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October 03, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-03

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President Burton, Prof. Blanchard,
Among Those to Urge Safety'



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Left to irigh4 Q L. $pens, fuel administrator; R. J. Conn, assistant. C. J. Hepburn, counsel; !.': t .
Wadleigh, assistant.
If you have 'a plentiful supply Spens, fuel administrator, with winter's supply of coal. Their aim
of coal this winter thank these his staff of assistants, has start- is to see that sufficient coal is dis-
en. not., blamc ' edsu ervisin distributi c- of the tributed to all arts of the U, - If


Faculty Men Join Fraternities
Attempt to Block


Today is the last day of grace for
all Ann Arbor =motorists, for after
the two public meetings that will be
beld today in the interests of safe
traffic conditions, all violators of the
new traffic ordinance will be reported.
Furthermore, no leniency will be
shown those who are not acquainted
with the new ordinance.
Heretofore the Ann Arbor police
department and the members of the
Ann Arbor branch of the Detroit
Automobile club, who have had the
power to report violators to the po-
lice, have refrained from reporting
university students and faculty mem-
bers in order to give them time to
becomio nformed of the new law
which has been in force since Sept.
18. Now, it is believed, ample time
has been allowed and the members
of the Auto club believe that 'every-
one should know and understand the
new ordinance.1
Burton to Speak
At 4:10 this afternoon the first
meeting under the auspices of the Ann
Arbor branch of the Detroit Automo-
bile club, the University, and the
public schools of Ann Arbor, will be
held in University Hall furthering the
safety first movement and to bring all
motorists and pedestrians to realize
the importance of safe traffic condi-
The program of the meeting fol-
lows: "All for Safety--Safety for All,"
President Marion Leroy Burton;
"Automobiles and Pedestrian Traffic
Accidents in-Detroit," Inspector Har-
ry Jackson, chief of the police traf-
fic division, Detroit; "Safety First
for Pedestrians," Captain W.S. Gil-
breath, manager of the Detroit Ath-
letic club; "The Traffic Ordinance of
Ann Arbor," Prof. A. H. Blanchard,
professor of highway engineering and
highway transportation in the Uni-
Meeting Important
L. A. Wikel, chairman of the board
of Directors of the Ann Arbor branch
will 'preside at the meeting. "All uni-
versity students and faculty members
should be present at this meeting as
it is extremely important that every-
one should be acquainted with the
new ordinance and should boost for
better traffic conditions," said profes-
sor Blanchard, who is chairman of
the Safety First campaign, yesterday.'
Copies of the traffic ordinance, pub-
lished by the Ann Arbor branch,' will
be distributed at the meeting. The
ordinance may also be obtained at the
auto club headquarters in the Cham-
ber of Commerce Inn, and not at the
police office as announced last week.
Butler on Program
The second meeting in the interests
of safety, intended especially for
school children, their parents, and
school teachers, will be held at 7:30
tonight in Pattengill Auditorium in
the Ann Arbor High school. The pro-
gram of the evening meeting follows:
(Continued on Page Two)

r I
Wenley to be Faculty Speaker at
Fifth Annual Yearling"


(By Associated Press)
Cleveland, O., Oct. 2.-The general
policy committee of the United Mine
Workers of America, and representa-
tive of bituminous operators from
many parts of the United States met
here today to formulate a plan for
negotiating further wage scales, and
after organizing, adjourned until 10
o'clock tomorrow moriing.
Miners and operators said the con-
ference was one of the most repre-
sentative ever held to deal with un-
ionized soft coal mining.


"Pep," and a lot of it, is to feature
the' fifth annual Traditions night at
the Hill Auditorium Thursday night,
when a coatless mob of first-year men
will be instructed in the significance
of the traditions which have already
become sacred to the older classes
of the university.
Prof. Robert M. Wenley, head of the
philosophy department and one of the
most popular members of the Michi-
gan faculty, has been secured to ad-
dress the yearlings. Professor Wes-
ley's expression of Michigan spirit
and ideals did much to augment the
success of last year's Traditions
Night and 'due to this, he was placed
on the program again this year. Vera
non F. Hillery, '25L, president of the
student council will speak in behalf
of the student body.
Beside providing these speakers, the
student council, which is -in charge of
Traditions night,. has arranged to
have the Michigan band and the Uni-
versity glee clubs lead the yearlings
in sime of the most famous Michigan
songs, under the direction of Frank
Thomas, director of the glee clubs.
The words of the songs will be flash-
ed on a screen so that every person
in the audience will become familiar.
with them.
As in former Traditions meetings,
Varsity yells, led by the Varsity
cheerleader, will be the leading event
on the program. The chance to
learn Michigan's cheers is particular-
ly important to the new students since
the Case game the first of the footballI
season, is to be played next Saturday
More -Concession Bids Desired
Bids for the refreshment concession
on Ferry Field for the current school
year will be received up until six o'-
clock Thursday evening, at the offices
of the Athletic Association. A state-
ment for that office yesterday was to
the effect that all previous bids for
the concession have been rejected.
Detailed information may -be secured
from Harry Tillotson.



Will Choose Students
Vocal Section This


Vocal tryouts for the Varsity Glee
clubs will be held at 7 o'clock this
evening and tomorrow- evening in
room 308 of the Union, according to
Frank R. Thomas, director and James
C. Stevens, '23, manager of the club.
A large number of tryouts areneeded
as many men are needed to carry
through the wide program which is
planned for this school year.
The tryouts for the instrumental
section, which now supplants the for-
mer mandolin club, will be held from
2 to 5 o'clock tomorrow and Thurs-
day afternoon in room 308 of the
Union, according to Manager Stev-
ens and Director Thomas. The in-
strument section, as planned by those
in charge, will contain the following
instruments: vioin, banjo, flute, clari-
n'et, saxophone, trombone, cornet,
piano, traps, and mariambophones.
A large number of students , espec-
ially sophomores, are asked by Stev-
ens to try out for the position of busi-
ness manager of the clubs, as the ex-
tensive trips planned for the year
will offer an interesting field to all
interested in the work, believes Stev-
News Of The Day
Washington, Oct. 2.-Coal supplies
to the northwestern states, whose
shipments customarily move by way
of the Great Lakes water routes, is
rapidly being assured, according to
figures given out tonight by the fed-
eral fuel distribution office. In the
week ending last Saturday the office
estimates that about 1,200,000 tons
were supplied to the lower lake ports
for trans-shipment, and on Saturday
alone 22788 cars were at the Lake
Erie ports en route to supply the wa-
ter routes.
Fuel Distributor Spens has reports
today indicating that the threatened
seamen's strike was not affecting the
capability of the lake carriers to take
on all offered shipments.
Helsingfors, Finland, Oct. 2.-Han-
nes Kolehmainen, the Finnish run-
ner, broke the world's record today
for 30 kilometers, doing the distance
in 1:47:13 3-10. The previous record
was held by A. Stenroos, also of Fin-
land, who finished in 1:48:6 2-10 in
New York, Oct. 2.-Isadore Dun-
can, dancer, and her young Russian
poet husband, detained yesterday by
immigration authorities 'upon their
arrival from Paris, were admitted in-
to the United States today after a two
hour examination.
"I understand," remarked Miss
Thnnoon "that nvno nannla eun-nn+

Council Committee Fixes Election
Date Week Earlier Than
Last Year
Election of officers by all classes of
the university except the freshman
lits will be held Friday, it was an-
nounced Monday evening by Thomas
J. Lynch, 25L, chairman of the Stu-
dent council committee in charge of
the elections.
Nominations by all classes except
the freshman lits, it was announced
at the same time, will be made Wed-
nesday and Thursday. The senior and
junior lits will nominate Wednesday
afternoon in University Hall, while
soph lits will meet Thursday after-
noon. All other classes are also to
hold special meetings to nominate of-
ficers on these two days.
The class elections are being held
a week earlier than last year. This,
it is believed, will enable the classes
to get under way soonerthan usual
and will permit the earliest possible
organization of class activities.
The freshman litnominations and
elections as in other years, will' not
be held for two weeks. This has been
done for some years to permit the
members of the class, the largest on
the campus, to become better ac-
quainted with each other,
Further announcement of the time
and place of the nominations and
elections is to be made Wednesday
mgrning, since arrangements had not
been completed Monday evening.
The elections will as usual be held
under the supervision of the Student
council. The committee in' charge of
arrangments is composed of Thomas
J. Lynch, '25L; E. 0. Scott, grad.;
E. C. Haug, 23E; Walter K. Scherer,
'24; George H. Belote, '23M.
"Every Appropriate Action Taken by
Government, Says
Washington, Oct. 2.-Secretary
Hughes declared tonight in a cable
message to Dr. James Cannon, Jr.,
bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
church, south, who is in Paris, that
the American government, in refer-
ence to the Near Eastern situation
"has not failed in any way to make
the sentiment of the American people
undisturbed and has taken every ap-
propriate action."
"The executive," Mr. Hughes add-
ed, "has no authority to go beyond
this and there has been no action by
Congress which would justify this
government in an attempt by- armed
forces to pacify the Near East or to
engage in acts of war in order to ac-
complish the result he desired with
respect to the inhabitants of that ter-
ritory and to determine the prob-
lems which have vexed Europe for
The message was in reply to one
from Bishop Cannon under date of
Sept. 30 in which he declared his per-j
sonal belief that "the government
should do everything possible to suc-1
cour Christians in Asia Minor, not on-
ly diplomaticaly, but if necessary with1
army and navy."
Prompt, definite American action,
Bishon Cannon cnntinud. "nnnnrtd

Voicing a protest against the erec-
ion of what was termed as a "tene-
ment house" on the southeast corner
>f Hill street and Washtenaw avenue,
more than 50 residents of the neigh-
borhood last night appeared before
the city council in search of aid. The
objection came as the result of plans
laid by a Detroit contractor, "Barney"
Westman, to build a three story apart-
ment house on that site, to contain
'hirty-six apartments.
The oinon as expressed by those
who appeared before the council
seemed to be to the effect that there
was no legal way in which to combat
the completion of the structure as the
builder desired to continue it. The
interested parties, however, acknow-.
ledged that they wanted to enlist all
possible aid in bringing influence to
bear upon the builder, either to
abandon the structure altogether or
to build it in conformance with the
building program of the rest of the
The plan of building, according to
Prof. H. L. Wilgus of the Law de-
partment, who lives at 1547 Washten-
aw avenue, is to erect the structure
flush with the property line which is
almost adjacent to the sidewalk on
Hill street -and Washtenaw avenue
and which runs within a very few
feet of th home of Mr. Milton E. Os-
borne, 1624 Hill street, on the east.
I)eclares it out of Line
"Such a plan," Professor Wilgus de-
clared, "is entirely out of keeping
with the building ine of residences in
the neighborhood. It juts 65feet
beyond the Trigon house .O the
southeast and some 15 feet beyond
Mr. Osborne's home on the east. A
building of that character would de-
stroy the beauty of the neighborhood,
which is one of the leading highways
into Ann Arbor and which has been
frequently characterized as the most
beautiful approach to any city in this
section of Michigan.
James .Inglis, president of the
American Blower company of Detroit,
who lives at 920 Baldwin -avenue,
complained of the proposed plans on
the grounds that Ann Arbor attracts
many here because of its desirability
as a residential section. He claimed
that he moved to Ann Arbor two
years ago because he felt that this
city was free from the difficulties of
unrestricted residential sections.
The city postmaster, H. J. Abbott,
820 Oxford Road, asserted: "They say
an apartment house is going up at
this location. I tell you it is not. Any-
one who will look at the plans will
tell you that it is nothing more than
a tenement house." Mr. Abbott pro-
posed that the Ann Arbor Real Es-
tate Board be urged to express the
disapproval of Ann Arbor residents of
the building that is being constructed.
Wade P. Connell, '23L, a member of
the Sigma Nu fraternity, in speaking
on behalf of the Sigma Nu property
declared that Ann Arbor is noted as
much in distant states for its beauty
as for its university and urged that
that beauty should not be impaired.
Among those present to protest to
the Council were members of the
Trigon club and the Sigma Nu and the
Phi Gamma Delta fraternities. Of the
residents in the neighborhood who
sat before the Council were Samuel
P. Lockwood and his wife, 800 Oxford
road; Prof. E. D. Campbell and his
wife, 1553 Washtenaw; Mrs. W. P.
Lombard,805 Oxford road; Dr. Louis
P. Hall, 1530 Hill street; James Ing-
lis, 920 Baldwin street; Herbert Sad-
ler, 1510 Hill street; Mrs. Frederick
Waldren, 1701 Hill street; Milton E.
Osborne, Prof. H. L. Wilgus and
Prof. Alfred H. Lloyd, Dean of the
Graduate school.
The Council passed a resolution ex-
pressing its sympathy with the move
to entirely block or alter the plans
of the building and calling upon the
mayor of Ann Arbor to appoint a
joint committee of aldermen and citi-

zens to urge upon the owner of the
property that he refrain from erect-
ing a building detrimental to the best
interests of the neighborhood and the
The resolution was proposed by Al-
Ar.'-In Al frd. A T 1Whe w '.. .. 4'o

Chicago, Oct. 2.-Approximately 49
roads west of the Mississippi river,
embracing all the principal carriers
of this section, tonight were reported
ready to sigm an agreement with the
brotherhood of railway trainmen and
the order of conductors, continuing
the piresent rate of pay and rules
with some slight changes for another'
year. Negotiations began this morn-
ing between a committee of execu-
tives headed by W. M. Jeffers, general
manager of the Union Pacific, and W.r
G. Lee, head of the trainmen, and L.
E. Shepard, leader of the conductors.
Only two main points were at is
sue, Mr. Lee said, and named over-
time and rates of pay. The brother-
hood's committees met 'tonight, and,
it was understood, virtually accepted
the proposition with the exception of
some slight changes in rules, to be
ironed out tomorrow.
Precision and Gusto Mark Appearance
of March King and Band a
Last Night
(By F.O.H.)r
With scarce a glance at a score,r
John Philip Sousa, America's March
King, led his band in a most enjoyable
concert last night, at the Whitney1
Theater. A crowded house greeted
the musician.t
Under Sousa's distinguished baton,
his band gave evidence not only off
careful training in detail but also of
a capacity for broad effects, with a1
genuinely musical feeling underlying1
all. ;
Two numbers stood out particular-.
ly, "Suite, Leaves From My Note-t
book," a group of three descriptive
sketches recently composed by
Sousa. The first, "The Genial Host-
ess," a light airy selection, was fol-t
loved by "The Camp-Fire Girls"'
which began with a hint of a march,t
but finally broke into a spirited;
march and gradually led to a softI
lullaby. "The Lively Flapper" was
typical of that vivacious creature.t
"A Bouquet of Beloved Inspirations"
showed an extraordinary degree and
variety secured by subtle interwoven "
barmonies contrasted with a tre-
mendous fortissimo on the highly
placed chords at the end.
His marches showed remarkable at-r
tack and precision, and all of themc
were played with tremendous gustos
which won noisy applause. "Stars
and Stripes Forever" made thet
greatest appeal.r
Miss Marjorie Moody sang with aa
pleasing, though not powerful voicet
and responded generously with en-c
cores. The viol solo by Miss Caro-1
line Thomas was 'played with a purea
tonal quality and feeling which alsod
distinguished her encore "On Wings
of Song." MacDowell's "Witches'
Dance" displayed the cleverness ofI
Mr. Carey and the favorite encorer
was "Nola" by Arndt.,
That the "cold epidemic" now prev-
alent is not serious is the opinion of
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of

the University Health service. The
greater part of cases requiring med-
ical attention at the Health service
are head colds and respiratory dis-
eases, -most of which are mild.
"Although the epidemic is season-f
al," Dr. Forsythe said, "there are two
main causes. for it: the large num-
ber of students dailybrought to-I
gether, some of whom have contagi-
ous colds, and the difficulty of main-
taining body temperature at this timeI
of the year, when room temperatures
are not uniform and the changeable Q
weather makes it difficult to wear thec
proper clothing.
"Anyone who knows anything about1
public health," said Dr. Forsythe,
"knows that efforts to control these
kinds of disease are practically hope-
T RY a Classified. There are f
a good many people who do
not"know what a Michigan Daily S
Classified will do. Are you one I
of them? Try a Classified. If I
you've got something good which x
you do not want any more, or

Kemalist Proposals ' "Unacceptah
Declares Council at
(By Associated Press)
Constantinople, Oct. 2.-Hamid B
representing the Angora governme:
accompanied. by M. FranklinBo
Ion, the French envoy, wgill leave t
morrow morning for Mudani, on t
cruiser Matz. General Mondelli, w
.will represent Italy at th conferen
will proceed on the Victor Emma
nel. General S:,harp, for France, i
the Jean d'Arc, and Generl Har
ton on the Iron Duke.
The Mudani conference will beg
at one o'clock tomorrow afterno
The British naval authorities ha
ordered the cessation ,of all mafn
traffic intthe neighborhood of Muda
and newspaper correspondents w
be excluded from the meeting. Da
communiques will be issued on 41
results of the conferencesand tra
mitted by wireless to Constantinop
General Harington consenting
meet Ismet Pasha, instead of Mus
pha Kemal, is causing much co:
ment. There is a vast 'difference
their rank, General Harington be
commandei in chief of the alli
forces, while Ismet is only second
command' ,V the Iationalist arm
It is learned -that M. Franklin Bou
lon has secured Kemal's pledge
suspeni military movements dur
the armistice conference, provid
that the allies accept the ollowi
Ask Allied Garrisons
1. Formal guarantees concerni
the evacuation of Thrace.
2. The establishment of allied gi
risons in the larger towns of Thra
,3. The occupation of Thrace
Turkish gendarmetie.
4. Transfer of the civil adnmnistl
tion of Thrace to KemallAt .functi
5. Evacuation f. Thraae "wil
eight days by the Greek aruies.
6. Occupation of the western jI
of the Maritz region by allied troo'
One of the British proposals, it
recorded, will be the establishme
of a new neutral zone on the Asia
side of the Dardanelles.
The Kemalist proposals, which w
be laid formally, before the MudE
conference tomorrow are, "discos
able but not acceptable. This .w
the decision of the extraordina
council which met at the British e
bassy this afternoon. It included f
allied high commissioners, ambasE
dors, generals, and admirals.
M. Franklin Bouillon, the Fren
envoy, through whose efforts w:
Kemal Pasha the conference w
made possible, expressed his con
dent belief to the Associated Pre
correspondent this evening that
agreement would be reached tom
row at Mudani.
"Kemal will make an even greal
effort for peace than he has ma
for war," he said.

Usually many requests for exte
sion courses, which have been
fered by the university in various c:
ies of the state for the last sev
years, have been received this ye,
Inquiries have been received frc
Detroit, Pontiac, Jackson, Batt
Creek, Grand Rapids, Bay City, a
Port Huron.
The preliminary enrollment a
organization of the Detroit extensi
credit courses will occur next Thui
day evening in the Detroit Centi
high school. The following subjec
will be offered: sociology, Engli
literature, journalism, philosopt
history, public speaking, and orga
ic evolution. The courses to be defi
itely given will be determined by t
preliminary enrollment.
Two courses already have been a
ranged for Flint. One in rhetoric a
short story writing will be given
Professor Rankin of the rhetoric (
partment, and another in the prin
ples. of political economy will be giv
(Continued on Pae'PTwo

"Hello! Is Marion At Home?"
Or "Fresh Is As Fresh Does '

About once in 20 years there ap-
pers a new joke. There are said to be
about seven different ones in exist-
ence, and this is probably a sport, by-
product, or some other offspring of
one of them. Maybe it isn't a new
joke at all, but it has at least proven
fresh and alluring to the latest ver-
dant increment to our campus popula-
tion, and to the funny boys, who sit
around figuring out some new one all
the while, it seems to be real hot
All you need to play this joke on
your favorite fres'hman butt is a
piece of paper and a pencil. Take'the
latter and grasping it firmly in the
right hand or the left if you are a
southpaw, and moistening the lead
on your tongue if you like that sort of
thing, take also the piece of paper
and write on it "Call 2249 and ask
for Mario.n." Leave this on Mr.
Frosh's desk. Then all you have to do
is to wait. Your freshman victim
comes in se.es the little note on his
r'cb where von have nut it has vi-

house and that "Marion" is none oth-
er than the President of the Univer-
sity, who tacks various degrees on the
end of his name, wields a wicked
horseshoe, and cannot under any
circumstances be considered a fair
substitute for a flapper.
The fact of the matter is that the
favorite joke this year is that outlined
above, and it has been played so many
times that there is a groove in the
residential rug leading up to the
telephone, and the inhabitants of 815
South University avenue are finding
it just a wee bit less funny than it
was the first time the 'phone rang.
They are anxiously waiting for the
time when the campus wags will dis-
cover a new one, or go back to another
of the good old favorites again. There
are symptoms that perhaps something
may be developed along some other
line. Only today a blushing freshman
appeared in the President's office and
asked whether Ae could have permis-
sion to take the course in Philan-

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