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January 21, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-21

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Support Petitions
Plan t' IHonor

French Claim Germans Not Asked to
Move Cars; Are Bringing Own
Duesseldorf, Jan. 20-(By A.P.)-
With 1 of their leading compatriots
on the way to jail at Mayence, the
Germans are beginning to realize that,
the French are in earnest in carry-
ing out the reparations policy in the
Rhur valley.{
Germans Not Receding
Despite the arrest, however, there
Is no sign of intention by the Germans
to recede from their program of non-
cooperation and passive resistance tc'
the occupational authorities.
The men in custody include state
officials, industrial leaders and capi-
talists. The conditions of their in-
carceration will not be severe, as they
are to be treated as political prisoners
and allowed to obtain food from res-
taurants, together with their favorite
brand of wines, one bottle for each
Railway Men Hold Out
Not one representative of the work-
ing men has been molested; by the oc-
cupational authorities thus far. but
four coke and coal trains confiscated<
in transit by the French today are
stalled on various sidings in the Ruhrt
valley, the railway men refusing to
move them toward France.
The French claim that the railwayt
men have not "refused" to work the
trains, because they have not been re-
quested to do so, but the Germans sayt
the occupational authorities refrained
frone this request only because it
would meet with certain refusal.
The French are rushing locomotive
engineers and firemen to the Ruhr.F
Prof. E. C. Case of the departmentt
of geology, Director of the Geological
Museum, absent on leave for-1922-23,o
is at present in Rome, Italy, on his '
trip around the world.
He has visited England and the con- t
tinent, and expects to sail for Southt
Africa soon. His itinerary will also p
include Australia and Asia.
Professor Case's objects in making4
the trip are to study the Permian and
Triassic deposits of the countries het
visits, of which deposits he has al-
ready made an extensive, study in this
country, to establish exchange con-
nections for the University with thet
principal museums of England, Eu-n
rope, South Africa, Australia, and In-
dia, and to purchase for the Uiver- 1
sity actual specimens. and plasteru
casts of various vertebrate fossilsn
collected from the deposits of these it
The University has Placed one
thousand dollars at the disposal of 'r
Professor Case for the purchase ofS
specimens and casts, and a number of i
these have already been shipped. He
has also arranged with museums andp
individuals in England and Europe v
to exchange geological and paleon- w
tological publications.
Professor Case is partially financ-
ed on this trip by the Carnegie Insti(t
tution of Washington, which will
publish the results of his studies of
the Permian and Triassic deposits of
the countries visited. He expects to
return with his family in time for
the opening of the University next
fall. p

/ ~.vt1

Petitions asking the Board i
trol of Athletics that the nev
house be named after Coach F1
H. Yost have been placed in all
fraternity houses and eating
by the 'Student council as well
the desk in the Union and at
Approximately two thousand
ents have already signed the pe
during the day and a half tha
have been in circulation and it
pected that more than twic
number will sign before the pe
are collected the first part o
week, according to an estimate

i' ~ ~ nm* "Play-goers", a one act play by
IiIArthur Pinero, will be presented by
the Shakesperian circle of the Ann U HUMBL
Arbor High School at the meeting of
hchteChamber of Commerce luncheon F RM R , 2 1
club Tuesday noon at the Chamber ofi
Commerce Inn. This will be the
third of the public school programs
EA. !of the luncheon club. It will be il- WOLVEINE SUBSTITUTES BREAK
RIATE 'lustrative of the teaching of oral * UP hELPLESS ACMiE
r English and dramatics in the high DEFENSE
n Con- school.
v field L. L. Forsythe, principal of the Ann HENDERSON SCORES 13
felding Arbor high school, will be chairman OUT OF 15 FREE THROWS
of the of the meeting. Those who are plan-
places ning to attend should make reserva-
as at tions. Rice Plays Brilliant (ante; Kipke

t Hus-
t they
is ex-
e that
f next


Forced Out by Minor
(Special to The Daily)
East Lansing, Mich., Jan. 20.-Miich-
igan's substitute court squad tonight
punished the Michigan Aggies' Varsity
quintet with a 29-13 defeat. The Far.-

d F mby the ommitee in charge.
Dodos Fame GrowslPace Table in Library in Two Years by 1 to 0 hoop more thal three times du'n#
AIn order to give everyone an p Score the entire fray, gaining the great&
AUSANNE SESSION IDAs Original Plays e portunity to sign, a table for that' tpart'of their score on free thtows.
F o c us A Zttention rnpu will be placed in front of KAhN AND BERESFORID STAR The first half of the game 3 a
0he signatures of the faculty oNof the of both teams, the Wolverines Spear-
PPA ~Much has been written concerning P AD womenAYare being solicited. (SpeciaR to The Daily)1 ing the net onlyonce frgo the floor
the performances of DoDos, a group When asked his opinion of the Madison, Wis., Jan. 20.-Wisconsin i and earning seven counts on foul
U. S. Refnses Dealing With Turke taough Walpole Is Sixth Lecturer on matter, President Marion L. Burton "broke the ice" and won its first hock shots.
Dr: a' E olocal people who formed a cl) to Oratoricl Association Pro- said, "I think it would be very ap- ey game in two years by conquering Score Even in Frst half
(onference write and act their own plays. Theis grant propriate to attach the name of our the Michigan sextet one to nothing The Capital aggregation doubled theo
. fame has spread and demands for tick- Director of Intercollegiate Athletics here this afternoon, Iafield goal total of its opponen
MAY SEEK COMMERCE TREATY ets for their first public presentationI FAMOUS CRITIC TO SPEAK Ito the new field house. I signed some The winning score came late in the made good on five attempts fro
WHEN PRESENT W E ET COSES the plays. far exceeded the seatini ON "BOOKS AND FRIENDSHIP" weeks ago a petition favoring the opening period when Capt. Howard foul line. The score at the end of tlie
ofa_______f the yfrxedeat.he for- .jproposal and I am happy to have this Combacker recovered an unsuccess- half time stood at 9 all,
Lausanne, Jan. 20. - (By A. P.)- Hugh Walpole, English novelist and opportunity to reiterate my approval ful shot by Johnson and drove it In the second frame Michig9n brok'
Asea atofrne, a.2.-(y aP)- 'ino hscubi notrwhoti±"into the net.loe
mation of this club is an outg'rowth literary critic, will speak Friday night loose with a fusilade of spectacl
Astches Nea st coneencte a- of the little theater movement that ir! at Hill auditorium on the subject, Building .Reslt of Yost's 'Work It was the Badger's first victory in baskets, the Matherj offensive showing
proacles what is expected to be its . sweeping over the country, althoug 'Books and Friendship". Mr. Walpole Others questioned about the plan four starts against Michigan and tho its-true power. The Aggles were en-
nl chpterallkndsof reports autndn- the facilities in the hands of the group is being brought here under the aus- were' in absolute accord with it. first in ten games played since hockey dered helpless during this period
dag repors re in circution n- in no way equal those usually at the pices of the University Oratorical Coach Yost should be honored in was made a Varsity port. All of pthe close guarding of the Michigan net
cn an increase in thegeneraldisposal of a little theater. This ie association and is the sixth man to big' way by Michigan while he the games with Michigan were won protectors The Lansingites adde4
Ten 'what the members wish, desiring to address an Ann Arbor audience on I]is living, and better still, while he is or lost by one point margins, one field goal and two free throws to
The Turks made it known today keep their performances free froir; this year's program, active here," said Marion B. Stahl,'25L, Wisconsin out played the Wolver-; their final count, while the Welverine
that tertish dgaet ha res- the professional accoutrements which Mr. Walpole is generally known as }anag ng Editor of the Daily. "The ines in the first period and obtained a'l scred at will. Rice circled the' h11,
ed to entertain a suggestion that tecm oteado itetetr theher.Waloemstnel ona tatth riishdleaeladreusescorewdnaf bil.Rc'iclrt'h
s g ome to the aid of a little theater one of the foremost living authoitiesnew field house 'is a monument which least five close shots to every on withfour brilliant shots, two f Which
osul dispute be left'to the League of The little theater offers the best on modern English literature. I would adequately honor' him. Ex-' that Michigan players managed to were made from mid-court, While Mae-
tions.ar Thahe rits ret d nevth medium for artistic expression on the the author of "The Dark Forest", "The ssay the new.juilding will raise get. Good defensive work by Comb Gregor, Kipke, and McWood contrAb-
he remark that the Turks had never pat ogtecmmnit, he embrndecetCit,""Maadik t Ftt", 'Tl 5'
advanced such a suggestion to the part of the community, the members Michigan s present wonderful athlet- l kept the puck from the net until Com{ uted one field goal.
British. ieve, as it combines the work oo 'The Gods and Mr, Perrin", and other c aces per cent. The fact that bacKer made his goal. Rice Spears Four Cos
There was another protest to the ery kind hose who aaThoreaithooks. I'uring the arly years of the it was Mr.'Yost's idea, and'that he was Michigan surpassed the Badgers in Henderson' gave:. K ofl' bit
t ote ywar he served ith the. ussian Red (Continued on Page Two) team play, but stellar individual work as a foul shooter by making 'od o
Russian delegates that it had not yet find in this field an opportunity foil cross, and later as sent by the rit- by Combacker and Fiske kept the 13 out of 15 tries. . +e at center came
Essndeeaehaithdntyetslf expresion. Starting tei er- niirtndur m Wassen Umthe Vinermen init o
received a copy of the projected sfo resin tart the Dr ish government on an important mis- thhere w the lead. Kahn and hg with the counters that started
the Dardenelles. onaces in a private house, the Do o to Petrograd. As a result of these Beresford were outstanding Michigan the Wolverines on their rampage, se
treaty oncernng the ardeneles. TRtUTSgithe olveri eene atnaugh st
ohe soviet foreign minister, Pchitch- Sistnow own their own theater .on years of service in Russia, he wrote players.iLneup follow: ingthfe, the MA.C. defense a naught
Spring street, an old barn which they "The Dark Forest" and "The Secret A T ichigan Trscwel McMillanA A t,
d eclared the Russians must he ad ave made suitable for their pur- City". riIComb.........Gqal......Treadwell vidual high man for his team, akin
phree days to stufdy it before decision s He belongs to a distinguished Eng-. McDuff.......Defence .... Blodget,.1 up one basket from the floor and
n plenary session. ple ersosDeesrish family, and is a descendant of Sir TmBeresford..kre completing seven out eightrm
The Assyro - Chaldean representa- Therplays which were acted and Robert Walpole, the famous Britishi ithe foul line.
e Ass alenent written by members have already bee prime minister of the early eighteenth West debating squad as a result of Anderson .... Wing......Johnson Kipke at guard was forced to leave
iv sPersia accusing that country reviewed in The Daily, and it is only century, and of Horace-Walpole, the I the tryouts held yesterday morning in i Lindstrom ... Cerer ....Combacker the contest during the second half be-
f torturing and massacring Assyro- necessary to state that the perform- literateur and, wit of the late Georg- Mason hall when the squad of 22 men cause of minor injuries,
haldeans and asserting that Persia nes were fine,lacking just enougl ian period. He was born in Australia ws, reduced. The tryouts each gave
hould be invited to the conferencei of the professional polish to be are - and, as a boy, spent some time in New Asix-minute sti eech on any phasb of Conference
o justify her acts. Persia recently en for ntepren. Triy w noerg York, while his father-later Bishdp, othe uic'd spera dement blR[Icor
rotested because she had not been fr the purpose of raising one of Edinburgh-was professor of The- othe pubc speaking departmeit
nvited to send delegates to the con- for the relief of starving children o ology at the Union Theological sem-' hest. LL II Purdue 24
Russia. The plays were Under- ary. His education was completed The persons chosen are: WilliamIoa4
erencc- .standing" by Margaret Grenell na: and hecto o high hbn; Schrier,, '2, C. J Cole, '23, E. WIowa46.
Indications reached here tonight "Swimming Apples", by John R. England, and he took high honors ',. Gerrit Demmink23, J. B RYGRD AND LOISE HO Wisnsn 24.
hat English newspapers have reports Adams, instructor in rhetoric, and w then el yrsof hi Care e w las o , '23, L. J. Glasgow, '25, H. W.'i MER AflON0 35STARS IN Illinois 20.
hat n the event s a rupture of the "Monkey Glands" by Lowell J. Carr the early years of his career he wasGlasgow, '24, W. B. Johnson, '24, M. COMPANY Ohio State 21.
ausanne conference the United States "oney G y elengagedM journalism but afterwards ,Minnesota 12.
*nd Turkey will negotiate a separate octurned his attention to fiction writ R. er '25L and Harold Latta,'24. Chicago, Jan. 20-(By A.P.)--Thir
redly. ___AmbassturedohsChttntio tomctingwit";' yg, '23,5Lin Spec Lte, '241. iChiago,_Jn._20-By________i
~ Professor Declines Offer NThe two teams will be chosen next Sat- ty-five of the principals and 265 of the
reaty AmbasisdohriCiscon- i Poesofecie Ofr I iNot' Nye
nd wstheDr. Charles S. Berry, professor onmay hn the above persons will chorus and technical staff of the Chi-
slvr le mnt asrttv G V,,-)nent on s thisto theriish ormre, r.aharesCivBrrycprfesorra No ony i MrcWaposeadenoned'ES TE~RSu~
onetwsta hr sn oeeducational psychology, has declined Ivlit gu ehs'andfm o'eie Uh l
iklihood of the United Statel mak- idro m Oho Sas dersity, a lecturer . He made a brief tour of minute constructive cago Civic Opera Company closed
asseechestandmehreeominuteuun stetUnstat!theirelocalh aearsouehbrestonieht'anr o ht a
anofrthe United States in 1920 and attract- Tetotaswl e n terlclsaop ere tonigNhIAIInd
ag a The week before last Dr .Berry ad- I ed large audiences in many of the The two teams will debate in the will leave immediately for Boston LJ IL
anos an dta h mrcnps dressed Phi Delta Kappa, educational ;agr ite fth onry r annual triangular debate with the ;where they will open a two weeks en- #
It is learned that the American pos- isociety, at Ohio State university. Im 1 larger cities of the-country. Mr. al- Wisconsin and Illinois universities gagement on Monday. Fr'om Boston
ion concerning a special convention mediatelyater his lecture the O poe is especiay we te o is arch 16 the company will go to Washington Foresters from Michigan and st tes
pirth the Ottonman government re- atrhslcueheOi cuss the modern English novelists,I
ith th an hented State unive sity authorities invited ths mthodan teni work.,for three days and then on to Pitts.. of the Ohio valley met bore yestet-
ates wnoin a tne te him to join their school of education their__thds__dthe _ k-HOP BOOTFI ROOM burg for three days. During this lay to complete the organization of;
tates will not sign a Lusanne treaty faculty. TTAtime fourteen operas will be present- this section, of members' pf the societ7
f one is egotiat ed, isih carkrryi nonh nI POET Ta ADDRESS STILL A VAILA B E e;. of American Foresters,
egetiations with Turkey during the Law Grad, Counsel for Monroe Concern ______ ' The Boston reertoire will include 'The program began wth a bhsli
~ita'n~'~~to.rAt ',,,-WESLEYAN GUILD hBst reror ilicd 'Tepgambgnwhabs-
resent conern andtaki noX~fl ad.

tteCi tLi1C, UI gh r,11
antage of her position here. But,
'hen the 'conference is adjourned, the
7nited States in keeping with its an-
ounced policy, may begin negotia-
ions for a general commercial treaty.
Mimes Play R
Repeating successes of previou&
performances, the Mimes Repertoire

J. R.Monroe, '06L, president of the
Monroe Calculating Machine company,
h',s retained as counsel for his or-
ganization, Franklin A. Wagner, '04L.
Mr. Wagner compiled one of Mich- '

Mr. Edwin Markham, more common-
ly known as "The Man with the Hoe",
will be the speaker tonight at the
fifth of the Weslyan Guild lecture
series. The lecture will be held at
7: 30 o'clock in the Methodist church.
Mr. Markham is a poet, writer, and

Special consideration will be given
the report of the Committe on corres-
pondence Courses at the January Fac-
ulty meeting of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, to be held
at 4:10 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
Newberry auditorium.
The discussion will involve the
nuestion of whether or not it will be;

company presented the final showing
of "The Thirteenth Chair" before a
fair house at the Mimes theater lastl
The entire play was carried through
in the manner that has marked it as
a successful Mimes production in thq
previous performances that have been
given this year and last. The acting
was good, a trifling slowness in tho
first few minutes soon corrected, and

igan's first song books..
epeats Success f
ing actors to appear in a Mimes pro-'
Sharing honors with Harry Clark is
William A. MacVay, '26M in the part
of Madame LaGrange, an Irish spir-
itualistic medium.
The "Thirteenth Chair" is a mys-1
tery story with the police sergeant
and all, yet with new characters in
seances and the mystery of spiritual-
istic communication. Admirable op-
portunities for tense moments are in-
troduced in darkened rooms with the
moans of the medium playing upon
the nerves of the audience. The mo.
ments are well utilized in a manner
that make§ - the play so carried out
that the final revelation is held until
telast moments of action.
A single adverse criticism can be
offered in the manner which the fen-
i inien onle swre taken. It has heenI


lecturer of fame.


which he is best - known, and for.
which he is sometimes called, is "The
Man with 'the Hoe" This was pub-I
lished in 1899 and immediately re-
ceived world-wide attention. It was
hailed by some as "the battle-cry of
the next thousand years". The poem.
has since been translated into fifty
different languages and has had a
large number of parodies based uponI


The poem for

Those expecting to attend the Jun-
ior Hop, who as yet have .not .pade!
arrangements for booth room at the
dance, Feb. 9, are asked to leave
their names with one of the Hop
! cor ."itteemen at once. While 'all of,
thebooths for the Hop have been as-t
a possibility of securing room
the booths already rented re-
IComipl1ete ar'rangements'fr h
entrance :.of tds, and the details of
the grand march ,and other minor1
points of the Hop have been decided'
upon, and will be made known soon
through the various members of the
! committee.
!The elective J-Hop committeemen
will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday
F afternoo4. in room 304 of the Unon.

"Aidla..."Tosca", "Cavalleria Rusti- ness session in the morning when Ed-
caiia", "Pagliacci", "Rigoletto","Three mund Secrest, state forester of Ohio,
Kings", "Walkuere", "Boheme", "Ill was elected chairman, and Russell
Trovatore", "Parsifal", "The Snow Watson, professor of forestry in the
Maiden", "Madame Butterfly", "Car- ( University, secretary.
me-." and the "Jewels of the Madon- Several state foresters were pres-
na." ent including C. C. Deam, state for
j At Waashington, beginning Feb. 5, ester of Indiana, who has many
"Aida", "Tosca" and "The Snow Maid- ,riends in the botany and' forestry de-
en" will be presented, while at Pitts- I partments here in the University; hay-
burg beginning Feb. 8, the presenta- ing been in close touch with the work
tions will include "The Jewels of the here for a number of _ears, Mr.
Madonna," "Aida," "Carmen," "Cavel- Deam is the author of a book on In-
leria Rusticana" and "Pagliacci." !diana trees of which . two editions
The principals who are to make the have been published,'and now has in
tour are Mary Garden, Rosa Raisa, manuscript a book on. Indiana shrubs.
Edith Mason, Claudia Muzio, Mary Mr. Deam has' made a. nimber of
McCormic, Alice O'Hermnanoy, Melve- contributions to the collections of t.he
na Passmore, Hazel Eden, Grace University.
Hoist, Cyrena Van Gordon, Louise Yesterday's program closed with a
Hon.er, Ina Bourskaya, Irene Pavlos- dinner at the Union. 'A field trip will
ka, Maria Claessens, Kathryn Browne, be made by the foresters this morning
Tito Schipa, Giulio Crimi, Forrest which will include a visit to the for-
Lamont, Charles Marshall, Riccardo estry farm.
Martin, Angelo Minghetti, Lodovico
Oliviero Jose Mojica, Georges Bak- BELGIAN MeMOR(AL
lanoff, Giacomo Rimni, Cesare For-
michi, Desire Defrere, William Beck, PLANNED AT HAVRE
Milo Luka, Sallustio Civai, Mark -
Oster, Virgilio Lazzari, Edouard Co- Havre, Jan 20-(Bv A.P.)-A lovely

advisable for the literary college to the final moments marked with the
undertake the organization of a scheme tenseness that shows success in a
of instruction by correspondenco play such as that given.
which would be modeled to a certain To Harry Clark, '24, playing the
extent, after similar courses in other role of Philip Mason, goes the mdi-,
inlstitutions.A great many colleges *vidual honors of acting, giving a dis-
s---s. g _am y ee ofP Cd .mntinn er gnPVies that hel i

as well as. other things of value
are easily lost, but have you dis-
covered a way of easily finding
them? A short description to
I1MMT1 F .

"No' cases -_of small pox have ap-
peared in'Ann Arbor since the recent
outbreak in I3Ioproe county and Lan-
sing, and the outlook is very good,"

states Dr. Warren :E. F'orsythe, direc- treuil, Ivan Steschenko, Vittorio Trev- spot has been selected at the extre
tor of the University Health service. isan, and the following conductors: ity of the boulevards,'on the 'hb
S The .,epidemics are now well under Giogio Polacco, Richard Hageman, road, for the monument to be erec

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