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January 24, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-24

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"The Impresario" With American Cast
Is Fourth Concert on Choral
Union Series

Eleven men were initiated last
night into Mimes, honorary' dramatic
society of the Union, at a banquet at
which they presented the program for
the evening.
Those initiated are: Edwin R. Meiss,
'24, Lyonel Ames, '24, Myron E. Chon,
'23, Sydney R. Sarasohin, grad~, John1
Grylls, '25, Howard Stimson, '24, Rich-
ard Travis, '25M, John Bromley, '25,
Lauren Stokesbury, grad., James C.
Stevens '23, and John Lawton,'24

Mozart's opera comque, Te Im- .
z ' r m , I Prof. Bruce M. Donalson, of the'
presario", the fourth concert on the fine arts department, was initiated in-
Choral Union series, will be given at to honorary membership of the so-
S o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. cie'ty. E. Mortimer Shuter, Mimesi
director, and Professor Donalson de-
An all-star cast of American artists livered the speeches of the evening.
is being presented and the supervisiona
of the entire production is in charge
of William Wade Hinshaw, formerly {
of the Metropolitan Opera company . O .
and a conspicuous figure in the world
of musical direction. Especial inter--'
est attaches to the performance, be-'
cause it is the first time in Ann Ar-
bor's' musical history that an opera-
has been offered in costume. English Novelist and Literary Critic
Franko to Direct Music Will Speak in 1I1 AudItorium
The cast is as follows: , Friday
Emanuel Schickaneder-Percy He-
Phillip, his nephew-Francis Ty- ANNOUNCED AS SUBJECT


I '
jjfl f
k j

Mozart, the composer-Thomas Mc- Hugh Walpole, English novelist and
Granahan. . literary critic, will come to An Ar-
Madame Hofer-Hazel Huntington. bor Friday as a speaker on the Ora-
Demoiselle Uhlic--Lottice Howell. torical Association lecture progam.
Accompanist-Gladys Craven. His subject will be "Books and
The musical rendition will be in .Friendship".
charge of Sam Franko while the stag- Mr. Walpole holds an undisputed
ing and production will be managed place among the novelists of the pres-
by Mr. Hinshaw. ,, ent day and is well known as a deep;
The story of "The Impresario"or reader and thinker who has a remark-
"Hoodwinking the Manager", is based able insight into .the strength and
upon an historical incident and the weaknesses of our modern literature.
characters drawn from real life. The Reports that have followed his lec-
English translation of the original tures at various points throughout
German has been prepared by H. E. the East indicate that he is scarcely
Krehbiel of the New York Tribune. less able as a speaker than a writer
The plot of the opera occurs i 1791 on the questions of writing and lit-
and the sene of action is the recep- erature.
Lion salon of Schickaneder inthe Vi- A Boston paper in referring to Mr.]
enna Opera house. Walpole following. his lecture in that
Shows Mozart's Best city declared :"Hugh Walpole is a
The opera has never succeeded in man of many and. varied parts and
attracting the fame or popularity en, powers.'All of them are illuminated
joyed by "Le Nozze di Figaro" orby his personal charm. He has learn-
"Don Giovanni", but contains, never- l ing, but no pedantry; experience, but
theless, some of Mozart's best music. no cynicism'; imagination, but abuti-
It is the product of his matured gen- dant common sense; sincerity, warm-
ius, and the aristocratic elegance, heartedness, religion-butf not a scrap
graceful melody and astonishing fin-, of the self-satisfaction which, makes
esse in which respects Mozart has religion an empty form."
never been surpassed, shine forth The author is now only 38 years old
from every page of the score. His early boyhood was spent in Auck-
All regular seats to the concert are land, New Zealand, where his father
now taken, but a limited number of was incumbent of the Pro-Cathedral.
standing room tickets will be sold at When his family later moved to New.
the door. York, his father became professor of
theology at the General Theological
Seminary. In the meantime Dr. Wal-
M I NY SIGN PETITIONS $pole has held various positions with
shools and colleges and has. been
HOUSE Bishop of Edinburgh since 1910.
FORPOT 1 FIE1DIn addition to his great stories of
Russian life portrayed in such works
MORE THAN 3,000 NAMES SECURED as "The Dark Forest" and "The Se-
BY COUNCIL'S EFFORT TO cret City", Mr. Walpole is the author
SOUNDOPINON of other well known books among1
SOUND OPINION whicare "Madardick at Forty", "Tho
f'fni - .. .. T? ,, .,w n ,k 1 wr

I First Tally Made Within First Three
Minutes of Play; Michigan De-
fense Weak
(Special to The Daily)
Minneapolis, Jan. 23.-Michigan's
hockey team went down to defeat foV
the second time against the onslaught
of the Minnesota aggregation tonight.
The Anal score was 3 to 0. The Wol-
verine's defense was poor and only
in the last period did they threaten
their opponents' goal.
Pond, Wyatt, and Bartlett were out-
standing in, the Gophers' brilliant
play. the first goal was made threQ
minutes after the opening of play
when Wyatt took a long pass from
Bartlett and carried it through two
Michigan defense men for a tally.
Wyatt was also responsible or the
second score whichcame in the sec-
ond period when he received a long
pass froin Pond. Bartlett shot the last
goal which was made in the final
Michigan's individual star was
Combs who played a consistently goo 1
game, making 25 stops for the Wol-
verines. Seven were made in the first
period, 9 in the second, and 9 in the
third. The home team made seven
stops, 3 coming in the first period,
three in the second, and 1 in the last.
The game is the end of a series 0
four games, two of which were played
with Wisconsin last Friday and Sat
urday, each team winning one contest.
The team will arrive home tonight,
The summary:
The score by periods:
Minnesota...........1 1 1-3
Michigan...........0 0 0-0
The Lineup
Michigan Minnesota
Anderson .... L.Wing"...... Bartlett
Beresford ... RWing.........Pond:
liidtronm .... Center ...'....Watson
Kahi ......R.Defense .....,. Wyatt
Macduff ... L.Deense ..... Higgins
Union book exchange committeemen
will arran ge for the selling, buying,
and exchanging of books during the
I final examination weeks through an
exchange bureau which will operate
at the Union.
No books, are to be bought or sold
by the committeemen at the Union;
but a list of' the books which will
1 contain the names of the books, and
information concerning them, with the
names of those who wish to sell them,
will be kept by the committee. This
lisf will enable the probable buyer
to find the book which he needs. Thi.1

Under a new system which has been
devised this year ,the names of 32
seniors who are prominent on the
campus have been presented to Max
Schrayer, '23E, managing editor of the
Michiganensian, to be run with eigh
others in the limelight section of
the annual.
The plan, according to Schrayer,. is
to use only the pictures of seniors in-
stead of trying to make the prints of
prominent members of all of th
classes. Another innovation has been
made in the manner of selection. Fj
Student council committee of thre(g
was appointed to decide who are the,
most deserving of the graduatin)
State Administrative Board Author-
izes $40,000 For Construe-
tion Work
Lansing, Jan. 23-(By A.P.)-Com-
pletion of the physics building at the
University of Michigan at a total cost
of not to exceed $450,000 was author-
ized by the state administrative board
today. Preliminary work of the con-
struction was undertaken by the uni-
versity some time ago and it is esti
mated that more than $200,000 has
been spent to date.
Members of the board after inspect-
ing a report on the expenditures of
the University so far estimated that
the completion of the physics build-
ing will prohibit further building un-*
der the $4,500,000 program authoriz-
ed by the 1921 legislature. Total ex-
penditure exclusive of the physics
building are $2,986,770.
According to Thomas E. Johnson,
state superintendent of public instruc-
tion it will be necessary to spend per-
haps another $500,000 for land and it
Is presumed that it will cost perhaps
an equal amount to complete, the en-I
gineering shops upon which about!
$240,000 has been spent. If the esti-
mates of members of the board are
correct, the university will be unable
to go ahead with the completion of its
literary building unless provision is
made by the 1923 legislature.
Herbert S. Case, '23, was elected
president of Sigma Delta Chi, profes-
sional journalistic fraternity, at a
meeting last night in the Union. Case
was elected to succeed E. P. Lovejoy,
'23, who is leaving the University to
accept a position with the General
Electric company of Schenectady, N.


European Situation Takes Menacing
Turn Because of Turkish
Lausanne, Jan. 23--(By A.P.).-Un-
settled as is the general European dit-
uation of the present moment, it sud-
:enly took a more menacing turn this
evening owing to critical develop-
ments in the Near East conferene:
Turkey refused to accept the Brit-
ish proposal to refer the Mosul .dis-
pute to the League of Nations for
settlement, and Great Britain declined
to accede to Turkish counter sugges-
tions that the question be settled .by a
plebiscite in the confiscated district.
League Can Act
Lord Curzon then declared that as
foreign secretary of the British E.ia-
pire he would take the responsib-
ity of addressing a letter to the c$ln-
cil of the League of Nations setAtli
forth that a situation had arisen
which was liable to disturb iM'-
national peace, and asking that. he
matter be dealt with under the co**-
nant,. which provides that the League
can act when there is war, or, ally
threat of war in the world an4 t4lke
steps to restore or to insure the maLT
tenance of peace.
Against Monopoly
An important American feature of
tonight's meeting was. a stateent
read by Ambassador Childs, outliM*g
the position of the United States.
Mr. Childs said that Lord Cuf on
::ad clearly indicated that the British
government would hold aloof asfr
as possible from making concessions
in Mesopotamia, otherwise ca4d
Irak, the subjectoff tylainatic itik-
est, and he had" declared his . beief
in the principles that large factors in
the world's resources should. not be
come the subject -of monopolisti& .,e-
velopments. .
The American representatives were
glad to associate themselves withthe
intent of Lord Curzon's. remark$son
this subject; they haol expressed their
government's policy, that neither the
statements or adherents had reference
to any particular resource or 'field. of
determining activity. Only those *who
nwilfully perverted'these declaralohs
had read into them meaning which
hooded their own political ends.



Members of the University commit-
tee of the house of representatives
made their' annual. tour of the Uni-


versity yesterday, attended by several
University officials. The personnel of
the comnmittee is A. B. Titus, chair-
man ('h.rltes H. C1uver. Ari H 'Wood.

- pla, *e . l rl.. - I Gods and Mr. Perrin ,The Prelude
QUESTIONS ruff, and Eugene J. Kirby. It is estimated by the Student coun- to Adventure", "Fortitude", "Jeremy"
The committee spent the morning cil committee in charge that over and "The Cathedral". The last is con
Washington, Jan.23-(By A.P.)-.. . 3,000 names have already been se- sidered by many as his best work.
Court action in an effort to get d-I and afternoon visiting University de- cured to the petitions asking the
Cor cinina fottogtd-tpartn':ents. This inspection tour is Badi oto fAheista
positions from William J. Burns, chief made each year by the committees in the ne field house e named after Delta Sigma Rho Elects Three
of the Department of Justice bureau terested in University affairs, in or- Coach Fielding H. Yost, and they ex- b Three men were elected as meni-
of investigation and W. N. Whitney, der to gain a knowledge of the work erpect that the 4,000 mark 'will bers of Delta Sigma Rho, national hon-
of the American defense society, was ing done in the University,and aIreached before the petitions are all orary oratorical society, at the meet-
beu odyb atreyfrth o1nception of the, needs of the ill- taken up. ing of the organization' held last night,
begun today by attorney for the 21 tution. These petitions have been circuted in University hall. They are the fol-
lowing: J. K. Dunn, '24, Ross A. M-c
communists arrested at Bridgeman, ; At 11 o'clock the group held an in- during the last five days among the
Mich., August 22, last. formal discussion with President Mar- student body, in the fraternity hous- Farland, '23, and Frank H. Backstrom,
In contempt proceedings today in ion L. Burton concerning University es, boarding houses, and at other '4.
the District of Columbia Supreme affairs and after lunch at the Union places about the campus ny th Stu- These nmn were picked from those
Court Justice Iloelhling ordered Mr. resumed their inspection of Univer- dent council, and are now being col-wate atcdpatrin cntetl.
Whitney to answer questions put to sity units. They returned last night lected. ate debates and oratorical contests.
him by the communist attorney. The to Lansing. One hundred fifty petitioun= were
decision overruled his claim of privi- placed in the fraternity houses, Adelphli Elects New Officers
lege as a newspaperman in communi- boarding houses, and elsewherj, on I Adelphi House of Representatives
cation between confidence and he ap- lv U#Ii 24,L M90 I S the campus, and 75 letters wer mal-. held its semi-annual election of offi-j
pealed the case. Whether such .Pr- ed to the presidents of the larger cers last night with the result thatj
ceedings will be instituted against Mr1 r alumni associations in Michigan and the following were chosen:-speaker!
Burns who refused to answer ques- GOSlCUNRYI9LDelsewhere, requesting their opinion Donald Cook, '24; clerk, R. L. Alex-
tions yesterday on the advice of the C Tof the plan. In addition 50 letters ander, '24; treasurer, C. A. Benedict,
attorney general, was said by Frank were sent to prominent alumni 24; and sergeant-at-arms, Francis J.
P. Walsh, attorney for the commun- J ASSISTAATS SELECTED FROM throughout the country. a kYn their Brettle, '24
ists, to depend on the outcome of Mr. TRACK MANAGER , ideal as to its desirability.
Whitney's appeal. TRYOUTS Plans for the reorganization of theI
In questioning Mr. Burns for a de- council were also discussed at the 7:00 A. M.
position yesterday, Mr. Walsh sought meeting last night, wh.( b -was heldj
to learn of any connection between John H. Morse, 24, was appointed at the home of Dean Josepi A. Burs- Daily off press with lost ad for
Department of Justice and Burns In- manager of the cross country team ley,
ternational Detective agency men with at a meeting of the Board of Direct- _ _sheepskin coat. - Finder please
the raid at. Bridgeman. ors of the Athletic Association yes- return to Daily office..
Solalino Antlor of jew Book terday. The position of cross coun- 'Z fi
v Prof. Antonio G. Solalinde, of the try manager is a new one. having Tbeen O:3
Spanish department, has received a created at this meeting, and it will
copy of his new bak, published re-. bear the same number of honors as Finder returns sheepskin coat
cently in Madrid. It is called "Alfon- the manager of the other teams. to Daily office.
so X, El Sabio, Antologia," and is the Assistant managers for cross coun- Michigan Boosters will meet at 7 o'-
first volume of a two volume anthol-.1 try were also appointed at this time, clock tonight in the assembly hall off 8: A M
ogy of the works of Alfonso X, known They are as follows: N. E. Hartwick, the Union to formulate the purpose '
as Alfonso, the Learned, King of 1'25; J. Pretzker, '25; W. Brown, '25; and objectives of the club. Coach Another person satisfied by a
Spain during the latter part of the 13th and R. Fox, '25. Two alternates were I Fielding H. Yost will preside. The Daily classified.
century. appointed, J. Plain, '25, and M. Kieb- motto that the club will use, the creed
ler, '25. that will govern it, and the by laws CALL
Rovillain Addresses Round-Up Club Appointments of the managers in it will operate under will be discuss-

Members of the Underclass C
committee discussed plans fa
revision of their constitution x

plan permits of no handling of cash I posed by the Student council at
by tecmite Letters have been sent to about 75 regular meeting last night *is
y the committee. high schools of the state in an effort Ug
Students who wish to sell or to buy t enroll them as members of thme Uniont.
boosthroughthectoommitteeImaybdosrt was decided that with the
bok} hruhte omteemyd Michigan Interscholastic Press ass~o) aiaino h omte
so from 4 to 5:30 o'clock Monday af- II ganization of the committee
ternoon and every day thereafter dur- ciation y men would be required to a
ing the weeks of final examination. Monthly bulletins will be issued in more strictly with the tradition,
Books may be sold at a higher price wicticriticisms of high school pub- rules relating to their class. Son
and' bought at a lower price through iaon will be offered by members, down in the carrying out of'
the committee than through other of Sigma Delta Chi. raditions by first year men hws
means through the service of the Tentative plans ill soon be drawn brought to the attention of the
committeemen acting as middlemen up -in preparation of the second annu- mittee and a more thorough c
it is pointed out. The profit of ex- al convention of high school editors Ing-up system will be in effect fc
change is eliminated, the student' to' be held during April or May. The second semester.
themselves making bargains by thecommittee in charge will be LO In reporting a man, the offeps
helpvof the committeet Hershdorfer, '23, Robert C. Moriarity, name, address, and telephone nu
Each student who wishes to sell or '24, and James Young, '24. should be given as well as the
tobuy books will make out an infor-.
1o bI ok ilmk u nifr Lincoln Carter, '23, was elected di- address and telephone -of the
imation card to aid the committee i rector of the Michigan News bureau plainant. The report should b
its 'work as soon as possible after to succeed Herbert Case. dressed to David M. Sutter,
I the opening of the exchange Monday chairman,- and should be lefta
at the U~nion. Curzon Scents Possible War Union desk.
.aUn .Lausanne, Jan. 23-(By A.P.)-Mar-
cus Curzon, British foreign secretary,
IDAHO MINE FIRE I told the near East conference this
KILLS THREE NEN evening that the refusal of Turkey to ( THE DAILY ASKS ThYOUl
submit the dispute over the Mosul Oil;-
district to the League of Nations had j Those wishing to try out
Spokane, Wash., Jn. 23--(By A.P.) l created a situation of extreme gray- the 'editorial staff of The 'Da
~thlee unindentified miners were ity. It was so grave, he added, as to are asked to report . at ' 2
! killed and thirty were overcome by involve the possibility of a renewal of'I o'clock Friday afternodon at'
gas when . fire broke out early today warfare. city editor's desk in the' ofId
in the fourteen hundred foot level of __the paper in the Press builclin
a federal mining and smelting conm; Braun Speaks Tomorrow I Underclassmen are particul
pany at Multon, Idaho. Through an error it was announced 1y desired at this time. Undo
The thirty men who were overcome in yesterday's paper that Carl F. I University ruling freshmen v
were hoisted from the 2,000 foot lev Braun was to speak this morning at I have spent one semester on
e hthe fire zne to safety, and 10 o'clock in room 300 of the Chem- I campus are eligible to work
were said to have recovered. Thq istry building. Mr. Braun will speak I the paper, and those who int
fire was still burning in the west enq to Professor Stocking's class in com- 3 to work next semester are as
of the fourteen, hundred foot level to- mercial pharmacy at 11 o'clock Thurs- ' to report Friday, when the w
day, but mine officials said dampness day morning in the same room. His will be explained.
there would prevent much spret4l subject will be "Banking for the Busi- The work is of competitive
the flames. ness Man." ture, men having to spend a t
All the men in the mines when the period before receiving an
fire was discovered have been ac Players' Club Will Give Social pointment to the staff.

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