme n t i n "
the motion picture
industry w i t h o u t
equal, past or present.
5 , .. 1
} 'M .. ..
. ,. rf
' ."
; r - ,
4 ",.A 5[ ali
K '' f
° --
The Delicatessen Shop
This Shop Is Now Under New
It has been named after Emily Karolyn, one of
Washtenaw County's Pioneer Settlers. She was
known for miles around for her skill as a cook.
However only the immediate family, friends, and
guests ever enjoyed her cooking. But the amous
recipes of Emily Karolyn have, been preserved and
through the "Karolyn Kitchen" -the public at large
will be given an opportunity to enjoy the cooking
of that dear old lady.
Old-fashioned doughnuts, cakes, pies, and every-
thing good, - yes, and we nearly forgot to mention
those oatmeal cookies.
Come and enjoy some of our deliciously appetizing foods
U 01a o nueoi Ia. v Cg
values and quote prices which cannot
be excelled in Detroit or anywhere
else. Try us for your next hat.
-: .. _
That every man expelled
school becomes famous.
(The De Pauw)
Seldom is such an opportunity given
for all men in school to get together
and forget the numerous differences
of campus life in devotion to a pur-
pose that all have in common, as the
coming banquet given by all men of
the school in honor of those behind
the big interests and activities of the
Coming. at this time in the school
year, the emphasis will be upon ath-
letics, but the spirit of co-operation
and common loyalty wil be an end
in itself, readily applicable to all col-
lege activities. We are not going to
make a "new DePauw," but we are
going to use the DePauw of the pres-
ent a. the basis for the development
into a greater one.
The 'newly formed Boosters' club
will make its bow to the student body
and with its aid we should, find some
new ways of expressing an old school
®OR the student or prof.,
-the superb VENUS ou~t-
rivals all for perfect pencil
work. 17 black degrees and
3 copying.
American Lead
Vencil Co.
Ivew Yerk1
g he
7 zie ol
Three thingsto remember-
That you can learn to make hooch
in chem classes.
And . .
And we said
to him
(making conversation)
didja elect any
eight o'clocks
this year
and he came right back
no he said
SN tyle and Price
should be considered when
$4. $5
you buy clothing---
$45.00 to $65-00