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January 24, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-24

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flT T O , s

in contradiction wt~ th4~~nhn
(t, Ventlon" ' afld " a e o ile:<al v sr
andt 2t<e .!o to Ix. (o! ) licd wv ,,= "by!


I~scnvv, lr 2lc ! ?'":A
mannmed 1by' orei gn crewS asi - 1f>,
of' Ihe 1railroad. stIc. Sch tx1n ic
o)1 S111111 fr.om t)orinu1d toC! d
Gemn sils a p ''a 1..Tht a
Ge ml f1;1 *tl~ca. TIIpoinj ot. i th. at. Flench1 traffic is :;o-_
orne l by thle "tur'n ito teef," rul,
'wli lie C rxn'a:. trin p.s to ;he ri;;i~.
Ifain1)orn. :Janl. 3.- Sixt,:-five
plno n toi: ('io« ;n. to the "
occu1)psi";"je-.7 l atrte.X in--
cler~ LL 1(1 (' ~~l ' v7orted [ i an])n;. he
Iltes btte 1 Frn1 ch rereu '; !t.
iorcin i <r <dciies~as intheV)0. wr ;Lienf.
aIr' rci_]c _, o the ocptin fres h 4 xi
Ilie Trlly nwor. -I anA then in

n t , .nn Present "The Play-goers" for V. 6of C. will take place in the evening and Hi1 auditorium duing the day'
~f Wol a OP ILVI i ~ij ly- goers,", a oe-at cor- which will make use of the stage 'of possible.
S' luncL19O heono teAn rbrChme
MerIFIOM!y nooAS IN TO at the regular weekly .
of Commerce, by the Shakespearean
99 -- Pie deet Harding remained arr ay circle of the Ann Arbor high school."
XV0111 )"IS F't~N S 1l0T I (II Pl0' 1fem h., Borice, his plysidans having The play constituted the main lpart:
I I I ~. II) Y') P t W IV a O advis-ed liferto rst.of the third public school programn ( C~orlieiia w~orki
103 put on at the luncheons. It was proe-
--b te['1rten1o(oalreeni ccir oiutiori for <:, con sti- tsent ed as an example of the Wi'gk ~j,-l~-~ c v A u~
Willie 1loppe, 18.2 balkiifne billiard ttional aiin1l(Iy't -proliiiiiig fur - Egiham rittc.adwa~
x ,champion of thle world, took the ev hoessaceo tx xmp es tisretel by Miss Lela Dull. - pn ''' I ~eei n
wass adaopted by the I lou.4e, by a two- I deciding uo ones lfe-or tee ~
la ac ihseJiit ion tth ~-!. very important consideration eve r ~reeing mn
iohirdmChrls ' trsn,=r(.'c Organ IecitaI to be t}itted: will make. He will se1 ct a field whiere t, 0110
TEmlyho can on 00to,3.bI}Tfhe regular weekly Twilight organ cation gained through his college career will not
lcyhtchmion 80t3 8. il)-! Confirmation of the niomination of; recital, scheuled for' this afternioon, jhe wasted.
piplayd :once of the Alrtess!1. 13 el, of 1 ihgul to b willb mitdonl account oth'per- I An ideal future is offered by the Fire, Marine
wich c nabled him to :stage' one o0! dirt fame*" ;u ember of the federal f trnance o the "Impressario" which an/aulynuac uyes
the greatest comebacks ever known reserve hoard was r )commnided by Insurance is close to the interess of every bus-
wimen he won b hc the title fr'oml ake the Snate Banking committee. ness.- It is cose to the interests of the officias of
Schaefer a few weeks ago.t every business. It is a matter which will bng
Petersoii won tin the , bank and ran:j you into immediate contact with 'big men and
RI'1 onsi i nig ~)l~Iesolutions propooing a con1itu- big affairs.
started in his hail' and ran the i )liamnmntt eglz fdrlthe Insurance Company of North Aieica is
lni1 ~ *~V0.T i mariage and div orce laws were in- a national, historical institution-founde i
soeO e aciltl * 'OSItrotduced' by Senator Capper, Klansas 1792-with over a century and a qurter pf gl
w thout a mliss. The chamiPon we : ana epiresenitativekk'aii field, Indiana,d earned prestige. Conservative policies and 3e;
aMi n raresfrm nis several (fo ;fal lllein- r:pbial.pendable service have been responsi~le for theS
ous ass shos dew Wll rleite~ re~tlIlicil.growth and for the constructive activities of the
applautse from the siuienice of 350f1 I..IIIk.' Company in the development of the entire
spectators. IPeterson did not ixeSanad i omay fIUi-insuraince profession.
a~ae L<-t(} " ;5trteCd whle theC clan)i- ana betwee-n 1911 and last .)mea
I1rx ai o.il ,:" c",-il 1i~,."declared (cash dividend anounting to FR1NK Insu~llran1ce' Com4pany of b
l)11' y.&S}i~e ini4~s ;i,0ooo, accoriinlg to tes;timony at
o1olling th3100 pint match, te..lr:T- N rhAm rc
~ xprs li~laI~iiit~ the Seniate nvECCtigaltion b>y Robert W. M
s: s hi on gtan(, whk-h Hope al>osaeII it hirc~man nor the comaisd i PHILADELPHIA
1G~ to 1. 'I1ha Conluetding e xhir.tion boIard i-fesaidm a arlmigduring - EN --and the
w----., visa idtmon:tstti.on ofscaue Of the t "'.tn SJ1r lutcl aJ' i,10, a s'Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
am ot (fifiicult sh1ots of the gme 31y CA-GH-..:------F- nrite practically eery frm of insu~ance except ie,
EeI llis i , lifim'l-tersoii. I . attemptti nuni'ro.us -i "_ Uislo, MayE4 ' iit S 1kriazIn iles
t et('rli of the',.ld twio, thleeOC, nd four rail comltbinlations Anco-a ge, Alaska, Jan, 231--(B~y A.r tw
WII ~ian N.WillamsU. t-Veal msseand arcemase shtsP)--D)al S1therland1, celegate in col- SA LOEi
l. "s83 1 S1V tcl h t( h o sli .ad a vatriety of othr

war of I ~4t, the Civil
i-der in 1 he fn~ Ian wars
the World 'var Va the
r corns.

A!\iini( 1, '. 8.--A. C'rowrl (eI:on--" - -
11'C flly ( 1] , - , 1 m sil;5 have(h',1. q : ''"l.
T'-I t e l , t ;1; .y 'r ,, 24 19an ich ii
1-,iiwman pl'('"ller, is to sakinl Dc-
HA R S .iAN G SE3 .-L' 1 f_'. Iri. t ioda :eaig, iFe. 12, it Or-
!)E PIE EC VE Y hetra hal-lI. .An (;oppor2i'tniy is -
_ feicred for the students of the tUnive7 -;
Washingto n, Jan. 23---t-By AT.)- it and residents of nn Arbor to-
Pres '. }t<rHarn, declared by hs per- 1het'r her, as spel,;al . 2I'fnrranfemnen
sona phyile~anBri. (ln. . Saw-:I have lle,,n -.nwxde-for (i i, ese;Frvation o
y t2.(vituaii l ly t omerc tverI'. roi i
t I1e a't C1 of grpe ,which th:'con--;jSGrls
tracI tel',1 o10?"'than aL3L w"feek ago, ye - A block of s<~i illthe bah lormv at
Inined l l? i:iin sl; d y at1i t'te-i } fc +}. , s eac l__.li f beni- e eI'1':d or
'Whiit' I[fous3 '.-tiOn nand wome in wi md 'ts and 'ill
ilheI':;11J iL Tuesday cabinet met ')r e hold' until :Stt xn'day ii con, . Jn. 27.
wascanceled RS ils wm~ te ~hed The0uVIo mw ih Toreser'veseats are
ule metng it nwsppe crre- (lUCe L<. ?to) otify the Y. W. C. A.
Pidhuts. No o{Sff{iialllE'ie's were en ft , fice ;tN([,bcrr'y hall as soon is:;
to0 the White 1-ousefol:r Presinial 1121SI l{'".iible. 80a-ts Oil the ain th*~ifoor Xmauy
aciadiC"l' .1 i0) iitol.'s ere ei'Crmitte(j also be obtt:nE'd in adVai"Ce a', ti "cc
tose r -lrig. -Iof :~1.75. Plaits are under way for
Ih a d b e i d c t e e t e d y tA i iii' hL l ' l t "1 'I'illg 1 T U 5 l') Q O. fL tIS I a r J lll s t
desk today. :J, r.SawGyer said, lhow'-
oCcI', that he cold 1no0ttllat thi;; I'of' fr~i' '<ca onl; l 4968 ieei-
tinlm whn.h e Pre"sU'Ca!ident world 1 Sresn ierecstyirgrae
permittled to rri,~:n to the fe.ecuti'cIhirtieCT i;pi1ii in1public afae,: i by lIo
offices . lItis l?;:. Sawye':' (,I'esire that 2gitxrDenAoime'.Col.
"IeIC riden:>t'l:haI3ve a<1simuchresfxt W of tieen inee.rinlg {('(ilege,p6 iokfit(' I
];{)'.'1 )e for aslong a tim 1as l~i.; pa-flarge assemn l GIlly heSenior enginleers
1 et i 2erniit. v '1- vo'ld esteday n111 Cil i5 .in rooini45
of the I4njin r:? ag builtlitg. Ithis
Ihouse 1hiy~ll; :!es fSedeui4fm 1.6°{ lt i#' cen.nectio-iie gib'=~e an account of! he.
W)hntnJn 3-_-<'y }\ -- xoi-l: along tis line which thro Amer- -
TheGren rsoltio prposng 1I ean E'ngineering C ouncil of thie Fed-'
amedin-Att imeContittio wielated Amierican Enginee~ rng soceieties.
-11 i(lll i- u) hoCons,,1ilin G is rootng

alentseiiliy ii5 oiithii'.ltetE' L;:1 t-s fr 10)lIs Irahasbll askedI )y
perforinol ,sonie il Njump :001 abfl3nusiiie:smnaand ohers ]herm to m'e-
r:.Ltydraw !;-i:, x t h oh ing up ~ jli ba'<t t he governmil£li ent eit the
este'rt ainini N 1a few cotIihinaeiled'SIher ansuder Adnira I StarR,
t lens a .!ntl ss1':S st.t u gc:;ed 5WIbyfli? :ii thI(Ie Phillipine 1islands, to set-
auadience. ' tihe in the interior of Alaska.

,!fl ,,

WII , 1F LkH LC >f


r~an. 2

Our advice is--D7on't eat
too much meat.. NXe serve
nuimerous substitutes that
are better for your health
and easier on your purse!

1 4Scanlan,

The Actor Singer, Reigns :supreme."
Boston Transcript



UpN.s t a i rs,

Ni'ck eIs'9

Arc de

NOT i '~"xmt of si pet (m 1)I'6odue#tiont, tleiiti o 'd iuuw re
cartili a'-t".at r-4i:V, slmxmrp. 1No onie s'eated 0iii*Mg the first apct,

l : i j3 1 -io!L I11r. U le f" L ' !11! ;.1 t.
'xc1i1 pt ?ec? , iCS:flyuWas adolpted to -
l w ork, Jan. 23-(B~y A..)-'
THugh Jennings, former pilot of the'1
Detroit Americans, todaiy signtedla
contract for 1923 as assistant myanag-
er of the N ew York 'imas, a post he
}held last your.

Try a Classihied Ad -_it )ay7S.---Adv.
1i val W (' \ }0L. ei 3t i S\ y, ThlI i easOl
P ( 's o' ed. ;miiii t. 'Mat. $2.00, 0c
Nig-lVf i$'2,4()to 50c,

-nl Aboish ih-Oli Ppeiall CH Sj R Wat*. Tues., Thurs. and
Madrid, Jan; 2 -(B~y A. P.)-The E it~2S n ~
ministry of Justice is conQ sder i e M
;SliiC()iissuace p a dce labo)lisin ~th%le t Cs 9 .p ia PAY
(10thL)01enalty for civil criminials inG Grn'e'b Iai'' ~eait
Pa.tronize Dalys;Advcrtiser-.-Adv. 'A Pa Aix Emxe otioni
PA f1 f l

A Iiinited inmber of tickits for seats, aund staniding r~ooml
lticketsar-c availa ble at time University School of Tv4msc.
( English Version 'bey Henry Edward Krehbicl )
The Musical Rendition created. under the direction of
Mr. Sam Franke. The opera stagel, nmount,-ed anU pryocluclldc
under ohe - rsonal direction of MR. ILLIAMWADE


Through the Winter
We can Xurnish you the material for
a storm houso on that porch, easily put
up, and that can easily be stor~d away
for tho summer.
Let us give you an estimate on storm
$~sash, storm doors and that storm house.
We have stock sash and windows that
willl eliclose that back rporch.


SCENTE--Reception Salon of Sch-ickaneder,
V'ienna Opera Hous'e.


(qDtrc iLtd.


Director Vienna Opera House
PHILIP, his nephew, a young baritone ... Francis Tyler
MOZART, the comiposer. .. ...Thomas McGrafnhan
MADAM HO-1FER. .. . . ....Hazel Huntingt~n
Mozart',, prim~a donrak sister-in-law,
MLLE. DORO THE:A U HLI C... Lottice Howell
Singer of Linp
Accompanmist to Schnickaanedr . .. ....Gladys Craven
An -inte~imission of ten minlutes will occur after
the '1Locket" Trio; 'Curtain will be lowered,




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